Jurassic World: Dominion just barely holds off Lightyear at the weekend box office

Pixar's latest still made good money, but most other movies did not

Aux News Jurassic World
Jurassic World: Dominion just barely holds off Lightyear at the weekend box office
Jurassic World: Dominion Photo: Universal

As we reported yesterday, the debut Pixar’s Lightyear has indeed failed to dethrone Jurassic World: Dominion, despite nearly a 60 percent drop for the dinosaur movie in its second week. That 60 percent drop sounds more dramatic than it is, though, with Dominion having opened pretty big last week. It has already made nearly $250 million, with 58 of those millions coming from this past weekend. As for Lightyear, it went to $51 million (but not beyond), making this a somewhat disappointing return to theaters for the once-unstoppable animation studio, which had its last few movies put straight on Disney+.

After Lightyear is Top Gun: Maverick, which fell to third with $44 million (sitting at $466 million total). That’s a full $40 million higher than Doctor Strange: In The Multiverse Of Madness, which only made $4 million (sitting at $405 million), and the last movie to even break $1 million is fifth place’s The Bob’s Burgers Movie (at $29 million after four weeks). Because of that, there’s not really anything else interesting going on in the box office charts, save for Everything Everywhere All At Once still hanging on despite now being available to rent on digital platforms (it’s been on the charts for 13 weeks now and has $64 million to show for it). Jim Archer’s Brian And Charles also surprisingly made it into the top 10 with only $198,000, which—no offense to Jim Archer—says more about every other movie on the charts than it does about Brian And Charles.

The full top 10 list is below, courtesy of Box Office Mojo, featuring movies that there’s nothing to say about like Downton Abbey: A New Era and Sonic The Hedgehog 2.

  • Jurassic World: Dominion
  • Lightyear
  • Top Gun: Maverick
  • Doctor Strange: In The Multiverse Of Madness
  • The Bob’s Burgers Movie
  • The Bad Guys
  • Everything Everywhere All At Once
  • Downton Abbey: A New era
  • Sonic The Hedgehog 2
  • Brian And Charles


  • bustertaco-av says:

    Amazing how Sonic 2 is still in there. That movie’s been out on video for quite some time, and I even saw the other day that it was on the Epix channel.

  • hiemoth-av says:

    I’m going to disagree that there is nothing interesting happening in these charts as it is difficult to put into words how absurd the numbers for Top Gun Maverick are.It had a drop of 15 % to last weekend and at its fourth weekend is pulling in at 35 % of its first weekend box office that did over 125 million. The legs on this film are unreal. Hell, it is within 15 million of a huge blockbuster that came out last weekend while the per theater difference between the two is only 1 500 dollars. Surreal doesn’t begin to describe it.I would be hailing this as Cruise’s first billion dollar film, but the international market while strong, is lagging behind the domestic. Still, the domestic performance of this film is historic.

    • apathymonger1-av says:

      Looking at the comparison between Top Gun, Strange, and Dominion, it’s wild how steep Maverick’s curve is:
      https://www.the-numbers.com/movies/custom-comparisons-extended/Top-Gun-Maverick-(2020)/Doctor-Strange-in-the-Multiverse-of-Madness-(2022)/Jurassic-World-Dominion-(2022)#tab=day_by_day_comparisonStrange and Top Gun had made basically the same amount in the first ten days, and two weeks later Top Gun has $100M on it.

    • jodyjm13-av says:

      Yeah, Top Gun: Maverick’s staying power should be the story of these charts; how long has it been since a movie’s shown such strong legs? But I guess it’s not what Sam wants to write about.

    • drifloon-av says:

      Exactly, it’s straight out ignoring how well it’s doing.  Maverick had the 2nd best 4th weekend of all time just now, beating out Black Panther and The Force Awakens.  It’s on track to beat out Titanic’s domestic gross FFS.

      • jackshaftoe-av says:

        There’s just really not much to say about it if you’re a box office nerd. It appeals to older viewers (who are the ones buying the tickets) and it’s cleaning up in an uncrowded market. Granted the demographics are interesting, at least to me, but I don’t come to the A.V. Club for that kind of analysis in the first place.

    • jackshaftoe-av says:

      I agree, although it’s split between positive news and extremely bad news. A movie making $198,000 cracking the top ten, and “Lightyear” not being as big a hit as hoped, is absolutely frightening news for major theater chains. Between this and debt hikes I’m not really sure how AMC in particular is going to hang on.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “Between this and debt hikes I’m not really sure how AMC in particular is going to hang on.”

        Yeah, how are they going to handle having THREE massive movies in theatres at the same time?

    • curiousorange-av says:

      TG: Maverick is not running in China (obviously) so that’s not helping the worldwide box office gross. But stands to reason that it would be most popular in the US given the content.

      • ruefulcountenance-av says:

        It’s absolutely flying (heh) in the UK too, as you might imagine. Obviously that’s not a huge amount of money worldwide as we’re only diddy but it’s about $20m I think.

    • gregthestopsign-av says:

      If I were to hazard a guess at why the staying power is so good I’d put it down to a couple of factors. One is that unlike an MCU or Star Wars film, there isn’t the rush to see it as soon as possible to avoid spoilers in social media. Everyone knows it’s going to be a lot of fast jets, shirtless beach sports and general nostalgia. The second is that it’s filmed in IMAX and is popular with an audience that doesn’t go to the cinema that often these days, so they are prepared to wait a few weeks for IMAX tickets and/or premium or ‘gold class’ seats to be available.

  • idksomeguy-av says:

    Toy Story 5: Interracial Muff Munchers “a somewhat disappointing return to theaters.” LOL that’s putting it lightly. “Pixar’s latest still made good money.” No, it didn’t. 51 million is dismal for a movie that cost 200 million to make. You sound desperate to defend this movie, and it’s obvious why.

    • badkuchikopi-av says:

      What the fuck is this comment? Are you ok?

    • rpdm-av says:

      Does your doctor know you have access to the internet? – somewhat bemused, Arbroath, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      yo fuck you

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Specifically fuck you and your hate speech toward homosexuals. 

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Do you realize that open hate speech and violence towards homosexuals is comparable to being a nazi. Didn’t they round up groups of people they didn’t like and torture them too? So you’re basically a nazi.

    • jodyjm13-av says:

      Well, since we’re determined to push this troll comment to the top of the replies anyway…So, I take it you don’t believe children should be exposed to any depiction of non-straight romantic relationships, or of miscegenation? Maybe you haven’t noticed from within your bubble, but the majority of the USA is now OK with that. In fact, there’s only been roughly a dozen countries so scandalized by Lightyear’s deviant content that they’ve banned it, countries such as UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Indonesia, and Singapore.Let that partial list be the start of your research; if you don’t love the USA, you can leave it for someplace that conforms to your morals.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “Maybe you haven’t noticed from within your bubble, but the majority of the USA is now OK with that.”

        You’re kidding, right? Are you honestly this naive?

    • razzle-bazzle-av says:

      For whatever the reasons, it’s definitely a disappointment. Elsewhere I saw expectations were $70 million. That’s a pretty big miss. It didn’t beat Top Gun – a movie in its 4th week of release – by that much either.

      • gohan7-av says:

        Yeah but Top Gun is crazy successfull (Especially in the US). I agree that Lughtyear is a disappointment, but not because it barely beat Top Gun.

    • killa-k-av says:

      Imagine being this triggered by a kiss in a movie you didn’t see.

      • nilus-av says:

        I really want to know if the same sex part bugs him more then the interracial part or vice versa. Like is he just a classic homophobe who’s also a general bigot or would he be 100% fine with two people of the same sex and “race” were kissing? 

    • tulleytwo-av says:

      Oh, I get it. A brief kiss between two adult cartoon women threatens your own sense of self so much you have to denigrate the entire movie because of it.  Life must be hard for you.

    • pete-worst-av says:

      Go the fuck outside, you weirdo. Don’t worry, your guns will be fine.

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      Shut the fuck up, you miserable fucking troll.

  • dikeithfowler-av says:

    I’ve not seen Brian and Charles but I’m a big fan of it’s creator David Earl, and a friend saw a preview of it at the UK version of Sundance and said it was superb, so I can’t wait for it to get a release over here.

    • gregthestopsign-av says:

      We have a UK version of ‘Sundance’? Where’s it at? Aviemore closed it’s cinema decades ago and while google tells me there’s a Cineworld next door to The Snow Centre in Hemel Hempstead it doesn’t really strike me as Aspen, mind you.

      • dikeithfowler-av says:

        It is much, much smaller than the US one, I first went in 2014 when it was at the 02 in Greenwich, and they had David Wain and David Cross introducing their own films and doing q&a’s, but it seems to have become a little smaller over the years – here’s the website for this year’s festival: https://www.picturehouses.com/sundance

  • snagglepluss-av says:

    Lightyear f’ing sucked and everybody who was behind that abomination should feel bad. 

    • schmowtown-av says:

      Maybe it’s because I went in with low expectations but I really enjoyed it. They packed in a bunch of high concept sci-fi stuff and most of the fan service is done well enough that it’s actually somewhat affecting. Not Pixar’s best and there are some awkward moments, but definitely up with Turning Red for best of their pandemic films, which have all been a little sub par in my opinion.

      • nilus-av says:

        Haven’t seen Lightyear yet but honestly, thinking about it,  I’ve not hated any of the Pixar movies over the last few years.  We rewatched Onward with my kids just the other night and I think people unfairly dislike that movie.  I think it’s really good.   I liked Soul, Luca and Turning Red as well.   I haven’t watched a lot of the Pixar movies in a while so I’m not really gonna rank them but I’d say those four movies are still better then any of the Cars a sequels or The Good Dinosaur.  

        • kalebjc315-av says:

          Onward got forgotten quickly, but I really enjoyed it. It reminds me of a simpler time too because it was the last movie me and my wife saw in the theaters before the pandemic shut everything down. Even then, I think the AMC was only seating half of the seats and no one was there to begin with

          • nilus-av says:

            I actually have the same sorta feeling for Sonic the Hedgehog of all things. In kinda just a weird spur of the moment we went to see it and took both my brother-in-laws kids as well. So it was my wife and I and 7 kids(only two ours) going to see a movie and it was a lot of fun.

      • gruesome-twosome-av says:

        They packed in a bunch of high concept sci-fi stuffThat’s encouraging; I was hoping this was the case as that would be the main reason I’d watch this. If one is basically able to watch this and sorta forget the Lightyear name/Toy Story connection, and it’s primarily just a rockin’ space adventure, then I’m down for this.

        • schmowtown-av says:

          I will say it’s still an imperfect movie, but at the very least you can tell they had a ton of fun pushing the concepts and the technology. As for as corporate-mandated ‘legecyquels’ go this is one of the more inventive ones in my book

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    60 percent is in the floor, everybody drop the dinosaur!

  • nacsar3-av says:

    The minions movie will be Lightyear on July 1st as well. It may not even win the box office in the off week next week.

  • theresnocheekslikemocheeks-av says:

    Apropos of nothing, let me state for the record Crimes of the Future was very solid & Cronenbergy. Highly enjoyed it overall but I am a weird individual.

  • gargsy-av says:

    “Jurassic World: Dominion just barely holds off Lightyear at the weekend box office”Instead of JW “barely” holding off Lightyear, shouldn’t the headline be that the new Disney Pixar movie wasn’t able to beat a week-old, poorly-reviewed movie?

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    Top Gun kicking Dr. Strange and it’s C+ self ass is a great thing. Granted it’s Marvel and it was supposed to be their big hit this year (Thor will run circles around Strange) so it somehow still did 400 Million in the states.Curious to see what will be the biggest movie in 2022, will it be Thor? Or Black Panther or does Tom Cruise and his smile tell Comic Movies to fuck off! 

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