Welp, Wonder Woman 1984 just got bumped back 6 weeks, too

Aux Features Film
Welp, Wonder Woman 1984 just got bumped back 6 weeks, too
Photo: Warner Bros.

A lot of very expensive dominoes are starting to totter and potentially topple this evening, as Warner Bros. announced a couple of late-Friday, “nothing to see here” shifts to its summer and fall movie schedule—such as it is. Hot on the news that Christopher Nolan’s Tenet will no longer be hitting its much-touted July 17 release date, Deadline is reporting that the studios’ next big tentpole, superhero sequel Wonder Woman 1984, is also getting a bump.

In this case, it’s not a mere two week movement, either, but six, as the Patty Jenkins-directed period piece makes its way from August 14 to October 2. The idea, presumably, is to extend the long-running “Well, let’s wait and see” approach that’s marked most of the big studios’ reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic and its subsequent theatrical shutdowns. (Give or take a digital release of Scoob! or Trolls: World Tour.) Meanwhile, the next big acid test will be over at Disney; Mulan is currently aimed at a July 24 release, which makes it the biggest “first” movie to hypothetically come out after the theater closures lift (give or take a Russell Crowe movie here or there).

Wonder Woman 1984 stars a returning Gal Gadot, plus Kristen Wiig and Chris Pine, who’s playing some sort of Handsome Ghost. It’s coming out on October 2, 2020, unless it don’t.


  • officermilkcarton-av says:

    It’s already been knocked back 36 years, another 6 months won’t make much difference.

    • happyinparaguay-av says:

      Which is pretty impressive considering Gal Gadot was born in 1985.

    • arcanumv-av says:

      Bizarre time shifts follow Wonder Woman. The Lynda Carter TV series abruptly changed eras too.It’s probably Clock King, the bad guy in the secret Dark Knight/Green Arrow movie Tenet.

      • dirtside-av says:

        I dunno, this smells like the work of Calendar King to me.

        • arcanumv-av says:

          Maybe it’s the entire Legion of D-Listers!While we all thought the DCU movies were moving towards bigger bad guys like Joker, Luthor, and Steppenwolf the way the MCU built up to Thanos, the back bench has been quietly making their play across the franchise. A little Suicide Squad here, some Clock King there, and a dash of Calendar Man, and BOOM! we’ve got ourselves a threat!

          • felixyyz-av says:

            Kite Man.Hell yeah…

          • elforman-av says:

            I’d be thrilled with a Kite Man series on DC Universe.

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            He’s on Harley Quinn the animated series. 

          • elforman-av says:

            Yes, but he deserves a spinoff, especially if his wedding to Poison Ivy doesn’t work out…

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            I propose a musical animated spin off. Mainly as an excuse to have him sing “Corner of the Sky”. There’s tons of other flying and sky related songs to work in too. 

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            It’s time for Condiment King to make the leap to the big screen!

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          “I’d love to stay and chat, Batman, but Gotham and I have a scheduling conflict!”“If you can’t stay and chat, doesn’t that mean that it’s you and I who have a scheduling conflict?”“Look, I stayed up till 3 am last night and that was the best one-liner I came up with. Just let me have this.”

      • stevetellerite-av says:

        wonder woman IS a homonculous animated by promethean fireshe’s not a human beingshe’s a golem

  • brianjwright-av says:

    All those WW84-branded bags of Doritos that have been on the shelf for months have been bumming me out.

  • stevetellerite-av says:

    wonder woman IS a homonculous animated by promethean fireshe’s not a human beingshe’s a golem

  • bishbah-av says:

    These release dates all seem wildly unlikely. What do we think happens? They keep pushing the date until there’s a vaccine or the virus plays itself out? Or at some point do they push it to streaming?

    • pocrow-av says:

      When the projections say they’ll make as much from home $20 rentals as they would from ticket sales. So, not any time soon.

      • bryanska-av says:

        I’m still skeptical on these $20 home rentals. At least the $20 theater experience got you a screen way bigger than you’ll ever have.

    • doobie1-av says:

      October doesn’t seem that unlikely. We’ve basically seen in the last two weeks that when Americans get bored enough, they just kind of say the fuck with public health and will open things again against all logic and reason. I don’t think it’s going to be all that long before the studios’ internal calculus tilts toward risking a tentpole performing worse than they hoped versus the costs of running nothing without an end in sight.  Although that Inception re-release certainly has the smell of a test balloon.

      • soveryboreddd-av says:

        Just do what restaurants are doing cut seating by half. Put a sign on each seat that you can’t sit on. Both times this week that I went to eat out I was the only one eating.  I think people are still afraid to eat at restaurants. At the In N Out more people were eating outside.

        • laurenceq-av says:

          Don’t eat in restaurants.  Christ, it’s not hard.

          • soveryboreddd-av says:

            I don’t have a car so by the time I would’ve got those fries home they would’ve been a soggy gross mess. We are talking In N Out fries those aren’t so great even when they are fresh. Plus I did mention I was the only one eating in the dinning area.

          • laurenceq-av says:

            I don’t consider In N Out a “restaurant”, so I thought you were talking about two different outings. I think you can sit at an outdoor In N Out picnic table and be pretty safe provided you distance yourself.

        • squatlobster-av says:

          Why stop at half. Decimate the seating. I like the idea of a cinema that’s far less crowded with the chuntering, grazing farmyard animals that usually pack them out 

        • brontosaurian-av says:

          Eating outside at restaurant fine, why would you sit indoors to eat? That’s just stupid. 

    • bogira-av says:

      Basically the big distributors can afford to eat a few 200M+ movies but it creates a backlog and a crimp in the pipeline because while they’re not releasing new films they’re also not MAKING any new films. So their best case scenario is to just sit on everything, let it keep simmering in the can, and hope they don’t run out of content before the virus gets a vaccine and we can kind of rebuild. I’ll be honest, if we see the inevitable 2nd wave we’re going to just see WW84 get pushed to 2021 and act like 2020 just didn’t happen.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      I’m interested in how the studios are thinking about international releases. A lot of countries, my own included, are doing a lot better than the US and already relaxing restrictions slowly. I can see people here being comfortable going to a cinema soon, but there needs to be something to see. I definitely feel like they could release ‘Wonder Woman 1984′ a lot sooner than October and fill seats.

      • pocrow-av says:

        If they start releasing blockbusters internationally, it’ll have to be coupled with at-home rentals in the US, because otherwise, piracy is going to eat these films alive.

  • jmyoung123-av says:

    I believe August 14 to October 2 is 7 weeks.  

    • thefilthywhore-av says:

      *scoffs* I’m sure William knows basic math. He isn’t an idiot.

    • lattethunder-av says:

      Quit showing off, Professor Hawking.

    • mfdixon-av says:

      That’s not the only bad math. Thinking the situation will be any better in that amount of time is ludicrous right now. They should be delaying things in 6 month chunks at this point, and if some miracle from left field happens you can always bump it up. Most of these studios need to be thinking 2021 and beyond.

  • egerz-av says:

    At some point the studios are going to have to accept that nobody’s going to movie theaters until there’s a vaccine, right? It sucks they spent billions of dollars on movies that have to go straight to streaming, but even when they finally release these movies it’s going to feel weird that a 2021 movie has characters hugging people and not wearing masks.

    • radarskiy-av says:

      You think there aren’t people reckless enough to sit in a movie theater for two hours right now? On my way back from the grocery store yesterday I saw a couple smoking next to a gas pump while they filled up their motorcycle.

  • miked1954-av says:

    I just checked the stats. As of today two million ninety thousand confirmed U.S. COVID-19 cases (and they won’t even test you unless you have ALL the symptoms), and one hundred and sixteen thousand deaths (and they don’t count the excess number of deaths retrieved from apartments from ‘unknown causes).

    • modusoperandi0-av says:

      The USSR was a Third World country with a First World army. It looks like we copied their model.

      • gaith-av says:

        Hey, you take that back! We have a first-world Navy, too!

      • bogira-av says:

        I want to disagree but it’s sadly coming true. America is really just a first world country smashed together with a third world one. Like the EU if they didn’t keep separate governments which makes their unified trading bloc a broken mess…But yeah, we’re cruising to a 2nd shutdown and I can’t imagine WW84 getting an actual theatrical release.  Maybe a DC Universe/HBO Max exclusive?

    • elforman-av says:

      Just wait until two weeks after the first waves of tourists to Las Vegas have gone home. That place is a petri dish even when there’s no pandemic. I’m in Los Angeles where we opened up to haircuts only last week, and I made sure to get the very first appointment after my stylist went back to work so it would be before she interacted with ten or more people every day.

      • modusoperandi0-av says:

        Excuse me? What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. That’s the law.

      • sjjsii-av says:

        So this will be your last haircut for the foreseeable future? Your logic doesn’t play out when you remember that hair still grows. 

        • elforman-av says:

          Oh, I know if may well be many months until I can get another haircut. But at least it won’t look anywhere near as bad by then as it would had I not got it cut last week. Plus, if it helps you envision things, it was just about to the point where any time I walked into a room, the theme from “Welcome Back, Kotter,” just started wafting in, so I’ve managed to stave that off for another three months or so. I do not want to relive the 70s, thank you very much.

    • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

      I read that as two hundred million at first and I was like, WTF? But then I re-read it and two million. I’m still WTF!?! I’m not the biggest Biden fan but JFC I’ve never been a Trump supporter, and I swear that if he somehow pulls off the biggest upset ever, I’m out. I cannot, and will not, support Trump in any way, shape, or form. Warren G. Harding was the last president elected from Ohio, my home state, and Trump has, well, trumped Harding as worst president ever. I dare you to debate me on this. 

    • sonicoooahh-av says:

      Because of the lack of leadership from Washington — the president threw up his hands and said “don’t ask me”, “we’re back-up” — who can be tested not only varies from state to state, but also from locality to locality within a state.Where I live, virus tests are free to anyone regardless of symptoms. There are also free antibody tests, but I haven’t looked into their requirements.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    My movie, Cough with Me is still set to open in Georgia and Florida next Friday.

    • mfdixon-av says:

      You forgot the red carpet premiere in Arizona. 

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      And the reviews are in:“Breathtaking!” – New York Times“Heart-stopping!” – The Washington Post“Jesus Fucking Christ, I’m drowning in my own phlegm here, for the love of God get help!” – Hollywood Reporter

  • tap-dancin-av says:

    More Captain Marvel movies, please. WW, like Superman, is boring.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      I’ve never been more bored at the movies lately than when I saw “Captain Marvel.”  God, that was a crashing bore.

      • tap-dancin-av says:

        I have heard some say that. You didn’t like it. Nbd.

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        I liked it, Marvel has better though. Marvel also has much worse. Interestingly I liked it more than the first Ant Man, that actually bored me, but I really enjoyed the Ant Man and the Wasp. 

        • laurenceq-av says:

          Marvel has worse, but “Captain Marvel” is definitely bottom 5 for me, if not bottom 3.  I also put “Guardians” down there, too, which makes me an outlier.  Man, did I WANT to like those movies…

          • brontosaurian-av says:

            Oh I like Guardians, both actually. It’s exactly the kind of fantasy romp I’d want in a summer popcorn movie. 

          • laurenceq-av says:

            I do, too. In theory. But for whatever reason, those films never clicked with me, even though on paper the notion of “snarky, colorful characters on a slightly tongue-in-cheek space adventure” should be my favorite thing ever.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    “Let’s bump it to May 2020″ they said… “It’ll be the perfect spot,” they said.  “What could possibly go wrong?” they said…

  • xarom-av says:

    [ Work At Home For USA ]My neighbor’s mom makes $72 every hour on the laptop. She has been fired for ten months but last month her payment was $16676 just working on the laptop for a few hours.Check The Details HERE☛☛☛­­.­­……L­­i­­f­­e­­s­­t­­y­­l­­e­­s­­R­­e­­v­­i­­e­­w­­.­­c­­o­­m 

  • praxinoscope-av says:

    Looking at what’s happened in Texas and the Carolinas the past week my money is on a Christmas release. It’s inevitable we are going to see multiple waves of this thing. With no national plan and the states all out of sync with each other there is no way wishful thinking will make this go away. I’ve long had my trip to movie theaters when they are least crowded down to a fine art and, because of the work I do, I have a stash of N95 masks but nothing will get me back to the movies at this point. Whenever the theaters open they will be as grossly understaffed as every other place and everything you touch and the seat you sit in will be unsanitized. I guarantee it. No company will spend the money to constantly clean its facilities throughout the day at half or quarter capacity. On top of that the people in the audience will take their masks off, if they even show up wearing them, and no theater will do anything about it. It is well documented that the very thing people love about the communal movie experience, the laughter, the cheering, the gasping out loud, will project the virus like a canon. In an enclosed space.  I’ve already seen the people in my community work through their stir craziness and finally begin to settle in to this new (actually old) lifestyle of staying at home. The stores around here are looking pretty sparse and the few restaurants that have opened are not drawing crowds.  I don’t see more than a minority taking the risks.All that aside, even under some imaginary best case scenario, who really, honestly really, wants to spend two hours in a theater with a mask on when you can stay home, comfortable and safe?

    • radarskiy-av says:

      On one end of the spectrum there are people like you and me who aren’t going back to a theater any time soon. Nothing they do will bring us back, so there’s no point trying to accommodate us.On the other end are the reckless people who are basically licking each other’s faces. They’re going to get themselves infected sooner than later so their entertainment dollar needs to be captured now before they get too sick to go out.

  • the1969dodgechargerguy-av says:

    No vaccine, then no sitting in a dark room surrounded by dolts too stupid to wear masks. Social distancing or not, the particles will float everywhere in the theater. Attend the movie, then risk death—not happening.Vaccine first—maybe attend flicks as of mid-’21.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    so let’s just say it’s 4 months from now. america is gonna be in a weird spot, with some states presumably doing a better job of containing it and others not. meanwhile china and other parts of europe will be in a much better spot (based on right now, anyway. it’s clear anything is possible)so with the importance of the worldwide box office where it is do we see a world where big american movies premiere months earlier in places like china and europe? i know we’ve been towing the line for years, but could something like black widow or bond open up only in a few american cities but much larger globally?

    • radarskiy-av says:

      I’ve been wondering what movie currently ready to go right now would have the biggest premier in China?

    • kikaleeka-av says:

      If you got moviegoers to sign an NDA, maybe. Or if it’s all remake-esque stuff like Mulan where everyone already knows exactly what will happen. But ain’t no way they’re gonna let something spoil-able open with that big of a lag in the domestic market.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I hope it gets released sooner rather than later. You know that if you leave these DCEU movies sitting around for too long they spontaneously develop Snyder Cuts.

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