Weekend Box Office: Wonder Woman 1984 is still doing fine as the box office stands motionless

Aux Features Film
Weekend Box Office: Wonder Woman 1984 is still doing fine as the box office stands motionless
Wonder Woman 1984 Photo: Clay Enos/DC Comics

Here’s something we’re not sure we’ve ever seen in our time watching box office charts: The top eight movies at the weekend box office are exactly the same as they were last week, with the only change in the entire top 10 being that movie nine and movie 10 switched places. The new movie nine is Come Play, which jumped a whopping 61 percent from last week’s totals… though that still only translates to $96,000 (we are in a pandemic and Trump loyalists are engaging in open insurrection, so we’ll give all of these movies a pass this week). The new movie 10 is Disney’s latest rerelease from the Fox vault, Alien, which made $60,000.

Other than that, it’s the same stuff as last week. Wonder Woman 1984 is at the top, making a lot less money ($3 million), though that total was almost enough after three weeks to push it past surprise hit The Croods: A New Age, which came in second with $1.8. WW84 has made $32 million and TCANA has made nearly $37, so the superhero movie will probably pass the caveman cartoon, but it might take a couple more weeks. After those two we have News Of The World, Monster Hunter, Fatale, Promising Young Woman, Pinocchio, and The War With Grandpa, all of which are in the same place they were last week but made less money.

So what does all of this mean in the larger scheme of things? Eh, probably nothing. No new movies came out this past weekend, conditions from the pandemic are still as shitty as they have been for a while (if not shittier), and there was that whole open insurrection thing we mentioned up above. The theater industry is still in trouble, as is everybody and everything. It’s a bad time all around and we don’t really have anything more insightful to say beyond that, so… yeah. Feel free to talk about something else down in the comments.

For a more detailed breakdown of this weekend’s box office numbers, as if such a thing is possible, head over to Box Office Mojo.


  • murrychang-av says:

    “So what does all of this mean in the larger scheme of things?”I’m gonna go out on a limb here and and say that it’s teaching WB that WW84 was a good movie to make, meaning that the third WW movie will probably be as aggressively mediocre as the first two.

    • dirtside-av says:

      I always wonder what happened during the process when I come out of a movie wondering how it has not one but several baffling narrative decisions.I really enjoyed WW84 while I was watching it, but I can’t really defend most of its narrative logic.

      • murrychang-av says:

        I watched it with my parents on Christmas, by the end dad and I were just wtfing all over the place. I was willing to suspend my disbelief right up to the point of the Smithsonian Air Force, that totally broke me.I’d like to believe cocaine isn’t as popular in Hollywood as the tales would have me think but then I see movies like this and realize that multiple people must have read this script and gave it a thumbs up.
        Best part was when mom was like ‘So she’s a cat now?  When did that happen?’ and I’m like ‘It happened offscreen, probably isn’t important.’

        • arcanumv-av says:

          Was that plane in a museum? I thought it might be, but then I thought that was far, far too dumb to do (even though they do it with a car in Demoloition Man), so I think I tricked my brain into thinking, “nah, they had to have gone to an airport, not the Air and Space Museum.”

      • kushnerfan-av says:

        Narrative logic?  Wonder Woman took an innocent man hostage, raped him repeatedly, and endangered his life repeatedly. When she finally released the hostage, her reasons had nothing to do with him.  I feel that goes beyond plot holes.

    • shillydevane2-av says:

      Should I watch this? I kinda missed out on the first 1983 installments.

    • nilus-av says:

      I thought the first one was fine but the second one was just painful.    I felt all two and a half overlong hours of it.  

      • murrychang-av says:

        Yeah that’s why I called it aggressively mediocre.  The beginning was good but the end was horrible so it evened out to ‘meh’ in my opinion. 

    • borkborkbork123-av says:

      Man, I hope it does. The worst parts of the movie are when it tries to do the generic superhero things; if this frees Patty to push the weirder (for a superhero movie) aspects, then we might get the first good superhero movie since The Dark Knight.

      • murrychang-av says:

        I honestly don’t trust her with the script after WW84.Not a big fan of TDK, honestly.  There have been a number of good superhero films since then.

        • borkborkbork123-av says:

          The things that actually work in WW84 a very clearly her. The stuff that doesn’t work is the same garbage that plagues all modern superhero movies.

          • murrychang-av says:

            So stealing someone’s body, using it for sex, putting it in immense danger and then laughing it off is something that ‘plagues all modern superhero movies’? 

          • borkborkbork123-av says:

            Hey, FBI, I found another one of the coup participants.

    • tmicks-av says:

      I really enjoyed the first one, and I found things to like with the second, but man, it sure did feel like a pre-2000’s superhero movie. Maybe that’s what she was going for since it’s set in the 80’s, but I hope she makes the next one more like the first one. I was also bummed that they wasted Maxwell Lord on whatever the hell that bad guy was, such a great character, wasted.

  • sensesomethingevil-av says:

    Without spoiling too much, that “Imagine” video really makes a lot of sense after seeing the end of WW84.

    • knopegrope-av says:

      Imagine… a better movie. It’s easy if you try…No useless second villains, no lassoing lighting in the sky…

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    Fun Fact: WW84 is the Butthole Cut of Cats.

  • precognitions-av says:

    I couldn’t even finish it. It felt like a hodgepodge of every joke and errant idea thrown out of the first one’s script.

  • enemiesofcarlotta-av says:

    Again, I have to ask, where on EARTH are theaters even open?  Like … South Dakota who doesn’t give a shit about COVID?

    • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

      Probably where they’re in COVID denial. I would have to drive over an hour away to Indiana to see a movie in a theater.

    • haodraws-av says:

      Many countries have been Covid-free for months now. Not all of us are as thick-headed as Americans, thankfully.

      • racj82-av says:

        This is a domestic box office thread so other countries aren’t really what we are talking about here.

        • haodraws-av says:

          The question was “where on EARTH”, so… I wasn’t gonna not take the shot. Always fun reminding narrow-minded Americans about their narcissism.

    • millstacular-av says:

      They are open in the red parts here:

      • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

        That’s funny, but not at the same time.I am still laughing, even though I grew up in OH and a majority of my family still live there.

    • reglidan-av says:

      There are a few theaters open in Charlotte.

    • tmicks-av says:

      I live in Oklahoma, and most theaters are still open, although the Flix Brewhouse that opened at the beginning of the year closed down a couple of months ago. I was tempted to brave the pandemic to see Wonder Woman, but I just got HBO instead.

  • romanpilotseesred-av says:

    Scott Auckerman’s pronunciation of Come Play in the Gillian Jacobs episode of CBB makes that unfortunate movie title worth it.

  • knopegrope-av says:

    Now available at The Inventory: AV Club Brand Turd Polish!For all those times when you’re contractually forbidden from reporting just how bad a DC movie really is… AV Club Brand Turd Polish. Act whenever; supplies are unlimited. 

  • taumpytearrs-av says:

    Jebus cripes, The War with Grandpa is still in theaters? It came out on October 9, so its been in theaters for 3 months now. 

    • penguin23-av says:

      That’s how much we hate Grandpa. 

      • taumpytearrs-av says:

        We’ve always been at war with Grandpa!or alternately, you would think Fox News would be more worried about “The War on Grandpa” aka their viewers than “The War on Christmas,” amirite?or here’s a third thing, is it culturally insensitive to keep a movie in theaters called The War With Grandpa during a pandemic that is currently at war with grandpas?*apologies to Andy Kindler for biting his style*

      • kidz4satan-av says:

        When will we have peace in the Grandpa?

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