Time for a little pre-Crisis check-in with Supergirl and Batwoman

TV Lists What's On Tonight
Time for a little pre-Crisis check-in with Supergirl and Batwoman
Melissa Benoist, Ruby Rose Photo: Sergei Bachlakov

Here’s what’s happening in the world of television for Sunday, December 1. All times are Eastern.

Top pick

Batwoman (The CW, 8 p.m.) and Supergirl (The CW, 9 p.m., midseason finale): Things are about to get nuts over in CW Land, so let’s pause for a moment for some clarity. Tonight, Batwoman and Supergirl both air their last pre-Crisis On Infinite Earths episodes; The CW is calling Supergirl’s “The Wrath Of Rama Khan” the show’s midseason finale. Next Sunday, December 8, Supergirl returns, kicking off the Crisis at 8 p.m, rather than the show’s usual 9 p.m. The following night (that’s Monday, December 9), Batwoman will air its chapter of the crossover. It’s a decent bet that one or both of these shows will feature a cameo from the Monitor (LaMonica Garrett) or one of those other Arrowverse folks at some point this evening, but for the most part, it’s business as usual.

And business as usual for Batwoman and Supergirl means villainous sister drama for the former:

And a whole mess of Lena/Kara stuff from the latter:

Alani Vargas and Caroline Siede stand ready to recap.

Regular coverage

The Simpsons (Fox, 8 p.m.)
Watchmen (HBO, 9 p.m)
Bob’s Burgers (Fox, 9 p.m.)
Shameless (Showtime, 9 p.m.)
Mr. Robot (USA, 10 p.m.)
Silicon Valley (HBO, 10 p.m.)
Rick And Morty (Adult Swim, 11:30 p.m.)

Wild card

Holiday Gingerbread Showdown (Food Network, 10 p.m., second-season premiere): Pretty straightforward deal here: “The best gingerbread artists in the country” compete in this series; the winner takes home $25,000. There’s sure to be some sort of roof-caving drama at some point, and that’ll be great, but the big news here is that the first episode is called “Canine Christmas” so there will presumably be gingerbread dog houses and we are incapable of resisting such a thing.


  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    “What’s the Z stand for?”“On my world it means… oh, have I got my top inside-out again? To be fair, I do change in a hurry.”

    • rpdm-av says:

      Her superhero suit should be more like a bikini or just panties. – RA Harrison, Tucson, United States, 2 weeks ago

      • keithzg-av says:

        Glad we still have a gimmick account around these parts, I have to say.Less glad that in these hard times for journalism the Daily Mail somehow still exists. (Insert obvious joke about the Daily Mail having nothing to do with journalism.)

  • bortjr-av says:

    I like television

  • amazingpotato-av says:

    Supergirl tends to get the short end of the stick with these crossover episodes ie. It’s a normal Supergirl episode until the pre-credits stinger when Cisco or someone pops up with a “No time to explain! We need your help!”. Whereas The Flash and Arrow have both done a stellar job of building up to the crossover this year, and made it actually feel like it’s a big deal. Interested to see how Batwoman fits into it, too, since I get a Black Lightning/early Arrow vibe from it (largely grounded threats) and a huge cosmic danger feels way above her pay grade. Mind you, Arrow is also doing a stellar job dealing with this aspect of it. Seriously, Arrow is amazing right now.

    • ryanlohner-av says:

      Batwoman also has the oddity of being stuck a year in the past, so I imagine the Monitor pulls some time travel stuff at the end of this one.

    • wlee982-av says:

      “Supergirl tends to get the short end of the stick with these crossover episodes It’s a normal Supergirl episode until the pre-credits stinger when Cisco or someone”The only time that happened is on the Invasion crossover. Every major crossover after that includes Supergirl completely. 

      • amazingpotato-av says:

        Oh no, I know she always has a decent part in the actual crossover; I mean the Supergirl episode leading into a crossover usually has very little link to it. I was kind of hoping The Monitor would make himself known to Kara by now, at least setting up the Crisis plot underneath the usual stuff (eg. she and her friends could be trying to figure out what to do about him/it). Although I’m guessing, like the lack of communication between Barry and Oliver, this could be a plot point for the actual crossover.

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        Legends of Tomorrow however was unjustly left out of last year’s Elseworlds crossover … but responded to the snub by doing an episode that was a crossover with itself (“Legends of To-Meow-Meow”), where Constantine breaks the timeline and there are different incarnations of the team. 

  • lhosc-av says:

    Let’s all watch Supergirl live tonight and #standwithmelissa .

  • robgrizzly-av says:

    I know I haven’t watched in a while, but in that image, her “S” logo is backwards. Bizzaro SUpergirl? What have I been missing??

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    I’ll wait here patiently for the tense Powergirl/Batwoman team up.

  • ZoomZipZing-av says:

    The Picture of Supergirl is reversed. Look at her sigil.

  • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

    For some reason Comcast’s listing has Rick and Morty as a repeat tonight.  Taping it anyway just in case.

    • dkdaniel-av says:

      For some reason is that they decided after just 3 new episodes after the years off that why not wait a week for another ep? AVClub didn’t get the memo. 

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