Watchmen creator Alan Moore told DC to send his money to Black Lives Matter

Once again, Alan Moore has absolutely no interest in any adaptation of his work, even financially

Aux News Watchmen
Watchmen creator Alan Moore told DC to send his money to Black Lives Matter
Alan Moore Photo: Kevin Nixon/SFX Magazine/Future

Alan Moore pretty notoriously wants nothing to do with any adaptation of his comic book work. In fact, he wishes “all the time” that he’d never even written any comic books, he says in a new interview with The Telegraph. He is so enjoying a well-deserved career pivot to traditional publishing that “It does make me wish that I’d maybe gone into writing prose fiction back in the late Seventies.”

He reportedly lives a humble life in his hometown of Northampton, England, where he has no use for any of the royalty checks coming in for adaptations of Watchmen, The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, V For Vendetta, and so on. At one point he’d offered his slice of the profits to the other creatives who worked on the adaptation, but “I no longer wish it to even be shared with them,” he tells The Telegraph. “I don’t really feel, with the recent films, that they have stood by what I assumed were their original principles. So I asked for DC Comics to send all of the money from any future TV series or films to Black Lives Matter.”

Nowadays Moore writes fiction, side-eyes the comic book industry from afar (“Now they’re called ‘graphic novels’, which sounds sophisticated and you can charge a lot more for them”), and stays home. “I’ve become used to a more virtual world,” says Moore, who along with his wife have health issues that make them more COVID-cautious. “And I’ve kind of forgone public appearances, partly because I’m a bit old and doddery—and, as I get older, as you can see I get more unsightly—but also I was finding at comic conventions I’d talk to people and they were looking at me like they were having some sort of religious experience rather than an ordinary conversation. So I’ve sort of retired into what I probably originally thought a writer’s life was like, where you sit at home and write books.”


  • gterry-av says:

    Good old Alan Moore, he got famous writing and adapting stories/characters created by other people, but gets super angry about other people adapting stuff that he wrote.

    • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

      I think you can make a good faith argument differentiating reinterpretation/deconstruction as being distinct from adaptation.Snyder adapting Watchmen is different than Moore using Marvelman or the Charlton characters to deconstruct the genre.

      • gterry-av says:

        If that is the case he must love the Watchmen TV series, since that is exactly what that was.  Or even future comic writers using Dr. Manhattan which is no different than him writing a Superman story. But I am pretty sure he complains about those as well.

        • Rev2-av says:

          That’s a strange argument. Creating new characters isn’t the same as using familiar ones… I also don’t think he’s watched a second of the HBO “adaptation” nor intends to.

        • senorfartcushion-av says:

          Who cares if he complains? The company who owns all of the those properties stole from him.And considering what he does with his royalties, they also stole from some charities. 

        • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

          I see what you’re saying, but I think there’s a difference, and that Moore’s influence was well earned (this is independent of the fact that I think a good chunk of his work belongs in the trash.)Actually, I think there’s a strong analogy to be made between hip-hop and the creation of “the new” through sampling (the repurposing of “the old”) as distinct from rip-offs (e.g. George Harrison accidentally using “He’s So Fine” to make “My Sweet Lord.”)Lindelof’s Watchmen, Johns’ Doomsday Clock, King’s Rorschach, etc., all place themselves firmly in Moore’s world. They do the same thing that Watchmen did, i.e. use the language of superhero comics to deconstruct the genre while examining the fears and insecurities that most divide us. (Lindelof: racism/domestic terrorism, Johns: DC’s love affair with grim lit at the expense of joy, King: conspiratorial thinking and becoming radicalized.) They use the characters to do what Moore did with the characters.
          Moore initially picking up the Charlton Comics characters was different, I think. He didn’t use them for what they’d been used for in the past (fun pulpy stories to pass the time). He used them for something else (to make an argument that the only people who would do things like in the fun pulpy stories would be profoundly damaged, fascistic wackos.)He did the same thing with Marvelman/Miracleman —- he didn’t continue the old Mick Anglo Capt Marvel ripoff, he used the structure to make an argument that superpowered individual would essentially represent the coming of Nietzsche’s Ubermensch and the downfall of humanity as a species with true agency. He did something new, even though he did it with something old.

      • scri66les-av says:

        You can make a good faith argument. It starts to fall apart a bit when you include League, or his Lovecraft stuff, or Lost Girls…

        • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

          The Lovecraft stuff does strike me as the same thing. (I’m not touching Lost Girls.) But it’s maybe notable that the Lovecraft stuff isn’t what made him famous.

          • scri66les-av says:

            Well, Watchmen was based on existing characters from Charlton comics, he just changed the names. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is entirely based on public domain works.

            None of this is to diminish his talent/skills, I’m a fan! I’ve read all of this stuff, some of it more than once. But he maybe protests a bit too much about intellectual property.

      • briliantmisstake-av says:

        It’s more than a good faith argument, it’s one of the concepts incorporated into copyright law. Transformative use allows for reinterpretation and deconstruction. Adaptation is generally regarded as derivative work. 

    • ciegodosta-av says:

      Is there something hypocritical in his belief that comics should stay on the page despite writing and updating other characters on the page? Like yeah, if he wrote a Superman movie and then complained about Hollywood adapting Watchmen, he’s a hypocrite.He’s kind of a crank, but given everything we know about how rotten that business can be to artists and writers, who can blame him?

    • gargsy-av says:

      Would YOU be happy if people adapted your work into the f*cking League of Extraordinary Gentlemen or Watchmen movies?

    • mrsixx-av says:

      His argument (at least in this article) sounds more that they miss his entire point with their adaptations. So they’re just using the name and characters, not actually adapting it to a different format.

    • SquidEatinDough-av says:

      Anti-Moore people are such weirdos.

    • surprise-surprise-av says:

      I mean, you’re kind of getting everything wrong here.

      The issue is the fact that he wants the rights to his characters. He wanted to do a miniseries with the Charleston characters, DC turned down his proposal but encouraged him to create his own pastiches of the Charleston characters for an original series. Before signing on, he was assured that the characters would revert back to him once the comic fell out of publication (this was before keeping trades in publication constantly was a thing) and he signed on.

      Since then, Watchmen has never fallen out of publication and Moore has tried to make amends with DC numerous times but he always ends up feeling like he’s being stabbed in the back. In the early 2000’s, it was DC’s decision to release Watchmen toys and breaking a promise not to interfere with The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen when they purchased Wildstorm (they tried to force Moore to remove an advertisement for a douche in the background). This is all well before the Watchmen prequels and television series.

      • dirtside-av says:

        I think the lesson there is, never rely on “promises” like that. Get good lawyers and get ironclad contracts if you’re in that game.

  • seven-deuce-av says:

    The fact that he chose Black Lives Matter as a potential recipient clearly displays he is not a serious thinker but, rather, a whiny-baby man-child.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    He’s the best comic book writer of all time, and despite being a curmudgeon, he loves comics and comic book heroes. After all these years, I’ve come to find him to just have become a bitter whiner. Yes, DC screwed you on Watchmen, but 1) all those characters were based on other people’s work, too and 2) that was almost 40 years ago – get over it.

    • dmicks-av says:

      They also offered to transfer the rights to him if he would write a sequel, he refused that too. 

      • deb03449a1-av says:

        I mean, writing a sequel to Watchmen is a bad idea. Prequels (Before Watchmen) too. Even the well made TV show was a bad idea and I hate it more and more as time goes by.

        • dmicks-av says:

          Personally, I don’t have a problem with more stories set in that world, but the Before Watchmen stuff was just ill conceived, the Comedian best buds with JFK, come on. I even liked the movie, would have been better as a one season series, but having seen some other filmmakers ideas for updating it, I’m glad we got a period piece set in the 80’s.

        • killa-k-av says:

          Even the well made TV show was a bad idea and I hate it more and more as time goes by.What

          • deb03449a1-av says:

            Watchmen is about comic books and is a master of using the form. Making a TV show from it misses the point.

          • killa-k-av says:

            It’s not *just* about comic books though. It’s also a deconstruction of the superhero genre, and how superheroes are inherently authoritative and fascist (though in your defense, I’ve read criticisms arguing that the TV show missed this point as well). It’s a wonderful and fascinating book that has endured for so long because it’s layered and can be interpreted in multiple different ways. I agree that a straight adaptation of the text misses the point – or at the very least loses a lot in translation – but I disagree that any continuation or story set in the same world is inherently missing the point by being told in a different medium. IMO it’s free to have a different point.

      • SquidEatinDough-av says:

        Lol, DC told Moore a lot of things. Good on him for not falling for that one.

      • zeroine-av says:

        ‘”They also offered to transfer the rights to him if he would write a sequel, he refused that too.”’Perhaps he feels at this point the offered rights are merely a dangling carrot to manipulate him into doing what they want him to do.

        • SquidEatinDough-av says:

          It’s like his deal with DC that included the incentive that the rights would revert to him after they stopped publishing Watchmen, in which afterwards they just proceeded to publish Watchmen forever. Do people just not get that DC has been untrustworthy towards him for decades and that’s why he’s pissed? 

    • akhippo-av says:

      How dare he have his own opinions!! 

    • senorfartcushion-av says:

      Very American response to a nice person being a curmudgeon.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      I get the hostility. He’s been fucked by the industry he loves (or loved, past tense) so many times I don’t blame him for whining.Plus it doesn’t help that everyone asks him about his feelings on the whole affair in like every fucking interview. I know if I got screwed over in a business deal I’d be way more mad if people were still bringing it up 40 years later.

    • jallured1-av says:

      He’s so charming in this new interview. He says the quiet part out loud, Re graphic novels, and is uber self-deprecating about his place in the world. 

  • bcfred2-av says:

    Well that turned out to be a sound recipient of his largess.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Eh, I tried Jerusalem. Twice. It…was not good, no.Dude did some landmark work, and good on him for living his principles. Dude got out of the game before he could tank his legacy *too* badly. He wants to write sprawling, barely-coherent novels until he dies, hey, great. Worked for other writers.

    • paezdishpencer-av says:

      Yea, Jerusalem showed that Alan’s dependence on Steve Moore (no relation) for editing was a lot more important than thought, IMHO.Alan tends to drift if someone doesn’t clonk him on the head and say ‘quit bullshitting’ it seems. Steve knew Alan’s thought process and guided him way better in terms of writing.

    • senorfartcushion-av says:

      Very American response to Jerusalem 

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Very American response to Jerusalem Very nothing statement. K. Good talk!

  • vanheat-av says:

    How can people still support BLM? He might as well have sent his money directly to the ocean. Do people not know that one of the co-founders, Patrisse Cullors, had to resign in disgrace after buying multiple mansions? She’s a self-avowed Marxist…who apparently loves capitalism.BLM is so corrupt that local chapters had to sue the global organization for funding, and the global foundation turned around and called the chapters divisive haters and liars. Classy.Send your money to fucking Easter Seals. Any other organization would be better.

    • tarst-av says:

      I was listening to a podcast that had a commercial for a local chapter of BLM (Michigan maybe?), and they went out of their way to state they are no way affiliated with the national organization. This puts it in context, thanks

      • stalkyweirdos-av says:

        The person you are responding to is a notorious white power troll, who literally writes 2,000-3,000 words per day in comments on the Root attacking black people.  Don’t dignify this insincere incel asshole with replies.

        • kinjaburner0000-av says:

          God damn, that is one of the worst and most unhinged comment history I’ve ever seen. Dude needs to log off, for more than one reason.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Yes, I’m unhinged because I quote such rightwing rags such as The Washington Post and The New York Times and the Guardian. IContainMultitudes thinks his “lived experience” (aka “circumstantial evidence”) is more accurate than The Washington Post, who won a fucking Pulitzer for their Police Shooting Database. Glad to see you found a friend in ignorance. 

        • SquidEatinDough-av says:

          Lol of course the one thing this chud hyper-focuses on in this story is acshually BLM bad.Next expect something about “colleges teaching cultural marxism”, and a link to a poll showing that, despite the liberal narrative, the majority of the Black Community™ actually loves being targeted, harassed, and killed by cops ( you see, he’s an open-minded, smart chud who does his homework and cites data to support his idiotic, sheltered beliefs arguments).

          • vanheat-av says:

            You dumb fuck I linked to a Guardian article about how corrupt the global organization is and your retort is ChUd BaD. Meanwhile, you’re a communist who posts pornography. I’ll stack my data up to your obscenity any ol’ day, tankie cunt.Oh, and Gallup must also be part of the ChUd conspiracy: only way to deny The Guardian and Gallup is to purposefully delude oneself, but you already have, being a fucking communist tankie and all.Say, what did the Soviets do to the Polish anti-Nazi resistance in 1945, commie?

          • vanheat-av says:

            Um. The story is about BLM, tankie. I posted an article in full from the Guardian about how the BLM global corporation was so corrupt that local chapters had to sue them for funding. I also—correctly—pointed out that one of the co-founders spent BLM money to buy multiple mansions, like all good Marxists do. I also posted in full a Gallup poll showing black Americans want police in their neighborhoods. Deal with it.If you can refute any of the above, great. If not, stick to posting porn, you brainless commie cunt.“My idiotic, sheltered beliefs.” You don’t live in America, so what the fuck would you know, by your own standards?

          • bennyboy56-av says:

            “Lol of course the one thing this chud hyper-focuses on in this story is acshually BLM bad”You do know that BLM is actually mentioned in the title of the article? As he says the global BLM chapter led by Patrisse Cullors have spent most of the money raised buying houses for themselves and quite obviously don’t care about anyone but themselves, but of course you come to their defense…

        • vanheat-av says:

          How is the Guardian article explaining how corrupt the BLM global organization is wrong? I wouldn’t care if it was Eskimo Lives Matter, fucknut, they are crooks.

        • daveassist-av says:

          There’s another troll going through Root-withdrawal symptoms, but he’s remained in the greys for now.  He tends to be more open about his mayo-supreme leanings.

        • tarst-av says:

          Wow, what a piece of shit.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Yeah, best move is to just dismiss any of his replies. He has this shtick where he pretends to just be asking questions with good motives and posting (selectively curated and misrepresented) articles from legit news sites to back up his position. It could almost fool someone until you realize just how many posts he makes every single day, 90% in the service of white supremacism (although there is some anti-trans content too), and overwhelmingly on a black site.He’s the actual worst.

          • vanheat-av says:

            What “selectively curated and misrepresented” articles? Name one misrepresentation. Name one. You don’t even read them, how would you know I misrepresented anything? I post entire articles/databases. Too bad if you don’t like the results.“Anti-trans.” I posted one article that represented BOTH PRO AND CON arguments, which you didn’t know, because you don’t read it. When evidence was provided to me that debunked the New York Times article, I changed my mind, because I go with evidence. You go with “feelings.” 

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            I go with evidence. You go with “feelings.” Yes everyone who’s ever been sucked into you dEBaTe mE bRo types’ online vortex is familiar with the whole “fuck your feelings, racial minorities/gay/trans/poor people” psychopathy.

          • vanheat-av says:

            My “online vortex” of…(squinting) posting mainstream news sources.I wasn’t alive during the United States involvement in Latin America, yet you demanded I acknowledge them as well, you fucking ridiculous, porn-posting, ACAB-cliché imbecile.

          • vanheat-av says:

            IContainMmultitudes is upset (and I’m apparently a white-supremacist data-mining-troll) for posting in whole articles/data from:ABC NewsTime MagazineThe Census BureauThe Bureau of Justice StatisticsThe Bureau of Transportation StatisticsThe FBIGallupPewThe New York TimesThe Washington PostL.A. TimesThe GuardianBBCThe Supreme CourtHis sources? “Lived experience”, aka “anecdotal evidence.”So if The Washington Post wins a Pulitzer for their Police Shooting Database, which shows the total amount of black people killed justifiably to be very high, and the number of unarmed blacks killed each year to be very low, this does not match his worldview, so he responds that the Pulitzer winning database is “4Chan meme trash.” Actual quote.Whatever. The Root has apparently gotten rid of comments, so his rickety boat of bullshit will float forever. Congrats, Multitudes; your ignorance is enshrined forever now.

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            See, that you can never resist furiously, pathologically responding to people who refuse/learn not to engage with your concern trolling is why I find you mildly fun to bait and annoy with shitposting.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Your shitposting gay porn has zero effect on me. I’m bisexual, genius. I am not “concern trolling.” I’m just straight up posting mainstream articles that you idiots reject without reading them. Don’t worry, I won’t take up any more of of porn-posting, ACAB-meme-posting, communist-meme posting (waste) of time.

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            My favorite thing is when he dogged me around for a few weeks anywhere and anytime I posted, begging me to apologize for some Soviet war crime in Eastern Europe (I’m from South America and wasn’t even alive then).

          • vanheat-av says:

            You fucking liar, I posted shit about genocides for two days. I wasn’t alive for the United States involvement in Latin America, and you demanded I acknowledge them. What’s the difference, hypocrite communist tankie cunt? No reply necessary.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            I first encountered this fucking loser on an article here about David Simon where he was pretending to have insight into his past views that suddenly became woke. After I pointed out that he was beyond fucking wrong and stupid, he suddenly became obsessed, writing like 25+ posts about how I was refusing to acknowledge something that hadn’t remotely come up in what we were talking; I imagine it was another argument he was simultaneously having with someone else. He kept posting that I refused to acknowledge the facts in some article that he 100% had not posted on that thread or any other thread where I was. It was fucking weird.There is absolutely zero reason to engage with this bad-faith white supremacist incel dickbag. Best policy is to just delete his replies unread, while providing context to prevent anyone else from engaging and keeping his posts around. Let’s just treat him the way women have his entire life.

          • SquidEatinDough-av says:

            “I imagine it was another argument he was simultaneously having with someone else.”Yeah he’s doing the same thing with me at the moment, saying I threatened to dox him when I’ve never said such a thing to anyone ever (I shitpost, I don’t threaten). Though some other guy (Adam-something) I was in a Root thread with a couple days ago said something like “if I could dox you I would”, in utter frustration at this chud.I honestly don’t know if he conflates people intentionally, or if it’s just a result of his ‘debate me bro’ fetish entangling so many people that he just loses track of who he’s arguing with and why (which is even more pathetic imo).

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            You’d think he could organize his opps in the same spreadsheet where he keeps all the dozens of news articles he whips out every time anyone questions his hackneyed alt-right nonsense so that he can pivot to “oh, so you don’t believe SOURCE X” is credible,” counting on the typical Dunning-Kruger dipshit troll thing where count on other people being as stupid as them to take the tangentially related or anecdotal point contained therein as irrefutable proof of whatever dumb racist incel point he’s going for at the time.It’s a sophisticated technique for a 10th grader arguing with middle schoolers, but absolutely absurd in the adult world. But pretty typical for the kind of guy who is pretty sure he’s smarter than everyone else because he DIDN’T go to college.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Yeah, you’re not totally obsessed yourself, warning others not to engage with me because of my use of “hackneyed alt-right nonsense”, like the Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post Police Shooting Database, which I posted in full, along with instructions of how to use it. What alt right nonsense.You refuse to engage with mainstream material, literally calling Bureau of Justice Statistics and the Datatbase “4chan meme trash”, incessantly use intel/Dunning-Kruger jokes, and claim I didn’t go to college.So Party A is simply pointing to well-known facts…And Party B is purposefully ignorant and just lobs ad homs…I’d go with Party A.Oh, and I’ve never used the word “woke.” I was aware then and aware now that Simon wants to decriminalize drugs; that doesn’t fucking apply in this case. Do you know how much stronger fentanyl is than heroin? I won’t bother linking to the stats on fentanyl ODs, the horrific rates of relapse, the absolute epidemic levels of addiction we are seeing…everywhere. BECAUSE YOU WON’T READ THEM.I disagree with Simon about this, ok? Is that not allowed? The fucking dealer knew his product had killed other people. He is a fucking murderer. If drugs were legal, legal dealers selling drugs they KNOW have been killing people would still be liable, would they fucking not? Simon’s fucking opinion doesn’t fucking apply.Would I help the dealer get sober? Yes. I absolutely would. In prison, where they keep murderers. IMO, Simon is behind the times. Fucking sue me.Your life experience is zilch, your insight negligible, and your insults sub-4chan.Fuck off.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Vanheat: Nobody gives a fuck. Nobody.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Maybe not on this website, which is not reality. But plenty of people care in reality. This affects millions of fucking people, you purposefully ignorant cunt. Believing that cops murder unarmed blacks at high rates affects millions of fuckin people. Thinking fucking murderers should go free as part of legalizing drugs affects millions of people. Oh well, I’ll just go back to my Richard Spencer lifestyle…of caring for/housing/treating addicts in a large city where you and David Simon’s fucking cause célèbre HAVE NEVER BEEN DISCUSSED BY WHITES AND POCS IN THE EXACT SAME SITUATION, EVER. Fuck off, already.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Desperately lonely fucking loser who accused ME of being on HIS jock is sincerely hoping to restart an argument he desperately wanted to have with me a couple of months back.No matter how much “I’m neutrally responding to these news sources” nonsense you try to pitch, anyone here can look at your search history and see you do nothing but this, many times a day, every day, always coming for black people. This stupid aw shucks character does not work when you keep doing it in the same place, and that is a place that keeps records, dipshit.You have never once had a fucking opinion about a film or book or news event that wasn’t about punching down on minorities, asshole. The problem is not the sources you pull from to kinda sorta support your points. It’s your racist adult virgin revanchist mission itself.People like you as little here as they do in the outside world. Fuck off.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Pathetic online dickhead doesn’t have a clue what I do for a living and gets pissy when his favorite propaganda pieces by THE worst website online regarding said propaganda gets pushback and pathetic dickhead can only hurl ad homs. The story of us.The end.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            No one reads your comments, loser.

          • vanheat-av says:

            You read my comments, imbecile. I was having a conversation that you injected yourself in just today or yesterday, imbecile. The homobic commie tankie who has posted nothing but gay pornography in the last three days reads my posts. Adam Whitney reads them, although, like yourself, he doesn’t understand them.I don’t watch stupid cape shit TV or fucking cartoons or whatever pop culture bullshit you consume, imbecile. I no longer make political comments on Kinja because they fucked up their politics site, imbecile. So I write about what I know, and I know that The Root is 99% full of shit. I’m a skeptic, imbecile.Name one thing I’ve been wrong about. One.And (consider) answering this question (I know you won’t, but what the hell): If drugs were legal, and if a legal drug dealer dealt drugs that he KNOWS have killed people, would that dealer be liable? Or would you and David Simon fight for his freedom, imbecile? It’s a Yes or No question.I won’t get my hopes up for an answer.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Nope, not that one either, you impotent mediocre white putz.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Lol, I know you’ll dismiss it, but here in meatspace, I work in the recovery space and know for a fucking fact that zero other professionals would want dealers who kill people to go free when drugs are legal. To a person. It’s such an insane, ridiculous concept, people laugh when I bring it up and are ALWAYS against Simon and you. But what am I’m I saying, you’re obviously a very important office drone who knows what he’s talking about.But that’s anecdotal evidence. We’ll know more in the next five years. The Portugal model is not working out as hoped. But I’m sure you’re aware of all of these issues, especially the way legalization has affected rehabilitation: I know, I know, it’s the dreaded alt right rag The Washington Post. What do they know, right? It’s just one of my many mainstream articles you can in no way refute.Stay online and watch more cape shit/cartoons/anime/pop culture retardation, useless consumer asshole.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            The only open question I have about this soulless incel douchebag is whether he is truly, in his heart, this much of a cornball white supremacist piece of shit or if, in reality, he is just such an absolutely achingly lonely, friendless, unloved loser that he’s decided that advocating terrible fucking white power takes is the ONLY way he can get any kind of human contact. He clearly has zero fucking interests that he could use to have any kind of conversation whatsoever with another human. The more this dick replies endlessly and tries to circle back to old dead discussions whatever is making me lean toward that. His nerdy racism wouldn’t really get engagement on a site full of racists, so he seeks out black people because he needs reply notifications to remind him that he exists.I’d pity him if he wasn’t such an absolute fucking dickbag.  But I guess I’m still feeding him. 

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Weird that you exclusively focus on “misinformation” about one vulnerable minority group that you aren’t part of.You sure put a lot of effort into terrible rhetorical bullshit that fools absolutely no one, you lonely, lonely fucking loser.

          • vanheat-av says:

            You need an intervention. I say that as a professional. Just fuck off, dude. You just attacked me racially. I have never, ever done so to you, because I DON’T FUCKING CARE ABOUT RACE.If there were an Asian group who started a 90 million dollar organization by lying about the aspects of a police killing (in the real world, let’s call it the “Hands up, don’t shoot” lie) and then became so corrupt that local chapters had to sue the main organization for funding, while affecting disastrous changes to law (again: Portland, Philly, Chicago [where I fucking live and witnessed the policy disasters], New York, etc.), you bet your ass I would be all over those particular corrupt Asian motherfuckers.But all you see is race. It’s so obvious. You call mainstream stats 4chan memeshit because of skin color. Fucking pathetic.Please fuck off. I won’t respond any longer. You’re a racist nerd.  

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Receipts, dummy.  

          • vanheat-av says:

            Jesus fucking Christ, that’s, what 20 posts about me in two weeks? You ARE OBSESSED. I’ve never trashed your ignorant ass. I’ve never attacked you racially. You just attacked me racially. You lose that particular fight. I am morally ABOVE you, based on this alone.God, you go on and on about how I’m an incel. Has it EVER bothered me? Do your incel jokes hurt me AT ALL? No. The answer is NO. As my partner likes to say, “Why do you have to bring up old shit?” You shit talk me over and over and over and bring up months old shit over and over (and over) and then say I have no outside interests. You have the self-awareness of a sea anamone. What fucking racism, dickhead? How are stats racist, asshat? You mean simply disagreeing with black ideologues makes me racist? REALLY? IS THAT REALLY YOUR CLAIM? Organizations scamming their donors are honorable? Leaders lying about…simply all kinds of shit from economic reform to violence to killer cops, etc., etc., etc., must be agreed with because of their race? I DON’T CARE IF YOU’RE AN ESKIMO, YOU’RE A PURPOSEFULLY IGNORANT ESKIMO THEN.FUCK OFF.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Scream into the void, you friendless fuck.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Racist bitch.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:


          • vanheat-av says:

            “impotent mediocre white putz.”What would happen if I called you an impotent mediocre black putz? YOU WOULD LOSE YOUR MIND AND CALL ME A NAZI. I have never attacked you by race.All you care about is race. You won’t read stats because of the races involved. You won’t read mainstream media because of the race involved. You care more about race than accurate information and journalism. It’s fucking pitiful.I don’t give a fuck about race. If the Root was about Eskimos, then I’d attack their propaganda, too. Get it through your pop culture consuming nerd brain: you are the racist. I have the facts. Sucks, don’t it?

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Even with me having dismissed seven or eight dozen of your replies to me, you have pages and pages of posts, every single one being anti-black, except for a few detours into transphobia, using “autistic” as an insult, and a sprinkling of 9th grade anti-Marxism content.There is absolutely no person there behind the racism. You don’t even fucking exist.You can’t spend months doing nothing but racism and then pretend that isn’t your ONLY FUCKING PERSONALITY TRAIT.

          • vanheat-av says:

            You racially attacked me. You don’t have a leg to stand on. Presenting mainstream data is in no way racist, unless you’re the racist dismissing them based on, you know, preconceived prejudice. I had one conversation about Trans people. I posted an article that talked to people on ALL sides of the issue, which you didn’t read, because fucking milliseconds later you post ad homs to keep readers away from me. I then had to change my mind when presented with new evidence, something you have never down, you pop culture imbecile. You’re an imbecile. You and other users fucking know what I do for a living, and then have the blockheadness to accuse me of racism. I literally have been to over a hundred funerals for black people this year. Fucking yesterday I put on my only nice jacket and reached in the pocket and pulled out the reception announcement for a young fucking black kid. How many funerals you been to for black people this year? Black people who died miserable lives. Every fucking day I work desperately to help people from ALL walks of earth to get help. I don’t really care if you believe it or not.What do you do? I’ll bet my nuts you just work in an office and consume pop culture. I’d bet my life.You are obsessed. Get help. Preferably, not mine.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:


          • vanheat-av says:

            You pathetic liar. I already posted the receipt. Here it is again. I’ll post it to myself as well. You called me an “impotent mediocre white putz.”What would happen if I called you an impotent mediocre black putz? YOU WOULD LOSE YOUR MIND AND CALL ME A NAZI. You know this. I have never attacked you by race. I have never attacked anyone by race.If you have receipts, post them. If I did what you did, I would be crucified, even with such a weak insult, which is par for the course for you.All you care about is race. You won’t read stats because of the races involved. You won’t read mainstream media because of the race involved. You care more about race than accurate information and journalism. It’s fucking pitiful.I don’t give a fuck about race. If the Root was about Eskimos, then I’d attack their propaganda, too. Get it through your pop culture consuming nerd brain: you are the racist. I have the facts. Sucks, don’t it?

          • vanheat-av says:

            “Doing nothing but racism…” by quoting statistics. Statistics you don’t like. Because of the race of the people involved.I’ll give it to you, you have two personality traits: open racial animus that is so overwhelming it leads you to dismiss mainstream facts, and consuming bullshit pop culture horseshit, you useless, racist fuck.You have posted 12 posts about me today. I have responded to them. You are the impetus of the problem. If you would mind your own fucking business and not slander someone using hard data, I’d go away.I admit I have a problem, too. I shouldn’t respond to your horseshit.

          • vanheat-av says:

            What, no pathetic comeback about my inceldom? No more trashing mainstream news sources? You attacked me racially. The end. You lose. Morally. Fuck you.And if you had any balls, you’d answer the simple question: When drugs are legal (and it’s coming), would we let dealers who KNOW their drugs kill people off the hook for FUCKING MURDER, YOU RACIST IDEALOGUE?

          • vanheat-av says:

            My apologies if it was another user threatening to dox me. My bad. I stand by everything else I said about you. You are a fucking homophobic (why did you think gay porn would bother me and post it 10 fucking times). communist (meaning illiterate about…life itself), genocide-denier.Thanks!

          • vanheat-av says:

            IContainMmultitudes is upset (and I’m apparently a white-supremacist data-mining-troll) for posting in whole articles/data from:ABC NewsTime MagazineThe Census BureauThe Bureau of Justice StatisticsThe Bureau of Transportation StatisticsThe FBIGallupPewThe New York TimesThe Washington PostL.A. TimesThe GuardianBBCThe Supreme CourtHis sources? “Lived experience”, aka “anecdotal evidence.”So if The Washington Post wins a Pulitzer for their Police Shooting Database, which shows the total amount of black people killed justifiably to be very high, and the number of unarmed blacks killed each year to be very low, this does not match his worldview, so he responds that the Pulitzer winning database is “4Chan meme trash.” Actual quote.Whatever. The Root has apparently gotten rid of comments, so his rickety boat of bullshit will float forever. Congrats, Multitudes; your ignorant worldview has won the day.

          • tarst-av says:

            “the total amount of black people killed justifiably to be very high”You understand that that’s worse, right? Cops out there, extrajudicially killing black people regardless of if they’re armed or have committed crimes, is not good. Amyhoo, you two can duke this out. Lates.

          • vanheat-av says:

            Anyhoo, no. Cops are not “extrajudicially killing black people regardless of if they’re armed or have committed crimes.” As I explained using Washington Post’s database and data from the New York Times and The Bureau of Justice statistics, most police shootings ARE justified, and the number of unarmed black people killed is very low, about 10-14 a year. But you don’t care, don’t know what you’re even saying, can’t understand clear English, and don’t want any part in a discussion. Typical.See ya!

          • tarst-av says:

            All of that last sentence of your first paragraph is true. I don’t understand English, I only type it.

          • bennyboy56-av says:

            So do you think that the Police should just let the black people with guns/knives run amok? To some degree that is exactly what has happened as they’ve pulled back from Policing the black community, which is one reason why homicides have hit an all time high in places like Chicago (where 85% of the victims are black) and homicides of black people are up 88% in past few years. And you do know that the majority of people killed by the Police are white? 

        • bennyboy56-av says:

          And yet everything that he says about BLM is true.

    • vanheat-av says:

      Hey, IContainMultitudes (which you do not), how is the Guardian article explaining how corrupt the BLM global organization is wrong? I wouldn’t care if it was Eskimo Lives Matter, fucknut, they are crooks.

      • stalkyweirdos-av says:

        You could just develop some actual interests, maybe eventually kiss a girl, and then move the fuck on from this self-defeating mission.You aren’t winning anyone over, and even your fellow racists think you’re a corny dickhead.Hate always backfires.

        • vanheat-av says:

          More incel jokes. (Golf clap).No, no, no, ignorance always backfires. And as we can see with our own fucking eyes, even liberals are tired 0f your progressive, regressive bullshit. As your purity tests get stricter and stricter and as your policies blow up in your fucking faces (cough cough Portland, New York, Chicago, Philly cough), you will become more and more irrelevant. And I light a fucking cigar to it.

        • vanheat-av says:

          What fucking hate? You mean how I HATE misinformation. I HATE propaganda. I HATE easily disprovable lies, and I don’t give a fucking shit who holds them. Your buddy SquidDoughwhatever has spent the last two days homophobically spamming me with interracial gay porn, assuming it would offend me. That’s hate. Why would see assume it’s offensive? You calling me (forgive me for not quoting me directly) a useless white or whatever is racial hatred, you fucking blockhead.

    • vanheat-av says:

      IContainMmultitudes is upset (and I’m apparently a white-supremacist data-mining-troll) for posting in whole articles/data from:ABC NewsTime MagazineThe Census BureauThe Bureau of Justice StatisticsThe Bureau of Transportation Statistics The FBIGallupPewThe New York TimesThe Washington PostL.A. TimesThe GuardianBBCThe Supreme CourtHis sources? “Lived experience”, aka “anecdotal evidence.”So if The Washington Post wins a Pulitzer for their Police Shooting Database, which shows the total amount of black people killed justifiably to be very high, and the number of unarmed blacks killed each year to be very low, this does not match his worldview, so he responds that the Pulitzer winning database is “4Chan meme trash.” Actual quote.Whatever. The Root has apparently gotten rid of comments, so his rickety boat of bullshit will float forever. Congrats, Multitudes; your ignorance is enshrined forever now.

    • vanheat-av says:

      To IContainMultitudes (again)Get off my jock.What “selectively curated and misrepresented” articles? Name one misrepresentation. Name one. You don’t even read them, how would you know I misrepresented anything? How do I curate…anything? I post entire articles/databases. Too bad if you don’t like the results.“Anti-trans.” I posted one article that represented BOTH PRO AND CON arguments, which you didn’t know, because you wouldn’t read it. When evidence was provided to me that debunked the New York Times article, I changed my mind, because I go with evidence. You go with “feelings.” 

      • stalkyweirdos-av says:

        Loser who followed and stalked me for weeks writing 20-paragraph long replies to EVERY SINGLE POST I MADE desperately trying to get me to engage with his dumb incel cosplaying as an intellectual rhetoric AND posted the same “look how legit my sources are” post three fucking times thinks I am on HIS jock.Literally no person has ever been on your jock, literally or figuratively, in your entire life. That’s why you have no fucking interests except turning every conversation into an opportunity to attack black people. All of this time you spend writing long posts that no one reads and assembling databases of news links with supportive anecdotes to your poor man’s Richard Spencer bit could have been used to develop a personality.

        • vanheat-av says:

          Lol, so I write a lot, it’s free and easy.Again, you are calling Pulitzer Prize winning journalism “dumb incel cosplaying.” Entire databases of stats are “anecdotes.” Where DID you go to collage?I did follow you and wanted you to read the same fucking mainstream material. You have now followed me and make 15 posts about me being an incel 4chan troll. Let’s call it even.And more incel jokes. I’m not attacking black people, dumbass. I’m attacking bad information. “Poor man’s Richard Spencer” bit lol.Answer me this (or not, I don’t care): If drugs were legal, and a drug dealer killed a bunch of people with his product and then knowingly sold it anyway, would he in your world be free and clear and a cause célèbre, or would they be fucking liable?

    • vanheat-av says:

      Pathetic online dickhead doesn’t have a clue what I do for a living and gets pissy when his favorite propaganda pieces by THE worst website online regarding said propaganda gets pushback and pathetic dickhead can only hurl ad homs and goes on 20 comment rant about me claims I’m obsessed. The story of us.The end.

      • vanheat-av says:

        Yo, Multitudes, you genius,If fentanyl was legalized, and a dealer knew his batch had already killed people and sold it anyway, in your world, we should set them free?Just wondering.

        • vanheat-av says:

          Perhaps you could sniff David Simon’s out-of-touch shit to find an answer as to if murder would still be a crime if drugs were legalized, you purposefully ignorant cunt.

    • vanheat-av says:

      You read my comments, imbecile. I was having a conversation that you injected yourself in just today or yesterday, imbecile. The homobic commie tankie who has posted nothing but gay pornography in the last three days reads my posts. Adam Whitney reads them, although, like yourself, he doesn’t understand them.I don’t watch stupid cape shit TV or fucking cartoons or whatever pop culture bullshit you consume, imbecile. I no longer make political comments on Kinja because they fucked up their politics site, imbecile. So I write about what I know, and I know that The Root is 99% full of shit. I’m a skeptic, imbecile.Name one thing I’ve been wrong about. One.And (consider) answering this question (I know you won’t, but what the hell): If drugs were legal, and if a legal drug dealer dealt drugs that he KNOWS have killed people, would that dealer be liable? Or would you and David Simon fight for his freedom, imbecile? It’s a Yes or No question.I won’t get my hopes up for an answer.

    • vanheat-av says:

      To Multitudes: Maybe not on this website, which is not reality. But plenty of people care in reality. This affects millions of fucking people, you purposefully ignorant cunt. Believing that cops murder unarmed blacks at high rates affects millions of fucking people. Thinking fucking murderers should go free as part of legalizing drugs affects millions of people. Oh well, I’ll just go back to my Richard Spencer lifestyle…of caring for/housing/treating addicts in a large city where you and David Simon’s fucking cause célèbre HAVE NEVER BEEN DISCUSSED BY WHITES AND POCS IN THE EXACT SAME SITUATION, EVER. Fuck off, already.

    • vanheat-av says:

      You need an intervention, Multitudes. I say that as a professional. Just fuck off, dude. You just attacked me racially. I have never, ever done so to you, because I DON’T FUCKING CARE ABOUT RACE.If there were an Asian group who started a 90 million dollar organization by lying about the aspects of a police killing (in the real world, let’s call it the “Hands up, don’t shoot” lie) and then became so corrupt that local chapters had to sue the main organization for funding, while affecting disastrous changes to law (again: Portland, Philly, Chicago [where I fucking live and witnessed the policy disasters], New York, etc.), you bet your ass I would be all over those particular corrupt Asian motherfuckers.But all you see is race. It’s so obvious. You call mainstream stats 4chan memeshit because of skin color. Fucking pathetic.Please fuck off. I won’t respond any longer. You’re a racist nerd.

    • vanheat-av says:

      Lol, I know you’ll dismiss it, but here in meatspace, I work in the recovery space and know for a fucking fact that zero other professionals would want dealers who kill people to go free when drugs are legal. To a person. It’s such an insane, ridiculous concept, people laugh when I bring it up and are ALWAYS against Simon and you. But what am I’m I saying, you’re obviously a very important office drone who knows what he’s talking about.But that’s anecdotal evidence. We’ll know more in the next five years. The Portugal model is not working out as hoped. But I’m sure you’re aware of all of these issues, especially the way legalization has affected rehabilitation: I know, I know, it’s the dreaded alt right rag The Washington Post. What do they know, right? It’s just one of my many mainstream articles you can in no way refute.Stay online and watch more cape shit/cartoons/anime/pop culture retardation, useless consumer asshole.

    • vanheat-av says:

      “impotent mediocre white putz.”What would happen if I called you an impotent mediocre black putz? YOU WOULD LOSE YOUR MIND AND CALL ME A NAZI. I have never attacked you by race.All you care about is race. You won’t read stats because of the races involved. You won’t read mainstream media because of the race involved. You care more about race than accurate information and journalism. It’s fucking pitiful.I don’t give a fuck about race. If the Root was about Eskimos, then I’d attack their propaganda, too. Get it through your pop culture consuming nerd brain: you are the racist. I have the facts. Sucks, don’t it?

    • vanheat-av says:

      What, no pathetic comeback about my inceldom? No more trashing mainstream news sources?You attacked me racially. The end. You lose. Morally. Fuck you.And if you had any balls, you’d answer the simple question: When drugs are legal (and it’s coming), would we let dealers who KNOW their drugs kill people off the hook for FUCKING MURDER, YOU RACIST IDEALOGUE?

    • vanheat-av says:

      You racially attacked me. You don’t have a leg to stand on, morally. Presenting mainstream data is in no way racist, unless you’re the racist dismissing them based on, you know, preconceived prejudice.I had one conversation about Trans people. I posted an article that talked to people on ALL sides of the issue, which you didn’t read, because fucking milliseconds later you post ad homs to keep readers away from me. I then had to change my mind when presented with new evidence, something you have never down, you pop culture imbecile.You’re a fucking nerd. You and other users fucking know what I do for a living, and then have the blockheadness to accuse me of racism. I literally have been to over a hundred funerals for black people this year. Fucking yesterday I put on my only nice jacket and reached in the pocket and pulled out the reception announcement for a young fucking black kid. How many funerals you been to for black people this year? Black people who died miserable lives. Every fucking day I work desperately to help people from ALL walks of earth to get help. I don’t really care if you believe it or not.What do you do? I’ll bet my nuts you just work in an office and consume pop culture. I’d bet my life.You are obsessed. Get help. Preferably, not mine.

    • vanheat-av says:

      What, no pathetic comeback about my inceldom? No more trashing mainstream news sources?You attacked me racially. The end. You lose. Morally. Fuck you.And if you had any balls, you’d answer the simple question: When drugs are legal (and it’s coming), would we let dealers who KNOW their drugs kill people off the hook for FUCKING MURDER, YOU RACIST IDEALOGUE?

      • stalkyweirdos-av says:

        Receipts, dickhead. Anyone can just peruse your comment history and see that attacking black people is your entire fucking personality.

        • vanheat-av says:

          No reaction? I supplied the receipt. If I had done what you did, I’d get crucified, and you know it. You would never let it die.If you have receipts of me attacking people by race, post them. Otherwise you’ll just be posting to mainstream facts you dismiss for racial reasons.Imbecile.

        • vanheat-av says:

          What’s the hold up? Condemn your own racism. Do it now. Do it. You know you’re wrong.If I’d called you anything like that, you would lose your fucking mind.If you have receipts of doing the same, post them. Liar. Racist. Imbecile.I know you think data and stats are racist. Is that all you got?

    • margefrommadison-av says:

      Eat a fucking brick you disingenuous slob. 

  • killa-k-av says:

    I used to dislike his curmudgeonly comments for the reasons other commenters have pointed out here, but he’s been consistent in his views for so long, I have to admire it. The problems with the comic book industry he’s pointed out have also gotten worse, so his cynicism is justified IMO. I think that he is still a little too dismissive of individuals’ work, but he’s not affecting anyone else’s career at this point.

    • jgp1972-av says:

      well hes trying to affect his collabarators getting royalty payments. Dont think he’ll be successful at that though, its just his opinion, he has no power over it.

      • thehefner-av says:

        He’s not trying to keep them from getting royalty payments, he’s just not giving them HIS royalty payments. 

      • doctor-boo3-av says:

        No, he’s not (and nor could he) – he’s saying that he used to give his share of the royalties to his collaborators (on top of any that they were contractually owed from the adaptation rights) but now he prefers his shares to go to charity. His collaborators still get their own shares, he’s not arguing against that. Edit – apologies, someone else cleared this up further down the thread.

      • captain-splendid-av says:

        ‘well hes trying to affect his collaborators getting royalty payments’No, what he was talking about was no longer wanting to donate his income with his collaborators, not trying to to take theirs from them.

      • senorfartcushion-av says:

        No he’s just not keeping his opinion to himself. 

      • stalkyweirdos-av says:

        It’s often better to just be silent than to be wrong.He’s been taking this position (just not with BLM) for decades, and this affects only his royalties, not anyone else’s. 

      • killa-k-av says:

        Dismissive remarks about other creators or their work =/= affecting them getting royalty payments. Also, royalty payments =/= their career.

      • gloopers-av says:

        collaborators? lol tfedit: nm i get it

  • docnemenn-av says:

    At one point he’d offered his slice of the profits to the other creatives who worked on the adaptation, but “I no longer wish it to even be shared with them,” he tells The Telegraph. “I don’t really feel, with the recent films, that they have stood by what I assumed were their original principles. So I asked for DC Comics to send all of the money from any future TV series or films to Black Lives Matter.”I dunno what’s got Moore steamed about his former collaborators that he doesn’t want any more money going to them than they should be getting, but I suspect this isn’t the whole story, since the “recent films” consist of the animated adaptation of The Killing Joke in 2016 and the Watchmen series. There hasn’t been a high-profile cinema adaptation of Moore’s work since Snyder’s Watchmen.

  • jgp1972-av says:

    he is such a fucking crazy asshole, seriously. Maybe i couldve thought he was ok, about all the other shit, but turning down money on behalf of OTHER people who put their work in? Saying they dont deserve it? Fuck that guy.

  • tlhotsc247365-av says:

    He’s not wrong about DC films, esp all of the Snyder ones. 

  • akhippo-av says:

    Y’all really are way, way, way over invested in fantasy. 

  • eatshit-and-die-av says:

    His heart and mind are in the right place.

  • laurenceq-av says:

    He probably should trust DC to do that.

  • jallured1-av says:

    The Watchmen series was something truly special, but it’s completely appropriate that he hated its existence. I don’t always agree with his POV on things, but I love that he’s a creative who speaks honestly and openly and with a sense of self deprecation. 

  • ghostoftheavclub-av says:

    Lol and the BLM founder used it to buy herself a mansion. Haha she swindled you libs and you ate it up. 

  • universalamander-av says:

    Zach Snyder’s Watchmen was great actually, and BLM is a domestic terrorist group.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I was scrolling quickly through the page when I came across this story, and at first I read it as Alan Moore telling DC to send his royalties to Blake Lively. To which I thought, “Unconventional choice, but it’s his money.”

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