Tommy Wiseau has set his sights on the WWE

Aux Features Tommy Wiseau

Fans of professional wrestling are probably aware of the current feud brewing between Irish wrestler Becky Lynch and former MMA fighter Ronda Rousey, which is meant to build anticipation for their potential match-up at Wrestlemania 35. But only those fans on Twitter will be aware of the recent, unexpected inclusion of director Tommy Wiseau in this feud. Yesterday, while the two wrestlers traded barbs on social media, Wiseau took the opportunity to volunteer for a role in the WWE organization.

It doesn’t seem like Lynch was intending to offer Wiseau a job but was instead using a photoshopped still from The Disaster Artist to poke fun at Rousey, playing off the oft-repeated “I did not hit her!” line from The Room. But Tommy Wiseau is not one to pass up an opportunity to get in front of a crowd. Also, according to ScreenRant, he’s currently seeking funding for his new big shark movie, appropriately titled Big Shark, so this could be a great bit of publicity for the director.

We’re not sure what the Venn diagram of wrestling fans and fans of The Room looks like, but if we were WWE writers, we’d be hard at work figuring out a way to get Wiseau in the ring, wearing a tuxedo, playing catch with his buddy Mark. Just watch out for Denny’s heel turn.

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  • coolmanguy-av says:

    I’m very confused

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    “You’re tearing me apart, Becky!” ~ Tommy Wiseau, The Ring (2021)

  • jayrig5-av says:

    For what it’s worth I think Becky was making fun of Ronda’s inability to remember her promos

    • endymion42-av says:

      also her awful delivery.

    • ghostiet-av says:

      Rousey is basically the Brock Lesnar of the female division, only she’s not that physically imposing and thus doesn’t even have that going for her with all the constant shilling.

  • qvckiv-av says:

    He’s only a celeb if we treat him like one.Treat him like an oddity quickly examined and then best ignored.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Oh my God just to have Tommy get into the ring at Mania…grab a mic…“Oh hai Mark(s).”

  • thecapn3000-av says:

    “Oh hai, Smarks!”

  • theclassic-av says:

    All this over a meme which FYI is James Franco.

  • endymion42-av says:

    “If we were WWE writers, we’d be hard at work figuring out a way to get Wiseau in the ring” I think by writing this article you’ve worked harder than most of the main roster WWE writers. Most of their top stories now are just a variation on “McMahons screw a popular person over, anti-authority heroics ensue” which works for Becky because they actually set that one up over a few months but all the others are just lazy copy/paste jobs. That, and call up NXT people and do nothing with them but then call up more NXT people and do everything with them.

    • inhuvelyn--av says:

      Don’t forget squandering angles and talent that get over gangbusters like -currently- Elias, formerly Fandango, Daniel Bryan, etc while moon-pushing Roman Reigns through his vacuum of charisma.

      • endymion42-av says:

        Happy Rusev Day buddy! That could have gone on for ages. I went to a live show, Rusev Day was real hot, legitimately. WWE shot it in the head for no reason other than petty jealousy. Joe A’Noi is ok when he’s talking about how much he loves wrestling and Christianity (I’m not being a dick, he really does seem super genuine about those topics and being genuine is something that is lacking in half the wwe promos) but Reigns in the ring and doing WWE scripts? Naaaaahhhh. I miss Fashion Cops as well, the only time Ascension got over.

  • jasonr77-av says:

    If Vince goes for it, he better be prepared for at least an additional hour of show when Tommy goes off script.

  • ozilla-av says:

    “Oh hi Marc Mero.”

  • boggardlurch-av says:

    I know this will be in the wasteland of the grays. I do not care.I know that this is my first ever comment on these boards in the well over a decade I’ve been reading these boards. I do not care.I swear that if Tommy Wiseau is brought in to guest announce for Wrestlemania, I will for the first time ever in my life pay money for a PPV to make sure I see that magic happen live.

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