Vincent D’Onofrio doesn’t know any more about Hawkeye than the rest of us

The villain from Netflix's Daredevil appreciated the chance to return, but he's not ready to say good bye to the Kingpin again

Aux News Hawkeye
Vincent D’Onofrio doesn’t know any more about Hawkeye than the rest of us
Hawkeye Photo: Marvel Studios

On yesterday’s season (series?) finale of Disney+’s Hawkeye, Vincent D’Onofrio’s Wilson Fisk from Netflix’s Daredevil showed up in a big way, revealing the role he played in the villainous turn of Kate Bishop’s mother and his manipulation of his surrogate niece Maya. It was cool to see him again, but at the same time the show left it frustratingly vague about whether or not this is the same Wilson Fisk from Daredevil and whether or not the things he did on that show still happened in the regular MCU reality of Hawkeye.

That lack of clarity is made a bit more frustrating by the fact that Maya, as payback for Fisk betraying her father and getting him killed, seemingly shot and killed Fisk at point-blank range. The shot happened off-screen, which might as well be proof that Fisk didn’t get killed, but it turns out that not even D’Onofrio has any idea one way or the other. Speaking with Deadline, D’Onofrio says “I hope he didn’t die,” adding that he agrees with the fans about wanting Kingpin to stick around because he wants to keep playing the character for longer. “My hope is that we continue,” he says.

Marvel Studios famously keeps a tight lid on everything it does, so it’s not super surprising that nobody knows what Marvel has planned for the Kingpin, but it would be nice—for us and for D’Onofrio—to get some indication of he’s still hanging around in the MCU. D’Onofrio even points out that he didn’t know Daredevil was going to end when it did, since he thought “it was going to continue for a few more years” and he was excited to keep playing Fisk because of the “many facets” of the character left to explore.

In a similar vein, while Hawkeye kind of forgot about it being a major plot point, a lot of the action this season revolved around a mysterious watch that was recovered from the ruins of the Avengers compound. The end of the Hawkeye finale revealed that the watch belonged to Clint Barton’s wife, Laura (Linda Cardellini), and that it had a S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on the back—implying that Laura is or was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent like Clint, but despite his character wanting the watch in the first place, D’Onofrio doesn’t know any more about it than we do.

“I’m trying to figure it out like everyone else,” he says to Deadline. “I really need more information.” If D’Onofrio does come back (maybe in Maya’s Echo spin-off on Disney+), could he maybe get some more details about the character he’s playing and what the character is doing in the show? It seems like he would appreciate it.


  • usernamechecks0ut-av says:

    When has an actor ever lied about an existing contract with an NDA?

  • ninjustin23-av says:

    Maya does the same thing in the comics and the shooting does not kill him. It’s closure if they want to go that route or a new beginning if they want to go another I guess. I hope they bring both Daredevil and Kingpin back together in some way. I personally would love a Marvel Knights Movie.  Spider-man, Daredevil, and Punisher vs Kingpin or something.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      As I understand it (I haven’t read the comic in question), the shooting ends up blinding Kingpin, which seems like it might tie in nicely with Fisk’s last line of the episode: “Family doesn’t always see eye to eye.”

  • sinister-portent-av says:

    I believe that D’Onofrio is playing coy as to his future appearances. I expect he has a pretty good idea on what is going to happen.I believe him on the watch, though.

  • dabard3-av says:

    We literally just came off a movie where two of the major actors repeatedly lied through their fucking teeth about being in it and you’re still falling for this?

  • robert-denby-av says:

    In a similar vein, while Hawkeye kind of forgot about it being a
    major plot point, a lot of the action this season revolved around a
    mysterious watch that was recovered from the ruins of the Avengers
    compound.This is not an accurate account of what happened. The show never forgot about the watch, it popped up here and there during the story and was resolved in the end. The watch was not a major plot point, more of a McGuffin or red herring. The watch story got maybe 5 minutes of screen time over the course of six episodes, which doesn’t meet my definition of “a lot” of the action.

    • yesidrivea240-av says:

      It hardly popped up. I completely forgot about it until the final scene.

    • igotsuped-av says:

      The big thing is that it’s never revealed why the tracksuits wanted it. They specifically hit the auction for the watch.

      • usernamechecks0ut-av says:

        To get more personal information on the ronin? which Maya had a list of names thanks to? Maybe that whole thing?

      • pocrow-av says:

        The easiest and probably correct explanation:

        Kingpin was hired to get it for someone else, probably Valentina. She’s trying to get the remaining Avengers taken off the board and probably had dealings in the past with Agent 19 and wants to make sure she won’t show up to save Clint in Dark Avengers/Thunderbolts/whatever they call it.

        • suckadick59595-av says:

          Somebody else had a good idea: Laura was deep undercover or had infiltrated Fisks organization. Ultimately, kingpin ordered the track suits to get it. That’s about enough. I also wouldn’t say no to a Laura Barton miniseries. 

        • mythicfox-av says:

          That seems like a pretty reasonable guess. IMHO, even if they didn’t have it connected to a specific agent, a functional SHIELD gadget that could maybe be analyzed or traced to find hiding SHIELD agents, hidden shield tech, or both would still be damn valuable.

        • gregthestopsign-av says:

          It was a Rolex Datejust calibre 31. Even a standard no frills example is worth around $15000. Maybe Kingpin was planning on taking it down to Cash Converters? 

          • pocrow-av says:

            Everyone other than the party staff at the auction had things worth on them worth at least that much. So it needs to be more than just a quick $15k for Fisk.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “Spin a whole plot point around an unexplained McGuffin? Not on my watch!” – Laura Barton

  • capnandy-av says:

    Honestly, after the dude tanked multiple arrows to the chest without even flinching, I feel like “a single gunshot killed him” is a low-probability position to take.

  • igotsuped-av says:

    PICTURED: Wilson Fisk trying to explain why he can’t divulge information about that customer’s secret, illegal account.

  • billyfever-av says:

    1) He’s obviously not dead. This is a superhero TV show and they didn’t show a body. (2) Things were left unresolved so that people would tune in for Echo, a show that Disney probably has to work a little harder to get people to watch since it is not about one of the Avengers. (3) How much of Daredevil remains canon within the MCU will be resolved in future shows, which, again, is deliberate on Disney’s part so that you keep subscribing to their streaming service. These are all obvious things to take away from Hawkeye’s final episode and I don’t know why you’re being deliberately obtuse about how these things work. 

    • murrychang-av says:

      Just because it’s TV some people act like comic book rules don’t apply when it’s been made very apparent that comic book rules are 100% in effect in the MCU.

      • galdarn-av says:

        100% in effect? So Steve Rogers and Tony Stark are DEFINITELY coming back as Cap and Iron Man. Thanos is coming back?Because comic book rules are 100% in effect, right?

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      Even if they showed a body, he’s still only dead till someone comes up with a cool story for the character. Then they find a way to make him less dead. Hell, they told a Black Widow story after she died. If somebody had a really cool idea for Iron Man IV they would either open the vault for Downey or recast the role. They don’t even need to work hard at bringing him back, they have a multiverse full of Iron Men now. There was a little movie released 8 days ago that featured at least five characters who had previously died.  They did a 7 season TV series around a guy who died in a movie, then killed him again and still managed to bring him back one more time.The fact that they didn’t even show him getting shot just means that someone has already come up with a story.

      • usernamechecks0ut-av says:

        I seem to recall this TV show “LOKI” in which the main character was presumed dead in the opening scene of infinity war. Dying off screen aint shit. 

      • masterdebator-av says:

        As Miracle Max pointed out, Kingpin is ‘only mostly dead’…so still alive.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      The “you never saw a body” rule applies beyond superhero shows. Crime shows, horror, pretty much any narrative that hinges on any element of mystery, has to show you a dead body or all bets are off.

  • murrychang-av says:

    “at the same time the show left it frustratingly vague about whether or not this is the same Wilson Fisk from Daredevil and whether or not the things he did on that show still happened in the regular MCU reality of Hawkeye.”I kinda don’t think it was but it doesn’t really matter now that the multiverse is in play. The ‘Sacred Timeline’ is all screwed up too, new stuff is showing up like the 10 rings, so it literally doesn’t matter if this is the same one or not.

    • dabard3-av says:

      I’m giving you an updated and more blue version of the thread we’ve got going at DenofGeek.

      Feige needs to rip off the Band-Aid and just say, “Because I can.” As in:

      “Look, kids. We are going to strip those Netflix and ABC shows for every useful part we can and ditch the rest. We aren’t going to honor every choice they made. We are no more beholden to them than we are to whatever Dolph Lundgren did in that Punisher movie.

      Let me give you examples of what I mean:
      * Charlie Cox is here. If Elden Henson and Deborah Ann Woll want to follow him, cool. We can make that work, but we aren’t waiting for them for long. If they can’t get off their shifts at Olive Garden, we’ll recast.
      * We may just decide to bring Ayelet Zuler back and pick up where they left off. We may completely recreate the Wilson-Vanessa love story the way we like it with those two. We may not even mess with that for a while. Learn to love it.
      * If we decide we want to bring back Ben Urich, or Jigsaw, or Killgrave, or the Owl or anyone else, we will.
      * Whatever fishbrain decided to make Nuke a cop who was killed in the second episode of the second season will never work for us again. Nuke is back in play.
      * Clark Gregg is MCU royalty and he can and will be brought back however we choose. Because fuck you.
      * So long as we’re talking about Agents of SHIELD, we have the capability to make Absorbing Man, Gravitron and Mr. Hyde much more interesting now and we intend to. Because we can. They own a multi-verse and that means never having to apologize.  

      • murrychang-av says:

        Yeah pretty sure I actually responded to that DoG post saying I’d pay money to see Adrian Pasdar as Graviton again 😉
        That’s the smart thing to do so I’m pretty sure that’s what Feige’s doing. No real need to announce it as such in my opinion.

      • dirtside-av says:

        * We may just decide to bring Ayelet Zuler back and pick up where they left off. We may completely recreate the Wilson-Vanessa love story the way we like it with those two. We may not even mess with that for a while. Learn to love it.For as much as Daredevil and the other Netflix shows had a lot of wheel-spinning, it really did give them a lot of time to explore things like Wilson and Vanessa’s relationship, that you just can’t do in a six-episode season. The Marvel live-action shows this year are effectively all double-length movies split up into six (or nine, in the case of WV) episodes, and that’s just not enough time to explore everything they keep cramming into them. I know the pandemic is to blame to some degree, so I’m curious to see what happens with next year’s shows when they can actually make the show they want to make.

        • dabard3-av says:

          I’m as big an MCU head as anyone, but I do think they need to look at 7-9 episodes instead of 6. 

        • fever-dog-av says:

          Oh yeah the Netflix shows and the Disney shows are totally different beasts. IMO, when they’re good, the Netflix format made for a better show but almost impossible to keep a handle on them and ensure they fit in the Fiegeverse in the short to medium term.

      • yttruim-av says:

        I dont think they are ever going to touch the ABC shows, or really anything outside of the Netflix, let them be relegated to the trash bin of history where they belong (they were terrible), though Cloak & Dagger had promise for something larger, and tied into Luke Cage. By Feige’s own account, he was a big supporter of the Netflix series, and has stated that they are part of the MCU continuity. Someone was posting the video of it on one of the i09 or av club articles on hawkeye yesterday. I agree, that they are going to use the Netflix characters big an small however they like, i cant seem them getting shows. My bold prediction, each of the main 5 come back in some form in the various Marvel shows, along with some side characters (rumours have been swirling around Jessica and Hogarth in She-Hulk, and now that DD and KP have shown up, i would put it at 95% for all the mains making an appearance). They are New York based, and nearly all of the shows are set in New York. It provides the right opportunity to bring them back as players in some manner. I dont think Runaways will return in any fashion, but i could see a reduced change of C&D returning in Ms. Marvel, if they want to pull that deep from the well. 

        • dabard3-av says:

          That all sounds legit, but my main thing is that they don’t have to honor every nook and cranny of the NetMCU. I’m selfish. I want to see David Tennant and Florence Pugh and Kathryn Hahn fighting 

      • suckadick59595-av says:

        “Finn Jones will never work for is again”, tho. That’s also on there. Because fuck Finn Jones ☺️☺️☺️😂😂😂😂

      • Shampyon-av says:

        AoS itself basically jettisoned it’s entire timeline by the end and planted the core cast in a new one, so they definitely have no reason to be beholden to any continuity they set up. I have a hige soft spot for the series, the characters and their actors, though. I’d love to see their variants pop up somehow.Definitely doesn’t help that Ike “Black people all look the same/No-one will watch a female superhero” Perlmutter was in charge of all the TV stuff before the Disney merger. He and Feige didn’t exactly have a great relationship and I wouldn’t be surprised if all that material is tainted with legal boobytraps that would benefit Ike. Feige, and probably a lot of Marvel Studios, would likely rather let that all lay fallow than deal with his shit again.Jameela Jamil’s Titania is showing up in She-Hulk. I really hope they give us a worthwhile Creel to pair her with.

      • fever-dog-av says:

        Stilt Man or GTFO.

    • yttruim-av says:

      There is a video of Feige being asked and talking about how the Netflix shows fit in, in it he talks about that yes they are part of the continuity of thee MCU. So unless something changes, and he/they decide to say otherwise.Someone posted in the other day on one of the i09 or av club articles, i can’t remember which.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      It’s not “vague.”  No one needs to go out of their way to explicitly mention events from several years ago.  Fisk is still a big, bad gangster.  No contradiction. 

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    And now we get into how Andrew Garfield has made it impossible for actors to say anything about their new project, because everyone will just assume they’re lying.

  • murso74-av says:

    I really hate D’Onofrios version of fisk. He’s like the Wish version kingpin. Yeah the dudes tall and bald, but he’s really only good when he’s playing freaks like Pyle and the dude from Salton sea.

  • drkschtz-av says:

    Am I misremembering the Netflix show? In that Wilson Fisk is shown as incredibly strong and brutally violent, but very human? He’s clearly supernatural here on D+ though. That could be a pretty objective way of answering this question, and it’s not the answer some are saying.

    • bashbash99-av says:

      he’s more like the old school comic version that can go a few rounds with Spidey

    • suckadick59595-av says:

      It’s a weird piece. Comics kingpin has always been like, extraordinarily fucking strong. He can go toe to toe with Spidey, not just DD. But yeah Netflix Fisk didn’t seem this strong.

      • laurenceq-av says:

        Doesn’t Spider-Man have super strength and Daredevil doesn’t? How does one beat up Spider-Man but not DD?

        • suckadick59595-av says:

          not *just* DD. Fisk has beat the shit out of Murdock on occasions. Also, comics, varying power levels depending on writer/story, yadda yadda

        • mifrochi-av says:

          In the comics Spider-Man deliberately pulls his punches when fighting non superpowered villains because he doesn’t want them to get seriously hurt. IIRC there was a comic in the 1980s where he decides to completely let loose on Kingpin, and it was presented as kind of a big deal in the story Laserface would provide a citation, I’m sure. I tried to find one and wound up reading a synopsis of a 2007 storyline where Spider-Man tortures Kingpin in prison. Fucking comics. 

  • mwfuller-av says:

    I will motivate you, Private Pyle!

  • psychopirate-av says:

    Gee, it’s almost like you should watch the next installment in order to find out more! What a concept! I imagine you really hate when comics end on a cliffhanger in order to get you to buy the next issue, too.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    the show left it frustratingly vague about whether or not this is the same Wilson Fisk from Daredevil and whether or not the things he did on that show still happened in the regular MCU reality of Hawkeye. Nicely worded. The stuff that happened in Daredevil may have happened in a parallel universe, not the regular MCU reality of Hawkeye. But it’s all part of MCU canon because Feige said “they inhabit the same continuity”.
    But maybe D’Onofrio doesn’t know what’s happening with Kingpin because he doesn’t write the shows. Best to ask someone who does.

  • bashbash99-av says:

    I can’t believe this is the 2nd article in as many days obsessed about the netflix vs mcu continuity. who cares.  kingpin is coming back. daredevil is coming back. that is what is important

  • wrecksracer-av says:

    some future storyline: The watch has a tracking device in it!!!

  • dr-boots-list-av says:

    Actors: What Do They Know? Do They Know Things?
    Probably not!

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I hope we see more of Fisk as well. Clearly, we’ve only scratched the surface of how colourful his shirts can be.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Vincent D’Onofrio doesn’t know any more about Hawkeye than the rest of us, so he dressed like if the Monopoly Guy were a big time cocaine importer in Miami.

  • kikaleeka-av says:

    D’Onofrio does know one thing: His character was not rebooted or a variant; it was a continuation of the same arc from before.

  • ospoesandbohs-av says:

    He did a Screenrant interview where he said the way he approached it and what he was told is that Kingpin was blipped and is trying to regain the power he once held over the city. He said it’s the same character.

  • snyderbayratner-av says:

    D’onofrio is playing along/pulling strings more than most of the general audience would know.He’s clearly going to be a presence in Echo, especially with the comic book origins mirroring Maya’s actions in the Hawkeye finale. Reiterating the same dangling plot threads in Hawkeye is just drumming up continued interest/focus onto future seasons/series.There’s going to be a bunch more VD and Cox in our futures, folks! 

  • mythicfox-av says:

    Kingpin’s definitely not dead. Depending on how the production timelines are coming together, my assumption is that at the time they filmed the episode, Maya’s spinoff was too early for them to commit to a specific ‘end state’ regarding Fisk as to whether they wanted him active and visible at the start, believed dead for a surprise reveal, recovering in the hospital, etc. I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if the Echo series started with a version of that scene where we see what happened (or what she thinks happened, if she thinks he’s dead), or feature flashbacks to it.I mentioned to my roommate as soon as we finished watching the episode that I could see three different ways he survived that shot, even before getting into something weird (like his past association with the Hand): 1) He grabbed the gun and yanked it aside before it went off but we still heard the shot. 2) He was wearing some sort of body armor, possibly foreshadowed by him just no-selling Kate shooting him with an arrow. 3) He just took the shot because he’s Wilson-frigging-Fisk, also possibly foreshadowed by him just no-selling the arrow.

  • laurenceq-av says:

    I haven’t watched every episode of Daredevil, but why on earth do people keep wondering if it’s “the same Kingpin” (or “the same” Daredevil from SM: NWH)? Why the hell wouldn’t it be? Just because he’s not explicitly referencing the events of the other show, who cares? To the best of my knowledge there is absolutely nothing remotely conflicting about his appearance here. He’s in one episode for crissake. He’s a big, bad gangster. That’s the sum total of his character and his participation in Hawkeye and it’s completely consisted with the big, bad gangster he was in “Daredevil.”

    • likerofdoctorwhocomments-av says:

      He wasn’t a “big, bad gangster” in Daredevil. In the 1st season he blackmailed or bought the entire NYPD and in the 3rd season he controlled a branch of the FBI. In season 1, a man kills himself out of fear after divulging Fisk’s real name. He was a representation of institutional corruption and rot. His powers extended well beyond comical Eastern European henchmen and he certainly wouldn’t have assaulted a woman in broad daylight on the street if he had any other option.

  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    head canon/speculation/No Prize-ing for Daredevil, No Way Home and Hawkeye: the Blip left a lot of chaos for Fisk to return but if nobody knows he’s the Kingpin of Crime (50/50 shot based upon what we see in Hawkeye), as he was outed on Daredevil, he either used the blip chaos to digitally erase all traces of his being the Kingpin (and will just sue anyone into oblivion for slander or send some hired goons). Or, y’know, he used one of those forget me now spells like Peter did to wipe that bit from everyone’s memory. Fisk rolls with undead ninjas, I’m fairly certain he’d have a dark wizard or two on his payroll.

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