Good news: you are, in fact, allowed to look Tom Cruise in the eye

Cruise's Mission: Impossible–Dead Reckoning Part One co-stars recently debunked this rumor, which he called the "weirdest story" he had ever heard about himself

Aux News Tom Cruise
Good news: you are, in fact, allowed to look Tom Cruise in the eye
Tom Cruise Photo: Theo Wargo

Look, Tom Cruise is a weird guy. This shouldn’t be news to anyone. He’s famously a Scientologist, does all of his own insane, mind-numbingly dangerous stunts, and would continue until he was 80, if he had his druthers. All of this is to say, when rumors surface about what Cruise is supposedly like behind closed doors, they tend to take off. Perhaps even a rumor that cast and crew members were forbidden from looking him in the eye on set—one that, apparently, has gotten back to Cruise himself.

In a recent story in The Times Of London, Mission: Impossible–Dead Reckoning Part One director and frequent Cruise collaborator Christopher McQuarrie revealed that, according to Cruise, the whole eye contact thing is the “weirdest story” the actor had ever heard about himself, and that anyone who isn’t Tom Cruise’s reflection in the mirror is, in fact, allowed to actually interact with him. Which… duh. How else could anyone expect the actor to complete his completely normal film prep regimen of 30 skydives per day without being squashed to a pulp?

Simon Pegg, Cruise’s Mission: Impossible costar and sharer in “simple friendship” (a.k.a., one in which any mention of the S-word is strictly off the table), also weighed in on the churning of the rumor mill, saying that Cruise is really just a normal dude who “took us go-karting and zip-lining,” during off time on set, which, for Cruise, is probably the equivalent of grabbing a beer or having a casual game night.

“I’ve been able to hack my way through all the bizarre mythology that surrounds him,” Pegg added. “On one side he’s Tom Cruise—this enigmatic film star everyone wants to know about. And on the other he’s just a guy. I like being normal with him.”

Mission: Impossible–Dead Reckoning Part One premieres July 12 in theaters.


  • murrychang-av says:

    “Cruise is really just a normal dude who “took us go-karting and zip-lining,” during off time on set”A normal dude who you do not want to ask about Shelly Miscavige or the slaves in SeaOrg.

    • anarwen-av says:

      It’s hard being the next Messiah.

    • cc1977-av says:

      I know Hollywood and PR folks have been helping stars manage their images and sweep their dirty laundry under the rugs and get enough people to either not care or to not be aware of it, but it’s breathtaking to see how fully he went from “Whoa, maybe this guy’s not well” to “He’s a powerful manipulative sociopath” to “LOL He was sooooo good in Top Gun: Maverick and saved Hollywood, guys!” Just… yeah.

      • murrychang-av says:

        Lots of money and people who are afraid that Scientologists will ruin their lives.To be fair, Scientologists are pros at ruining people’s lives.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        I wouldn’t want to be alone in an elevator with him, even if it did get stuck and he could MacGyver us out. On the other hand, I suppose that would be ideal, but still…

      • milligna000-av says:

        Still looks like a soggy rat to me and his Scientology stuff is beyond the fucking pale. Screw him and his “intention beams.”

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      That’s right. Show me a Mission Impossible where he storms “The Hole” and rescues some poor brainwashed souls.

    • timebobby-av says:

      No one cares.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      “took us go-karting and zip-lining,” during off time on set”Hey, if YOU’VE got a better way of distracting yourself from the gay thoughts he’d like to hear it. 

    • Fattuna2-av says:

      Hey! They got contracts. BILLION YEAR CONTRACTS.  Crimies. 

  • dudebra-av says:

    …but do I have to look down to look him in the eye?Short joke!

  • kirivinokurjr-av says:

    Not his eye eye, silly. They meant his brown eye.

  • blpppt-av says:

    I’ve never cared much for Tom Cruise as a person, but after seeing the Top Gun sequel, and reading about all the training he did, PLUS he did that freaking mountain jump HIMSELF (that you’ve been seeing in the new MI trailers), I have to admit a grudging respect for somebody who does that anymore.You know, with the oversaturation of CGI nowadays—he could have just as easily had it generated by a render farm or something.

    • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

      Even if I was a famous actor, I don’t know if there’s enough zeroes on a check to have me summon the stones to climb up and run down the outside of the tallest skyscraper in the world as he did.

      • crews200-av says:

        I saw Dead Reckoning on Sunday at some Walmart sponsored early screening event but of all the stunts he’s done over the years I still say dangling from a cargo jet or the halo jump have to be the most impressive. Well, to me at least.But what I really want to know is how much of the stunts aboard the train he actually did and of that how much were practical effects because those combined might be more impressive than the bike jump.

    • happyinparaguay-av says:

      You’re only impressed by that stuff because you’re not OTVII.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    is it ok if I don’t?

  • cc1977-av says:


  • gospelxforte-av says:

    The rumors are old. Time changes things, either via a consultant or norms changing in Hollywood. (I just listened to a podcast in which an actor shared that Donald Sutherland was another “Don’t look me in the eye” guy. But that was something like 20 years ago.) Just because he doesn’t have that role now doesn’t mean it wasn’t ever a thing.

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    I have no more interest in Tom Cruise’s religion than I have in the religion of the person who makes me a cup of coffee.

    I pay a service for the product I want. I receive that product. Thus endeth the transaction.

  • itstheonlywaytobesure-av says:

    Cruise is 20 years my senior and I’m still anxious he’ll outlive me, given the batshit insane stories I’d miss out on once he shuffles off this mortal coil. I know with all his stunts and whatnot he’s essentially taunting death, but at this point I feel like the most likely endgame is Cruise firing himself into the sun on his own recognisance at the age of 104 and filming the whole spectacle live to be broadcast in movie theaters across the globe.

  • Shampyon-av says:

    Since this article doesn’t actually describe the debunking:It traces back to Mission Impossible II, with the race track scene. They were having issues with extras staring at Cruise when they’re supposed to be ignoring him, and the local papers twisted that up into their usual bullshit.I know it’s an easy one to believe because he’s so uncomfortably intense, but I also think he’s very intense about trying to appear like a human being and not the Space Messiah of a despicable religion that keeps sea slaves and brutalises the mentally ill.

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    Just don’t show your teeth.His security will see that as a threat and you’ll be tased immediately.

  • milligna000-av says:

    I mean it was directed at the crew and extras, not co-stars.

    • egerz-av says:

      I never thought that was an unreasonable request. When you’re that famous and under that kind of pressure, who wants to be stared at by hundreds of crew members and extras?

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    I’d be afraid to look him in the eye.  Say what you want but he is damn charismatic.  I’d probably end up a scientologist if I spent too much time talking to him and gazing into those baby greens.

  • aaron1592-av says:

    Only if I also get to ask “Where’s Shelly, you cult enabling asshole?”

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    In fact, you have to! Even if you don’t particularly want to.

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