Warner Bros. is being completely neurotic about The Flash right now

Limited press contact, a sequestered star, and blurred-out endings mark the atypical run-up to a major studio blockbuster

Aux News Warner Bros
Warner Bros. is being completely neurotic about The Flash right now
The Flash Screenshot: YouTube

Quick question: In recent memory, has a major movie studio been more publicly, visibly nervous about the release of a massive tentpole movie than Warner Bros. Discovery is being about The Flash right now? We’re now just two weeks away from the release of director Andy Muschietti’s particular stab at exploring the very crowded world of comic book multiverses, and the massive entertainment conglomerate is being more skittish about it than a publicist stuck in a room with Ezra Miller and a live mic.

That’s a joke, of course: Flash star Miller’s not getting anywhere near the press on this thing. (Variety quotes a source close to Miller who says “Ezra wants the movie to open and the conversation to be about the movie and not about Ezra.”) Miller has, of course, previously generated a great deal of press—but not the good kind, like you’d want—for The Flash, after spending a decent chunk of 2022 starring in a whole slew of negative headlines about worrying behavior on a nigh-weekly basis. (To be fair, those headlines dried up after Miller issued a statement of apology and a note that they were taking time to work on their mental health late last year.) But they’re nevertheless set to be absent from all but the barest of promotional duties for the film—which is also skipping most of the usual press junket stuff, presumably so that Muschietti and co-stars Ben Affleck, Sasha Calle, and Michael Shannon won’t have to field a lot of Miller-focused questions as they walk the red carpet.

Meanwhile, the studio is treating the film itself almost as gingerly: Warner Bros. is apparently so scared of spoilers leaking out about the film’s ending that it’s holding only a single premiere for the movie, just four days before it hits the public. Previous screenings, including one at CinemaCon in April, literally cut off before the ending; versions being shown at the studio’s Burbank lot this week apparently have chunks of the ending blurred out, which is very amusing to imagine. (One suspects the studio was not happy about the way Henry Cavill’s cameo in Black Adam got thoroughly spoiled in preview screenings last year.) The Flash is supposed to serve as a bridge between the previous Snyderverse of DC Films and the new stuff being rolled out by James Gunn and Peter Safran in the years to come, but even so: This is some intense, and atypical, secrecy at play.

For what it’s worth, Variety says none of this neurotic, clandestine maneuvering is expected to hurt the movie’s box office performance: The Flash is expected to open at $75 million, with the studio apparently hoping it’ll eventually hit Aquamanstyle box office numbers. (The studio even has a script for a sequel already reportedly written and waiting for Muschietti to tackle; he’s said he wouldn’t even consider re-casting Miller in the part.)


  • jodyjm13-av says:

    Considering Ezra Miller’s consistently troubling behavior last year (and, I think, stretching back into late 2021?), I’m perfectly willing to believe they need six months to a year out of the limelight in order to work on their issues.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    I thought they wanted Henry Cavill’s cameo in Black Adam to be public so more people would see it?

    • turbotastic-av says:

      Yeah, but then Black Adam flopped so now they’re trying the complete opposite approach.

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    Actors aren’t the only thing replaceable when it comes to movies (and who directs them) by the way.

  • shadowstaarr-av says:

    I saw a preview of the movie, which lead with an atypical announcement that it was not the final version of the film. It also included no credits, so no mid or post credit scene. Now I’m even wondering if the end actually was a premature cut to save for the final release.

    • jbbb3-av says:

      I also saw it a couple of weeks ago too and though they said it’s not the final cut, I assumed it was just director talk. Now I’m wondering if I have to go again. I liked it and all, but not jazzed about seeing a movie twice in a month-span. 

      • shadowstaarr-av says:

        Given we still saw a 2+ hour version of the film, I’d like to think that whatever was cut I can read a short article about it. I’m honestly more interested to see it a second time to see if they ironed out any of the CGI; there was a scene early in the movie of Batman on his Batcycle (that’s in the trailer) and he has audible dialogue but the entire character model was computer generated and the mouth was visibly not moving.

  • libsexdogg-av says:

    I’m only slightly interested in the movie itself (superhero fatigue is hitting me *hard*… I don’t even care about the next Batman movie, and I fucking love Batman), but I cannot wait to see the reviews on this thing.

  • nilus-av says:

    It’s doesn’t help that the writers strike basically kills the talk show circuit right now so there aren’t a lot of places to even do publicity. 

  • badkuchikopi-av says:

    I hope the Nic Cage rumor is true, that could be what they’re blurring.

    • schmapdi-av says:

      That’s what I was wondering. I don’t really follow comic book movies at all – but I’ve also seen that story in my feed 2-3 times the last week or so. I was under the impression that it had already been spoiled. Didn’t realize it was just a rumor. 

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      they confirmed that one.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I hope the Nic Cage rumor is true”

      What rumor? The director confirmed the cameo in fucking Variety.

    • hasselt-av says:

      Chris Gore, who has seen the movie (except the ending) has confirmed that rumor.

  • alexanderdyle-av says:

    Neurotic? Sure, let’s indulge in some real Snake Pit-era lingo. I’m surprised you didn’t suggest they’re having an attack of the vapors while you were at it. Also, this is pretty much how I’d expect them to roll this thing out given all the elephants in the room. They have a ton of money sunk into this thing and they’re stuck with a star they don’t date let loose in public not to mention the whole huge course change WB is making with DC. Did anyone really expect a business-as-normal release strategy. I’ll just be happy when the thing is finally released and we can all get out of Flash purgatory.

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    versions being shown at the studio’s Burbank lot this week apparently have chunks of the ending blurred out, which is very amusing to imagine

  • michael-pruitt-av says:

    While it may be atypical for a modern big budget studio release how is any of the behaviour described neurotic, clandestine or nervous? It sounds like a combination of prudence (Miller) and discipline (keeping the ending secret). 

    • marteastwood47-av says:

      Probably the worst words used for this kind of movie. I don’t know if those words are correct either. The movie was filmed since 2020 and the only reason it wasn’t released in 2021 or 2022 was because of 3 major things: WB being bought out, the DC Cinematic-verse was going to be rebooted, and Ezra Miller’s criminal acts (which is a hefty list on its own and I argue should still be in jail for all of it. But WB along with some other commenters chose to defend him rather bizarrely. James Gunn himself without directly mentioning Ezra Miller and only the movie) I think it is controversial this movie was chosen to be released over Batgirl and they didn’t use the time to edit out Ezra Miller for another actor. Also some scenes from the trailer are rather weird that they kept in. Like a girl shouting how ‘She loves him,’ which is like holy shit they kept that. I think the proper words for this film are Controversial, Ignorance, and (not a word but the phrase) Saving Face. I don’t think this will work in their favor.

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        lol i would also argue that covid was a 4th major thing that effected release.

        • monsterdook-av says:

          Yeah, all of WB’s DC films were substantially delayed due to theatres being dark (WW84 being the exception).

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            ww84 was also delayed. those cursed promotional doritos that sat on the shelves for months is a core covid memory haha.

          • monsterdook-av says:

            WB delayed the release of WW84 from Dec 2019 to Spring 2020 on its own. Covid then delayed the release to early 2021 where it was simulataneously released on home streaming HBO Max due to theaters still being sparse. Black Adam, Aquaman 2, the Flash, Shazam 2 releases were all substantially delayed by years due to Covid, but they have and will receive standard theatrical runs before going to Max months later. That’s all I meant.
            One of them is bound to be good, right?

        • marteastwood47-av says:

          I forgot about that. When you’ve been delayed so much and then a pandemic happened in between the mix.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “The movie was filmed since 2020 and the only reason it wasn’t released in 2021 or 2022 was because of 3 major things”

        Yeah, except that principal photography started in April 2021, but sure, let’s just believe some dipshit in the comments section of a pop culture website?

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    Flash Can’t Outpace Spider-Man, Plumber

  • ghboyette-av says:

    Well, regardless of any opinion, AV Club has certainly made up its mind on this.

    • monsterdook-av says:

      Still 10 days until The Flash hits theaters, which means 12-15 more neurotic AV Club articles for everyone to click on. By next Tuesday, we should know what Chandler thinks about The Flash.

  • Ruhemaru-av says:

    Given the trailers, I don’t care at all about the Flash himself. Superwoman and Keaton are the draws for me. I’m genuinely tired of Flash being used for time travel shenanigans in just about every form of media the character is in. You’d think people would remember he had other comic arcs besides Flashpoint.
    Other than that, I’d rather watch a sitcom starring Faora and that soldier she respected from Man of Steel than a movie focused on two Miller Flashes.

  • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

    The Frisky Dingo reference is appreciated. 

    • mivb-av says:

      Am I losing it? What was the reference I missed to one of my favorite shows?

      • inspectorhammer-av says:

        “Miller has, of course, previously generated a great deal of press—but not the good kind, like you’d want”

        • mivb-av says:

          Thank you to both of you. Man, I need to rewatch me some Frisky Dingo. Good thing is it’ll only take like 2 hours to run the whole series!

      • apostkinjapocalypticwasteland-av says:

        “Miller has, of course, previously generated a great deal of press—but not the good kind, like you’d want”

  • benjil-av says:

    The promotion by an actor is a very tiny part of the success of a movie nowadays and if Miller is not part of it, I don’t think it will really have any influence, and that’s not that he is very popular anyway. But $75M for the opening week end of such a movie is very low, for any MCU movie this would be a disaster.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    If that picture is anything to go by, The Flash is about Barry Allen Ezra Millering Barry Allen.

  • actionactioncut-av says:

    Warner Bros. is apparently so scared of spoilers leaking out about the film’s ending that it’s holding only a single premiere for the movie, just four days before it hits the public.There’s actually stuff left to spoil? I’m unsurprised that they put Keaton in the trailer, but you’d think they’d play coy with the Kara reveal.

    • ghboyette-av says:

      It kind of reminds me of way back when they revealed Arnold’s terminator in T-2 was going to be a good guy. Would have been so great not to know that ahead of time.

  • jasoncourt-av says:

    Pretty much F this movie for multiple reasons not the least of which the Ezra situation. Unfortunately no matter the controversy or the quality of the movie, there are people(dorks) that will go see it because Michael Keaton as Batman or whatever the ending is some other bullet point that tells you nothing of the quality of the movie.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Unfortunately no matter the controversy or the quality of the movie”

      You can’t pass judgement on the quality of the movie unless you see it, so literally nobody will be taking in the quality of the movie when they decide to see it.

  • marteastwood47-av says:

    I’m actually wondering how this movie will do at the box office. A lot of people are boycotting it and most of the fanbase for this movie have already seen it or about to see it for free through screenings. It’s definitely a turn-off and sucks for people that previewed this film and they are still figuring out the ending? I’m starting to wonder if that Christopher Reeve ending as real now and people didn’t like it. This is so bizarre for a movie releasing in a few weeks.

    It’s also pretty bizarre and weird that James Gunn has been promoting the fuck out of this movie on twitter. With whatever insane twitter campaign he is doing with his future being in charge of DC.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i also can’t imagine there are many kids out there who give a shit. ‘oh good, a flash movie that’s about a 10 year old superman plotline and a 30 year old batman plotline’ sure the 40 year old snyder fans and 50 year old keaton fans are gonna show out…but i don’t think that’s that many people.

    • kman3k-av says:

      A lot of people are boycotting it I very seriously doubt that. Don’t let the echo chamber distort reality.

    • monsterdook-av says:

      “Bizarre” that Gunn is promoting his company’s Summer blockbuster, specifically a film in the DC division that he has been entrusted to shepherd and that has been in the works for years? Yeah, that’s a real head scratcher.

  • dirk-steele-av says:

    Maybe they’re hiding a CW Flash appearance?

  • gargsy-av says:

    “For what it’s worth, Variety says none of this neurotic, clandestine maneuvering is expected to hurt the movie’s box office performance”

    Why would anything think that a studio going out of its way to not spoil the ending hurt the movie’s box office?

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    i don’t see this doing anywhere near a billion dollars in a summer this competitive. i doubt it even hits 500 worldwide. i can’t imagine the average person cares about michael keaton’s batman returning, and i would say probably as many people care about not supporting an ezra miller movie.plus, the last two dc movies have flopped, straight up. i don’t see any reason why one this ugly, convoluted looking and inessential would do any better.

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