Um, Loki is D.B. Cooper in Disney+'s Loki trailer

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Um, Loki is D.B. Cooper in Disney+'s Loki trailer
Screenshot: Disney+

Loki was one of the first original series to be announced by Disney+ last year, though what shape it would take has been something of a mystery. Today, the suits at Disney showed us something we didn’t expect: Loki in a suit. In the first trailer for the upcoming series, Tom Hiddleston’s trickster god is working for the TVA (Time Variance Authority), which is basically the organization keeping tabs on the multiverse (a multiverse of madness!).

“It’s very, very exciting because in many ways it’s the character you know, but in a context you’ve never seen him in before,” Hiddleston told EW last year, and, boy, he wasn’t kidding. Here, he’s navigating bureaucracy and knife-fighting. In the final scene of the clip, he’s dolled up as slick as the mysterious D.B. Cooper, who skydived out of a plane 50 years ago and was never seen again. The trailer ends with Loki diving out of the plane. In the MCU, Loki is D.B. Cooper.

Watch it below:

Owen Wilson, rocking some silver locks, co-stars in the Disney+ series, which debuts in May 2021.


  • bio-wd-av says:

    What the fuck…

  • suckabee-av says:

    Bloody hell, I waited 7 seasons for Coulson to be DB Cooper.

  • tyenglishmn-av says:

    The one that felt to me the most shoehorned in ends up being the most interesting looking one

  • laserface1242-av says:

    So there was reference to Vote Loki, a miniseries where Loki ran for President!Loki even explains how he’s technically eligible to run for President.

    • wrightstuff76-av says:

      Okay was way funnier than it had any right to be.“I did, however, come across my birth certificate. Should I need it for some reason.”

      Marvel’s best political burn since Richard Nixon was revealed to be leader of the Secret Empire.

  • mdiller64-av says:

    Casting Tom Hiddleston as Loki is one of the best decisions Marvel ever made. It took a while for the MCU Thor to really come into focus, but Hiddleston has been magnetic from day one.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      Honestly, I sometimes worry that Tom Hiddleston is going to be cursed to do this the rest of his life, like those poor Supernatural boys seemed to be for so long.

      • wrightstuff76-av says:

        If he can still find time to do stuff like The Night Manager, I’m good with him following Ewan McGregor’s ‘one for them, one for me’ strategy.

      • faithful-av says:

        Nah Hiddleston brought life his tracker character in Kong, and let’s not forget his turn as The Night Manager just to name a few.

        • jackstark211-av says:

          Lets not forget High Rise either.  He was great in that.  

          • jmg619-av says:

            And didn’t he do a vampire movie with Tilda Swinton that I heard was pretty good?

          • jackstark211-av says:

            Only Lovers Left Alive.  How could I forget about that one.

          • jmg619-av says:

            I need to see that just for those two actors and I love vampire movies that don’t sparkle.

          • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

            High Rise was so much better than I expected after reading multiple reviews, including the AVC. I think they gave it a “C” here. I like to think he does the MCU films and now series as a way to be like, yeah, I want to do smaller prestige projects and yeah you can’t afford me but I don’t really care about the money anymore so let’s do this and let me act. It’s kind of a win-win for everyone, right?

      • wmohare-av says:

        Cursed to make a cool tv show for several millions dollars, the horror

    • KataStrofy91-av says:

      Well, he was the Thor pick before Chris

    • TeoFabulous-av says:

      I’m just glad he didn’t get the part of Thor, which is what he originally tested for IIRC.

      • orlyowl223-av says:

        This – he’s just so much better than blonde dimples and a hammer and I say that with love for Mr. Helmsworth.

  • bembrob-av says:

    I still think it was Tommy Wiseau on that plane.

  • backwardass-av says:

    “Um, Loki is D.B. Cooper in Disney+’s Loki trailer”…”he’s dolled up as slick as the mysterious D.B. Cooper”…”In the MCU, Loki is D.B. Cooper.”The author was apparently very concerned people wouldn’t get the DB Cooper gag.

  • evanfowler-av says:

    Holy shit, these shows are going to come one-after-another? Right? Like, Wandavision is January, then Falcon/Winter Solider in March, then Loki in May. They lead straight into one-another?! Man, that is much more exciting than I realized. That’s like straight-up months of Marvel movies. And this looks like a hell of a finale for it. Argh, I want. I want now. Just rub it into my eyes!

    • dhammer94-av says:

      Yeah on one hand these were all originally delayed because of the pandemic which was a bummer but on the other hand that’s like what 15-20 Friday nights hanging out in the MCU. Hell yeah. 

      • orlyowl223-av says:

        Disney+ had the worst release schedule post Mando season 1 and the pandemic screwing up releases somehow actually made it make more sense.

    • westinlee-av says:

      CBS All Access has been staggering connected tentpole stuff so you have to keep the subscription. Seems like the same strategy. Star Trek Picard -> Lower Decks -> Discovery -> The Stand there. It worked on me.

    • jmg619-av says:

      Yeah it’s practically like buy a new comic book every Wednesday.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Nobody seems to be talking about it, so I guess I’m not seeing an image of Black Widow alone on some rocky planet in this? I guess the timing would be weird since the movie was already supposed to be out, but I really thought it was her

    • laserface1242-av says:

      Yeah, in the comics the Soul Gem contains a pocket dimension containing all of the souls that were sucked into it called Soulworld.

      • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

        I swear this is at least the fifth time you have posted that page. And it just gets better over time. It never gets old, and that’s sincere accolades. 

    • dhammer94-av says:

      Two reasons I would put money on it not being her:1. She didn’t have short blonde hair when she died (God remember all the predictions based on hair after the Infinity war and end game trailers?) 2. I don’t think they would put that surprise in the trailer. The Disney plus seem to like to keep their trailers vague. Also it looks like she has a sword on her hip? 

      • yellowfoot-av says:

        I couldn’t remember what her hair was like on Vormir, but I think it does look red in the picture. Could go either way with the lighting, but you’re right it wasn’t short then. It does look like she has a short sword to me too, which I thought was odd.But yeah, it does seem exceedingly unlikely.

    • tommelly-av says:

      That was my immediate thought. It seems unlikely, but it could be a double-bluff (or something) I guess?

    • doctor-boo3-av says:

      I guess Black Widow should still be out before Loki, even if it’s now a gap of weeks rather than months. But yeah, I’d be surprised if that moment was thrown into the trailer – I’d bet on some sort of shenanigans. 

  • anguavonuberwald-av says:

    This looks, I mean, what, I can’t, but all I can say is YES.

  • haodraws-av says:

    All my yes, this looks absolutely fantastic.

  • harpo87-av says:

    So wait, who’s playing Cap at 1:30 in the trailer?

  • dbradshaw314-av says:

    Hopefully this will end up revealing that Loki was also the guy behind the Max Headroom incident.

  • jetboyjetgirl-av says:

    A reference I’m certain the MCU core audience will appreciate. 

  • DoctorWhen-av says:

    So, Loki, a shapechanging godlike but irreverent trickster, travels time and space reluctantly doing the bidding of a shadowy cosmic agency that appoints itself the protectors of the integrity of time… and even wears a hipster suit, tie & sunglasses? All he needs is a time machine that’s bigger on the inside than outside and a sexy female companion about half his age and he could pass for a certain doctor, um what was the name, doctor….. WHO was that again?

  • gargoylefun-av says:

    Damn it, he is my favorite of all, how am I going to see this with out subscribing to Disney? Why can’t they release this stuff for all to see?

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