We can relax: Will Smith's blue hue is less concerning in the new Aladdin trailer

Aux Features Disney

The first full length trailer for Disney’s live-action Aladdin is here, and we’re thrilled to confirm that Will Smith’s gauzy blue, genie-fied makeover is far less concerning within the largest context of a two-minute clip.

Fans of the animated Disney film might be pleased to witness a glimpse of the telltale action, color, and music that captivated them in the first place. More importantly, though, is the assurance that Smith Blue-point-oh is not necessarily a permanent fixture throughout the story, as magic allows him to change his form how he sees fit. Disney likely tried to clue us in with the Entertainment Weekly cover, which featured a not-so-blue Smith in his genie garb—but to be fair, this production has had no shortage of eyebrow-raising moments.

Any concern surrounding some of the classic performances can be put to rest, as well. Smith looks right at home among the rousing horns and bustling energy of “Friend Like Me” while Mena Massoud and Naomi Scott have little trouble handling “A Whole New World.” It’s all there, folks. We might actually enjoy ourselves when Aladdin hits theaters on May 24.


  • ForeverJung-av says:

    It took a live action adaptation for me to realize that I thought Aladdin was maybe in his late teens, and that dude looks too old (but he’s only 26? The stubble might be throwing me off)

  • crowsnewhair-av says:


  • teh-dude-6969-av says:

    Digging the Prince of Persia / Assassin’s Creed parkour, which their own movies failed to incorporate in an exciting way.

    • globbyist-av says:

      The Alladin game on SNES had some great Prince of Persia style parkour action if my memories of 25 years ago can be trusted

  • meanwhileinpdx-av says:

    Wake me up when they make a live action version of Wall-E.

  • chuckandmac-av says:

    I just wish Will Smith didn’t seem to be playing the Will Smith version of the genie. Being spoiled by having Robin Williams iconic version isn’t helping, but I just never really think of any character Will Smith plays as anything other than himself. 

  • youarereiayanami-av says:

    This is supposed to be a grand, glittery, musical extravaganza.Yet it feels like it was filmed in a phone booth.

  • kaingerc-av says:

    Still kinda looks like a low budget TV movie.

    • kirivinokurjr-av says:

      I don’t think the budget could have covered Robin Williams’s cocaine expenses.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      No, it looks like an extremely high budget feature film, jammed packed, as all high budget feature films are, with garish, wall-to-wall CGI that always looks simultaneously ridiculously expensive and really, really cheap.  

    • mfdixon-av says:

      Seriously it looks barely above Syfy Sharknado quality. Those daytime sequences… yikes. If I didn’t know any better, I’d be thinking it was all a parody.

    • mullets4ever-av says:

      yeah, i had that same feeling- did they just have some BBC sets sitting around from something that they decided to re-use?

    • notanothermurrayslaughter-av says:

      A live-action Disney property that doesn’t have great special effects?
      The legacy continues.

    • drdarkeny-av says:

      That could be because the CGI’s not complete yet…?

      • kaingerc-av says:

        It’s not just the CGI, it’s also the set designs and costumes.

        • drdarkeny-av says:

          I can’t judge offhand, given we’re watching a trailer video presented in Portrait(?!?) Mode. I wonder if seeing this in Widescreen Landscape might make the sets and costumes look a bit less cheap…?

    • hollywilder-av says:

      Did they make this for the Disney Channel? Or for theaters?

    • comicnerd2-av says:

      The daytime scenes in the City look like they shot it in the Asia area of Animal Kingdom. I don’t think Ritchie was really the right person to handle this style of movie. His King Arthur movie had the same low budget look as well.

  • berty2001-av says:

    Actually quite interested in this now. I mean, the historical Parkour bit looks a little to much like the trailer for King Arthur from Ritchie, but enjoyed the colour and sense of wonder.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    I hope Malcolm X haunts Will Smith for this.  

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Who wants to wager that Disney quickly removed the blue effect after people joked about the last clip

    • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

      The first picture is released, the internet responds: “He’s not blue!”The second picture is released, the internet responds: “He’s TOO blue!”Meanwhile there’s some poor animator curled up on the ground, mid nervous breakdown, just wanting to know what the hell the internet wants. I feel for that animator. 

    • royalstaircase1234-av says:

      Nah, pretty sure there was an early comment from the director or some other chum involved in making this thing that said that he like starts out blue and then goes to Will’s natural skin most of the time, kind of back and forth, which this trailer seems to corroborate.

    • omnismash-av says:

      No. They showed his human form in press stills months ago. Then they showed the blue form. This trailer has both. 

  • literatebrit-av says:

    I think it looks good. Also it sounds like these actors can at least carry a note, unlike in Beauty and the Beast where Emma Watson had like T-Pain level autotune.

  • deathonkinja-av says:


  • akabrownbear-av says:

    Watching this without audio at work makes the movie seem like it’s Hitch 2: Arabic Boogaloo

  • weallknowthisisnothing-av says:

    Much, much better – not sure that equals good yet. Looks like the rabble are enjoying it more, the video has the standard like/dislike ratio, unlike the SB trailer that was murdered by dislikes. Still not understanding the seemingly chill/regrettable uncle vibe of Jaffar.

  • praxinoscope-av says:

    Don’t worry. When Time magazine does their cover story on the movie they will darken his blue tone considerably.

  • kinjatheninjakatii-av says:

    Will Smith as the genie looks like the bassist for a slightly diverse Nu Metal band.

  • droopdrawersabbey-av says:

    No, it’s just as alarming.

  • stevie-jay-av says:

    This dumb nigger never knows how to make the right choice, does he? Can’t wait to hear his “funny story” on how he regrets ditching Suicide Squad 2.

  • nextchamp-av says:

    I completely forgot they were going to be singing in this. I do not need to be seeing Will Smith “wooing” and butchering his way through a classic like “Never Had a Friend Like Me”.No Thanks Disney!

  • nilus-av says:

    Maybe post the actual correct frame trailer next time instead of that crap above.  Doesn’t make the movie look better but at least you can see everything

  • spencerstraub-av says:

    Huge improvement, IMO. I’m sure my daughter will be excited to see it.

  • mshep-av says:

    In case anyone wants to watch this in an aspect ratio that doesn’t crop out 60% of the image . . .

  • theodorexxfrostxxmca-av says:

    But did they keep the whispered dialogue “good teenagers take off your clothes” crazy-ass hidden Easter egg?

    • lewzealander-av says:

      Fully expecting to see “SEX” in the Lion King, followed by John Oliver’s Zazu exclaiming “Holy shit!”

  • theodorexxfrostxxmca-av says:

    Very happy to see the monkey from Hangover II back on the big screen. 

  • bt1961-av says:

    That cosplay DisneyWorld  Jasmine looks better than this…..

  • omnismash-av says:

    Sigh. Alright I’m in.

  • jonathanmichaels--disqus-av says:

    Disney has also brought in their good luck charm.Alan Tudyk IS Iago!https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/aladdin-alan-tudyk-voice-iago-1194074

  • cigarette38-av says:

    Gervais was robbed.

  • bwilkinson93-av says:

    I’m sorry, but I’d rather watch the old cartoons

  • soupsnakes666-av says:

    Between this and Dumbo, Disney really banks on that “retarded adults will watch anything” market.

  • thatguy0verthere-av says:

    Seriously…was there any clamor for this movie? or The Lion King?

  • shichiaikan-av says:

    I’d still rather just have the cartoon remastered to 4K….holy crap do I miss Robin Williams.

  • nightmanx-av says:

    Why even embed video from Twitter? It looks garbage and has a bad aspect ratio. Here, Will Smith posted one that looks much better.

  • dirtside-av says:

    Well, this trailer has upgraded Aladdin from a movie I outright refuse to see to a movie I merely decline to see.

  • spideygwenofburnside-av says:

    Umm, this trailer just made me do a total 180 on this. Between the backlash and this trailer, I’m suddenly way more excited for this than the Lion King. (Especially considering Aladdin wasn’t exactly the best of the renaissance 4 and a live action re-telling helmed by Guy Ritchie just seems like it’s the smartest incarnation for it to be in).also, the leads can actually sing. 

  • cunnilingusrice--disqus-av says:

    Still no Uyghurs in this one, eh?

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    This might look really interesting if, you know, the animated ‘Aladdin’ didn’t already exist featuring an all-time great performance by Robin Williams.

  • haikuwarrior-av says:

    This looks good. Everyone’s committed to hating it because of the minor, manufactured controversies.

  • marshalgrover-av says:

    I still have 0% interest in this.

  • unhingedandaloof-av says:

    I am mad that they made the princess a woman, so I will be boycotting this film.

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