Weekend Box Office: Clint Eastwood mows down some punks

Aux Features Film

You gotta ask yourself one question, new movies: “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do you, punks? Bridget Jones, Edward Snowden, and the Blair Witch were no match for an 86-year-old Clint Eastwood, as the iconic actor-turned-director toppled whippersnappers for a second weekend in a row. His Sully, starring Tom Hanks as the pilot who improvised the Hudson River into a runway, landed in first place again with $22 million, following the $35 million debut it managed last weekend. That’s two certified hits in a row, after the runaway success of American Sniper. Regardless of what one thinks of Eastwood’s squarish, staunchly old-fashioned films—or his politics—there’s something heartening about the box-office success of an octogenarian who makes dramas for adults.

Sully’s repeat victory seemed to come at the expense of the newcomers, none of which made much of an impact. Despite its earnest attempts to deliver the very funhouse ride audiences expected (and didn’t get) from its inspiration, Blair Witch grossed a meager $9.6 million—proof, perhaps, that those who felt cheated by the original aren’t so quick to forget. (At least it only cost $5 million, which still seems like a hefty sum to spend on a film that’s supposed to look like it was shot by a bunch of amateurs in the woods.) Another part three in a mysteriously continuing franchise, Bridget Jones’s Baby logged the worst opening of the (again, why is this a) trilogy with $8.2 million. And only $8 million worth of ticket-buyers made it out to Oliver Stone’ Snowden, maybe because seeing the film presumably puts your name on a list. Or did they just read our two takes?

Rounding out the top five was Don’t Breathe, a superb sleeper whose continued success may have put a dent in Blair Witch’s audience. No such excuses exist for Hillsong: Let Hope Rise, the only major faith-based film currently in theaters; its $1.3 million opening wasn’t enough to crack the top 10. Because why see a film about a bunch of nice young kids singing about miracles when you can watch a movie about a pilot who achieved a real one?

For more detailed numbers, visit Box Office Mojo.

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