What’s your go-to “the weather is getting warm” album?

You know the one; the sun comes out, the jacket comes off, and this music comes on

Music Features Mary Kate Carr
What’s your go-to “the weather is getting warm” album?
Screenshot: Kali Uchis, The Smoking Popes, Atmosphere, Kacey Musgraves/YouTube

Just as there are Christmas carols and songs of the summer, there’s “Oh, it’s finally nice out today” music. These are the albums you listen to on the days you first notice the trees budding, when you decide to take those ten extra minutes to walk around at lunch, when the jacket you bring with you in the morning is too hot for 1 PM. We all have them, and here, 10 A.V. Club staffers pick ten of ours.

previous arrowIsolation by Kali Uchis next arrow
Kali Uchis - Just A Stranger ft. Steve Lacy

Isolation, to me, conjures the feeling of the summer between high school and college, when it seemed that I lived in a Hawaiian shirt and Vans and spent my days walking between friends’ houses in my hometown. This is especially impressive considering Kali Uchis’ debut album didn’t even exist when I was doing those things, but it carries the promise that more days like that could impossibly come. The bassy bossa of “Your Teeth In My Neck” is the soundtrack of a flirtatious summer job, while “Just A Stranger” is the party you have with some cash freshly in your pocket. Isolation somehow wormed its way into my nostalgia with its frenzy and its languor—its heat, frankly. [Drew Gillis]

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