Trust remains a major obstacle for Kate on Batwoman

TV Reviews Recap
Trust remains a major obstacle for Kate on Batwoman

Photo: Michael Courtney

Loneliness is Kate Kane’s most frequent emotional state. She’s felt it since she returned from her training, before she even took on the mantle of Batwoman. And she’s feeling it tenfold now that she is the vigilante. Kate’s touched on it before, especially when she had to stop seeing Reagan, but it seems like it’s just catching up to her more in “Tell Me The Truth.” The need to connect with someone almost costs Kate her secret identity this episode.

To Kate, the idea of revealing herself to someone she cares about is terrifying because it might put them in danger; it’s how Batman operated. Her romantic life may now be nonexistent, but the turmoil she feels about opening up presents an even bigger challenge. She cut ties with a woman she liked as just one more sacrifice in the life of Batwoman. Her conflicting feelings for Sophie don’t help her make the right decisions, either. It’s not just in her love life; Kate chooses to distance herself from Mary, who is really suffering from their growing divide and their parents’ impending divorce.

As much as Kate quips about loneliness and lets her feelings guide her at the beginning of this episode, it all ends up being about trust.
As Alfred’s daughter, Julia Pennyworth, gets ready to leave, she gives very sound advice to Kate. “When you don’t trust anyone, it means you can disappear for four years without a single person on the planet having any idea where you are,” she tells Kate, referring to Batman. “Call me sentimental, but I don’t think that’s a good thing.” Julia has a point: Bruce’s lifestyle isn’t a healthy thing to emulate, and maybe it took an old flame friend to get it into Kate’s mind. But it seems to click for her in the last few moments of the episode.

The expanded look at Sophie and Kate’s time at the academy is welcome, but it doesn’t do much absolve Sophie for her actions in the present. In past episodes, Sophie basically won’t leave Kate alone even she’s the one that’s in a committed relationship. She even inserts herself as Mary’s private security to get current intel on Kate. She is very close-minded and has a selfish way of thinking once she’s made a decision. But it is a bit sad to watch Sophie struggle, and hear why she might be reluctant to give into her feelings for Kate. Sophie’s internalized homophobia and shame are on full display, and it’s a stark contrast to Kate. Back in Episode 4, “Who are you?” Kate clearly expresses how she doesn’t like to hide any part of herself. She didn’t do it with her sexuality, and it’s a weird change to have to do it now as Batwoman. The two ex-lovers sit in stark contrast to each other during their dinner at Alessandro’s.

Jacob and Sophie finally get a moment that shows why they’re so close in the present, which puts things more into perspective. It also makes it a little harder to fault Sophie for all of her issues with shame. She comes from a family that made her close off a part of herself so completely that she’s still facing repercussions today. She also didn’t have the privileges Kate had when it came to job prospects and a future if she got kicked out of the military academy. So it was a tricky situation, but her teetering back and forth between Kate in the present is definitely a choice that could have been avoided.

On the topic of shame and embracing who you are, it’s refreshing to see how the show portrays Kate’s queerness. On Batwoman, Kate is a superhero who happens to be a lesbian, but her sexuality isn’t a constant talking point or plot device. Instead, it’s just who she is. It’s normalized and isn’t a big issue, just like the heterosexual characters in the Arrowverse. As I said in the very beginning, I wasn’t too worried about how they would write her, because The CW DC shows have often done an excellent job with queer characters. But, of course, queer folks receive a lot more backlash than hetero ones in the real world. This episode, in particular, does a great job of showing how bigoted folks might view Kate, even if she is proud of her identity—and she handled it like the pro she is.

But, back to Sophie and Kate. They (thank goodness!) seemed to find closure at the end. It was very predictable that Kate was the one to initiate it and set boundaries between the two of them, but it does look like Sophie will respect that moving forward. The moment when Sophie gave Kate her shooting award back was especially sweet. Kate breaks down because she can see Sophie does genuinely still care for her, but also recognizes what her ex lost at the academy.

“Tell Me The Truth” is one of the few episodes of Batwoman’s that’s been able to stand on its own without Alice, who had a small role again this week. She’s now teamed up full-time with Mouse, and the leadership role suits her perfectly. The way Alice strings along The Riffle is very much like her, but it’s hard to make out who he works for. Whoever it is, she’s a threat to Alice, who won’t even listen to her name. Whatever’s going down over the next few episodes, the Mad Tea Party is coming, and it sounds sinister.

Stray Observations

  • Thanks for tuning in this week to: “Where’s Mary’s Love At?” All jokes aside, it does seem like Kate opens up to her at the end, and hopefully, Julia’s words stick with her. God bless Mary for all her patience with Kate, though. That’s some real sister stuff right there.
  • I don’t know why I didn’t realize Kate hated Catherine after everything, but her disdain surprised me. Again, it makes sense, but she also cast that situation aside pretty fast. It was just an interesting reaction to her father’s divorce news.
  • When Luke asked Kate, “Can you trust Sophie?” it’s almost like the entire world collectively screamed, “NO!” with how obvious the answer is. Nowhere has Sophie proven she can be trusted. In fact, she’s shown the opposite. Yet Kate wants to try. There really is truth to the whole, “blinded by love” adage.
  • Julia Pennyworth and Kate worked together a lot more in the comics, so fingers crossed she makes a return because her energy was much-welcomed this episode. Plus, she can go head-to-head with Kate as an equal, which was fun to watch.
  • We’ve gone over how flawed Sophie is, but this episode showed just how much of an impeccable liar she is to boot. With the way her husband, Tyler, hugged her at the end, maybe he doesn’t trust her anymore either. Or perhaps he’s hiding something, too.
  • I did not predict Mouse taking the role of Jacob the whole episode, but as soon as you see Jacob hasn’t been in the city this whole time, it was definitely an “Oh shit!” moment. Everyone is a suspect moving forward.
  • Fingers crossed that there’s a GIF somewhere of Luke when it clicks that Kate and Julia “Know each other, know each other”
  • Shoutout to Kate, kicking ass without her Batsuit.
  • “Kate Kane: Gay Bar Owner” has a fabulous ring to it.


  • kris1066-av says:

    – Julia was Kate’s girlfriend? I didn’t see that coming.
    – When your ex is friends with all of your friends.
    – Julia feels like Kate’s Catwoman. A love interest frenemy.
    – I get Sophie’s POV. I understand all of her decisions, and on a certain level I agree with them. I still need her gone. The actress just doesn’t seem to have chemistry with anybody.
    – I suspected Jacob would forgive her.
    – Okay, I really need to hear why Kate was there.
    – That looked like it hurt.
    – Soooo…they just completely abandoned looking for the assassin because the caught Batwoman?
    – It’s amazing how she can’t catch an armored car on a motorcycle.
    – Ah, Kate’s marksmanship was a Chekov’s Gun.
    – DAMN IT. I didn’t catch the name of the woman that the assassin was working for.
    – I would like Julia to come back on a more permanent basis.
    – Kate & Mary are finally doing some bonding.

    • deathmaster780-av says:

      Soofiyah was the Bosses name.

    • suckabee-av says:

      One of Kate’s exes in the comics was a crime boss named Safiyah, and she was based in the Mediterranean, where the Rifle is said to be going. That arc also involved a terrorist group called the Many Arms of Death, whose members were all named after weapons. Scarecrow went by ‘the Needle’ when he worked with them.

      • firedragon400-av says:

        Oh, goodie. Another ex for Kate. Because there haven’t been enough of them in the show yet. 

        • agentz-av says:

          There’s a grand total of three. 

          • firedragon400-av says:

            Outside of Magpie (who I wouldn’t put it past the writers to upgrade her in later seasons) literally every named woman on the show is either one of Kate’s lovers or her relative. 

    • amaltheaelanor-av says:

      Imo, the actor playing Sophie isn’t bad, she just has the most thankless role. Something that really none of the Arrowverse actors have been able to salvage in the past.(Excepting, of course, my feelings about Katie Cassidy about Laurel, which I know I’m in the minority about; which isn’t to say I think Cassidy and Amell had chemistry and should’ve gotten together, but rather to say I personally like Laurel as she was written and performed in first season.)

      • onslaught1-av says:

        Laurel was always good. It was the online insanity of the Olicity shippers whose voices where loudest. To be fair felicity did steal the show for 2 seasons and her chemistry with Oliver/Amell was undeniably better.I’m not even a big k Cassidy fan but she got alot of shit on Arrow for no reason . I thought her first two seasons where very strong. Even the annoying spiral storyline in s2.

    • firedragon400-av says:

      “- Soooo…they just completely abandoned looking for the assassin because the caught Batwoman?”I mean, that’s SOP for any police-like unit in Gotham so… 

    • onslaught1-av says:

      I think that’s the problem with Sophie. A better actress would do better with the material to make us sympathetic with her. Instead she just comes of as callous  weak and flip floppy

  • shlincoln-av says:

    Sophie: the worstSophie’s husband: the worstJulia: pretty goodMary: the best.Giving Alice a secret big bad sponsor is a good idea because the show is going to need a villain to sustain it when Alice inevitably gets sent to Arkham.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      Yeah I am intrigued to know more about Alice’s evil lady nemesis, that has to be a good story.Julia had better recur, having her arrive & depart in the same episode is way too rushed.There were probably other things that I cared about in this episode, but Kate & Mary bonding as sisters at the end was all I wanted and mostly what I remember & hopefully there is no backsliding with that. I really want her to join Team Batwoman which seems like the obvious next step, especially since she has to be like one small step away from figuring it all out, especially after seeing Kate, Luke, & Julia about the enter the “panic room” at Wayne Industries … after midnight … for their real estate firm that at that point had no clients 

      • amaltheaelanor-av says:

        Julia was also just so fun in her handful of scenes. They should definitely bring her back.

        • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

          Julia reminds me of when Oliver’s ex Sara turned up on s2 of Arrow having somehow become a costumed crime-fighter as well 

          • amaltheaelanor-av says:

            I also liked that she knew right away Batwoman was Kate.

          • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

            I also loved that Julia and Luke are BFFs and how that wrong-footed Kate and left her unexpectedly as the 3rd wheel in the Batcave 

      • wastrel7-av says:

        It’s possible Mary will realise the ‘panic room’ is actually the Batcave, and that that’s why her weirdly-distracted rich sister is sneaking into a “panic room” after midnight with her two young, attractive “assistants”, one of whom Mary has never seen before (and who is smirking) and neither of whom have any apparent work to be doing……but I think she’s probably just assuming Kate has drug-fuelled orgies late at night. I mean, she wouldn’t judge, but that’s just the sensible thing to assume right now…

    • weedlord420-av says:

      Sophie’s husband (Tyler? Can’t remember…) isn’t great but frankly I feel too bad for him being the 3rd wheel on this forced love triangle to call him the worst. 

      • shlincoln-av says:

        His reaction to finding out Sophie had what Scott Pilgrim would call a sexy phase was…not great.

        • firedragon400-av says:

          I mean, she DID lie to him multiple times, and he seems to be a pretty straight-laced guy. 

        • almightyajax-av says:

          A romantic history with the daughter of the man who employs both of us in his private security organization is the kind of thing I would prefer my wife to share with me pretty early on in the relationship, even if nobody expects to see her (the daughter) again. At minimum, it might make me decide it’d be better to start looking at the want ads, so at least one of us has a job if the boss decides to uncomplicate his working environment down the road.

        • weedlord420-av says:

          I mean no matter how accepting you are “oh I’m bi and the boss’s daughter who I never talk about was my ex” is a helluva bombshell to drop out of nowhere. Especially when as previously noted, Sophie deliberately lied about never being in school with Kate at all. Time will tell, maybe he is a total d-bag, but a relationship is built on trust and the dude just found out Sophie’s been sitting on some big lies for the entirety of their relationship.

          • wastrel7-av says:

            To expand:- his wife never told him she was bisexual
            – his wife never told him she’d actually been in love with a woman
            – his wife never told him she’d been in a steady relationship with a woman for three years, the most serious relationship either he or she has ever had other than their marriage
            – his wife never told him that she was forced to end her most serious relationship because of her traumatising experience of state-sanctioned homophobia
            – his wife never told him that she ONLY ended that relationship because she was forced to
            – his wife never told him that woman she loved is someone she still meets on a regular basis
            – his wife never told him that she still has feelings for the woman she regularly meets
            – his wife never told him that this woman is obviously still in love with her too
            – his wife never told him that this woman is also the daughter of his boss
            – his wife did not only not mention that she knew this woman, but actively lied to him about all of it
            – his wife is also apparently concealing information about the identity of, and her conversations with, the city’s second-most-wanted insane costumed weirdo (and is also possibly concealing information about the identity of the MOST wanted insane costumed weirdo? I don’t remember who knows about Beth), and continues to lie to him about it even though it’s really obvious she’s lying.Let’s not pretend that his unsympathetic reaction is all about the first item on this list! That list is a LOT to process in one conversation…Frankly, their relationship is bizarre right now. We’ve not been given any indication of why Sophie ever married whatever-his-name-is in the first place. All we see of their relationship is her lying to him, her not trusting him, and her stalking an alternative love interest. There doesn’t seem to be any sort of… well, love, or trust, or affection, or even just plain the level of familiarity you’d expect from people who chose to get married to one another (AND who work together every day). It doesn’t feel like this ‘one’ secret is tearing apart a relationship – it feels like these are two people who only just met and know literally nothing about each other… if the show actually wants us to care about this love-tangle, they really need to treat it as important and show us some reason to care…

          • shlincoln-av says:

            The thing is, the immediate vibe I got from him when Sophie told him about her relationship was one of revulsion, not anger. He turned it around after that, but going “ew ick” is a pretty terrible reaction. Or i just completely misread what the dude was going for in the scene, which is also not outside the realm of possibility.

          • collex-av says:

            Yeah, him calling Kate “a chick” rubbed me the wrong way a little, and I don’t think his “this was longer than my other relationship so you should have told me” was a good argument – your partner does not necessarily owe you a detailed history of all her past relationships, especially of one that ended well before she met you and was with someone who, until about a month ago, wasn’t even on the same continent, no matter how long that relationship was.That said, when I think about it a little more, I can’t really fault him for not reacting in the best way possible in heat of the moment. Even if he’s not homophobic, chances are the guy was still raised in a very heteronormative way, so learning his wife is bi would throw him off balance and make his lizard brain go “that’s weird and icky” for a fraction of a second. I think the fact he turns it around says more about the guy’s character than his initial on-the-spot reaction to having his wife drop a bombshell in his lap.

    • onslaught1-av says:

      What did Sophie’s husband do wrong? He’s not even a character at this point. Also I liked Julia but she got that guy killed at the beginning and no one has called her on it including In the show.

    • simonc1138-av says:

      I still think the show is moving too fast by not having Alice as the main villain for at least season 1. They really just blew past that in the first handful of episodes.

  • deathmaster780-av says:

    Yeah it’s still a bit hard to sympathize with Sophie, especially now that they’re laying down even more of the foundation for her and Kate to get together. Poor Tyler, he’s getting screwed no matter happens in the end.
    I’m glad they at least showed Kate trying to be friendly with Mary because it was really starting to seem that Mary’s feelings about her and Kate were true. They do seem to be true about Kathrine though since there’s still been no fallout between Kathrine and Kate over Kathrine’s betrayal.I have almost nothing to say about Julia or The Rifle other than their plan to throw Sophie off the trail was kind of dumb because if you were going to do that it shouldn’t have been in the middle of the bad guys lair. Also that I guess they’re giving Beth the Island backstory instead of Kate.

    • wastrel7-av says:

      Speaking about fallout, could somebody on the show PLEASE address the fact that Catherine perpetrated a terrorist bombing in the middle of a crowded American city. Instead, the only focus is on ‘oh no, she lied to me!’ – yes, AND ALSO is one of America’s most-wanted terrorists now! She bombed a public bridge!

  • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

    I don’t know why I didn’t realize Kate hated Catherine after everything, but her disdain surprised me. Again, it makes sense, but she also cast that situation aside pretty fast. It was just an interesting reaction to her father’s divorce news.She’s barely even familial to Mary, and Mary is the human embodiment of goodness and joy. Catherine is…not that, and awkwardly a name thief to boot.-Putting a gay bar across the street from the ‘phobe’s restaurant = LEGEND. And now I want the Legends to cross over and get in a fight there.-The obvious comparison for this ep is the early Supergirl episode where Kara has J’onn morph into Supergirl to convince Cat Grant Kara + SG are two different people. But I panned the living hell out of that episode and liked this one. I think the difference is that Cat Grant was a mentor and sympathetic figure, whereas Jacob has mostly been the dingus who wouldn’t believe Alice was his daughter.-Speaking of Jacob…what the fuck, man? Hell of a secret to keep, having talked to Sophie behind Kate’s back.-Sophie kept Jacob’s involvement to herself, presumably to protect Kate from it. Was probably necessary to make Sophie more sympathetic.ETA: how much of Jacob was secretly Mouse? Does he now think Sophie knows about Kate being Batwoman?

    • shlincoln-av says:

      Intellectually I knew it was Julia, but I was really hoping it was Kara wearing the suit.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      Diggle impersonating the Hood in Arrow s1 was also a key part of Oliver’s protecting his secret identity. This really is a classic ArrowVerse move

      • dascoser1-av says:

        Classic comics in general. Hell, Superman once had JFK disguised as Clark so that they could appear together (in an issue that ended up coming out in late 1963).

    • salviati-av says:

      Plus, this is a classic Batman gambit right? Get someone else to pretend to be Batman, while you’re out there making yourself an alibi. I think in an episode of BTAS it was actually Alfred he got to put on the Bat suit as well…

      • greghyatt-av says:

        Dick Grayson, if were thinking of the same episode. The one with Hugo Strange auctioning off Batman’s identity? Dick wears a padded Batsuit and lifts.

        • salviati-av says:

          Yeah, I believe that’s the one I was thinking of, and it probably was Dick Grayson after all. 

          • davidcgc-av says:

            There was a running joke they used a few times where when Alfred found someone new in the Batcave, he’d sheepishly admit that they’d discovered the secret of Wayne Manor; Alfred Pennyworth is, indeed, Batman.

        • optimusrex84-av says:

          Nope, Dick was disguised as Bruce Wayne.

          • salviati-av says:

            I was just going to post an update to reflect that. I suppose in hindsight, it’s more fuel for the “Batman is the real person, Bruce Wayne is the disguise” fire…

    • firedragon400-av says:

      The only scene we got this episode of Real!Jacob was at the end when he was driving back from his lead (well, the flashback too). Everything else was Mouse. 

    • onslaught1-av says:

      This hide the Identity attempt was much worse than the one on Supergirl. Why was Kate in that building?Jacob is not my fav character but his denial of Alice at first was completely understandable as was his talk with Sophie. 

    • kirkschuman-av says:

      But I panned the living hell out of that episode and liked this one.I was holding out hope that it was going to be Christopher Chance, aka The Human Target from Arrow and the short lived Fox TV show

    • simonc1138-av says:

      The only thing that bugged me about the secret identity fake out is that it came to a head in an episode where Kate conveniently had someone visiting from out of town.

  • weedlord420-av says:

    Sophie status: Still The Worst.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      At least Kate & Sophie broke up in this episode. Well not ‘broke up’ broke up since they weren’t together … you know what I mean. That was a very positive development for Batwoman the show & Batwoman the character. I also was oddly touched that Alice killed a bunch of rando scientists & screwed over the lady crime boss of Gotham to protect Kate. It is incredibly disturbing but also sweet which is like Alice’s whole thing! 

      • amaltheaelanor-av says:

        I worry that the writers still want us to hold out hope for Sophie and Kate to get back together.Because if not, I’m uncertain what role Sophie plays on the show.

        • deathmaster780-av says:

          I’d say as the second in command of the Crows but the Crows feel like something that may not be around that long.

        • baggythepanther8709-av says:

          I worry that the writers still want us to hold out hope for Sophie and Kate to get back together.Because if not, I’m uncertain what role Sophie plays on the show.You say that as if Arrowverse writers haven’t figured out a way to keep failed love interests around. I don’t care about Kate/Sophie one way or the other, I’m just tired of the first season Black love interest getting shit characterization, then shoved aside because they’re not well liked. I’m going to need the writers to do better with Sophie because right now it almost seems like they are purposely making her unlikable by doing the opposite of what’s in Kate’s interests.

          • amaltheaelanor-av says:

            I would be thrilled if they found something else for Sophie to do on the show. Just comparing to other Arrowverse shows:
            Laurel made the transition, helped in large part by the fact that she was always going to become Black Canary regardless of whether or not she was with Oliver.James never really had much of a place on the show after he and Kara ended, no matter the diligent attempts to try to make him fit in other roles.Iris and Barry got married, and it’s worked out okay, but she’s still too defined by the relationship. If they ever broke up, I don’t see there really being a place for her on the show.Luke is clearly Team Batwoman, and I suspect Mary will serve the other half of the pair (like Diggle/Felicity, Cisco/Caitlin, Alex/Winn). Jacob is the parental figure. Catherine’s the enigmatic wild card. Alice the First Season Nemesis. If Sophie isn’t Object of Desire…maybe if she joined the team as a fellow vigilante somewhere down the line? (Kind of like how characters like Thea and Laurel transitioned into the team later in the series). But they would need to introduce a more permanent love interest, and make it firmly clear it’s over between her and Kate (like they did with Oliver/Laurel at the beginning of season two).

          • baggythepanther8709-av says:

            Iris and Barry are married, WestAllen isn’t going anywhere. I have lots of thoughts about Iris’s place on The Flash but I’m not going to bore you.I think she’d just end up joining the team, and if Jacob stays in the dark awhile she’d run interference with the Crows.I heard Mary is going to suit up at some point (not this season). Might be a rumor.

          • amaltheaelanor-av says:

            I have a lot of thoughts on this too, but I’d love to hear yours if you’re interested in sharing.

      • weedlord420-av says:

        I don’t know, maybe I’m just too jaded to CW writing, but I can’t help but think this isn’t the last we’ve seen of Kate/Sophie will-they-won’t-they crap, even if they said they’re through. 

        • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

          I’m sure that we have not seen the last of Kate-Sophie being a thing but at least we are punting on it for a while & I will take that for now

        • almightyajax-av says:

          There are still so many precipices for her to be dangled over while a bunch of tied-up schoolchildren nervously watch a timer tick down and a villain snarls “Choose!” at Batwoman.  No way we are spending that nickel already. 

      • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

        I’m still confused about what Alice did to the gun so it didn’t kill Julia.

        • shlincoln-av says:

          She removed the florb capacitor before handing it over to The Rifle. So the gun wasn’t operating at full power.

        • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

          Alice took the juice out of the gun so that it lost its penetrative powers … wait that sounds dirty. I think it is right though

      • rtozier2011-av says:

        Personally I think Kate would have a much better time dating Alex from Supergirl. See Chyler Leigh’s Instagram, for example. Perhaps COIE can result in a heart-to-heart about lost sisters after the period in COIE when Kara and Barry I’m assuming from comics aand Elseworlds temporarily die, which after they come back will turn into a bonding conversation about unexpectedly returning sisters.Would give Kate someone to date who’s available and not a jerk, plus still has the personal experience of regular crime fighting, and gives the 2 shows a further reason to have own crossover. 

  • car-ell-av says:

    Julia needs to be become a regular and she needs to become a regular immediately. 

  • vilebrackenz-av says:

    Imagine if your job was to recap the worst show on television?! Don’t worry. It’ll be canceled soon. 

    • firedragon400-av says:

      Obviously, streaming numbers may tell a different story, but as far as Nielsen ratings go, Batwoman’s been the 2nd-best performer on the network behind The Flash.Granted, ratings across the board have dropped heavily from last year, so it’s a bit of damned faint praise, but it’s still true. 

      • deathmaster780-av says:

        Also it’s already been renewed for season 2.

        • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

          I don’t think any of the ArrowVerse shows have officially been renewed for next season yet but given how Batwoman has solidified the Sunday night ratings for them it is a very safe bet 

    • notanothermurrayslaughter-av says:

      Worst show? Oh, it’s not a recap of Nancy Drew.

      • donboy2-av says:

        I actually added ND to my list of shows, and then removed it once I realized that yes, there are real non-Scooby-Doo ghosts involved.

    • hornacek37-av says:

      If you think that Batwoman is the worst show on television, I’m assuming you only watch 2-3 shows.  Or you just started watching TV with this show.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    Fighting before teaming up is such an annoying trope. Kate & Julia let the Rifle escape for no reason!I like how chummy Luke & Julia are.Sofia Falcone is foreshadowed.Mouse would be more believable if he had Clayface powers instead of False Face masks.Flipping the truck carrying wounded Julia was a terrible way to rescue her. Kate probably would’ve killed her in reality.This show is going to need some quality recurring supervillains besides Alice.I’m going to recommend Professor Pyg, especially if they can get Michael Cerveris to reprise him.

  • amaltheaelanor-av says:

    For the love of Beebo, will someone in the Hamilton-Kane clan PLEASE give Mary the respect she deserves. The way everyone’s always blows her off distresses me greatly, as she clearly deserves so much better.I am so, so glad they finally gave some context for Sophie’s decisions. Basically hiding her relationship with Kate from everyone (my guess is she probably didn’t know she even might be gay/bi until they met) makes a lot more sense.But then she went and told Jacob anyway. Yeah, Sophie is the worst.They really have done a great job with casting on this show. Tonight I was thinking that Camrus Johnson is so natural as Luke, it feels like he’s been playing it a lot longer than six episodes.My one beef is that I’m not entirely clear on how long Mouse was pretending to be Jacob. I can only surmise it must’ve been throughout the whole episode based off the promo for next week.

    • firedragon400-av says:

      He was. The only time we saw Real!Jacob was when he was in the car (and the flashback, obviously). 

    • agentz-av says:

      But then she went and told Jacob anyway. Yeah, Sophie is the worst.She told Jacob because his daughter was in danger. And it wasn’t even the real Jacob anyway.

  • darthwill3-av says:

    So Jacob has been a hostage all this time throughout the episode, and Mouse played Sophie like a fiddle. Which means Jacob still doesn’t know that what her daughter’s up to. Makes me wonder if Alice will be the one to do the reprise of “Prince Ali” for her dad. A brilliant way to twist the knife, wouldn’t you say?

  • ihopeicanchangethislater-av says:

    Julia instantly establishes herself as a much more captivating love interest for Kate than Sophie will ever be, and yet Sophie gets 83% of this episode and probably many more to come.

  • firedragon400-av says:

    – So, I haven’t been watching this live due to Sunday Night Football and finally caught up earlier this week. So far, I have to say that CW needs to hire some new people to make their promos because their trailers for this show were freaking awful, but the show itself is so much better. I need a bit of a break from Beth/Alice, but overall I’m quite enjoying it.- I recognize Tyler’s actor from somewhere, but I can’t remember where.- Part of me is sad that the show didn’t try and get Alicia Silverstone to play Julia. – Question: What happens to Kate’s lipstick when she takes off her mask?- I get why they did it, but it bugs me that Julia name-dropped Metropolis instead of another DC city, since Crisis still hasn’t happened yet. – So…is there going to be a woman on this show who isn’t one of Kate’s relatives or a former lover?- I know Twitter-verse is probably all about Kate and Sophie 69-ing each other 24/7, but I honestly feel bad for Tyler. – I am so happy that Jacob is finding out Kate is Batwoman so early on instead of dragging it out for multiple seasons. – The army dude who took away Kate’s medal sounds so familiar, but I can’t place him either.- …And he goes back to not knowing due to body doubles. Argh. – While I like the plotting in this show, the fight choreography is nowhere near as good as Arrow’s. – So… is Sophie not gonna ask why Kate was at the building with the sniper? And what happened to the other Crows who went in with Sophie?- Mary doesn’t deserve all the shit she’s been getting. The show needs to hurry up and make her Kate’s Leslie Thompkins.

    • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

      I am so happy that Jacob is finding out Kate is Batwoman so early on instead of dragging it out for multiple seasons.Except he didn’t because that wasn’t Jacob. And that’s before the Julia disguise gambit.

    • onslaught1-av says:

      Kates lipstick is like Olivers grease paint years.

    • rtozier2011-av says:

      The administrator played Tim Addis in 4 episodes of iZombie, among other roles. Tyler played Frederick in Season 1 of Once Upon A Time and was also in the 100 after I stopped watching it, as ‘Marcus Kane II’ who from his name I assume was related to Desmond’s character.

    • davidcgc-av says:

      – I get why they did it, but it bugs me that Julia name-dropped Metropolis instead of another DC city, since Crisis still hasn’t happened yet.There’s still a Metropolis on that Earth, even if there isn’t a cape working there (unless there is, just not the cape). No, I’m far more curious about the Gotham, complete with Batman, on Supergirl’s Earth, which I believe is the only duplicated superhero between Supergirl and the rest of the Arrowverse (and not even that, now, since Supergirl’s Batman never disappeared).

  • jeffreyyourpizzaisready-av says:

    I’m so done with Sophie.  Ugh.  She’s the worst.

  • onslaught1-av says:

    Her introduction was cool but Julia getting in Kate’s way got that guy killed. Also Sophie sees Kate in the same place as Batwoman then knows she broke her out but has no further questions. Alice remains the MVP and mouse has already rocketed up the list just behind Mary.

  • avcham-av says:

    So, the supergun was sabotaged so that it wouldn’t kill “Batwoman” and Julia lives to be a recurring character. Fine, except that that fall out of a fourth-story window onto concrete probably should have finished her off.

  • tomkbaltimore-av says:

    I guess I was hoping to see the show acknowledge that Sophie might be bi, and actually have an honest relationship with her husband, which would have been equally refreshing to depict.  

  • Axetwin-av says:

    A few random thoughts.I was disappointed that the fight between Julia and Kate was directly responsible for getting someone killed, and neither character seemed to care. Especially Kate, since she was there to protect the guy.Kate’s “they’ll never kick us out, we’ll be ok” attitude while facing expulsion at Point Rock, is that naivety or is it privilege? I want to lean more towards being naive since she grew up with a fairly open minded father who had enough clout to protect her from people who weren’t so open minded.Last week I was super frustrated because of how everyone kept dumping on Sophie for “breaking Kate’s heart”. I personally though it was extremely unfair. Young love rarely lasts, and I’m of the opinion it’s unfair to ask someone to chose you over their budding career. HOWEVER, this week put that heart break into a new context, and it’s one I can’t really defend. It puts Kate’s heartbreak into better focus, and paints her as more than just someone who never got over a old break up.I’m wondering of Bruce’s disappearance is going to play into the upcoming Crisis. I’m avoid all articles pertaining to the Crisis as best as I can. Obviously, I can’t ignore the super spoilerly headlines i09 LOVES to do, but if I’m right here, please don’t respond with “yeah, he was confirmed to show up” or talk about a casting announcement I didn’t see.Finally, and most importantly, that restaurant scene. I’ve been super critical with Supergirl since season 1 episode 2 of its handling of a “progressive superhero”. The restaurant scene with Kate in this episode, had more tact and more respect of the issues at hand than all 4 seasons of Supergirl put together.  I hope Batwoman continues to demonstrate how it’s supposed to be done, so the other shows can learn from it.

  • sven-t-sexgore-av says:

    Crisis definitely needs to have a party at Kate’s bar.Mary remains the best – ‘Oooh a safe room!’ – let her in already!

  • notsosimple728-av says:

    Okay so we didn’t really need to see the whole backstory of why Sophie decided to stay closeted to stay in the academy. It was already explained in the pilot and was pretty understandable. What currently makes Sophie unlikable is her marriage to a guy while seemingly mooning over Kate.What we, the audience, need to see to is why Sophie is with her husband. What made her decide to go out with him and later marry him? We need to see her intentions with him. We also need to see more of their relationship to really gauge what it is.

    • aboynamedart6-av says:

      What currently makes Sophie unlikable is her marriage to a guy while seemingly mooning over Kate.For all the complaints I’ve read over the years about Barry and Iris’ chemistry, this couple is just WOOF. That guy knows he’s a Baxter.

    • agentz-av says:

      You mean other than her having a homophobic family that she was desperate to please and the fact that being black in America is hard enough without being LGBT as well?

      • notsosimple728-av says:

        I know those reason as to why she she lied to stay in her military academy and as to why she’s still closeted and those are very legitimate reasons for those things. But those things do not completely explain why she’s currently married to her husband. The show has not explicitly explained Sophie’s sexuality. Is she a lesbian, bisexual, pan, ect? If she’s a lesbian why did she go on to marry this guy? Why not just give the excuse she’s focusing on her career so she doesn’t have time for dating/a relationship, go on random dates with guys then just give the excuse that she just isn’t sure she’s found the one yet, found a mutually beneficial bearding situation, or move-in with her “totally just a friend” woman roommate.If she’s not strictly a lesbian is she actually attracted to and does she love her husband? What was their relationship like before Kate came back into Sophie’s world? Because these are questions that haven’t been answered yet. The only times we’ve seen Sophie and her husband interact there’s always directly or indirectly the specter of Kate or Batwoman, it’s just never about them as themselves or as couple.

        • agentz-av says:

          Look at the episode where she got thrown out of a restaurant for being gay despite not even being on a date with the woman she was sitting with. Sophie is still in a country where lgbt people frequently still struggle for their rights.

  • greghyatt-av says:

    I really, really want Nightwing to show up to look into the new member of the Batfamily. (I’m assuming he exists, since Robin was mentioned in an earlier episode, even if he wasn’t listed when Julia mentioned the people Bruce trusted.)

  • mnewby9201-av says:

    If normalization is the goal, wouldn’t Kate Kane: bar owner be even more fabulous?

  • rtozier2011-av says:

    Julia Pennyworth: A rare example on American TV of an accurate Estuary accent.

  • kcsoup3-av says:

    Okay, now THIS was the emotion I’d been wanting from Ruby Rose all season. For the first time I can say she was truly not wooden in her performance and I was so happy to see it. Also, love the casual bi-erasure when it didn’t even seem to cross Tyler’s mind to ask Sophie if she could just be bi.Finally, wow. Sophie is just a straight up snitch and that is zero fun in a superhero show.

  • optimusrex84-av says:

    How adorable was it to see Julia and Luke reunite in the Batcave? It’s like two cousins who haven’t seen each other in years. And Kate, you owe Luke a hug after hearing his story about his dad’s murder.My question is: how can you possibly have a Mad Tea Party without The Mad Hatter? That’s his thing!

  • simonc1138-av says:

    Christina Wolfe as Julia is a dead ringer for a young Rachel Skarsten right out of the Birds Of Prey group photo. Really hope she’s one of those that get promoted to regular status for season 2 after the writers lock down who’s popular through season 1. She’s got a chill, likeable vibe that’s only achievable when you’re not the designated love interest for a show.As much as I appreciate the Arrowverse’s ability to deep dive into the DC library for characters to use, at some point we need actual Alfred. Or a flashback with actual Lucius. The constant “son of,” “daughter of”, “cousin of” familiarity is approaching parody levels at this point. What’s next, the wife of Mr. Freeze? Oh wait. I wish they had saved the Mouse impersonation of Jacob for a later episode, as the Jacob/Catherine scene is the closest we’ve gotten to any real sense of the relationship between them. Beyond basic empathy for Mary’s situation it’s hard to feel for the family breaking up when we’ve had next to nothing on their basic dynamic.The Sophie flashbacks were particularly effective this week, but sticking one in the middle of her searching for the weapon felt kind of random.

  • boymeetsinternet-av says:

    Mary needs her own show tbh

  • hornacek37-av says:

    I appreciated the irony of the restaurant owner praising Batwoman on TV saying that she was welcome at his establishment anytime, but when she showed up in her civilian identity he tried to throw her out because (gasp!) he thought she was on a date with a woman.

  • hornacek37-av says:

    I’m getting tired of all the comments saying that Mary/Jacob/etc should find out that Kate is Batwoman and join Team Batwoman. Can’t we have one superhero with a secret identity that keeps it secret from their supporting cast? Of all the CW superheroes, shouldn’t Batwoman (and by extension, Batman) be the one where the secret identity is actually kept secret from as many people as possible?

  • hornacek37-av says:

    Although it’s a different universe, I got a real Spider-Man vibe when Kate arranged for someone else to pose as Batwoman in order to fool Sophia into thinking that Kate and Batwoman are two different people. Spidey did this all the time back in the Lee/Ditko/Romita era whenever someone thought that he was Spider-Man – even getting the Prowler to dress as Spidey and interrupt a gathering of Peter and all his friends.

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