Vanessa Bayer keeps her dream job by telling a big lie in I Love That For You trailer

The comedic series premieres on Showtime on April 29

Aux News I Love That for You
Vanessa Bayer keeps her dream job by telling a big lie in I Love That For You trailer
Vanessa Bayer in I Love That For You Screenshot: Showtime

Vanessa Bayer is brilliant in everything she’s in, so it’s a mystery why she hadn’t gotten her own TV show until now. Thankfully, Showtime is giving us the Bayer-led vehicle we deserve with I Love That For You. The premium network gave viewers a first look at the series with a very promising trailer.

In the series, loosely based on Bayer’s own experience as a childhood leukemia survivor, has the former Saturday Night Live star playing Joanna Gold, who finally accomplishes her lifelong dream of becoming a home shopping channel host on SVN (the show’s version of QVC) like her idol Jackie (Molly Shannon).

Joanna finally has her own identity outside of being the girl who got cancer. She’s doing the job she strived for, going out on dates with an attractive guy (played by Jason Schwartzman), and she even befriends Jackie—though her other co-workers don’t act as warm towards her at first.

As much as Joanna wanted the job, though, she’s not very good at it. So when she’s fired by her boss (played by Jenifer Lewis), she blurts out that she has cancer. “You know, I had it when I was a kid and… she back,” Joanna says. So, she gets to keep her job, and her coworkers become immediately supportive, while constantly saying things that would be totally inappropriate if she did have cancer.

When Joanna reveals her mistake to her parents, her mom is dumfounded by her decision to lie, saying, “But you did have it! You had cancer!” Her dad interjects, “But she’s saying she has it now. She doesn’t have it now.” This big lie—kind of akin to Liza’s lie in the series Younger, but far darker—will backfire at some point, but we’ll have to watch to see how it all unfolds.

The series premieres on Friday, April 29.


  • hiemoth-av says:

    I think one of the interesting aspects in the trailer is that the co-workers don’t seem over the board cruel towards Jackie. Like there is a sense of impatiance, but they don’t feel like she was picked on or was a victim of some harsh treatment, it was genuinely that she was not good at the task.To me, it just is such an important decision when framing Jackie’s decision to lie as it just makes it so much more brutal and unforgivable an act no matter how likable Vanessa Bayer feels.

  • wilson730-av says:

    Dammit, I love Vanessa Bayer, but I really don’t want to sign up for another streaming service.

  • dirtside-av says:

    Oof, I love Bayer, but I have a lot of trouble watching stuff about awkward, embarrassing people. Can we give her an action franchise or something?

    • grantagonist-av says:

      Like… imagine if “Scott’s Tots” went a whole season.  That doesn’t sound great.

      • mdiller64-av says:

        SNL has a long, long history of developing stars who are great at making cameo appearances in someone else’s movie. They’re like mayonnaise – you want a bit on your sandwich, you don’t want it to be the main course.

    • docprof-av says:

      That’s the thing about Vanessa Bayer. She is generally great in the things she’s in. In small doses.

    • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

      Squirrel Girl?

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      a series about awkward, embarrassing people AND an extremely cringy topic that will almost certainly be drawn out much longer than it should (because every series these days is extended longer than it should)…pass.

  • rigbyriordan-av says:

    I love her but it’s apparently gone right over my head all of these years that she was a juvenile cancer survivor!!  God, you must protect Vanessa and let her lead a 90-year hilarious life!!

  • inthe216-av says:

    There’s nothing like a punchable effeminate snob to bring an otherwise enjoyable-looking show full circle.

  • systemmastert-av says:

    So hold on are both women named Jackie and one is named Jackie AND Joanna?  I’m confused.

    • sentientbeard-av says:

      G/O Media must have gotten rid of all the copy editors after none of them would take a pay cut to move halfway across the country to a city with a much higher cost of living.

    • noreallybutwait-av says:

      Yeah who the fuck is Jackie and who is Joanna? This is incredibly hard to follow given that they seem to use the names interchangeably for both characters.

    • liebkartoffel-av says:

      Listen, the process of posting a trailer and then writing a 300-word description of what people just saw in said trailer is long and arduous. Is it any surprise that the author let a couple of details, such as consistently getting the name of the protagonist correct, slip through the cracks?

    • gterry-av says:

      Just wait until the episode where the characters decide to binge watch Nurse Jackie season 1.

  • cannabuzz-av says:

    Edit. Joana friends Jackie, not Jackie befriends Jackie.

  • refinedbean-av says:

    I’m glad the trailer got the first three eps out of the way so I can start with episode 4.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    so it’s that first season always sunny episode stretched out to a whole show. not a bad idea!

  • MattCastaway-av says:

    If anyone in your life claims to have not seen, (or for some reason claims to not like) “I think you should leave”, the Vanessa Bayer sketch is the perfect entry point. It’s perfect.

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