Watch Hasan Minhaj's final segment on The Daily Show

Aux Features The Daily Show With Trevor Noah

As an established comedy institution, The Daily Show is responsible for launching the careers of many of its esteemed correspondents. Traditionally, when one of these series regulars jumps ship to kickstart their acting career or take the helm of their own weekly talk show, they get one final segment to say their tearful goodbyes and get in a few more jokes. This week, it was Hasan Minhaj’s turn as he prepares to depart from Comedy Central and move over to Netflix for the premiere of The Patriot Act With Hasan Minhaj.

So, how did he spend his final moments behind the big blue-top desk? Doing what everybody else has been doing lately—complaining about the downfall of MoviePass. “As a child of immigrants, movies have always been my way to connect to American culture. And, more importantly, Indians love bargains. So, now what am I going to do?” Minhaj laments before getting a brief lecture from Trevor Noah about the logistics of MoviePass’s business model. This, of course, only convinces Minhaj that the trick to saving MoviePass is to integrate it with a similarly struggling industry innovator, Obamacare.

All in all, it’s a good bit and fitting send off for Minhaj, who has been with the show since 2014. Soon, he’ll be off on his own in the wild world of streaming, weekly entertainment. But we’re pretty confident he’ll land on his feet.

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