Tim Heidecker and Gregg Turkington’s movie review series returns next month

Aux Features TV

Tim Heidecker and Gregg Turkington’s Adult Swim web series On Cinema At The Cinema falls somewhere on the lighter side of its hosts’ signature brands of comedic provocation. (That is, no Tim And Eric bathtubs full of shit, and Turkington is less intentionally off-putting than in his Neil Hamburger persona.) Instead, it’s a skewering of traditional movie shows, with two unqualified experts placidly giving every film “five bags of popcorn” as they sink deeper into despair and bizarre physical maladies. It’s also very funny, at least if you’re in the mood to cringe your way through eight seasons of Heidecker’s dying children and various horrific physical transformations.

Make that nine seasons, actually: Adult Swim has announced that On Cinema is coming back, with the series set to return on its website on March 9. The network hasn’t hinted at what indignities the new season will bring for its hosts, instead promising “expert criticism, valuable ratings, and movie history segments that will educate even the most seasoned film buffs.” Meanwhile, you can get caught up on the show’s surprisingly elaborate back story, featuring surprise pregnancies, on-screen vomiting, and Joe Estevez, with a catch-up video Adult Swim made for the series.

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