TV snob Liam Neeson says he would do another Star Wars movie

Neeson's character Qui-Gon Jinn is famously not alive in the Star Wars universe

Aux News Liam Neeson
TV snob Liam Neeson says he would do another Star Wars movie
Liam Neeson having a blast with Chewbacca and Samuel L. Jackson Photo: Paul Hawthorne

Liam Neeson is one of the few one-and-done actors in Star Wars history. Much of that has to do with the fact that his character, Qui-Gon Jinn, is very dead—not that that’s ever stopped anyone before. Still, he hasn’t appeared on camera in a Star Wars movie since he was mauled by Maul in Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace.

Well, it appears as though it’s only a matter of time before Neeson laces up his Jedi boots once again. Speaking to (via Variety), the actor said he’d be interested in returning to a galaxy far, far away. Just not for streaming, obviously. That would be gauche.

“Oh, I think so, yeah, yeah, yeah, I think so, if it was a film,” Neeson said about reprising the role of Qui-Gon Jinn in future Star Wars movies. “Yeah, I’m a bit of a snob when it comes to TV, I must admit. I just like the big screen, you know? Qui-Gon, I can’t believe it’s 24 years since we made The Phantom Menace, I just cannot believe where the time has gone. It was a terrific experience, shooting that film in London.”

Unfortunately for the Qui-hards out there, Star Wars is primarily a television franchise these days. Neeson even said as much in an interview with Collider last year, asking, “I’m sort of wondering, is Star Wars starting to fade away from the cinema landscape? Do we think?” He’s not wrong. Thanks to the success of The Mandalorian, all of our space adventures happen on the small screen these days.

Of course, not all Jedis are as discerning as Neeson. His old padawan, Ewan McGregor, is already jumping aboard the transport Disney+ for a streaming series all his own, the creatively titled Obi-Wan Kenobi. One would assume, if there were ever a time for Qui-Gon to emerge as a Force ghost, it would be there, especially considering Yoda fucking teased it in Revenge Of The Sith. And we don’t want to make a liar out of Yoda, do we? Sound off in the comments below as to whether or not we want to make a liar out of Yoda.


  • synonymous2anonymous-av says:

    Eh…Star Wars is on the small screen for now but I think that’s a smart strategy. The last couple of SW films did ok but were not super well received. So disappear for awhile until everyone is tired of the Mandalorian and wants a new trilogy. As long as Disney+ is around, that will always be an outlet for smaller stories; they’ve really got the best of both worlds now and for years to come. They just have to write better, cohesive stories for their movies. If they haven’t learned that by now, they never will.

    • redwolfmo-av says:

      I actually think it works much better on the small screen these days- its much more nimble of a storytelling franchise that way, the expectations are lower, etc

      • synonymous2anonymous-av says:

        Exactly. They’ve got a really big opportunity, I just hope they don’t screw it up! I love the Mandalorian. Boba Fett not so much. So they’re hit and miss for me so far, but I have a feeling that the Kenobi show is going to be super good. I had no expectations for either TM or BF but Kenobi, yeah I’ll be very disappointed if it’s not good!

  • kingkongbundythewrestler-av says:

    Everybody knows Qui Gonn died at Little Bighorn. What this show presupposes is…maybe he didn’t?

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:


    Don’t Star Wars fans have enough problems already.

  • weedlord420-av says:

    Coming soon: Star Wars: The Force! When Luke Skywalker becomes one with the Force at the end of The Last Jedi, he expects it to be a peaceful experience where he’ll get to see his master Obi-Wan again, but he doesn’t know what he’s in for when he has to deal with his new wacky neighbor Qui-Gon!

  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    The Clone Wars stated that Qui-Gon never finished his training as to how to fully Force Ghost, so he’s just a disembodied voice (when he showed up on Mortis fully Force Ghost that was just because the planet was special)

  • nerdherder2-av says:

    Hes not that much of a TV snob. He had a role on Derry Girls last week

  • mamakinj-av says:

    Yoda spoke with force ghost Qui-Gon ages ago:

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    I always think of Liam Neeson’s scene on Life’s Too Short when I hear him and TV together. 

  • freshness-av says:

    For one thing, Qui-Gon was a charmless, but also dogshit-brained moron, in the one film he was in. Just awful.
    For another thing, I find it odd that many people have just forgotten about Liam Neeson revealing he literally roamed the streets at night carrying a knife looking to stab someone of a different ethnicity in the 2000s, as if this was an understandable response to terrorist incidents.
    He also pisses himself a lot. Although I don’t think he should be judged for a likely medical problem, he definitely reaks of urine.

  • alliterator85-av says:

    I mean, he did voice the character again in an episode of Clone Wars, so Phantom Menace wasn’t his only appearance. Just his only appearance in film.

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Oh he’ll come and do TV for the right price… that’s all he’s saying here really.

  • reglidan-av says:

    In this day and age, it’s pretty surprising that there are any film snob actors left, but it’s less surprising that when one shows up, they turn out to be of that generation.  The film/tv barrier has gradually eroded over the last 30 years until it more or less no longer exists.  In fact, I imagine a lot of performers feel like the long form mini-series for a streaming service is the best vehicle for storytelling these days.

    • bennyboy56-av says:

      The bizarre thing is, he has only days ago appeared in a British TV show called Derry Girls with a cameo role.

    • milligna000-av says:

      Not to mention writers and directors. Cue David Lynch impression and waggling fingers.

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    If you’re going to draw the line somewhere… that is, in my opinion, a weird place to do it. I’m just back from seeing Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds which featured a “holographic” Liam Neeson as the reporter.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    they’re not gonna make another star wars movie for 10 years, i bet. disney scared themselves. smart move would be theatrical re-releases of the OT, which ironically is what they kiboshed when they bought the franchise.

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    Maybe after all these decades they should give Star Peace a chance.

  • somethingwittyorwhatever-av says:

    What I wouldn’t give for a buddy-cop show about Qui-Gon learning from his master, Count Dooku, as they travel the Republic and solve crime. Wouldn’t even need to do a lot of lightsabering (although, probably a lot of lightsabering).

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