Throw a Netflix Party with this extension that turns your stream into a group chat

Aux Features Newswire
Throw a Netflix Party with this extension that turns your stream into a group chat
Photo: Charley Gallay

Ain’t no party like a Netflix Party party, ’cause a Netflix Party party… allows you to social distance from the self-quarantine-approved comfort of your respective homes. A Google Chrome extension called Netflix Party now allows people to gather virtually and synchronize their Netflix viewing in a group chat. Think of it as an introvert’s ideal compromise.

If this sounds way better than turning notifications back on for that group text chain and trying to all press play at the same time, here’s how you can get the party going at home.

1. Go to on a Google Chrome browser and click on “Install Netflix Party”—or the even more frenetically worded “Get Netflix Party for free!”

2. Click “Add to Chrome” and then “Add extension” in the pop-up window. If it worked correctly, an “NP” will appear in the top right corner of your Google Chrome browser.

3. Using Google Chrome, go to and select the title you want to watch. (May we suggest something off our list of The 25 best TV shows of 2019? Most of them are available on Netflix.)

4. Click that nifty little “NP” and then select “Start the Party.”

5. Send the URL that pops up to anyone getting your super exclusive invite and have them open it in Google Chrome and then click their own “NP” button.

If you’re a group that argues over the remote, you can select yourself as the one controlling the pausing, rewinding, etc. And when using the group chat, you can choose avatars and a screen name. It’s like flashing back to your college AIM years.

If you want to get really meta, group chat while watching The Circle.


  • nilus-av says:

    I realize this may be a generational thing but we are all cooped up in our homes right?  Why are we watching Netflix on a PC when you can just watch it on your TV?  

    • laralawlor-av says:

      Speaking for myself, it would be specifically to use this extension, but I’d then fling the movie from my laptop to my TV.

      • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

        But why, why be synchronized… exactly, down to the second… with your friends? The only reason to go through this trouble is so that you can be an idiot and text your friends while you are watching something. Which means either you watch garbage television on purpose or even worse purposely decide to make your television watching experience substandard by not giving it your full attention.

        • laralawlor-av says:

          Or to connect with nieces and nephews during an epidemic.

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            If you are watching so much fucking television that you can’t take time out of your busy schedule to have a more in depth interaction with your family members than a group chat while watching TV, then I don’t know what to say, you are a terrible human being I guess?

          • homerbert1-av says:

            So everyone who enjoys watching TV with loved ones is a terrible person? Whatever works for you. Stay safe. 

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            So you are either 1) an absolute fucking retard who scored incredibly poorly on reading comprehension tests or 2) a dishonest piece of utter shit purposely mis-characterizating the words of others?Cool, whatever works for you.  Hopefully you will not reproduce.

          • homerbert1-av says:

            Sorry, I have reproduced. Twice. But if it’s any help, I’m stuck with them in lockdown now and deeply regret it.

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            Your poor poor children. 

          • homerbert1-av says:

            I know, what hope have they? But I dream that they’ll somehow end up well adjusted enough to spend their time on a pop culture website being needlessly aggressive to anyone with a slightly different opinion.Unfortunately the the three year old has already been taught not to scream at people for their opinions, but fingers crossed for the baby.

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            Aw, you passive aggressive little shit, this is all you can do, isn’t it. Sad.This is what actually happened.
            You wrote an utterly embarrassing statement before about prioritizing things. I logically ripped it to shreds. You couldn’t even bother to reply to what I wrote, you just made a whiny complaint about ~~~another~~~ post of mine, one not directed to you. And it was a complaint either based on an intentionally dishonest characterization of what I wrote there, or you are a fucking retard who cannot read.
            So yeah, you ignored my actual response to you, and chose to just complain about something else, in a dishonest way. So please, pretty please, just STFU and stop replying to me.

          • homerbert1-av says:

            “just STFU and stop replying to me.”Will do. Have a nice day. 

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            * thumbs up *

          • yummsh-av says:

            And what if you’re not with your families or friends? I’ve heard from plenty of people who are having to do this alone. I know a few of them. So by your standard, it’s not okay for them to want to reach out to someone they know and say, ‘Hey, let’s watch a movie’? No matter what context that needs to take place in?Ease up. This is not the evil or level of stupid you’re trying very hard to make it out to be.

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            Hey let’s watch a movie is great. We’ll talk about it later, great. The only reason to have a “feature” like the one in the article is to chat WHILE one watches a movie, which as I stated more than once, is dumb. Chat with your fucking friends on the phone, on facetime, by writing lengthy thoughtful letter-like emails or text messages. That is what a normal person does when social distancing. Having a half assed chat while simultaneously half ass watching a movie (because of the chat) is rather stupid. It’s the illusion of closeness when no one is actually being close, which is rampant in the retard section of society even when people were in close proximity to each other.
            The only time such stupidity is ok is this. If people are purposely going to watch garbage and make fun of it, if they are purposely watching something stupid that is made to be half watched anyway (Real Housewives of Newark etc) sure, great, do this dumb chat. Of course IN ADDITION TO this dumb chat, fucking focus like a real human being, which includes focusing on having legitimate interactions with people as I outlined in the first paragraph.

          • yummsh-av says:

            Or you could just double down on all this dumb shit. Sure. If that works for ya, run with it.Go lick a doorknob.

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            You dumb fuck, I substantively answered you, and instead of dealing with the substance, you whined and stamped your feet like a little bitch.  STFU and don’t reply if that is all you are going to do dummy.

          • yummsh-av says:

            No, you just called more people stupid like you’ve been doing all along. Then you insulted me, which you’ve been doing to other people all along. You did literally nothing but repeat yourself, and then you just did it again. Maybe you’ll understand all this stuff better when you get out of high school.

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            Whiny dumb fuck, I gave you a substantive post a couple posts ago, are you so dumb that me saying the word “stupid” or “dumb” short circuits your brain and makes you literally blind to everything else I wrote? I didn’t repeat myself to you just now in my very last post, I was yelling at you for being a dishonest whiny dumb fuck loser, based on your terrible substance free response. If I were to repeat myself, I would say all this again:“Hey
            let’s watch a movie is great. We’ll talk about it later, great. The
            only reason to have a “feature” like the one in the article is to chat
            WHILE one watches a movie, which as I stated more than once, is dumb.
            Chat with your fucking friends on the phone, on facetime, by writing
            lengthy thoughtful letter-like emails or text messages. That is what a
            normal person does when social distancing. Having a half assed chat
            while simultaneously half ass watching a movie (because of the chat) is
            rather stupid. It’s the illusion of closeness when no one is actually
            being close, which is rampant in the retard section of society even when
            people were in close proximity to each other.
            only time such stupidity is ok is this. If people are purposely going
            to watch garbage and make fun of it, if they are purposely watching
            something stupid that is made to be half watched anyway (Real Housewives
            of Newark etc) sure, great, do this dumb chat. Of course IN ADDITION TO
            this dumb chat, fucking focus like a real human being, which includes
            focusing on having legitimate interactions with people as I outlined in
            the first paragraph.”But you have no response for any of this, so instead you told me to lick a doorknob. You bad faith discussing piece of utter shit.
            PS – If you are going to reply again, feel free to insult me if you like, lord knows I insult, but MAKE A GODDAMN FUCKING ATTEMPT TO RESPOND TO THE SUBSTANCE OF WHAT I WROTE TOO, OK? That’s what I do. Can you do that, dummy?

        • homerbert1-av says:

          1. Are there no TV shows or movies that you put on as a social experience, with friends or family occasionally talking?2. If so, are you aware this is a fairly rare and a lot if people talk a bit when watching TV?3. Is it possible that in the midst of an unprecedented global lockdown, some people will prioritise seeing and/or talking to their loved ones over the “optimum” TV and film watching experience? Sorry, that sounds a bit snarkier than I meant it to. But cán you genuinely not get why people might want to remote hang out right now? 

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            1. Correct.2. A lot of people voted for Trump, a lot of people doing something does not make what they do any less fucking retarded.3. I LOVE your number 3. Because it implies people will “prioritise” their loved ones not by watching slightly less TV, not by calling them up on the phone, or doing a video call a la Skype or Facetime, not by writing them lengthy letters, or even doing regular text messages… no, none of that, they will “prioritise” their loved ones by watching TV and occasionally interacting with them by group chat while they watch TV. You know, because these folks are so important to them. LOL. GTFOOH with that horseshit dude.

        • buttercupfinance-av says:

          To mimic the experience of watching a movie together with your friends. 

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            Ahem, “Which means either you watch garbage television on purpose or even worse purposely decide to make your television watching experience substandard by not giving it your full attention.”

          • buttercupfinance-av says:

            Yes, that’s what the experience of watching a movie together with your friends is like.

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            No, that is what watching a movie together with YOUR retarded friends is like. It’s one thing if it is a movie on in the background that everyone has seen before, fine, talk away (but why even bother with the group chat for the movie then, why not just have a real chat with your friends without the movie?). And again, if you are PURPOSELY watching garbage on TV for some reason, sure, talk over the trash you oddly chose to spend time on. Fine. Go for it.
            But if you are telling me your dumb fuck friends talk through a halfway decent or better movie that is new to them or you, then yeah, your friends and you are dumb fucks.This is the type of shitty multitasking prevalent in society where people distract themselves and never focus on anything. Doing many things, but doing all of them badly. In this case it would be particularly sad – you are “virtually” watching a movie with your friends, and are interacting poorly with your friends (via chat) and poorly focusing on the movie you are watching.

          • buttercupfinance-av says:

            You’ve built a very angry strawman.

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            Oh yeah you lazy loser, how about you actually explain how what I wrote is a strawman? Can you do that? I’m all ears. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and wrote out multiple long paragraphs to you earlier. If you are going to bother replying to me at least make an effort.

          • buttercupfinance-av says:

            Your multi paragraph, emotionally charged strawman is a unhinged rant trying to bait people into debating the benefits of watching a movie as part of a shared social experience. This is a separate issue for why software exists to synchronise a group watch to the second.Basically, you’re trying to argue about whether this is a perfect way to watch a movie when the software is intended to enable a shared social experience, not an ideal movie watching experience. 

          • buttercupfinance-av says:

            In other words, you’ve put a ton of effort and emotion into something completely irrelevant. Hence why I have no interest matching your investment in this conversation. I’m not even focusing on this enough more than a single sentence in your comments, I’m merely distracting myself with some light teasing when I spot the notification icon.

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            Not only did you NOT explain how anything I said is a strawman (that would require you to discuss what I actually said, rather than mumbling vague horseshit), but you ALSO replied to your damn self and ALSO admitted you are here just for “light teasing.”  Thus admitting to everyone you are a bad faith discussing piece of shit.  Thanks for making that clear.
            So how about then you just STFU and stop replying, ok loser? Goodbye.

        • udundiditv2-av says:

          You seem fun. You don’t do anything frivolous or dumb just to relieve stress? You sound like the kind of dude who no one wants to hang out with when we’re not all forced to isolate so I guess this stings just a little too much?Lighten up.

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            Lol, sorry, wrong.1) Listen, if you want to watch garbage television, stuff that you know is terrible, or you know is meant to be half assed watched anyway, sure, do this dumb chat. Or if it’s something you’ve all seen before, sure, I guess, do this dumb chat too. Basically if you were already planning on doing something frivolous and dumb, this frivolous and dumb chat where you half ass interact with your friends and loved ones cannot hurt.
            Of course, if this is the major interaction you’re having with your friends or loved ones you are doing life wrong in general. This is adjunct dumb horseshit that you should do after having actual real interactions with people.
            2) Additionally, there is no reason to do this dumb chat while watching any kind of good television. Because then you are half paying attention to your friends, not having any kind of close interaction with them, and also half paying attention to good TV. And this is a symptom of modern society, shitty multitasking, without focus, where you have piss poor engagement with all the things you are doing. 

        • toronto-will-av says:

          Jerry Seinfeld has a joke about how weird it is that people go to the movies with other people as if it’s a social activity, even though the theater environment completely shuts down social interaction. This seems to suffer from the same problem to me — if I’m with some one and I turn on Netflix, it’s because we don’t have all that much to talk about, and having entertainment to watch alleviates the burden of coming up with things to talk about. I’m not watching Netflix to be social.There is a pleasure to being physically with someone—especially a romantic partner—but a “Netflix Party” lacks that benefit, and instead just gives me the burden of small talk. No thanks.

          • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

            Well said. The only instance where something like this group chat from afar thingy seems like it would be ok is if a group desires to do some sort of Mystery Science Theater hate watching of trash, where the entire point of the activity is making fun of the garbage content, together in real time, while watching it.Otherwise, why bother really. No one should talk through, or text through, good stuff. And if the content is something everyone saw already, better to just have a real chat with friends instead without the movie, no?

    • suisai13-av says:

      I keep checking up on this feature, and my question is why isn’t there a way to do this in the app for the TV? I’ve never watched Netflix … or any movie on my PC. 

  • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

    So why exactly would friends need to watch Netflix at EXACTLY the same time down to the second? The only reason I can think of is they are dumb fucks who text while they are watching TV. These are the type of people who should never be allowed to have children and frankly should be encouraged to go outside and die from the Corona virus.

  • BrickMcIronhard-av says:

    I regularly host movie nights with friends, so I’m excited to give it a try while we all stay safe at home. I’m weirded out by peoples’ negative reactions to it in various article comments, it seems like a nice way to have somewhat organic social interaction while we’re forced to stay apart.

    • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

      This is a way for fucking morons to text each other while they are watching TV. So if you want to be a fucking moron who half pays attention to TV and half pays attentions to texts during said TV, sure, go for this.
      Or you can be a normal person with an actual attention span and be like hey you guys, let’s watch ___ tonight, and we’ll text about it tomorrow.

      • BrickMcIronhard-av says:

        As someone who owns hundreds of blu-rays and really takes film seriously… wow, dude. Take a laxative.

        • whooboybibbibityboopidity-av says:

          I actually just took Pepto for the opposite problem, but thanks for your concern.The fact remains, people who text WHILE THE ARE WATCHING SOMETHING are either morons or like watching moronic television. This is a FACT.

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