Tiffany Haddish arrested for DUI

Tiffany Haddish was arrested in Beverly Hills after reportedly falling asleep at the wheel

Aux News Tiffany Haddish
Tiffany Haddish arrested for DUI
Tiffany Haddish Photo: Christian Petersen

Tiffany Haddish has been arrested for driving under the influence in Beverly Hills, according to TMZ. The outlet reports that law enforcement was called at 5:45 A.M. about a car stopped in the middle of Beverly Drive, with someone “slumped over the wheel while the car was running.” She is expected to be charged with a DUI and released later in the day.

Haddish performed last night at The Laugh Factory in West Hollywood for their 43rd annual free Thanksgiving feast for the community. The actor, who has been open about her experience with homelessness, told KTLA that she had come to the event for dinner since 1991. “When I first started here, I was sitting at the tables eating, I was receiving a meal,” she told the outlet. “Full circle, and I’m so glad to keep doing that.”

This is the second DUI charge for Haddish. In January 2022, she was arrested in Georgia after driving into the yard of a home in Peachtree City; local law enforcement had received calls about a driver asleep at the wheel on Highway 74 around 2:30 AM, per Deadline. Haddish was booked and released shortly after, having posted a $1,666 bond. She was not involved in a crash on either occasion.

The comedian addressed the first DUI charge while hosting The Ellen DeGeneres Show later that year. “Since I been single, I’ve been praying to God to send me a man, and in January, he went ahead and sent me four in uniform. Yeah, they were the police. They got good benefits and everything, so I can’t even be mad. And yes, I did get charged with a DUI, which stands for Dumb Unfortunate Incidents,” she said, sharing her mugshot with the audience. “Still cute… looking good. I’m going to go ahead and turn that into an NFT. Got to get paid. Got to, you know, they say with every disaster, every mistake, you got to find a win, and that’s what I’m doing, winning.”

Tiffany Haddish Looks Good in Her Mugshot


  • milligna000-av says:

    Boy, I hope she can manage to turn it into “jokes” as piss poor as that first round.

  • djdeejay-av says:

    I’ll never understand this. You’re rich. Just call a ride. 

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      I get the feeling she has something of a self-destructive side. Her upbringing was downright traumatizing. Wealthy people not born into wealth and fame should have really good therapists on speed dial. She has gotten into some trouble but I hope she can sort it out because she’s so talented, she has raised others up and it’s painful to see successful comedians lose battles with their demons.

      • universalamander-av says:

        LOL excuse me while I grab the Kleenex. You know you I have more sympathy for? Every person that had a traumatic childhood that DIDN’T grow up to be a self-entitled millionaire.

  • mortimercommafamousthe-av says:

    No sympathy for anyone who regularly drives drunk. Only inconsiderate self-absorbed assholes knowingly put others at risk to avoid a minor inconvenience.

    • dsgagfdaedsg-av says:

      I am an alcoholic, 10 months sober, and drank to blackout every night for almost ten years, and never once did I get behind the wheel wasted.

      • planehugger1-av says:

        Thank you for being responsible for others’ well-being even when you were having trouble with caring for your own, and congratulations on the 10 months of sobriety.

      • mortimercommafamousthe-av says:

        That’s awesome! The world would be a better place if many people had the tiniest bit of self-awareness.

      • universalamander-av says:

        How are you still alive?

        • dsgagfdaedsg-av says:

          Apparently I have an elephantine tolerance for alcohol but I did nearly give myself liver disease and I still suffer from some cognitive impairment. The former is reversible and I’m hoping the latter doesn’t get any worse.

          • universalamander-av says:

            I wish you good health in your recovery.

          • dinoironbody7-av says:

            Is your tolerance for alcohol genetic or acquired? Ozzy apparently has a gene that gives him superhuman alcohol tolerance.

          • dsgagfdaedsg-av says:

            Aside from coming from Ukrainian and Scottish blood, both nationalities with many centuries of alcoholism under their belts, nobody in my family has a tolerance like me. 

        • ol-whatsername-av says:

          It’s harder to die than we often think. The body just…wants to live too much.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        Congratulations on your 10 months and your conscientious attitude. I hope you feel as great as you deserve to because you do. 

      • ghoastie-av says:

        If you were getting blackout drunk, you no longer get to claim credit for not doing bad things. You voluntarily allowed your body to effectively be inhabited by a completely different person. You just got lucky that THEY never drove drunk.

        • bloodlemons-av says:

          It takes a special kind of person to manage to find smug, self-righteous comfort in another person actually not doing the wrong thing.

          • dsgagfdaedsg-av says:

            Amen. I’m wondering if this is the sort of person who lets college frat boys off the hook for rape because they were “too drunk to know what they were doing.” In all my years of drinking I never once did something fundamentally against my ethical code and I don’t believe that anyone else does either.

        • dsgagfdaedsg-av says:

          Your take is a prime example of how to people stigmatize people with alcohol and drug use disorders. Go fuck your hat with your “voluntary” and “get lucky” bullshit. You don’t know what I’ve been through, you condescending fuck.  

        • bcfred2-av says:

          I’ve only known a couple of people who transformed for the worse when they were really drunk (and this was much earlier in life – not much opportunity these days).  Most just get a bit sillier.

        • spaced99-av says:

          I think the criticism you’re getting for your take is unjustified. If this person was blackout drunk, they were not in control, and you are quite correct — they were simply lucky they didn’t end up driving involuntarily during those times. It’s great they are working on sobriety now, but they seem to be in denial about the risk that was present during those alcoholic blackouts. Coming to terms with that reality will be part of a successful long-term sobriety, if that’s what they really want at this point.

    • screencut-av says:

      It should be no sympathy for anyone who drives drunk at all, even once…

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      That’s about 3/4 of our adult population. I’ve just given up driving at night on the weekends unless I absolutely can’t avoid it. The road rage, drag racing and burn-out sessions have gotten so bad and I just found it that if you don’t have insurance and you get in a wreck all you end up with is a $1,000 fine so the hit and runs are constant and people don’t gaf.I have a 20 year old car with only 37K miles on it. Do you think I could get a good price for it? Never been in an accident.

      • justin-queso-av says:

        I have a 20 year old car with only 37K miles on it. Do you think I could get a good price for it?Why are you asking this here? It’s the AV Club, not Jalopnik, ffs. You’re even dumber than I thought.

  • insertbuttjokehere-av says:

    You can afford a driver. I hope the judge makes sure you have no choice (for the foreseeable future.)

  • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

    That first response is something. There should be a Charlie Sheen Policy: any time someone responds to a drug/alcohol charge with “I’m winning” they go straight into rehab.

    • nurser-av says:

      As an ICU nurse, no matter what the circumstances, if you make them go in, not of their own accord, but force them “straight into rehab”? IT NEVER WORKS. Even if they do go on their own with the best of intentions, even if they have detox’d in the hospital and you get them into a good program, even if they swear they are done with drinking forever, even if they know they are facing charges if not able to follow through, even if they have a great support system and 1001 reasons to get sober, the success rate is not good. This is a long career watching the fuckery play out over and over, talking here.

      • daveassist-av says:

        So, instead of rehab, then… jail?

        • nurser-av says:

          Not all go to jail, some pay a fine, install a breathalyzer device on their vehicle, do community service. make restitution, lose their license or all of the above… Thowing someone involuntarily into a program never works and is a waste of time and money.  One of our “Frequent Flyers” comes in to detox, is homeless but doesn’t mind jail, a place to stay in the winter months he says and his poor liver gets a break from being destroyed all the time. 

          • liffie420-av says:

            “Thowing someone involuntarily into a program never works and is a waste of time and money”This so much this, the ONLY time rehab has a chance of working is if the person themselves chooses to go.  You can’t get sober unless you want to, no one can force it on you.

  • chillsteroni-av says:

    I’ve always been flabbergasted by extremely wealthy people being arrested for DUI. If I was super rich, I wouldn’t even drive sober. Why take any risk when you have enough money and friends to get home safely, get your car the next day, etc?! It’s insane. Possibly by definition.

    • gildie-av says:

      It’s horrible judgement and she should have figured it out, but I think a reason so many celebrities get DUIs is leaving your car almost anywhere overnight in those parts of LA will get it towed. I’ll never understand bars and restaurants anywhere that tow cars left in their lots after closing time. 

      • happyinparaguay-av says:

        I’ll never understand bars and restaurants anywhere that tow cars left in their lots after closing time. Bars that have parking lots… yeah I think I see part of the problem right there.

        • universalamander-av says:

          Bar patrons don’t have to drink to the point where their ABV is above the legal limit to drive. There’s actually some space between having no drinks, and drinking so much your ability to operate heavy machinery is impaired.

        • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

          In most of the US parking lots for any business (including bars) are essential. There is no way to get to these places other than by driving, thanks to about 100 years of urban/suburban planning that designed for the car rather than walking, biking, or mass transit.

      • universalamander-av says:

        It’s not the business owners’ responsibility to let drunk patrons squat on their property because they made bad decisions. 

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        “but I think a reason so many celebrities get DUIs is leaving your car almost anywhere overnight in those parts of LA will get it towed”But…she could have taken a cab there if she knew she’d be drinking (since she knows she has a history of over-imbibing)?  Or she could have called a friend to drive her home.  Or she’s rich–she could have let them tow it and then paid the tow lot to get it back.  Driving under the influence is not a reasonable solution to that problem.

      • whompwomp-av says:

        Celebs can afford that though. That’s no reason to get behind the wheel. Uber home and don’t kill yourself or anyone else. Uber to the bar in the first place. FFS she could’ve killed someone! 

    • drkschtz-av says:

      I don’t think the people who always say this online really get how inconvenient it is to just “have a driver always”. You have to be at the billionaire level to have an honest to god full time Black Car chauffeur, and outside of that it’s basically down to calling a car one by one, no different than middle class drunks fail at 7 days a week.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        I suppose you could Uber there and back. Around here there’s a lot of bar hopping, though, especially on Fridays – alot of guys looking for the bars where all of the women are at. It’s a serious problem here but the cops let so many people get away with it.

      • universalamander-av says:

        There’s always the option NOT to get shitfaced far from home without any means of safe transportation. Wonder why all those non-billionaires don’t think of that.

      • mothkinja-av says:

        The average salary for a full time chauffeur is around 70,000 a year. You absolutely don’t have to be a billionaire to afford one.

        • drkschtz-av says:

          Yes you do, and you don’t understand that listing the salary is irrelevant. Full time drivers also don’t work at 2:45am. That’s a whole different shift.

          • mothkinja-av says:

            So hire two full-time drivers? Have one full-time driver but then uber when they’re off the clock? Hell, 3 full-time drivers. If you make 10 million a year you’re still not even looking at a significant fraction of your income. So you still wouldn’t need to be a billionaire. I don’t think you realize quite how much money a billion dollars is.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      “Your Honor, I will prove – conclusively! – that my client deserves not punishment, but forgiveness and rehabilitation for her shameless, repeated drink driving. How many people in this court room have heard of Tiffany Haddish before today?”*three quarters of the court raises their hands, including all of the jury and the judge*“I rest my case.”“Very well. Defendant to undertake four hours of reading to the elderly, and, if convenient, undertake rehab at a facility of her choosing.”“Can that facility be O’Flanagan’s Irish Pub? They do a great deal on 4-for-3 tequila shots on Tequila Tuesdays.”“So ordered! No conviction recorded!”

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      If I were that wealthy I wouldn’t drive no matter my condition. It’a a pain and an aggravation.
      I hate the cops in our town because drinking is one of the few things that people of limited imagination do – and that’s the majority. And I know they don’t designate. The cops just let friends, family and The Connected call someone to get them and get their cars later. The public can access arrest records online and the only people who get arrested are poor and/or Black or some person the cops hate and can’t wait to catch.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      “I wouldn’t even drive sober.”Sounds like you are not a confident driver.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Same.  I don’t think she has permanent driver money, but yeah I’d drive as little as possible.  Even if you’d never drive drunk, you can always get into fender benders here and there, and if you can avoid that potential liability why not?

    • anathanoffillions-av says:

      There are a few things I can think of: even if you have a full time driver, does that mean between 11pm and 5am? If she takes an Uber is she afraid because of celebrity status that would possibly be taking chances? Do celebrities have their own uber system?But of course there is no excuse…people do it literally every day, thousands upon thousands, so there is no point in pretending she is the only person in the world who has ever done it…there is no excuse for it…everybody knows that. So I’m not saying she shouldn’t lose her license for a while, take DUI school, and go to rehab, just that people who pretend nobody has ever run a red light or driven drunk…I’d love to see the skeletons in their closets.

  • nilus-av says:

    This is just a good reminder for everyone out there.  If you are going to celebrate and drink,  plan ahead of time how you are getting home.  Don’t expect your drunk ass to know when you had to much to drive, just assume going in you will and have a DD or an uber on speed dial.  Getting a DUI is a costly thing that will fuck up your life but its honestly the least scary thing that could happen.  

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Yeah I work in finance and am registered with various agencies – getting a DUI can get you barred from the industry, as one of my colleagues found out (he was put on five-year probation, fortunately, and never did it again). Not something to be fucked with.

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    The cops were suspicious because she seemed to be slurring her last name.

  • largeandincharge-av says:

    Holy hell… Do you know how drunk you have to be to fall asleep at the wheel; drive onto someone’s yard?  That’s driving the wrong way on a highway drunk.  That’s plowing into a bus. Mandatory jail time, 20-year revocation of her license, etc seems completely reasonable for a reoffender, but we’re gonna watch as 40 hours of community service, stern words from the judge, and a ‘program’ does all the heavy lifting. The fact that 31% of all traffic crash fatalities involve a drunk driver doesn’t just happen – the legal system bends over backwards to make it possible.

    • planehugger1-av says:

      Yeah. You obviously shouldn’t drive when you’re over the limit under any circumstances, but when you fall asleep at the wheel, TWICE, it’s not like you had one more than you maybe should have.

    • chandlerbinge-av says:

      Fuck off with that mandatory jail time shit. What purpose does it serve? I’m all for revoking drunk drivers’ licenses though. If you can’t act responsibly, you shouldn’t be allowed to pilot a death machine.

      • universalamander-av says:

        People drive with suspended licenses all the time. If they’re in prison, they can’t access a vehicle.

      • pandorasmittens-av says:

        For people that wealthy, “license revoked” means nothing; they can hire a driver or a hanger-on can do it. That also doesn’t even touch the part where the wealthy person gets off with nothing or they just drive anyway. Fines? They mean jack when you can afford them.So yes, when you can buy yourself out of consequences at any turn, mandatory prison is EXTREMELY appropriate and may actually humble an entitled person. Ask Martha  Stewart.

      • bobwworfington-av says:

        If she’s in jail, we are safer 

      • genepocketsocks-av says:

        I agree that revoking a license should be enough the first time. However, if someone drives drunk with a revoked license, they should 100% be sent to prison for, at least, a little bit.

      • badkuchikopi-av says:

        I have to assume if you’re drunk enough to decide to drive drunk you’re probably drunk enough to give zero fucks that you don’t have a license.

        • gildie-av says:

          I think most drunk drivers are pretty ordinary people with jobs and lives and families and even redeeming qualities, but they have terrible judgement when they’re impaired and need a kick in the ass to scare them straight. Not having a license for a year or more is a tremendous burden and will keep most of them from driving at all. It seems like an appropriate warning and wake up call to get their drinking under control and use better judgement without ruining the rest of their life like a conviction would. If they don’t heed the warning then yeah, ramp up the punishment.

          • badkuchikopi-av says:

            I think most drunk drivers are pretty ordinary people with jobs and lives and families and even redeeming qualitiesWhat crime can’t this be said about? Ones that start with “serial” or “mass” I guess. But other than them, I dunno I assume most murderers and rapists fit that description. Not having a license for a year or more is a tremendous burden and will keep most of them from driving at all. Probably true, I was thinking of blackout drunken people. I should have said that if you’re falling asleep at the wheel, you probably don’t care if you don’t have a license.

          • planehugger1-av says:

            Right, but the person probably isn’t blackout drunk when they drive to the bar, club, etc.  That’s the moment the lack of a license deters them from driving.  And if you didn’t drive a car to the bar, you can’t drive a car home no matter how impaired you are.

          • badkuchikopi-av says:


      • breadnmaters-av says:

        Absolutely agree. Drunk driving is the worst but people should make restitution if they hurt someone and that means having a job (I assume). It’s a bad behavior that can be overcome. Sitting in jail accomplishes nothing except possibly teaching someone how to be an effective criminal.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        I don’t know if jail time will help, but also people drive on revoked licenses all the time, so that’s not entirely effective either.  If they break the rule against drunk driving they aren’t going to be sticklers about the rules requiring you to have a license.

      • batteredsuitcase-av says:

        Because when you try to kill someone, you go to jail. DUI is attempting to kill people. Just because she was unsuccessful, doesn’t mean she didn’t try.

      • whompwomp-av says:

        If someone’s judgement is bad enough to fall asleep at the wheel twice they’re going to drive whether they’re officially licensed or not. Putting them in jail for a while to dry out actually does protect the public from being hit and killed by them.

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        Yeah why would putting others lives at serious risk – repeatedly – have any consequences? 

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        I’m With Her is a known troll and should be dismissed.

      • reinhardtleeds-av says:

        In my case, the fear of jail if I reoffended got me straight. 

    • SweetJamesJones-av says:

      How about we send the sick person to rehab instead? She is clearly an alcoholic and needs help dealing with both the physical and mental aspects of it. Only Americans want to jail people forever for an addiction. It is nonsense.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      You don’t have to be drunk at all to fall asleep behind the wheel. I mean, she might have been blackout drunk, but she also could have simply smelled like alcohol or weed. You don’t need to be over the legal limit to get charged with a DUI, and it could probably happen if you’re running a severe enough sleep deficit to be found asleep behind the wheel on the road even while sober. I’ve had to pull over more than once when I realized that I was way too tired to keep driving after nearly nodding off from highway hypnosis, and it was never after a night of partying. Just overwork.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      I fell asleep driving because I was just worn out. All it takes is for you to close your eyes for a second. The accident was bad; it was just me, the car, a ravine and a tree.
      I don’t see the pupose in jailing her. She didn’t hurt or kill anyone. Hell, our city’s sherrif (17 years ago) comitted three DIUs and had the nerve to record television PSAs – “You drive hammered, we’ll NAIL YA!” He never saw a mintue in jail, no arrest, no pay cut or any kind of punishment. People kept voting him in. He retired with a great pension (M*ther F-er).
      She’s being careless and stupid. She had an absolutely shit upbringing and Black women are treated like garbage in this country. It’s a wonder she’s even alive, not to mention acheiving stardom.Here’s a list of celebrities who actually killed someone. Not much punishment. All but seven are men.

      • planehugger1-av says:

        What’s your point? Haddish should not be blamed for repeatedly drunk driving and endangering people?

      • mrfurious72-av says:

        I’ve fortunately never fallen asleep at the wheel, but when I was working as a reporter at my local NBC affiliate, we heard about a really nasty crash involving a car and tractor-trailer. Went to the scene, and the driver of the car was a guy I went to high school with. We weren’t pals or anything, just acquaintances who played hoops together, but it still hit hard. When I followed up with the State Police, they said that he just fell asleep driving home after work. No alcohol or drugs involved, he just fell asleep, crossed the center line, and crashed into the tractor-trailer. IIRC the tractor-trailer driver was not seriously injured, thankfully.He survived the crash, and though he was very seriously injured I believe he eventually recovered fully; still, IANAD but it seems like if you’re that badly injured in a car accident you’re going to have some long-term impacts.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          I was ‘unconscious’ for a time, I don’t know how long. When I was alert I knew something was very wrong. I had never been at the bottom of a ravine. It was raining too. I carefully took off my shoes and stockings (!) swung the door open, dropped to the ground and started walking up the incline to the road. It was an isolated place but a car actually approached. A wonderful lady picked me up and took me to the ER. As I lay on the bed a group of med students stood at a distance and gawked. I did not have one hair out of place, not a single bruise or cut. A week later they discovered a tiny broken bone in my thumb. The doctor smiled uncomfortably. I was sent home. My parents didn’t want me to see the car but I insisted. My dad took me to the salvage yard/shop. There were cars everywhere. There was one on a trailer, with a bad white/pink paint job. I asked the man “where is my car?” He said “It’s right in front of you.” My car had been bright red. Can a crash blow the paint off of a car?

          It looked like someone had taken a handful of Reynold’s wrap and crumpled it up. The only non-damaged part of the car was the driver’s seat. The door was fused to the side of the car. There was no way it could have been opened. I had not been wearing a seat belt. The car had smashed into a tree. No one was every able to figure out how I was there or how I got out.You’re right. Things like that will do something to you. I have a 20 year old car with only 37K miles on it (although I haven’t driven it in two years). I detest driving. I get lost easily. I’m afraid. I wish people would take driving more seriously. I don’t feel as that was any kind of “gift.” My life was wonderful for the next 10 or so years, then… I can’t really see the purpose in my having survived, tbh.

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        I don’t see the pupose in jailing her. She didn’t hurt or kill anyone This time. DUIs should come with an attempted murder charge.
        She had an absolutely shit upbringing and Black women are treated like garbage in this country. So that entitles her to drive drunk? Here’s a list of celebrities who actually killed someone. Not much punishment. “Other people did bad things and weren’t punished. So we should punish nobody ever.”

    • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

      For real! Coming of age in the Upper Midwest, I drove while over the limit a lot more than anyone ever should (and probably should have been caught), but that was on flat, barely-trafficked rural roads and never even remotely heavy eyed or directionally confused drunk. That’s absurd!Driving fall asleep drunk in a city? Come on! That is not a crime anyone should have the opportunity to commit twice.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      I mean, but honestly you don’t have to be drunk at all to fall asleep at the wheel. People fall asleep at the wheel all the time because they’re on a long drive and they’re exhausted.That quibble aside, I’m not too happy either with her joking about it on Ellen. I get she’s a comedian and it’s her job, but combined with the fact that she did it again tells me that she really didn’t take it seriously and get the help she needs. Driving under the influence takes people’s family members and friends away. It’s really shitty behavior and should receive effective consequences.

  • citronc-av says:

    I can forgive a bit for the first fuck up a person makes, not saying it is acceptable to drive intoxicated, it is dangerous, but people make dumb mistakes and decisions, that first one needs to be taken as a blessing (or a warning shot) to be thankful there wasn’t a fatal accident instead, doing the same dumb shit again though says you have a serious problem and/or are a shit person.

  • universalamander-av says:

    This woman’s only “crime” was driving drunk while black. ACAB.

    • Xavier1908-av says:

      That is a really dumb, ignorant take. Black, white, brown, if you’re so drunk you fall asleep while driving, not once but twice, then you definitely deserved to be arrested. Drunk drivers, no matter their race, gender, religion or sexuality can kill or seriously injure innocent victims. Tiffany will probably, unfortunately, end up better than most drunk drivers in the criminal justice system due to her wealth and celebrity but hopefully her license will be revoked immediately at the very least. 

      • daveassist-av says:

        The one you’re replying to is a regular conservo-troll around these sites.  He’s the the one that posted that wall of excrement porn on the last Jezebel story thread.

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        I’m With Her is a known troll. Don’t reply to them and dismiss them when they reply to you.

    • wellijustcouldnotsay-av says:

      White men are not an ideal to which everyone else should aspire. Sometimes white men do bad things for which they should be punished. If non-White and/or non-male people do bad things, they should also be punished. And a DUI is not a crime; it is a misdemeanor.

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Cancel this cunt

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    “Got to, you know, they say with every disaster, every mistake, you got to find a win, and that’s what I’m doing, winning.” I’m always so proud of myself when I drive home drunk and manage not to kill anyone.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      She’s going through something, obviously. She survived foster care, homelessness and abuse; those demons are hard to shake. She said her life changed when her mother got into a car accident. Unresolved issues sometimes leaves people re-playing elements of trauma so I’m not surprised by this. I hope somene she trusts can help because she’s talented and the world needs more laughter right now.

      • akabrownbear-av says:

        None of that justifies her putting other people in danger. A rich celebrity can certainly afford to pay for a driver when they drink. I hope she gets the consequences she deserves this time around.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          Did I write that this justfies her behabior? I didn’t. Nor did Carr but you went after her with the same accusation. We can be concerned without getting all bent out of shape. I don’t know what you think she deserves; perhaps it’s best that you aren’t the one to decide that.

          • universalamander-av says:

            Jail. She deserves jail.

          • akabrownbear-av says:

            You may not have intended it that way but plenty of people do justify terrible things that people do based on their past. And what I think she deserves is the same typical punishment that any non-celebrity or person without the means to hire a high-priced lawyer would get for a second DUI within 1-2 years. Which does include at least a few days of mandatory jail time, DUI school, and potentially the loss of her driving license for a few years.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            Again, I don’t know about jail time, but I agree with the rest. The judge should decide. And if her priviledges are returned, an ignition interlock device in the car, is what I recommend. You drink, your car doesn’t go.
            It isn’t always the wealthy who evade punishment. I live in a small city full of good old boys and if you know the right person, you’ll get away with almost anything. It’s even a capitol city and we barely have a newspaper any longer so no one even knows what’s going on most of the time. The cops here are particularly mean and spectacularly stupid and they’ll actually go after a big-shot with money if they can because most of them grew up with little and were bullied in school. 

          • akabrownbear-av says:

            I’m just going off of what Google said but what I read said at least four days of jail time is mandatory in California for two DUIs within as short of a period of time as Haddish has gotten them.She should also be forced to get the ignition locking device if she even still has a license after this. That seems like a common sense thing to do that is more for the safety of everyone else than a punishment for her.

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            If that is mandatory then that’s what she should get.

          • terranigma-av says:

            yes you did. you wrote that with exactly that intention. stop lying, fangirl.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            So why even bring it up? Maybe just stop talking. 

          • i-miss-splinter-av says:

            Did I write that this justfies her behabior? I didn’t.

            Writing about her background and what’s she been through is an attempt at justification, and you’ve done it in several posts. Doesn’t fucking matter what she went through or what her history is. There’s no excuse for driving drunk.

      • milligna000-av says:

        Taking away her license before she kills someone would be a good idea. Let her work out her issues without driving for a few years. Serious penalties if she’s caught driving without one.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          Agree. Revocation of her license, mandatory attendance in a course for DUI, put an alcohol detector in the ignition, or just prohibit driving indefinitely. She is being dangerous. Personally I hate driving, any time anywhere because drunk driving is extremely bad where I live. There isn’t much to do aside from work. There’s a bar on every corner that isn’t already occupied by a church.

      • forspamk-av says:

        She’s also an inconsiderate, entitled asshole who should have her license permanently revoked.  It’s a miracle she hasn’t killed anyone *yet*

    • planehugger1-av says:

      Yes, one extremely irritating trend is people treating everything they do, no matter how terrible, as primarily being part of their personal journey. The primary concern about Haddish driving drunk is not whether she becomes a more contented person. It’s not about her. She is not the protagonist of a story in which the rest of the world are extras. Other people would also like to “find a win,” and step one to that is not getting killed by a blackout Tiffany Haddish.

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    Who gives a shit about this TMZ bullshit?

    • crocodilegandhi-av says:

      This is a site that’s been on autopilot for years, churning out lame-brained “celebrity caught making problematic joke!” clickbait articles, and this is the one that you find questionable? At least there’s an actual story here for once.

  • hamiltonistrash-av says:

    Ma’am you are 43

  • distantandvague-av says:

    Hahaha let’s make jokes and deflect about something lighthearted and innocent like DUIs. One DUI is a stupid mistake. Multiple DUIs is total scumbag territory. Annoying ass human. 

  • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

    Girl, I’ve seen you on TV and on a movie theater screen. Pay for a fucking Uber!

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    This is inexcusable. You can say everyone makes mistakes but this is her second time. You can say she has personal trauma but that doesn’t justify putting other innocent people in danger by driving drunk. She’s famous enough that she can afford a driver or rideshare when she decides to drink. Hopefully there are some real consequences here – not a small fine and slap on the wrist she can joke about later.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    She was asleep, the car ‘running’ but not moving. She only attracted attention because she wasn’t moving, and people are calling for her blood.At least she put it in park. If this were Geroge Clooney there would have been some jokey-joke with the cop, who would have gotten an autograph and then called someone to come pick the star up. Cop would have had a funny story for his cohorts back at the station.

    • ghostiet-av says:

      You really are one of the dumbest posters on here.

    • kotzebueshotfirst-av says:

      Is this a real comment? 

    • carolynkeenewriterandghost-av says:

      Why are you all over this article comment section trying to essentially (in my opinion) give Haddish a pass?As someone who doesn’t get to know their uncle because a drunk driver killed them over 30 years ago (a drunk driver, who is, by the way, very much still alive), fuck you!You could have just not commented, but instead you wanted to make sure everyone knew that you were a piece of shit.I won’t read your response (if you have one) because I don’t care what you have to say. And fuck you again.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Carolyn Keene, Writer and Ghost
      Same to you.

    • milligna000-av says:

      Nah. Nobody likes drunk drivers.

    • justin-queso-av says:

      Once again, you have one of the stupidest possible takes.

  • zendez-av says:


  • killa-k-av says:

    Today a no-news day?

  • tedturneroverdrive-av says:

    I think we may look back and decide Girls Trip was the worst thing that ever happened to Tiffany Haddish. Before it, she was a B-list stand-up and a working actor. After it, she appears to have said yes to pretty much everything (probably because her terrible childhood has led her to believe it can all be taken away in an instant), almost none of it hit, and now she’s been caught drunk-driving twice.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    It’s not funny and it’s not ok. Take away their license.

  • jacquestati-av says:

    DUIs are bad, no question. But the stuff with the kids is irredeemable and should have already gotten her cancelled.

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