Tom Holland once again says there have been “conversations” about a fourth Spider-Man movie

Holland says he doesn't want to make another just to make another one, though

Aux News Tom Holland
Tom Holland once again says there have been “conversations” about a fourth Spider-Man movie
Tom Holland Photo: Michael Loccisano

At the end of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Tom Holland’s Peter Parker moves into the MCU version of the crappy apartment from Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movies before swinging off for some more adventures in a new (yet traditional) crime-fighting costume. The implication, presumably, was that after a movie with enormous multiversal stakes (and a movie all about him on vacation in Europe), Spider-Man was going to do some more classic Spider-Man things—you know, like webbing up bank robbers, fighting the Rhino, and feuding with an old newspaperman—even if we never actually saw them happen in a movie.

But hey, maybe now we will. In an appearance with the Critics Choice Association (via Collider), Holland recently teased that “we” have been “actively engaging in conversations” about what a fourth Spider-Man movie would “look like.” He wouldn’t go so far as to say that they’re working on turning his series into a quadrilogy, but they’re at least talking about doing it. He also added, to keep everyone’s expectations in check, “whether or not we can find a way to do justice to the character is another thing.”

He explained his reluctance to leap into another one by saying that he’s “very protective” of Spider-Man, saying that he’s “very, very lucky that we were able to work on a franchise that got better with each movie” (he must be talking about something else, because Homecoming is the best one). He says he won’t make another “for the sake of making another one,” but it would have to be “worth the while of the character.”

Over the summer, Holland said that there had been meetings about doing another movie, but with the writer’s strike going on at the time, those meetings had been put on hold. Based on his comments now, it sounds like those talks have either resumed or were serious enough that he considers them still ongoing.


  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Tom has discussed the possibility with many piles of money.

    • boggardlurch-av says:


    • thefilthywhore-av says:

      “Let’s just say the conversation moved me, TO A BIGGER HOUSE!”

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        Please, please, please have Tom make a video where he’s sitting on a pile of cash after signing and goes “Hey. Elon. Wanna guess where all that money Disney saved on Twitter advertising went?”

  • boggardlurch-av says:

    There’s a decent question as to ‘where do they go from here’. The last movie essentially reset his character while also potentially removing a pretty good supporting cast from the roster. They could go back to ‘just plain friendly neighborhood Spider Man”, but that basically just means rebooting the series with the same lead.There are plenty of stories from any of the various comic series, but at this point – why?

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      I figured by the end of the last movie he’d grown from being Spider-”teen” to being Spider-”man”. Sounds like a new trilogy at least.  🙂

    • ghoastie-av says:

      They could make an entire movie about Peter trying to balance being a hero in NYC against never getting recruited for any Avengers-like team ever again, and trying to avoid participating in every single earth-shaking event that transpires… which is approximately one a week, I think?It’s an untenable situation in the longer term, and represents a new stage to Peter’s immaturity. He still wants to have it both ways — use his powers and be a hero, but also be a comparative nobody that isn’t asked to save the world over and over. Big fish in a small pond. Turn in the badge but not the gun. Cheat just enough with powers so that life turns out pretty okay.Given what happened at the end of the previous movie, it’s a classic, extended “refuse the call” stage on the hero’s journey. The twist is that this particular hero already answered the call multiple times, and feels like he’s earned the right to play by his own rules.

      • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

        Dr. Strange, to help repair the multiverse damage he caused, un-does his spell that made everyone forget that Peter is Spider-man. Now everyone knows who he is, and JJJ makes the town hate him. Because of this, MJ breaks up with him out of personal safety, and he loses his job and his apartment.Spider-man: Homeless

    • zirconblue-av says:

      Feige mentioned Spider-Man as one of the “Street-Level” heroes (along with Daredevil), so I assume that the idea is to scale him back to being more NYC-centric.

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    Man they’re dinks for teasing Venom at the end of NWH with no plans of continuing the franchise at that time. So many people assumed it was on the books. On this note can we please have Michael Mando back as the Mac Gungan version of Venom from the comics? Puh-leeease

  • berty2001-av says:

    Considering the way the potential Avenger replacements are performing, there’s no way Marvel let this Spidey go. Same with Sony, they need him to hang all the other Spidey films on. 

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