Tiffany Trump thought now was a good time to wish brother Eric Trump a happy birthday

Aux Features Donald Trump
Tiffany Trump thought now was a good time to wish brother Eric Trump a happy birthday
Donald Trump Jr., Tiffany Trump, Lara Trump, and Eric Trump the State of the Union address in the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2018. Photo: Mark Wilson

Amid the developing mob takeover of the United States Capitol by Donald Trump supporter extremists, the president’s daughter Tiffany Trump decided it was an appropriate time to wish her older brother Eric Trump a happy birthday. “Happy Birthday @erictrump I love you and I’m so grateful to always have you by my side!”

You may think, “Well, maybe she didn’t know what’s going on.” But no, about 45 minutes earlier, Tiffany had retweeted a video her father released that was supposedly supposed to deescalate matters but really just made things worse by letting his cult followers know that “we love you. you’re very special.” In what was perhaps a poor attempt to make things better, Tiffany retweeted her retweet after her birthday sentiments to Eric, sandwiching her tone-deaf message with a tone-deaf message.

Tiffany wasn’t the only Trump daughter making poor choices on Twitter Wednesday. Ivanka Trump first tweeted “American Patriots – any security breach or disrespect to our law enforcement is unacceptable. The violence must stop” but the tweet was taken down after it was pointed out Ivanka was calling the extremists “patriots.” She later clarified, “No. Peaceful protest is patriotic. Violence is unacceptable and must be condemned in the strongest terms.”

While his father continues to egg the mob on, Donald Trump Jr. also tried to calm his family’s followers. “This is wrong and not who we are. Be peaceful and use your 1st Amendment rights, but don’t start acting like the other side. We have a country to save and this doesn’t help anyone,” he tweeted. In a terrifying reply that we can’t say we’re surprised to see, one extremist stated, “this is bigger than you and your father at this point!! It’s about our republic! Our constitution, and our families!!! Done sitting back and playing fair.”

When exactly were they playing fair?


  • ducktopus-av says:

    Guys, this was probably a timed-release tweet, there was another one a while ago that was even funnier from Eric, she probably set it yesterday.  She’s an idiot, but this was likely not done while watching CNN.

  • paintingofadisappointedhorse-av says:

    For unwarranted contrast, I posted about how much I like that song Tiny Dancer by Elton John and got four likes.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    So Tiff tried to retweet her dad’s congratulatory response to the rioters? I guess she didn’t read that blue message at the bottom that says “this tweet cannot be liked or retweeted.”

  • token-liberal-av says:

    It’s about our republic! Our constitution, and our families!!!Damn straight it is, Skippy. I don’t think you’re on the side you think you are, though. Maybe read the Constitution (Google the big words that hurt your brain) and you might be surprised at what it says. You might also want to look up the word “sedition”. 

  • wuthanytangclano-av says:

    “don’t start acting like the other side” christ I fucking hate Donj.As if protesting the deaths of black men by police officers by damaging property and storming the capitol building with weapons because you got caught up in a couldnt-be-more-obvious lie are in any way equal.

    • junwello-av says:

      That’s the party line—except for those who are claiming it’s all down to their favorite imaginary friend, Antifa (right, sure, you have no choice but to stockpile semiautomatic weapons and plot the takeover of the US government because of like two guys in ninja masks. JFC.)

    • kimothy-av says:

      Never mind that the vast majority of protests were completely peaceful (outside of whatever the police did unprovoked) and the places that did have rioting and looting, it was instigated, if not completely performed, by white supremacist groups coming from other states. (Which is proven, unlike the claims that what happened yesterday was “bussed in ANTIFA”, which were easily disproven.) 

  • robert-denby-av says:

    Bless her heart

  • nilus-av says:

    The same mob that stormed the capitol sang Eric happy birthday an hour before. 

  • dave-i-av says:

    While his father continues to egg the mob on, Donald Trump Jr. also tried to calm his family’s followers. “This is wrong and not who we are. Be peaceful and use your 1st Amendment rights, but don’t start acting like the other side. We have a country to save and this doesn’t help anyone,” he tweeted.Wow, that’s surprisingly composed and restrained coming from him. That said…
    In a terrifying reply that we can’t say we’re surprised to see, one extremist stated, “this is bigger than you and your father at this point!! It’s about our republic! Our constitution, and our families!!! Done sitting back and playing fair.”Yep. There it is. That bonfire they’ve been stoking and throwing gasoline on for weeks now isn’t going to suddenly stop just because Donald Jr. tells them to stand down. Not when they’ve somehow convinced thousands of people the election deemed the most secure in our nation’s history was some massive fraudulent event.

    In light of all of that, maybe Tiffany thought the best thing to do was try and distract us from the fact an angry mob of delusional Trump supporters had stormed Congress and gone completely off the rails. Not that it’s going to work, but what the hell else are they going to do?

    • bammontaylor-av says:

      It’s not like Tiff seems to care about anything besides spending pop’s money

      • dave-i-av says:

        No, I suppose not. But in purely hypothetical terms I could kind of understand it.

        Of course, from a purely survivalist standpoint, it makes sense. Hard to spend her father’s money if he ends up losing the election (which he did) then spending a lot of his time and money facing the legal issues that are pending in NYC, or fleeing the country. Not to mention the alleged mountain of debt Trump claims not to have but many seem to believe he has (which would make sense given his unwillingness to disclose his taxes or other financial records despite saying he’d do so). I mean, given that, if I were here I’d definitely try to distract people from the fact my father basically did what amounts to sedition by instigating violence and trying to undermine what everybody who was involved in monitoring the election said was a fair and secure democratic election. Because things are probably going to get pretty bad for the Trump family very, very soon.

  • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

    This family all belongs in jail or dead by COVID. I would say this even with my real name. 

  • buh-lurredlines-av says:

    It was his birthday, what’s the big deal?

  • hornacek37-av says:

    Remember the long stretch of Trump’s presidency when we though Tiffany was the only one of his kids (not counting Barron) who had any sense and might actually be a decent person? She shunned the spotlight, wanted nothing to do with the White House, and never said anything publicly about her father’s policies. For awhile I thought “Oh, she gets it. She knows this is awful and wants nothing to do with the rest of her family.” Then she shows up in the campaign last year and she’s all in on the Trump Kool-Aid.Barron – you’re our only hope of someone good to come out of this family!* Well, there’s Mary, the niece, but I meant this core family group.

    • bammontaylor-av says:

      Remember the long stretch of Trump’s presidency when we though Tiffany was the only one of his kids (not counting Barron) who had any sense and might actually be a decent personI never thought this and am puzzled by those who did

      • hornacek37-av says:

        During Trump’s 2015-2016 campaign we saw Donald Jr, Ivanka and Eric campaigning for him all the time, but we never saw Tiffany. I think she showed up at the convention when he accepted the nomination, but I think that’s it. I don’t remember ever seeing her campaign for him.Even after he got elected, Ivanka was working in the White House, and DJ and Eric were running his business and on FOX News all the time, but you never saw Tiffany doing any of that.  It was like she was in hiding.

        • radarskiy-av says:

          “It was like she was in hiding.”She was in law school. Which somehow makes her late boarding of the Trump Train worse.

      • theupsetter-av says:

        Yeah, that long stretch he’s talking about was like maybe three minutes tops for me.

        • bammontaylor-av says:

          I remember when Marla and Tiffany tried to grift themselves some inauguration day accoutrements 

        • hornacek37-av says:

          I mean, Trump became president and we saw Ivanka, Donald Jr., and Eric all the time. Ivanka worked in the White House and was on the news a lot. Donald Jr and Eric were on the news and at rallies a lot. Where was Tiffany during all of this? For the first 3 years of his presidency, did she ever make an appearance talking about her father? I don’t remember it.That’s what I meant about “that long stretch”.  The first time I saw Tiffany involved in anything political after Trump became president was in 2020 when she started doing online campaign ads for her father.

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    The bourgeoisie can’t hear so far below the floor boards.

  • rowenp1976-av says:

    I mean, in Tiffany’s defense, it’s not her fault that her father decided to try to stage a coup on the same day as her brother’s birthday. What’s she gonna do, not wish him a happy birthday just because the capital’s in flames and democracy is dying?

  • c2three-av says:

    Because apart from psychopathy and incompetence, what else says ‘trump’ more than being tone deaf?

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