10 films to stream on Netflix in March 2022

As the streaming giant's focus turns to original content, here's what's available in Netflix's back catalog

Film Features Films
10 films to stream on Netflix in March 2022
Screenshot: YouTube

From the start, Netflix’s goal was to become a standalone studio. In its early years—after Blockbuster turned down multiple opportunities to buy the company, one of the more spectacular self-owns of the internet age—Netflix was a DVD-by-mail rental service. At that time, its selection was impressive, and DVDs would usually arrive within a day or two. It was pretty cool.

Now that it’s a $176 billion streaming behemoth, however, most of Netflix’s resources are being channeled into producing original content. As a result, less money is available to build up a catalog of repertory titles. And that makes putting together a list like this challenging, since I haven’t seen any of the original movies Netflix has coming up on any given month, and therefore can’t say with confidence which are the “best” among them.

But I work with what I am given, so here are 10 movies coming to Netflix in March 2022.

previous arrowA Nightmare On Elm Street (2010) next arrow

A Nightmare On Elm Street (Available March 1)When I was putting together this list, A.A. Dowd objected to the inclusion of the 2010 A Nightmare On Elm Street remake, saying it was “.” I told him that it must be very cold all alone up there on that hill. I’m going to miss bantering with Dowd.


  • teageegeepea-av says:

    Was dunking on Wild Wild West too easy to bother? At any rate, you’ll be missed.

  • katierife-av says:

    ***A COMMUNIQUE FOR THE POSTERS KNOWN AS THE COMMENTARIAT***Well, this is it, everyone. How strange it is to be a member of the “old guard.” It feels like I was the “new girl” just last week. I know that our relationship has been tumultuous at times, and I do feel as though I owe you all a bit of an explanation. Me stepping into the Newswire as Sean O’Neal was stepping out was tough for everybody, I think. And then there was the poster (this was winter-spring 2015, if anyone’s been around that long) whose harassment/fixation on me was so violent and intense, there was a very surreal meeting where our EIC at the time asked me if I wanted to contact the FBI. That was all kind of traumatic, so please forgive my outburst about commenting and “the old AV Club” on Twitter last summer—it was truly not aimed at 99% of you. Given how bumpy the ride could be in those early years, it’s got me thinking about cycles and what “the gold old days” on The A.V. Club really mean. I was a reader long before I was a writer for AVC, and many incredible writers, some of whom I am lucky enough to call friends and colleagues, passed through these doors before my time. Many more have during my time, and many will after. To everything, there is a season. I am grateful for the opportunity for a semi-educated, mostly amateur writer to develop into a professional, even if it happened in full view of a very discerning public. I’m grateful for the in-jokes (Dikachu forever!) and the banter (shoutout to the What We Do In The Shadows comment section!) and the informed discussions on all manner of pop-culture topics. Y’all really know your stuff. Hell, I’m even grateful for getting one on the chin every once in a while. Because you, the commentariat, keep us honest. You appreciate good writing, call bullshit on lazy or misguided takes, and do a great job self-regulating. Comments are often the only feedback we staffers get on our work (outside of our editors of course). Even though I rarely engaged, I was following what you all were saying, and often laughing out loud. Which is why I am asking you to be kind to the writers who will keep this site going moving forward. Seasons change, and so do we. That’s the nature of life, isn’t it?

    • cookiemonster49-av says:

      Me think me speak for many, many readers when me say writers who keep this site going in future not really issue, as this is last time me will click on site that me loved for so many years. G/O has destroyed beloved cultural institution — gutting this site akin to bulldozing Sesame Street, and me for one not would be willing to come back and play in rubble if that ever happened.But me will follow you and so many other writers from this site anywhere you go. Me wish you and rest of departing staff nothing but luck in future endeavors.Solidarity forever,Cookie Monster

    • baronvb-av says:

      Aww I’m gonna miss you, the old guard and the commentariat.We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when…

    • dikachu-av says:

      I’m not an in-joke! I’m a human being!(Many of the old guard are over at the-avocado dot org FYI)

    • captainbubb-av says:

      Damn, sorry that had to go out on a slideshow (and that you’ve been forced out in the first place), but this was a magnificent way to do it. I love/hate the irony of the closing line being “I still hate making slideshows, though” and then the next thing (after an ad of course) being “Check out our other slideshows!”Thank you for all your writing and work here, Katie. Hope you find a better place to take your talents.

    • libsexdogg-av says:

      I credit you for keeping the ghost of “classic” AV Club alive as well as you could, thanks for your work here! I’m open to the new batch, it takes a lot for me to give up an old haunt, but my issue was of course never with the staff. G/O is doing its level best to force us out bit by bit, but I’m holding on until the bitter end, too many great commenters here for me to leave just yet.

    • merk-2-av says:

      Fare thee well Katie. I’ve been around since before the good ol’ days, but I think it’s time to let this place go, as many have.

  • whocareswellallbedeadsoon-av says:

    Every day someone who already has more than us decides it’s the day to take even more. They take. And take. And take. And then they get mad at us for not being happy with this arrangement. And we get less. And worse. And what we want doesn’t matter because it doesn’t fit into a power point project someone worked on for 15 minutes somewhere. We have become a world of middle managers ruining everything just to prove they’re doing things. Every day we wake up and the world gets slightly worse. And lord help me I can’t even bring myself the favor of not being surprised about it anymore. It hurts every time. Goodbye AV Club. Someday someone will make something we all love again. And somewhere some corporate fuck will be waiting to rip it from our hands. Because the fact that it’s valuable means it’s worth taking and destroying. And there’s nothing we can ever do to stop them.

  • realgenericposter-av says:

    This was a pretty great flip of the bird Katie.  Brava.  I look forward to reading your stuff wherever you land next.

  • murrychang-av says:

    Man, a movie list where Wild Wild West is one of the better offerings, damn!I kid, I kid, I love WWW some of the best punning in pretty much all of history:

    [hanging out of the 80-foot spider, which is dangling over a cliff]

    Arliss Loveless


    Well, I’ll be a MONKEY’S uncle! How how did we arrive in this DARK situation?

    Capt. James West


    I don’t know, Dr. Loveless. I’m just as STUMPED as you are.”

  • Antrikshy-av says:

    You say their DVD-by-mail selection was impressive and they would arrive in a day or two. This is still true. Go check out DVD.com! I’ve been subbed for many years now and it’s probably my favorite subscription service because of the “basically everything”selection. 

  • beertown-av says:

    Damn, am I really gonna have to pony up $50 a year to read Vulture? Where are we all headed to?

  • pairesta-av says:

    What a fantastic sendoff. Thank you Katie. I still remember the newswire you wrote about a cat you were trying to adopt and it was awesome. Best of luck. 

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