Looks like we can thank Quentin Tarantino for the upcoming season of Justified

Tarantino and Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood star Timothy Olyphant talked about Raylan Givens on set

Aux News Quentin Tarantino
Looks like we can thank Quentin Tarantino for the upcoming season of Justified
Timothy Olyphant and Quentin Tarantino Photo: Kevork Djansezian (Getty Images for Turner)

Though he’s known chiefly online for pioneering the art of feet pics, Quentin Tarantino also makes movies. And when he isn’t making his own movies, he’s giving away ideas for free. That’s what happened with the new season of Justified, anyway. Speaking to EW, Dave Andron and Michael Dinner, the showrunners of the upcoming Justified revival, Justified: City Primeval, explain how the whole thing came together while star Timothy Olyphant was shooting Tarantino’s Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood.

“One day the phone rang and it was Tim Olyphant who said, ‘I’ve been sitting on the set with Quentin, and we were talking about this book, City Primeval. We thought it would make a great year of Justified.’ So we started kicking around the idea, and FX was into it,” said Michael Dinner. “It was very complicated to put together because the rights situation was a little murky — part of the rights belonged to the estate, part belonged to MGM which was going to make this movie several times, and it took a while to get it going, but then we did.”

Dinner considers City Primeval the “crown jewel of Elmore Leonard’s work,” a dangling thread left in Justified’s wake. They weren’t the only ones:

A lot of people had wanted to make this book before. It almost got made by [Sam] Peckinpah years ago as a movie, and [Quentin] Tarantino wanted to make it as a movie, and a lot of people wanted to play with it in television, streaming or cable. We had a great experience doing Justified, and some years later Elmore’s son had approached me about doing it as its own thing. I’d always loved the book, we always referenced it when we were in the writers’ room on the original series, and so that was the intention: It was going to be its own thing.

Tarantino might get his chance. Earlier this year, we learned that he might direct a few episodes, so everyone can get their feet jokes locked and loaded now. However, the new direction means we’ll see fewer familiar faces this season. “Some old characters do show up, but that’s one of those things the audience is going to have to get their head around: It is a pretty new cast. It’s a new group of cops that are around him,” said Ardon. “It’s cops in Detroit, not marshals in Kentucky, and it really is a standalone Raylan story, just with a few old friends sprinkled throughout.”

That all sounds well and good, but the lack of the names Boyd Crowder and Walton Goggins is very concerning. Maybe Tarantino can start chatting with his old Hateful Eight buddy and give these two a call.


  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    I’m sorry. I now need a Peckinpah/Leonard project.

  • pocrow-av says:

    everyone can get their feet jokes locked and loaded now

    You know you’re about 10 years late on these jokes, right, Matt?

  • marlobrandon-av says:

    Boyd is in prison at the end of Justified, presumably for a long time, so it would be tricky to include him in a new series 

    • nx-1700-av says:

      A phone call would be appropriate

    • ndlb-av says:

      Eh, lots of shows conjure up “new evidence” and “prosecutorial misconduct” and the like to get characters out of prison; no reason they couldn’t do it here.

    • phonypope-av says:

      Hell, he was dead at the end of the pilot/first episode.  They can probably figure something out.

    • stephdeferie-av says:

      we must have boyd!!!!!!

      • jc---av says:

        Skyping in with advice! 

      • mangochin-av says:

        Especially since Boyd was the only villain who survived past 1 season.

        • jeredmayer-av says:

          There are a few villains, actually. Arlo and Bo Crowder were both more than one season, and I’m pretty sure Theo Tonin, Dickie Bennett, and Wynn Duffy all survived to the very end.

          • mangochin-av says:

            Bo died at the end of season 1. Theo Tonin was not a season “big bad” like Bo, Mags, Quarles, Sammy Tonin, Avery Markham…Dickie Bennett and Wynn Duffy went from villainous 2nd stringers to humorous side characters like Dewey Crowe. 

    • bagman818-av says:

      A lot of white men got released from prison early during the Trump years, it wouldn’t be too tough to figure out.Also: flashbacks.

    • unklef-av says:

      Tricky, but possible. Hell, I’ll even take a visit to jail just to get some of Boyds sing song preachy advice I miss. 

    • aej6ysr6kjd576ikedkxbnag-av says:

      I was over Boyd by the end of the pilot. Having him stick around felt like when Agent Smith came back in Matrix Reloaded.

      • evt2-av says:

        This is the worst take.  Boyd Crowder is one of the best characters ever brought to TV and I’d say Justified was as much his story as Raylon Givens’.

    • theswappingswede-av says:

      Spoiler alert!(I kid)

    • mangochin-av says:

      The article said he wasn’t in it. “…the lack of the names Boyd Crowder and Walton Goggins”

    • mattk1994-av says:

      They’ll be some criminal conspiracy that Boyd used to be a part of and Raylan will have to visit him in prison to try and get some answers. Or, they release him to help Raylan and we get the best remake of 48 hours ever!

    • pgthirteen-av says:

      Maybe Raylan’s new case involves a bomber who likes to make grandiloquent speeches, dresses nattily, and once dug coal … so he would have to consult Boyd weekly for some insight. 

    • sinatraedition-av says:

      I think it would be bold, and needed, for a series to just throw out continuity. For once. Just to show people they can be entertained without baggage. Like how 007 used to do. Or Columbo. One season, no explanations, just tell a damn story. Watch the characters you love get involved in a good yarn. 

  • nx-1700-av says:

    More Justified is a good thing .
    A great show that didn’t stay too long ,or fall into mediocrity
    It always had the best promo commercials ….my favorite ….

  • jc---av says:

    Were there any Detroiter characters left standing by the end of Justified? Most of them got slotted. I think one villain in prison and one hero in protection… 

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    All I’m hoping for is that Winona isn’t one of the old friends who pops up.  Everyone else I want to see.

  • bluto-blutowski-av says:

    As long as Patton Oswalt gets to kill an over-confident henchman with a dumb nickname, I am in.

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    It’s Crowd-ah! Say it right!

  • chickenriggies--av says:

    Constable Bob or bust!

  • cechase-av says:

    I don’t need Boyd back at all.  I’m fine if he’s not in it, and in fact, I hope he isn’t.  

  • wsg-av says:

    Two of the best words you could ever hope to utter when talking TV.More. Justified.Can’t wait!If we could also hear More. Orville., we would be set.

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    “That all sounds well and good, but the lack of the names Boyd Crowder and Walton Goggins is very concerning”Ummm the original ended Boyd’s story (and Raylan’s as well) perfectly. I watch that episode at least 1 time a year. No need for Boyd on TV ever again, he dropped the mic and no matter how good this show is, it won’t end as well as the original Justified did.Maybe we get some Tim love, we need more Tim. 

    • hateclowns-av says:

      I’m finishing up a loop of Justified, about 3 eps left and I’m getting sad. Boyd is top five TV characters for me. So while I’d love more Boyd, having his story end there makes sense. It needs to end with “we dug coal together”.As for Tim, hell yes please. Snarky and dry witted, and badass AF. 

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        Yeah, that ending always brings a tear to my eye as you can tell how much they cared for each other even after everything.Yeah, Tim can travel to another state and head out and be awesome. 

  • bbmcrae-av says:

    Imagine thinking some tired, lazy feet jokes about QT are going to get new, fresh laughs in 2022, instead of making people think “Yup, this staff writer is probably on already on the downward slope of his career peak”.

  • bigbydub-av says:

    The Goggins!  He does nothing!!

  • frasier-crane-av says:

    Boyd being out of the picture sounds like a Wynn/win for a villain!!

  • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

    People keep mention characters from Justified (Wynn, Winona) but I hope none of them show up. Just paste in Raylan for Cruz, the book’s protagonist, and keep everything else the same.I finally got around to reading City Primeval this year and it was fun! Held up surprisingly well for something from, what, 1980? A bit like watching Sopranos in that there are a number of now-standard cliches that I suspect it was the first to employ.

  • romanpilotseesred-av says:

    I absolutely love Justified, but I have yet to see one of these revivals/reboots/re-whatevers that approached the quality of the original run. Very much hope this one is the exception.

    • lucilletwostep-av says:

      I worry that the language won’t be the same since Elmore Leonard isn’t involved.  I know his son was there in the late seasons of Justified, but his words were SO KEY.  Here’s hoping. 

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    So based on the article months ago, I’m assuming this season Justified is Mystery-themed?

  • rockhard69-av says:

    “but the lack of the names Boyd Crowder and Walton Goggins is very concerning.Maybe Tarantino can start chatting with his old Hateful Eight buddy and give these two a call.”Wait so wokesters are over the “sexist” ending where Goggins hung some bitch? Didnt know you were capable of getting over something.

  • fj12001992-av says:

    In the Justified universe, I hope Art Mullen is still alive. I don’t how he would fit in the new series, but he was the only guy Raylan truly respected, and was more or less the father he never had.

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