Triumph The Insult Comic Dog was detained last night by Capitol Police

Robert Smigel and 8 staffers for The Late Show With Stephen Colbert were reportedly arrested at the Capitol Building last night

Aux News Triumph
Triumph The Insult Comic Dog was detained last night by Capitol Police
Triumph The Insult Comic Dog (left), Robert Smigel (right) Photo: Chip Somodevilla

Presenting what we can only assume was a clear misunderstanding operating at the intersection of politics, safety, and entertainment (for us to poop on), comedian Robert Smigel and several other staffers of CBS’s Late Show With Stephen Colbert were reportedly detained last night while filming a Triumph The Insult Comic Dog segment at the U.S. Capitol.

Variety reports that Smigel—who’s voiced and operated the foul-mouthed puppet for the last 25 years, across a number of late-night appearances—and the rest of the crew were detained while they were filming a few final scenes after a day of what’s being reported as authorized shooting at the Capitol for Colbert’s show. CBS has issued a statement about the incident:

On Wednesday, June 15 and Thursday, June 16, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog was on-site at the Capitol with a production team to record interviews for a comedy segment on behalf of The Late Show. Their interviews at the Capitol were authorized and pre-arranged through Congressional aides of the members interviewed. After leaving the members’ offices on their last interview of the day, the production team stayed to film stand-ups and other final comedy elements in the halls when they were detained by Capitol Police.

Security at the Capitol Building has been significantly heightened for the last, let’s say, 527 or so days. According to Fox News’ Chad Pergram, nine staffers on the show, including Smigel, were apparently arrested for unlawful entry and released overnight last night after a complaint was made about their presence. They were reportedly seen filming near the offices of California’s Kevin McCarthy and Colorado’s Lauren Boebert, about whom we’re sure Triumph would have nothing but cordial things to say.

Capitol Police claim they had previously asked the crew to leave the Capitol earlier in the day; CBS contends the comedians had authorization to be present.


  • henchman4hire-av says:

    It’s good to see Triumph is still getting work. 

  • mavar-av says:

    Conservatives are already taking the opportunity to make it a false equivalence to Jan 6th.

  • gabrielstrasburg-av says:

    The magats on twitter are going nuts over this. Pretty hilarious.
    And you know it was that moron/prostitute/serial abortionist bobert who called the capitol police on them.

  • necgray-av says:

    I think Jay Johnston is free if they need someone to finish their sketches.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    Capitol goons just mad because they can’t figure out whose hand was up Trump’s ass for four years.They all wanted to be That Guy.

  • nurser-av says:

    McCarthy and Boebert. Smells of old frozen fish in the microwave, while getting a perm, with a baby diaper simmering in the trash can. What did they think a film crew with a puppet was going to do in the Capitol building? Tell some truths? 

  • misterpiggins-av says:

    Capitol Police: AY! You can’t be here! This space is reserved for people who want to hang Mike Pence and/or kill members of the Capitol Police!  Now, unless you want to bludgeon me with an American flag right now, I’m gonna have to take you in!

  • wordsmanifest-av says:

    did he tell a Jedi cop to live long and prosper

  • yamistillhere-av says:

    This is the weirdest timeline. You could tell me Stick Stickley was accused of treason and I’d believe you. 

  • send-in-the-drones-av says:

    “This is a no-smoking area,” probably.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Ain’t no rules says a dog puppet can’t insurrect the Capitol

  • qwedswa-av says:

    Only Trump’s puppets are allowed.

  • saddadstheband-av says:

    It is a shame Triumph is wasted doing bits on Colbert. He was a way better match on Conan.

  • cannabuzz-av says:

    Detaining a dog? Man, that’s ruff.

  • ugmo57-av says:

    Ya can’t have Triupmph without Trump, cuz there’s no I in team or something…

  • starvenger88-av says:

    And the complainant? This guy (sock)

  • mdiller64-av says:

    I’m guessing the official seal for the Capitol Police includes a Latin phrase that, translated, reads: “Too Little, Too Late.”

    • dirtside-av says:

      Quoque paulo nimium sero sayeth Google Translate.My personal motto is talis erat cum huc adveni (it was like that when I got here).

      • mdiller64-av says:

        Personally, I live by the motto: Amabo te adiuvare, sed occupatus sum illo die (I’d love to help you, but I’m busy that day).

        • dr-darke-av says:

          It is Google Translate, or did y’all learn how to Latin in college…?Maybe I should’ve taken out some student loans to stay at Loyola after all.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      Sidenote, but I read that the Uvalde, Texas police are changing their motto. Rather than their old motto, “To Evade and Obstruct,” it’ll be “To Evade, Then Obstruct.” For clarity.

  • jodyjm13-av says:

    They were reportedly seen filming near the offices of California’s Kevin McCarthy and Colorado’s Lauren BoebertWell, there you go. Liberals need to remember that conservatives such as those two are special snowflakes who are easily triggered.

  • cmfeyr-av says:

    The Capitol Police are the only police I will excuse for being extra jumpy.  But if they had the correct authorization they should not be asked to leave or detained because some Trumptard bitches got their panties in a wad.

    • jhelterskelter-av says:

      I understand them being jumpy, what I don’t understand is how a team of comedy writers is facing more immediate consequences than domestic terrorists looking to murder elected officials.If you told me that Robert Smigel filming a comedy segment and a Jan 6 rioter trying to stage a coup both got in hot water for their actions in the Capitol and only one of them was arrested the day of…yeah it’d be nice if it was the latter.

      • phonypope-av says:

        I mean, I’m not sure that “arrested the day of” is really a relevant legal metric here. Believe me, I would have loved to see every asshole who stormed the capitol on Jan. 6th dragged out in chains and thrown into a dungeon that same night, but that wasn’t practical in any way.Fortunately, nearly all of those people were stupid enough to post their crimes online, giving the FBI/DoJ/etc. a surplus of evidence. It’s taking them a long time for that surplus to work its way through the court system, but so far they’re doing a good job holding those dickheads to account.

      • send-in-the-drones-av says:

        Numbers, mostly, and the general disposition to not turn the Capitol building into a bloodbath. Same reason they don’t arrest a mass of looters but do go after shoplifters. I’m not sure what went wrong, but someone is getting fired. The producer would have known about the need for an escort as would the staffers of the people they were supposed to meet. Either a staffer turned them loose or the producer slipped the leash.

      • dirk-steele-av says:

        It’s because Smigel was saying things the police disagree with

  • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

    So police suddenly care about people threatening to poop on the Capitol?

  • idksomeguy-av says:

    Think they’ll be held in solitary confinement for a year and a half without due process?

  • bembrob-av says:

    Triumph 2024!If Trump runs again, this would be the funniest, most confusing race for at least 60% of Trump’s base, especially if Triumph runs on the GOP ticket.

  • gayrockstar-av says:

    Looking forward to the epic rant Triumph will do on this. Smigel was handed a gift on top of an already juicy segment.

  • phonypope-av says:

    of what’s being reported as authorized shooting at the Capitol for Colbert’s showI think you might want to rephrase that…

  • mesocosmic-av says:

    Mark Twain once said “Show me someone who knows what’s funny, and I’ll show you someone who knows what isn’t.”

    Comedy show or no comedy show, this sounds like some fascisty bullshit up in here. 

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:
  • jdj83061-av says:

    I love Colbert. I love Triumph. But this was an unforced error.Triumph is supposed to go to spectacles that he can deflate: campaign rallies, national conventions, movie premieres, awards shows, etc. But these hearings are a rare example of Congress doing what it’s supposed to do. It’s not the place to go looking for cheap laughs. And yes it’s stupid that people on the right are comparing it to the insurrection, but OF COURSE they were going to do that. We don’t need to give them any more ammunition for them to distract from what the hearing is supposed to accomplish.This was a terrible idea. I hope Colbert’s show survives this. 

    • ryan-buck-av says:

      “It’s not the place to go looking for cheap laughs.”Then why is it full of clowns?

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      But this was an unforced error.

      This was a terrible idea.

      I hope Colbert’s show survives this.

      The Late Show and Colbert will be just fine.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    I hope Boebert or McCarthy unironically played the Jan 6th card when calling the Capitol Police to report this LOL. On a related note, if that’s what happened, that had to be SO galling for Capitol Police to respond to a call from those two who have blown off again and again what happened to them on Jan 6th.

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    According to Fox News’ Chad Pergramoh I bet Fox News and the Cult 45ers are taking a long, slow victory lap over this one. Probably watching and rewatching the video of that arrest like the Zapruder film LOL.  The kings of moving the goalposts strike again.

  • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

    How “ballsy” on the cops’ part…..

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “I have a right to be here . . . with my little dog puppet!”

  • goldenb-av says:

    Apparently, someone felt threatened by the “woke dog puppet” outside their office.

  • bartcow-av says:

    I try not to post this on every article about Triumph, but this thread seemed like it could use something uplifting, and goddammit, I’m just so proud I have it:

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