What is your favorite last line in a movie?

From Tony Stark's declaration at the end of Iron Man, to Blade Runner 2049's contemplative closer

Film Features Kyle MacLachlan
What is your favorite last line in a movie?
Famous last words. From left: There Will Be Blood, Iron Man, RoboCop, Killing Them Softly, Blade Runner 2049 (Screenshots: YouTube) Graphic: Allison Corr

This week’s question comes from associate editor Laura Adamczyk:

What is your favorite last line in a movie?

SPOILERS AHEAD (obviously).

previous arrow“I am Iron Man.”—Iron Man next arrow

“I am .” Even for someone who’s not always been the biggest fan of the MCU, I can’t deny the power of those four simple words. With a blunt declarative, Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark made it clear that the then-nascent cinematic universe would not be about superheroes skulking in the darkness, hiding their identities from the world—but rockstars with costumes and powers. It also established, early on, that the most exciting things in this world wouldn’t involve CGI laser beams or beating up Jeff Bridges in a giant robot suit, but great actors steering completely into what would soon be some of the most iconic movie characters of all time. [William Hughes]

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