Theater cancels sold-out Dave Chappelle show hours before performance

Chappelle referred to protestors as "transgender lunatics" after a venue in Minneapolis declined to host him

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Theater cancels sold-out Dave Chappelle show hours before performance
Dave Chappelle Photo: Eamonn M. McCormack

A theater in Minneapolis canceled a sold-out Dave Chappelle show yesterday, transferring the performance to a different venue just hours before Chappelle was set to take the stage. This is per CNN, which reports that Minneapolis’ First Avenue theater issued a statement on its Instagram this week, which included an apology to “staff, artists, and our community” for not holding itself to “our highest standards” for booking Chappelle, who has come under heavy criticism in recent years for a) doing transphobic material in his various comedy sets and specials and b) getting very angry at people suggesting that transphobic material by one of the most well-known and popular comedians on the planet might go some way toward propagating harmful attitudes towards trans people.

First Avenue’s post didn’t specifically cite Chappelle’s transphobic material as the reason for the cancellation—or the presence of a small group of protestors outside the theater ahead of Chappelle’s performance—but its statement does cite the “impact” that Chappelle’s appearance would have. “The First Avenue team and you have worked hard to make our venues the safest spaces in the country,” the statement reads in part.

Chappelle, who performed that night at the Varsity Theater, did, of course, address the cancellation, calling protestors “transgender lunatics” and stating rumors that First Avenue staffers had been threatened to cancel his show. (He also managed to get in a line about monkeypox being a “gay disease,” because if there’s one place Chappelle remains at the cutting edge of modern comedy, it’s in finding the most recent and harmful false narratives to propagate.)

Anyway, please prepare your bodies for yet another chapter in the ongoing discourse about whether Dave Chappelle—who still, we feel it’s worth noting, got to do a show last night in which he charged $130 a pop for people to hear him do an hour about how silenced he is—is being canceled.


  • kaestl-av says:

    I’m kinda over Dave. He’s definitely high off his own supply at this point.

    • pete-worst-av says:

      I’m sure he’s got a long career of reminding everyone how much of a victim he is ahead of him.

  • milligna000-av says:

    What a tedious fucking bore.

  • helpiamacabbage-av says:

    Going to a comedy show at First Ave is like going to a Podcast recording at CBGB.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      Gonna be honest, this analogy means nothing to me. I guess I don’t have the requisite backstory.

      • helpiamacabbage-av says:

        First Ave is an iconic music venue (it’s featured prominently in “Purple Rain” for example), it’s not a comedy club. Their modus operandi there since the 80s has been “be on the cutting edge of music”; comedy shows held there aren’t the norm. It’s a venue, so you could pretty much have anything there, but it was a weird fit even before you got to Chapelle’s many issues.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Ya hadda be there.

    • milligna000-av says:

      A stage is a stage. CBGB was a tacky, exploitative fucking shithole when it was around but what the heck is wrong with recording a live podcast at a club if you have a small audience that would fill the place in a major city?
      Also, First Ave has been doing comedy shows and podcasts for decades. What exactly is the downside of comedy shows at music venues?
      Is it that you just don’t attend many comedy shows? Because music venues and clubs are where standup was born and thrived.

    • wuthaniel-av says:

      What a weird, stupid comment

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    I hope no one goes up and slaps him during a performance.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    Dave Chappelle is a whiny bigot.

  • iboothby203-av says:

    Darn actions having consequences. 

    • Rev2-av says:

      Yep. Looks like some of your pervy groomer buddies got arrested for harassing people.

    • gojirashei2-av says:

      Except not really, he still got to play to a sold out crowd in an even bigger venue.Also, apparently the owner of First Ave still went to the Varsity show.If First Ave had REALLY cared, they would have refunded everyone, and suggested they go see Tim Heidecker instead at the Fitzgerald in St. Paul, a venue owned by First Ave.

  • stegrelo-av says:

    You’re just writing about this now? This happened like two days ago and the entire internet has already weighed in. Just, what’s even the point?

  • suckadick59595-av says:

    Allegedly the staff of the first venue refused to come in to work for the Chappelle event. Poor guy. Just cancelled. To another venue. In the same town. 

    • kim-porter-av says:

      Sounds like firing them would be reasonable.

      • suckadick59595-av says:

        Sure, of course. Each worker chose to not show up for work.Thing about integrity and standing up for what you believe in.Sometimes it has a cost.And, well, I know you think it would be easy to just fire like, your entire or almost entire staff and just replace them but it’s not? 

        • wuthaniel-av says:

          You… You think it would be challenging to restaff a place like that within a couple weeks? Because it wouldn’t be. It would be very easy.

        • supporterdedave-av says:

          Integrity is not an appropriate word to use for a company that doesn’t honor its contracts.  He should sue the Fuck out of them,  or even better,  just buy their stupid club and fire them all.  

        • hawkjumper-av says:

          At a host venue. Pretty sure the homeless would set up chairs and usher if you pay them what it’s worth for couple hours. Despensible “workers” they are,you could even get trained monkeys to do that. But then a bunch of transgenders will be out of work,or are they just Whiney Bigots

        • TRT-X-av says:

          Not to mention the venue is located in Minneapolis, which is known to be a far more forward-thinking region of an already more forward-thinking state.So, sure, First Ave could absolutely fire it’s entire staff for refusing to work a bigot’s show. But then you gotta go find people who will work for you after that. And since First Avenue is predominately an entertainment venue (the arts being a typically more forward-thinking area), good luck to them finding people who’ll want to work a venue who stood with a bigot instead of with its staff.Especially since those people they’d be hiring effectively crossed the picket line of a wildcat strike.

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        I sure hope you don’t own a business. 

        • kim-porter-av says:

          I own one of those bakeries where the employees refused to make a same-sex wedding cake. I fired them.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            Ok, so then… are you going to keep pretending like firing a few employees from a business with what, 10 people at most?, is the same thing as firing the most of or all the staff for a concert venue?You should know how that impacts your business, so now imagine needing to rehire 50 positions.

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            These are minimum wage, minimum skill workers who work in a … checks notes…yep, an ‘at will employment’ state. That means the theatre owners can fire them without cause or explanation. They could, if they were so inclined, fire a few of them, hire some replacements, fire a few more, and so on until all the troublemakers were gone. They wouldn’t even need to say why they were doing it. Those pious losers would get the message. Is it perfect? No. But, from an employer’s perspective, it’s probably preferable to continuing to subsidise a gaggle of Woke shitheads who just made you refund tens of thousands of dollars in ticket sales because they can’t take a fucking joke.

          • necgray-av says:

            Tell us you’re a corporate bootlicker without etc.

          • gojirashei2-av says:

            Dude, piss right off. These are my friends who work at First Ave, the job does not pay minimum wage and they are not minimum skill. Please tell me you’re at least 52 because otherwise, these piss-poor “hire people who’ll love grunt work, you don’t have to treat them well!” arguments belong with the X-ers who blindly agreed with them.

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:
          • thesarahthe-av says:

            You are SO MAD 😂

          • longtimelurkerfirsttimetroller-av says:

            Let’s be real – that dude doesn’t own a business, bakery or otherwise. He’s a troll.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            I don’t really care if he owns a business or not, he sounds like a troll and a shit owner that places profit above all else and forgets his employees are people, not robots. Regardless if he owns a business, he sees people lower than him as disposable. Furthermore, and sorry, this isn’t really against you I just meant to say this sooner, there’s a difference between walking out because you don’t want to tolerate a person who openly disavows an entire group of people, and refusing to work because you openly disavow a group of people. It’s not the same, one is about hate, and one is about acceptance. This fucking moron is conflating the two.

          • longtimelurkerfirsttimetroller-av says:

            I couldn’t agree more, and I appreciate you saying it.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            It was a joke.

          • longtimelurkerfirsttimetroller-av says:

            You are a joke.

          • russull-av says:

            make better cakes and decisions then, ya fuck

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            No you didn’t.

          • galdarn-av says:

            Uh huh.

          • jgp-59-av says:

            Good for you!

          • mcmf-av says:

            Bwahahahah, no you didnt. 

          • misterpiggins-av says:

            I don’t believe you.

          • callmeshoebox-av says:

            Sure you did bud  

          • kim-porter-av says:

            You’re past the deadline to comment on this and have it matter.

      • buriedaliveopener-av says:

        It would be if that’s what the owner wanted to do.  Apparently the owner chose his workers over Dave Chappelle.  Ah well.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        Sounds like a dictatorship of the proletariat would be reasonable.

      • turbotastic-av says:

        So, just to be clear, in your mind mildly inconveniencing a millionaire is an unforgivable act of evil cancel culture, but firing dozens of working class people for having the wrong opinion is just fine? We got that right?

        • kim-porter-av says:

          It wouldn’t be for their opinion. It would be for refusing to do their job. And I’m indifferent to whether they get fired or not. My point is really that, if someone refused to work due to wanting to uphold, in their mind, a right-wing principle, the unanimous reaction on here would of course either be a shrug (“you refuse to work, you get fired”), or overt happiness that they lost their job.

          • recognitions-av says:

            Yes. Because rightwingers are bad people.

          • vegtam1297-av says:

            Because it depends on why they’re refusing to work. If they’re refusing to work because they don’t want to support a bigot spreading his bigoted views, I can’t fault them. If they’re refusing to work specifically in support of their bigoted views, then sorry for them.Notice the consistency of me being against bigoted views?

          • turbotastic-av says:

            “I’m indifferent to whether they get fired or not.”You’re the one who suggested it in the first place. Little late to be claiming indifference.“if someone refused to work due to wanting to uphold, in their mind, a right-wing principle”This wasn’t “Someone” refusing to work. This was the ENTIRE staff collectively taking action. That’s called a strike, which is a left-wing principle which conservatives generally hate and which they’ve worked to try and make illegal in recent years. So your premise is flawed because the very action they’d be taking would be rooted in left-wing principles. Which is why you don’t really see conservatives doing it.Now, if they started breaking windows, stealing anything that’s nailed down, smearing shit on the walls, waving swastika flags around, and trying to kill people, THAT would be a right wing “protest.”

          • kim-porter-av says:

            I didn’t suggest it. I said that if someone refuses to do their job, people wouldn’t exactly be confused if they lost it. At this point, though, it might make more sense if other comics simply refused to play the venue that wouldn’t host Chappelle. You won’t serve the thousands of people who wanted to see him, then you don’t get my fans.

          • longtimelurkerfirsttimetroller-av says:

            Yeah, and maybe they’ll hold a benefit concert for him while they’re at it. Like they’re going to give a fuck if some place doesn’t want to host Dave Chappelle. 

          • ravinggoat-av says:

            See Walgreens

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            Dude, can you just I don’t know… leave? Trust me, and I’m sure other commenters here can attest, I’m being nice compared to my usual responses but you’re testing my patience.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            Am I supposed to be grateful that you’re sparing me your usual responses? Certainly don’t hold back on my account.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            I was giving a piece of shit ahem – business owner – like yourself an out

          • kim-porter-av says:

            I don’t own a business.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            Well fuck me then, you’re just a regular steaming pile of shit? “I own one of those bakeries where the employees refused to make a same-sex wedding cake. I fired them.” – Prognosis NegativeFuck off cunt.

          • 1lovegir-av says:

            Yeah despite the obvious subterfuge it was fairly obvious to me that a person who owned a bakery and fired an employee for such a reason would not be on here advocating as they are.Trolls gotta troll, in this case not even well.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            I assumed he was a troll, but I went with it anyways. 

          • 1lovegir-av says:

            “I was just joking” / “It was just a joke” is the hallmark of the closeted bigot.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            Oh absolutely. Dudes a closet bigoted troll for sure.

          • kim-porter-av says:

            It was a joke. I wasn’t trying to deceive anyone.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            Doubt that.

      • mcmf-av says:

        The world needs pkenty of ditch diggers too.Judge Smails.

      • lmh325-av says:

        Even if you ignore that there’s a huge labor shortage so replacing them is unlikely to happen quickly or cleanly with hours notice, that would be terrible press for the venue.

      • misterpiggins-av says:

        Sounds like telling Dave to take his ‘gay disease’ bullshit and stuff it was easier.

    • amessagetorudy-av says:

      First Avenue is the first place Prince played, no?With that legacy, I can see why some of them might not want to host a guy who would have called Prince a few non-complimentary names in his bikini-underwear, thigh-high boots and trench coat phase.

      • gojirashei2-av says:

        I mean sure, but Prince loved Chappelle and they became decent friends in later years.There are a thousand wonderfully legit reasons to dislike Chappelle, we don’t need to project hypothetical ones onto him too. 

  • froot-loop-av says:

    I love that perpetual sour milk expression.

  • garland137-av says:

    I feel like we’re only a few months away from Dave getting up on stage and ranting about “transgender space lasers.”

  • rafterman00-av says:

    What is Chapelle’s obsession with transgenders?

    • jpfilmmaker-av says:

      The bits make him a lot of money and get him a lot of press.

    • drips-av says:

      That’s what I like to know about it….

    • asdfqwerzxcvasdf-av says:

      This is very hurtful to people with OCD.

    • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

      What’s transgenders obsession with invading women’s single sex spaces? I mean, it’s not like these people aren’t giving comedians any ammunition.

    • pete-worst-av says:

      He probably banged one and is now trying to make himself feel okay about it by shitting on them for the rest of his career. You know, like Republicans do.

    • buriedaliveopener-av says:

      Well, what is there to say about race right now?  Basically nothing.  Being black in America is now easy, so he had to move on from that.

    • fever-dog-av says:

      I honestly think his heart is in the right place on that issue and that he’s really just pushing some “anti-PC” point. Badly, excessively, and offensively in my opinion and so he’s getting what he deserves. He’s in fact asking for it. That’s why his complaints are weird. It seems to me he WANTS this conflict to prove some point. Well, here it is Dave. He’s never going to get his cake and eat it too.

      • hcd4-av says:

        I don’t think you’re heart is in the right place if you’re anti-PC thinking isn’t I hear your concerns about these marginalized groups but we can work on the language but instead, y’all are just lunatics.

      • shindean-av says:

        Oh that is not the right take.
        For years, he kept telling everyone that they were just jokes and he can joke about whatever he wants and he doesn’t have to care.
        But when Netflix didn’t take up his documentary, he flipped like a total hypocrite and started saying “But I do care! That’s why I make the jokes!”
        His heart is where his money is, which is why he now takes his time to block affordable housing in his area. 

      • supporterdedave-av says:

        LOL, he’s already ate his cake and has an entire bakery just waiting to make him another one. Nothing in any of Dave’s shows have changed my views on the Trans community. Unfortunately, the hatred being spewed either by or on behalf of them, has changed my perception. Is it ok for me to tell the Trans community that they are forbidden to see anyone who tells fat jokes?? I think not. A huge part of me wonders if it’s really the trans community trying to censor people…. does that even make any sense?! More likely, it’s just a fringe group of racists that can’t tand to see a black man win … and he is winning. It’s super unfortunate that these dime a dozen bloggers continue to propagate the hatred to gain some extra clicks.

        • fever-dog-av says:

          You may be right or you may be wrong. My point is that it’s disingenuous to complain about people no longer wanting to buy your product when you are actively trying to alienate those people. He may have a valid point (I’m not claiming he does; just making a hypothetical statement) but instead of convincing people he’s pissing them off. It’s a bit of a weird, passive agressive, and kind of childish approach.

        • galdarn-av says:

          “Unfortunately, the hatred being spewed either by or on behalf of them, has changed my perception.”Yeah, sure. Keep trying to convince yourself of that.

        • recognitions-av says:

          I can guess your views on the “Trans community”

        • jgp-59-av says:

          “…..eaten his cake…..”

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          I like cake.

        • tallestdwarf-av says:

          Nothing in any of Dave’s shows have changed my views on the Trans community. Unfortunately, the hatred being spewed either by or on behalf of them, has changed my perception.
          It’s because you enjoy making fun of people who are different. Dave just confirms the bias for you – and he’d better, for $100+ a ticket. More likely, it’s just a fringe group of racists that can’t tand to see a black man winAh yes, because if we don’t tolerate homophobic and transphobic jokes from a black man, it must mean [checks notes] …racism. Because of course. 

      • recognitions-av says:

        No it’s not. He hates them

      • isaacasihole-av says:

        I think he’s got some deep seated insecurity. I remember him on Oprah relating how the producers of some movie wanted him to wear a dress for a bit and he vociferously refused. He believes Hollywood intentionally wants to emasculate black men, which, I don’t know, may be true to some degree, but I think transgender people trigger this weird over reaction in him because of this belief. 

      • mcmf-av says:

        he will be fine, there are fifty other spaces he can preform and that will never change no matter how many looneys try to cancel him.

    • lexusplexus-av says:

      At this point everyone whining about it is just giving him more material. He can just reference the most idiotic take anyone has about him and make a joke about that.I thought it was over after The Closer’s Daphne Dorman story… I suspect it would have been if he just hadn’t been handed a bunch of low-effort jokes (in addition to feeling the need to make the same point from different angles, which is only human). He’s too rich to care about venue changes and the money from those shows so I just wish people would stop giving him fuel.

    • supporterdedave-av says:

      Dave tells stories…. he told one involving a tranny.  Then they made him their obsession…. he’s allowed to respond

    • vw0-av says:

      I think it really just comes down to him not liking people telling what jokes he can or can’t tell. Like if people got up in arms about him telling jokes about Albanians, he would probably double down on those jokes too. That’s really it. 

      • jgp-59-av says:

        Please don’t drag the Albanians into this…..

      • wirthling-av says:

        why isn’t he trying out some pedophilia jokespeople really won’t like thatmaybe some rape jokesholocaust jokes, people will get worked up about those, that is what this is about, right

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      Gooood question.

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      Oh, you mean that thing that doesn’t really happen?  Never heard of it.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Remember the end of Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls?

    • vulcanwithamullet-av says:

      What’s AV Club’s obsession with Chapelle?
      Could it be clicks?

    • bdylan-av says:

      free publicity he gets by people complaining about what hes saying

    • mephime-av says:

      I think it’s a sexual attraction to be honest.

  • drips-av says:

    Man he is really just double and tripling down on this shit, huh? What a loser. Man i used to respect the hell out of him. What a difference millions of money and 2 decades makes.

  • mackyart-av says:

    Jesus, he’s now doing a “gay disease” bit? Old Dave keeps getting worse. The man is truly punching down behind a wall of blind fans while playing victim.

    • bitemeasshole-av says:

      Fags and transfreaks are a disease on this country 

    • necgray-av says:

      I don’t know which thought is worse: He genuinely believes this OR he’s trolling.

      • impliedkappa-av says:

        We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. -Kurt VonnegutReeeeeeeally doesn’t matter whether it’s just an act. The impact is the same.

      • qwedswa-av says:

        48 is pretty young to turn into an angry old man who is too out of touch to change. I think he believes he’s standing up for free speech and protecting comedy. It’s too bad because he’s skilled enough to be standing up for free speech, comedy, and protecting the most vulnerable from right wing attacks – you know, like James Acaster does.

        • necgray-av says:

          To stick with Dave’s biggest community concern, look at how Jerrod Carmichael responded. When a young black comedian tells Dave he’s out of touch it’s maybe time to rethink the approach.Of course Dave probably thinks he’s gone crazy with monkeypox or wtf ever old man nonsense he’s on about lately…

    • fancykevin-av says:

      “Punching down” is a fake concept made up by losers.

  • pajamajammiejam-av says:

    He’s coming to my town this week. I was never a fan and I don’t know what he said about transgender people. I don’t care. I don’t know why I’m writing this.

  • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

    “getting very angry at people suggesting that transphobic material by one of the most well-known and popular comedians on the planet might go some way toward propagating harmful attitudes towards trans people.”The only person who’s been demonstrably harmed by this material is Chappelle himself, who’s had to endure violent physical assaults from unhinged trans cultists who (if we’re following your logic, such as it is) were likely whipped up into a frenzy by…. people like you!Of course, there’s no evidence this is true. Just like there’s no evidence that Chappelle’s jokes have harmed anyone, either directly or indirectly. Just like there was no evidence that misogynistic, homophobic rap lyrics ever resulted in real-life sexism or gay bashing, despite years of right-wing carping to the contrary.Yet this ridiculous claim is taken as an article of faith by every Woke shithead on the internet. Why? I’m sick of hearing it. Present some actual hard evidence or fuck off.

    • russull-av says:

      or, you know, the man could stop being a public piece of shit, and this whole thing could just not be a thing. 

      • mcmf-av says:

        I dont think he is a pos? So who gets to decide? I know how i will, ill buy a ticket when he comes my way. 

      • misterpiggins-av says:

        Remember, flag before you dismiss.

      • fancykevin-av says:

        Yeah sure bow to these commie scumbags and there won’t be a problem. Sounds great. Chappelle continues to be a hero even if his jokes aren’t what they used to be.

    • buriedaliveopener-av says:

      That assault was not by a trans activist. What about the trans person he used as a shield for his transphobic shit who ended up dying by suicide? That person was harmed.The evidence that Chappelle’s shit has harmed people are the….trans people who say they’ve been harmed by Chappelle!

      • charliedesertly-av says:

        “The evidence that Chappelle’s shit has harmed people are the….trans people who say they’ve been harmed by Chappelle!”Yeah, people never say things that aren’t true.  That’s why everyone knows that it’s best to just accept everything everybody says as the truth.

      • lakeshow17x-av says:

        Yeah she killed herself after being bullied and harassed for supporting Chappelle. So maybe don’t try to use her to make your point.

    • pete-worst-av says:

      Hey, moron! Dave Chappelle is hardly the only person in the country or world who shits on transgender people on a regular goddamn basis. Do you care, or are you just this addicted to being a stupid asshole on the internet? Allow me to break it down for you so you can really try to understand.Can we track individual crimes against transgender people being directly linked to what your fellow bigot Dave Chappelle says? No. Do we need to? No. Is he just another celebrity bigot jumping on the dogpile of hate, and will that most likely lead to even more violence against transgender people? Yes, he is, and yes, it will. Here’s why – Is Dave Chappelle a celebrity with a very large following? Yes, he is. Do more people listen to what celebrities have to say these days than they do to people who actually know what the fuck they’re talking about? Yes, they do. Do you see where I’m going here? Dumb people listen to other dumb people when they say dumb things they agree with. It’s how the US elected a racist game show host President, and it’s how you already got two upvotes on that turd sandwich you just posted. It’s simple logic and math, really, but I don’t expect anyone as fucking dumb as yourself to know anything about that either.As you requested, here’s some hard evidence, but honestly, it’s you who needs to fuck off. And if you dismiss this because I’m in the greys, I’ll just post it on someone else’s reply so you can’t. hey, don’t worry – it’s not just violence against transgender people that’s flourishing, it’s flat-out discrimination, too. I’m sure you’re a big fan. for reading. I hope you have a truly fucking terrible day.

      • structureequalsfunction-av says:

        Counter point: You’re just a dumb person saying dumb things that other dumb people agree with.

      • pete-worst-av says:

        Counter counter point: You’re an idiot child who has been poisoned by the relentless negativity and terribleness of the internet. Hopefully you’ll find some solace before you have to get a job and find out how terrible the world REALLY is.

      • mcmf-av says:

        Chage your manpon mangina. Youre whinging again.

      • jgp-59-av says:

        Yea Pete!

      • bdylan-av says:

        none of those links actually show evidence or support for the slippery slope argument you are making.

      • pete-worst-av says:

        Take your slippery slope and shove it firmly and definitively up into your asshole. It’s slippery, so it won’t hurt. Much.

        • bdylan-av says:

          Sounds good, I have no problem inserting things in my ass ( odd thing to try and shame someone for…) either way not sure how making up that jokes cause cause people to be murdered helps anyone except you getting that serotonin hit. Enjoy 😘 TLDR insult me all you want your links don’t prove that jokes cause violence

        • pete-worst-av says:

          No one’s shaming anyone for anything except being wrong and stupid (hint: that’s you!), but of course you made yourself into a victim because you obviously have no idea what else to say about anything anymore. You know, just like Chappelle is doing.Maybe you should take a break from inserting things into your ass for a while and learn how to construct a fucking sentence without coming off like a particularly stupid seven-year-old.

          • bdylan-av says:

            not sure when i claimed to be a victim of anything, i literally said the opposite but ok.
            Yeah ill do that as soon as you find any evidence to support your argument. I wonder why you cant?
            Once again enjoy your slippery slop argument

      • pete-worst-av says:

        And there’s strike three in proving to me without a doubt that you’re a kiddiot straight from the shit-smeared halls of the abandoned daycare that is Reddit – a needless use of the word ‘literally’. I doubt any of you cement-brained little turds would have anything to say at all if you’d never learned it.Anyway, I’m off to enjoy my slippery slop. Bye bye, kiddo. Keep embracing your stupidity. I’m sure it will get you far.

        • bdylan-av says:

          yes everyone who disagrees with you is a troll from reddit. Either way you still have no evidence to support your argument/belief so have fun with that.

      • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

        Umm, dipshit? I asked for evidence of a specific claim, a claim that’s made with tiresome regularity on this pisstank of a website: Have Dave Chappelle’s trans jokes caused real world harm (as in actual harm, not pretend hurt feelings harm) to transgender people? Absolutely nothing in your boring, pearl-clutching screed came within a thousand miles of supporting that claim. The best you can do is “Well, lots of people listen to Dave Chappelle, so someone must have been moved to violence by his jokes about Impossible Pussy” – which is not only a pure faith claim, but one so profoundly idiotic that I felt a wave of second-hand embarrassment for you typing it out.Your argument (using that word in its loosest possible sense) is identical to the Moral Majority argument from the 80s and 90s about how homophobic and misogynistic rap lyrics caused real-world rapes and gay bashing. It was bullshit then, and it’s bullshit now.None of the links you provided have anything to do with Dave Chappelle, and you admit yourself that you can’t prove that his words have actually led to real-world violence against anyone. You just expect us to take it on faith because you don’t like what he’s saying. Well, fuck that. What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.Bring some real evidence or shut the fuck up and stop wasting my time.

    • 10cities10years-av says:

      Wasn’t the guy who hit him a Trumper?

      • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

        No. It was a TRA who found his routine “triggering”

        • SquidEatinDough-av says:

          It was a hero.

        • recognitions-av says:

          “TRA”Oh boy we’re deep in the weeds here

        • thesarahthe-av says:

          “It was a TRA”

          Ah, a TERF. Opinion dismissed.

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            It’s not opinion. It’s the attacker’s own words. Why are you erasing the queer community, you fucking bigot?!

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            Whatever you say, TERF

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            Damn right I’m a TERF. Trans women are not women. As such, they should be excluded from women’s single sex spaces. Instead of calling me a TERF (Which, to reiterate, is completely 100% accurate and something I’m proud of) you should ask yourself what’s driving you to be a repulsive handmaid hell bent on destroying women’s privacy, security, and dignity. You people are the Quislings of sex-based rights.

          • bdylan-av says:

            Proud to be exclusionary of trans people? Weird flex

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            There are certain spaces from which transwomen should be excluded: Women’s toilets, women’s changing rooms, women’s prisons, women’s mixed-sex hospital wards, women’s changing rooms, and women’s rape crisis centres.Here’s a question for you: Given that transwomen know that many women are uncomfortable having them in those select few spaces, why haven’t they campaigned for their own spaces alongside the male and female ones? If safety is their true concern, that’d be the logical solution, right? Nobody’s going to object to a transwoman using the trans space. But transgenders as a group seem completely uninterested in pursuing this blindingly obvious solution. It’s almost like they couldn’t give a damn about safety, and invading women’s spaces is the point, isn’t it?

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            Trans women are going to continue to use women’s spaces and all you can do is impotently spew your rage on the internet about it. Cope and seethe. 🙂 

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            This is a very strange way to go about convincing me that transwomen are actually considerate of women’s feelings.

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            I mean, first of all, it’s trans women. God damn, how come bigots NEVER know grammar? Secondly, trans women ARE women. Third, no, I really don’t care about the feelings of bigots. I’m a woman, I use the women’s restroom. Period. Anyone who has a problem with that is a bigot and can walk into the ocean and never come back for all I care.

            Did that clarify things?

            Also, that’s four now. 

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            Make it five. Hell, make it ten. The more you visit, the more likely it is you’ll be called out by someone who knows you’re not supposed to be there.I don’t care if it’s transwomen or trans women. It’s the difference between fake and fraud. And no, you aren’t women.  Women are adult human females. You’re not a female, almost certainly not an adult, and I’m very dubious about your humanity at this point.

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            lmao I have been using the women’s room for over five years now. In multiple states. I have not had one person- not one- say anything to me. Fucking weirdo. 😂

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            Anyway, good luck with the whole rage thing. I’m sure after our conversation tonight you’ll add some more holes to the wall. 

          • bdylan-av says:

            why do you think this person speaks for all transgender individuals?

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            “Here’s a question for you: Given that transwomen know that many women are uncomfortable having them in those select few spaces, why haven’t they campaigned for their own spaces alongside the male and female ones?”

            Are you ACTUALLY brain dead?

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            Give me one good reason why you people haven’t tried to get your own spaces.

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            Ah, yes, separate but equal. That definitely worked out well the last time we tried it.

            That’s three, by the way. 🙂 

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            I am actually, genuinely going to use the women’s restroom in public tomorrow in your honor. Even if it’s just to wash my hands. And every time you respond- every single time- I’m going to add another restroom visit. So please, by all means, keep going. This is fun.

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            And there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. 🙂 

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            Oh, you’re trans? In that case, it really doesn’t surprise me that you’re willing to invade women’s spaces just because you think it’ll own some stranger on the internet. In fact, that’s pretty much exactly what I’d expect from you. However, isn’t it rather telling that the feelings of the women in those spaces don’t even factor into your decision?

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            I don’t care what bigots think, no. 

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            Anyhoo, I’m going to block you now, you’ve gotten boring. But I *will* be using two women’s restrooms tomorrow, all thanks to you. 🙂 Your small little contribution to the world. G’night! 

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            I can only thank you for providing such a sparkling example of how little transwomen care about the feelings, safety, and privacy of real women. If anyone else ever asks me why you people should be banned from women’s spaces I’m just going to link them right back here.And please, don’t pretend you weren’t going to use the women’s toilet. Violating women’s boundaries is part of your kink. You’ve all but admitted it.

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            “Violating women’s boundaries is part of your kink”

            Oh, 100%. That’s the ONLY reason to use the women’s restroom! The only downside is sometimes it’s not super busy and I just have to wait in one of the stalls. That’s when I do my Sudoku. 🙂 

          • bdylan-av says:

            please link as many people as you can back here so they can see how terrible you are at debating.

          • bdylan-av says:

            try switching transwomen with any other group of people and maybe you’ll see how fucked up a statement it is to say you’re proud to be exclusionary.

            Did you know that building a third (and fourth bathroom to include trans men as well) in every washroom isnt exactly an easy (or even possible) thing to do.

            Also, did you know that begging the question is not a good way to make an argument ?

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            Which question am I begging? Which premise am I assuming to be true? Accusing me of committing a logical fallacy and then not telling me where it is ain’t exactly helpful.Building extra washrooms is certainly possible in most places. People made the same complaint when the government decided businesses should have dedicated toilets for disabled people. They were wrong about that, and there’s no reason to believe they’d be right about this. And if, for whatever reason, a business can’t do it? Fuck ‘em. Let ‘em go bust for all I care. They are literally the least important part of all this.Oh, and just to be clear, we wouldn’t need a fourth washroom. The problem (as I’m sure you know) isn’t with trans men, it’s with trans women. Biological males, with male drives and a male propensity for violence. As a man, trans men don’t pose a threat to me. Also, trans men typically “pass” much, much better than trans women do. Trans men can do what they like. They can use the men’s toilets if they want. No-one gives a shit. They aren’t the problem. Trans women are.

          • 1lovegir-av says:

            Haven’t read anything you’ve bothered to type since you OP. However I love reading the responses completely schooling you.It must suck coming from a family that valued preserving “American culture” over education.

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:
          • thesarahthe-av says:

            You have anger issues 

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            You have a potato-battery for a brain

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:
        • biywqhkmrn-av says:

          “ “
          This is a rather odd article. It says that criticism of Chappelle led him to being attacked, and therefore criticism of Chappelle is dangerous. It argues that attacking ideas leads to violence … and yet it is attacking the idea that people should criticize Chappelle. The article says “Words do not physically endanger anyone.” and yet really seems to be saying that criticism of Chappelle endangered him.

      • laserfacelvr-av says:

        No. You’re wrong and stupid 

      • bdylan-av says:

        “I identify as bisexual … and I wanted him to know what he said was
        triggering,” Lee said Saturday at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility
        in Los Angeles, dressed in brown jail garb and sporting a sling on his
        broken right arm.“I wanted him to know that next time, he should consider first running his material by people it could affect.”

        does that sound like a Trumper to you?

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      Hate speech has been demonstrated to have harmful effects. There are anti-trans bills in dozens of states, with driven by the attitudes that Chappelle promotes. Transphobic speech is the fuel to the fire of trans-hate crimes, which hit record levels last year.“There could be several factors contributing to the rise in violence, Cooper says. Systemic racism and transphobia exacerbates poverty and directly impacts the lives of many trans individuals, she explains. There has also been a rise in anti-trans disinformation in the media and from conservative lawmakers. This year, at least 130 bills were introduced into state legislatures that targeted trans people, including the ability of trans kids to use the bathroom, play sports or receive medical care. A record-breaking 25 anti-LGBTQ bills were ultimately enacted into law, including 13 anti-trans laws in at least eight states, per HRC’s count.“Words matter,” Coopers says, when asked about potential factors contributing to the violence. “Words become thoughts and thoughts become action.”

      • winstonsmith2022-av says:

        Once we determine that art can cause violence, not only do we become the conservatives of the 80s but we start down a VERY slippery fucking slope. And we’re already about halfway down it, unfortunately.

    • iamamarvan-av says:

      You didn’t have to write that many words to say “I hate trans people”

      • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

        Hate is a strong word. I certainly dislike a great many trans women, but that’s 100% based on their actions. I dislike a great many of their gormless, insipid allies for exactly the same reasons.

        • thesarahthe-av says:

          I mean, considering you’re a raging bigot, I’m not surprised trans people haven’t been kind to you. 

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            They’ve never been unkind to me. Then again, I’m a man so they’re not trying to invade my spaces, rob me of my ability to talk about myself, or emotionally blackmail me into sleeping with them. Get it straight: I don’t like transwomen because of how they behave towards women. For instance, I belong to a club with a pre-op transwoman member. This guy looks like a woman the way bricks float. He’s 6’2, about 200lbs, and his only concessions to femininity are a charity shop wig and a cheap dress. He uses the women’s toilets…five or six times a night! And we just know he’s only going in there so he can get a chubby in his cheap dress about what a lovely laydee he thinks he is. I know at least three women at the club who are deeply creeped out by him and make a point of not using the toilet while he’s in there, but who are too scared to say anything for fear of backlash from people like you. The thing you need to understand is that this is incredibly common, largely due to useful idiots like you. I’ve spoken to countless women online with similar stories, and many with stories that are far, far worse. In fact, while I generally don’t like trans women due to their entitlement and disregard for women’s boundaries, I absolutely fucking despise handmaids like you. If that makes me a bigot, fine. Put it on a T-shirt and I’ll wear it everywhere.

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            Literally read zero of that. But I hope typing that out allowed you to get some of that anger out of your system. 

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            Well, if I’d known you were trans I wouldn’t have bothered typing it. Trying to convince people like you to consider the feelings of women is like trying to convince a fox to consider the feelings of a chicken.

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            You’re god damn right I don’t care. lmao 

          • bdylan-av says:

            yeah you’re little story is just anecdotal evidence. Why do you think the person at your club would be representative of a whole group of people?
            do you think Chalres Manson or john wayne gacy represent all white men?

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            If you’d bothered to read the whole post you’d have seen me explain that isolated incidents like the one I described are not only deeply creepy, and don’t only place an untoward emotional burden on actual women, but are also incredibly common. As I said, I’ve spoken to countless women online with similar stories, and countless more with stories that are way worse. It’s not just one story, in other words.On top of that, I’ve also spoken with a great many transwomen (including, right here in this thread, our very own thesarahthe) who not only see absolutely nothing wrong with any of this but who promise to perpetuate it just to “own” the people complaining about it! Come across enough stuff like that and it’s natural to wonder – not unreasonably – whether there’s something deeply wrong with either (a) the entire group, or at least (b) the culture in which the bulk of the group has immersed itself – especially when absolutely no-one from the group is standing up to the thesarahthe’s of world and telling them ‘No’.FWIW, I favour explanation (b) over explanation (a). My dislike of transwomen has nothing to do with their being trans per se. It has to do with their behaviour towards real women. It’s based on their actions and choices which are under their control. That doesn’t fit any definition of bigotry that I’m aware of. But if it fits some new Woke definition then fine. If disliking a group because of their nasty attitudes and bad choices makes one a bigot then being a bigot ain’t so bad.

    • mcmf-av says:

      Becuase his joke has never harmed ANY person. Ever. Not one.

    • wirthling-av says:

      you do realize feedback dave gets from the public is likely more familiar to you than the feedback non-famous trans folks endure and is perhaps biasing your assessment of victimhood?lol, of course you don’t, rhetorical question

      • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

        That’s what you call rushing the stage with a weapon? Feedback?What I said to William Hughes applies equally to you. If you think Dave Chappelle’s jokes have harmed transpeople, either directly or indirectly, prove it. Otherwise, fuck off.

        • wirthling-av says:

          right, trans people never get attackedno number of links to examples is going to convince you of your absurd take that one case of a stage rush is worse than a history of real-life victimizationi will fuck off and instead engage in conversation with non-loathsome people, thanks

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            Lol! Yeah, me and my loathsome demand for you to back up your bullshit with evidence like an adult instead of letting you clueless dipshits circle-jerk in peace. To reiterate, nobody in this pisstank comments section has shown me a single example of any transgender being attacked because of anything Dave Chappelle has said. I, however, can cite an example of Chappelle himself being attacked by someone like you. You’re the one who isn’t pulling his weight in this conversation.

        • thesarahthe-av says:

          * looks at the over 200 pieces of legislation against trans people proposted in the US this year *

          Yes, you’re right, famous bigots with giant platforms who stir up hate against a minority aren’t influential and don’t cause any problems at all. My bad. 

          • sickofyoursh1t-av says:

            Provide me with a single shred of evidence that any one of those bills was in any way influenced, directly or directly, by anything Dave Chappelle has ever said anywhere ever or fuck off.Actually, just fuck off.

          • thesarahthe-av says:

            Seriously, my dude, therapy would do you a world of good. Let me guess: You punch holes in drywall, don’t you?

    • misterpiggins-av says:

      The only person who’s been demonstrably harmed by this material is Chappelle himself

      Prove it. One canceled show ain’t much, especially when Netflix is at your back.
      were likely whipped up into a frenzy by…. people like you!

      Of course, there’s no evidence this is true.

      Contradicting yourself is a stupid move.  Then why did you say it was, dipshit?
      Just like there’s no evidence that Chappelle’s jokes have harmed anyone, either directly or indirectly.

      Prove it.
      Why? I’m sick of hearing it.
      Log off and do something else.
      Present some actual hard evidence or fuck off.

      Take your own advice, shit head.

    • theporcupine42-av says:

      You know that people can google the things you lie about and see that they’re lies, right

    • biywqhkmrn-av says:

      “Just like there was no evidence that misogynistic, homophobic rap lyrics ever resulted in real-life sexism or gay bashing, despite years of right-wing carping to the contrary.”
      What do you want? Randomized controlled trials? 

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:
  • hamiltonistrash-av says:

    Has anyone ever been funny for 2 years and then sucked for 20 while still holding the reputation for being a good comedian?Anyone else, I mean?

  • charliedesertly-av says:

    What a bullshit move by First Ave

  • bembrob-av says:

    Regardless of Chappelle’s views and recent statements, cancelling a sold-out show just hours before he was set to perform is unprofessional. Unless there’s some form of health risk like a fire, bomb threat or local outbreak, you honor your agreements.
    That says more about the reputation of your company/brand than who you do or don’t allow to perform on your venue.

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      There’s a health risk to trying to run a sold out show with no staff.

      • bembrob-av says:

        Did that include security guards?I mean, if the show was already sold out, then they just needed to check tickets/QR codes and make sure everyone files in orderly.Worry about cleanup later.

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:


    • capeo-av says:

      It didn’t get canceled, really, it got moved. From the sound of it the owner/operator didn’t actually believe most of the staff was not going to show up, even though they had already told him this days before. He called their bluff and lost and didn’t have enough staff to run the theater. 

    • necgray-av says:

      Or it is how workers collectively force management to listen to them. Potato/anti-labor bullshit potahto.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      Tell me you didn’t read the article with out saying you didn’t read the article.

    • TRT-X-av says:

      Also unprofessional: Bigoty.

  • chrispeterson72-av says:

    I guess the club would rather have mutants instead of blacks.

  • SquidEatinDough-av says:

    Lmao, get fucked Dave fans. Direct action works.

  • turbotastic-av says:

    The media seems to be overlooking a crucial point when it comes to this story:
    This was ordinary working Americans VS a bigoted Hollywood snob, and the Hollywood snob lost. If conservatives, who always love to pretend that they hate Hollywood phonies, had any consistency in their beliefs, they’d be celebrating.

  • charliedesertly-av says:

    There is never a “there’s no such thing as cancel culture” without a “don’t you wish cancel culture had worked a little more effectively.”

  • orju-av says:

    You guys should have a tickertape app of sorts you know like they do with the stock market? But instead of following stocks it should basically be this shared memo of whatever news that crosses your minds preferably recent news. Then when one of you guys would type in the associated memo interface? It would simultaneously append/write what was typed to the side-scrolling tickertape text. And it would repeatedly scroll endlessly so that whatever was previously typed would be shown again continuously.

  • recognitions-av says:

    Beautiful, you love to see it

  • cropply-crab-av says:


  • bc222-av says:

    That Star Tribune review really too an interesting angle: Too expensive!Also, the show sounded bonkers:
    “He chided a woman in the front row for wearing a mask, called monkeypox a
    “gay disease” and accused “The Price Is Right” of being racist.”He also accused chestnuts of being lazy, and claimed he invented the question mark.

    • charliedesertly-av says:

      Most comedy sets would probably sound crazy if you took secondhand journalistic reports of them, particularly deliberately unsympathetic ones.

    • harrydeanlearner-av says:

      But did he wear an onion on his belt as was the style at the time?

  • aaronvoeltz-av says:

    Minnesota: We’re as far away from Texas as we can get.

  • terranigma-av says:

    Sorry but thats plain rcist. He gets cancelled because of his skin color, thats the only reason. Wypopo being disgusting once more.

  • hrtshpdbox-av says:

    The headline makes it appear to be an article, not a diatribe, which is misleading. The problem, for AV Club and First Avenue Theater and the protestors outside it, is that a huge majority of Americans (63 to 24 percent in last month’s NPR poll) feel that transgender women shouldn’t be allowed to compete in women’s sports, and that the AV Club and First Avenue Theater and the protestors outside of it think that majority needs to be cancelled if they try to say it. For the woke, the majority is wrong and needs to just be quiet. It’s a tough stance to defend.

    • jimbabwe-av says:

      Who the fuck is talking about women’s sports? Certainly not Dave Chappelle.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Nobody. That’s why they don’t make as much money as men, and that’s why they have to go to places like Russia.

      • lakeshow17x-av says:

        Lol, that’s what most of his jokes on the subject are about, dear.

    • necgray-av says:

      What?You’re conflating people’s largely uninformed opinions about a very narrow aspect of trans life with the entire existence of the trans community. Taking exception to trans athletes doesn’t mean taking to exception to trans BEING.

      • houlihan-mulcahy-av says:

        Nobody is opposed to trans people existing.  That talking point doesn’t even make sense.

    • fancykevin-av says:

      Correct. These people are a shrieking minority of commie thugs. They’re irrelevant on the grand scheme without the smoke screen of coverage from digital rags like this one.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      is that a huge majority of Americans (63 to 24 percent in last month’s NPR poll)

      That poll represents the responses of a couple of thousand people, dumbass.
      feel that transgender women shouldn’t be allowed to compete in women’s sports

      Where are the women in women’s sports who are against it? How come the only people whining about this are white men?

        • i-miss-splinter-av says:

          3 high school students. Where are the professional female atheletes complaining about this? You know, the people who do this for a living and supposedly feel threatened by this? They’re also being represented by a group of white men. Conservative organizations like these are famous for trolling for plaintiffs so they can file a lawsuit, because the organization can’t do it directly.
          Selina Soule, a senior at Glastonbury High School, Chelsea Mitchell, a
          senior at Canton High School and Alanna Smith, a sophomore at Danbury
          High School are represented by the conservative nonprofit organization
          Alliance Defending Freedom.

          • katanahottinroof-av says:

            They count, too, though who is representing them is not surprising.  As for polls only consisting of a couple of thousand people, all polls only consist of a couple of thousand people.

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:

            They count, too

            No, they really don’t. A literal handful of people complaining is meaningless. If you run a business, and one or two customers complain about the sign you have out front, you ignore it. If half of your customers are complaining, then you need to pay attention. This is literally three high school students, who probably don’t give a shit themselvse and are likely being used by their conservative families and this right-wing organization.
            The only people who have a problem with trans atheletes are conservatives who are anti-trans to begin with.You still haven’t shown me the legions of professional female athletes complaining about this. You can’t, because they don’t exist.
            As for polls only consisting of a couple of thousand people, all polls only consist of a couple of thousand people.

            And that’s why polls are meaningless and are always reported on incorrectly.

          • katanahottinroof-av says:

            There are more cases out there, if you care to look. As for your stance on polls, that is where data come from. They have error rates and other problems (like the 5% under-reportage of Trump popularity in 2020 due to in part maybe people not wanting to admit that they were going to vote for him), but they are a useful tool, even when they do not tell you what you want to hear. Your goals seem laudable, best of luck.

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:

            There are more cases out there, if you care to look.

            No. Support your argument. Show evidence that supports what you’re saying, or I’ll assume that you can’t.
            As for your stance on polls, that is where data come from.

            They have error rates and other problems… but they are a useful tool

            Polls are a marketing tool, nothing more, and their purpose is to be deceptive. Extrapolating the responses of 15oo people to represent hundreds of millions of people is just stupid.

  • mcpatd-av says:

    My first ever concert was at First Ave. GWAR in ‘94. “Michael Jackson” jizzed all over “Nancy Reagan”.  Got some on me as well. m/

  • vp83-av says:

    Cool, more super prominent stories about small groups of “liberal” people regulating entertainment on behalf of everyone else. Stuff like this will definitely win over the masses prior to a crucial mid term we need to win to in order prevent Republicans from controlling congress, and making abortion illegal at the federal level. With the kind of great PR this story will generate, we are definitely not going to hand republicans really effective culture war ammunition, and then enter a phase where women will regularly face murder charges for exercising basic control over the bodies.So yes, let’s keep up the important work, and keep fighting comedians who used to help promote liberal thinking, and keep forcing their largely liberal fan bases to choose between enjoying a comedy show and identifying as a liberal.  This is the path to victory.

  • mavar-av says:

    Comedians are people who get away with giving nasty opinions because they can hide behind calling it a joke.

  • jgp-59-av says:

    Why doesn’t he just stop talking about this?  What an offensive hill to die on…..

  • thenewloon-av says:

    Tell a comic they can’t tell jokes about a certain subject you best believe they will go hard in the paint on that subject

  • mcmf-av says:

    But but but cancel culture doesnt exisit!!!! He is right the lunatics have taken over the asylum. Fuck all of these facist. It used to be the right who did this, now its the looney leftys.

  • bedstuyangel-av says:

    White woke privilege. 

  • therealvictimhere-av says:


  • djclawson-av says:

    This mirrors the gay rights movement in the 1980s and 90s almost exactly and is the reason why you can’t say gay slurs on network television and in newspapers. It’s why there’s any positive portrayal of queer people at all. You don’t get respect just by waiting around for it to be granted to you by the powers that be.

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    He also managed to get in a line about monkeypox being a “gay disease,”

    Fuck you Dave.

  • lakeshow17x-av says:

    I think Dave would have more support in the Trans community hadn’t made an example out of the last trans woman to support Dave to the point where she felt she needed to take her own life.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    So for anyone who refuses to read beyond the headlines: First Avenue in MN has the following on it’s main About page:When this was pointed out to them by protestors, combined with their own staff threatening a wildcat strike, they cancelled the event.And from the looks of it, Chapelle went over to the Varsity Theater and proved everyone who had protested him correct.Fuck Dave Chappelle.

  • tom-ripley60-av says:

    Wish he was coming to Montreal I’d have seen him forsure. People need to chill. 

  • charliedesertly-av says:

    Note also that he was right about monkeypox.

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