Wicked petition calls for James Corden’s banishment from the Land Of Oz

Nearly 70,000 people so far want the actor nowhere near Jon M. Chu's film adaptation

Aux News James Corden
Wicked petition calls for James Corden’s banishment from the Land Of Oz
Remember THIS? Photo: Matt Petit – Handout/A.M.P.A.S.

It nearly always happens these days. You’re watching a trailer for an upcoming blockbuster musical adaptation, then boom: James Corden shows up in some goofy way and does what James Corden does. In the last few years, The Late Late Show host has snagged featured roles in Ryan Murphy’s The Prom, Into The Woods, Amazon’s Cinderella, and most notably the absolutely cursed adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Cats.

With recent cast announcements made for the upcoming live-action Wicked feature, someone wanted to get ahead of the problem and created a Change.org petition that calls to “Keep James Corden out of Wicked the movie.”

In the petition written to Universal Studios, creator Mikel Miller simply states, “James Corden in no way shape or form should be in or near the production of Wicked the movie.” At the time of writing, the petition has racked up over 69,000 signatures, nearly reaching its goal of 75,000.

Despite his Broadway experience, fans of the long-running musical are begging for the “Carpool Karaoke” host to not appear as Toto the dog or a flying monkey. It’s not that Corden is a bad guy, he just has a particular way of ruining musical viewing experiences with his banter. Oftentimes he does not appear truly in character, but as himself in animal form. We know that sounds harsh, but unfortunately he has that effect on at least 69,000 people.

Thus far the cast announcements for Wicked have been met with joy, as pop sensation Ariana Grande and Tony-winner Cynthia Erivo have been cast as Glinda and Elphaba, respectively. The film adaptation will be directed by Jon M. Chu, whose previous work includes Crazy Rich Asians and In The Heights.

The musical film is currently set to release in June 2022.


  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Toto the flying dog or a monkey? Are you guys sure you know how this story goes?

  • coolgameguy-av says:

    We’ve heard you loud and clear, Broadway fans… James Corden is out, and Chris Pratt is in!

    • dr-boots-list-av says:

      Mel Gibson is already in talks to play the Wizard

    • nilus-av says:

      Chris Pratt will be the voice of an animated James Cordon in his bio pic!!

    • maymar-av says:

      To really rile the AV Club up, what about Josh Gad?*who I actually like fine, as while like Corden, he often plays loud annoying characters, is not actually an insufferable toolbag in real life (from what I’ve heard), unlike Corden.

      • kleptrep-av says:

        I’m sorry but do people hate Josh Gad? Why? He’s a perfectly fine actor.

        • awesome-x-av says:

          As a parent of a young child, it’s not the man I hate. It’s that Eldritch Abomination he voices known as Olaf I really detest.

        • mrfurious72-av says:

          He is. I’m generally kind of “meh” on him purely in terms of what I’ve seen him perform in (to be clear, that’s a pretty short list that does not include “Book of Mormon,” in which he’s apparently delightful), but I’ve enjoyed seeing him in other contexts like interviews and the reunion shows he’s done.

      • wrightstuff76-av says:

        Josh Gad being confused by British TV quiz shows was my favourite thing of the year (I think he was over here filming second season of Avenue 5).

      • hercules-rockefeller-av says:

        I honestly don’t know which one of these guys enrage me more, but goddamn do I have a huge, irrational hatred for both of them. They SERIOUSLY need to dial back the fucking hammy schtick. That said, it’s none of my business if they put him in Wicked or not, nobody’s gonna hold a gun to my head and make me watch it. 

      • rogue-like-av says:

        Gad and Corden are on the same level with me, which is “why do they keep getting work?”Recently saw a rebroadcast of some British panel show from the mid-00’s, and Corden was one of the guests, and first of all, he contributed -nothing-, but still managed to be annoying as hell. Secondly, I didn’t realize he was even a “thing” back then. I’m amazed that it’s been over seven years since Craig Ferguson left the Late Late Show. He should have stuck around until he died on set, because he’s a bit smarter and just has a wit that Corden severely lacks. 

    • dr-darke-av says:

      At least Chris Pratt can leave his Jesus-Freak at the door.

  • formerbaby-av says:

    “It’s not that Corden is a bad guy”Citation needed.

  • socratessaovicente-av says:

    He was fine in ‘Into the Woods’ and not the problem with either ‘Cats’ or ‘The Prom’ – I didn’t see ‘Cinderella’ so can’t comment on that – so is this just an inexplicable backlash, a la Anne Hathaway a few years ago, or do people have a problem with James Corden for a reason?

    • anthonypirtle-av says:

      Sometimes hating people just becomes a meme, and people are sheep.

      • bogart-83-av says:

        I think people hate him because he’s the greasiest of greasy hams.

      • usernamechecks0ut-av says:

        carpool karaoke was enough for me to know I don’t like the dude

      • cordingly-av says:

        I call it the “Dane Cook” rule.

        Anyone in comedy can only reach a certain level of fame, once the public perceives a line of exposure has been breached, and public opinion will sort of avalanche around that person.

      • scottsummers76-av says:

        you seriously think people just hate him for no reason?

      • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

        Sometimes hating people just becomes a meme,THIS^^^
        90% of the reason that most people are opposed to James Corden is simply because it is fashionable to hate James Corden.
        I am not his hugest fan. But he was perfectly fine in Into the Woods. He was annoying in Cats, but Cats sucked all-around. Heck, the only reason I went with some family members was to see if it was as awful as everyone was saying. It. was.
        That all said, I can’t imagine what role they would be considering him for. If it was the Wizard of Oz, maybe the lion? But for Wicked, nothing comes to mind.

        • dr-darke-av says:

          No, Corden comes off like a garbage human being, and he brings out the worst in people — as he did Patrick Stewart in that exchange above.

          • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

            And Stewart appeared on Corden’s talk show since then (funny appearance by the way) and they have obviously moved past it. “Garbage human being” seems a bit of hyperbole, but that is pretty much what everything on the internet is these days. 

      • dr-darke-av says:

        And sometimes, people are just hateful twerps who deserve the beatdowns they get, like James Corden.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Yeah people are just being mean for no reason.  I say that as someone who has no opinion on Corden whatsoever–I’ve seen him in an episode of Doctor Who and that’s it–but there’s no point in this except to be shitty.

    • brickhardmeat-av says:

      Corden existed on the periphery of my universe – for years I was barely aware of his existence but the little I observed he seemed “fine” and I didn’t get the hate. Then I learned all about his “Spill Your Guts” schtick, and it finally gave me a solid, inarguable reason to despise the man. While I’m not Asian (not that you need to be to hate what I’m about to describe to you), I am a first generation American, my parents are immigrants, and I grew up eating all sorts of foods that I wouldn’t be surprised to have seen featured on “Spill Your Guts” — a variation of Truth or Dare where the game is to answer self-incriminating questions or consume all sorts of “GROSS” and “DISGUSTING” foods like thousand year old egg, fish eyes, chicken feet, congealed pig blood, etc — many of them actual foods that real people eat and enjoy as part of their culture, many of them Asian (though not exclusively), and many of them someone’s grandmother lovingly prepared for them because they could afford nothing else and had to rely on innovation and creativity to make the leftover, castoff bits like ox tail and pigs feet and tripe and calf brains and lamb tongue and other shit I did grow up eating taste like love. There are far worse people out there, and I don’t blame him for “ruining” a lot of the stuff people cite as examples of his terribleness, but the whole inherent “isn’t non-Eurocentric non-white culture weird and nauseating, lets belittle it for our amusement” angle left a bad taste in my mouth, terrible pun intended.

      • yesidrivea240-av says:

        The worst part about that segment is that he could easily pick weird food combinations that aren’t apart of any culture. No need to be an offensive asshole when you can easily mix 8 different sodas with hot sauce for the same effect.

        • brickhardmeat-av says:

          I think that’s what they’re pivoting to now, but a shame they didn’t start out that way. Or find a way to just be less dickish about it (although the very premise of “eating this food is punishment because it’s disgusting” is hard to get around).

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          I saw another show do that, ‘The Last Leg’ with Matt Hills. They did just weird food combos, like a burger but the buns were doughnuts. It managed to be both genuinely gross and good fun.

          • yesidrivea240-av says:

            I haven’t heard of that show but I’ll check it out. Do you know if it’s on Hulu?

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            No idea, I’ve only ever caught episodes of it on YouTube.

          • yawantpancakes-av says:

            That sounds like the Luther Burger. Named after Luther Vandross.
            Allegedly, Luther created it when he was on tour. It’s basically a bacon cheeseburger using doughnuts as the buns.I call it the “diabetes special”.

          • igotlickfootagain-av says:

            I’d love it if it were named after Protestant reformer Martin Luther. He nailed the recipe onto several church doors.

      • maulkeating-av says:

        I mean, that fat cunt was raised on English food, so he has no right to criticise the foods of other cultures.

      • Ad_absurdum_per_aspera-av says:

        In fact, one of the reasons we humans have established ourselves in reproducing, sustainable populations in almost every corner of the Earth is that we’re pretty fantastic omnivores of opportunity. As civilization evolved, exactly as you noted, every ethnic group developed some beloved foods, often ones that carry some institutional memory of getting through hard times, that one might not truly enjoy unless born to it. If I mock this in other people when mine did the same thing, I’m really just belittling myself, right?I’d go so far as to say that what other people like to eat is a part of who they are, and if I want to get to know them, giving it a try is useful.Might even find that I like it. (Or not. Only one way to find out.) Even the things I don’t intend to have again, I’m glad I tried once.

      • kinosthesis-av says:

        You must not be aware of Fear Factor.

    • bluwacky-av says:

      Corden gets cast in annoying parts – usually based around either being fat as a defining characteristic or loud and in your face. These are not things that we Brits do as well as Americans, frankly. The Baker in Into The Woods is neither of those things as written, which is probably why he was fine there – but put it this way, I don’t think many people read The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter and think that James Corden is the perfect person to embody Peter’s voice.  Worth noting that Bustopher Jones Corden also has previous form for being insufferably convinced of his own greatness from his pre-Hollywood/talk show career, which is enough to make one take pause. Hot off the success of Gavin and Stacey (where he played a character defined by being fat and loud), he was getting hired for a lot of things he turned out to be ill-suited for.  Although they have apparently patched things up, Patrick Stewart was most uncomplimentary about him at one point in 2010 or so:

      • brickhardmeat-av says:

        Oh wow that was some terrible cringe. I am ride-or-die Team Patrick Stewart but that was objectively some really unfortunate fat shaming and in-artful sniping on his part. Even if you think Corden is an annoying and mediocre comedian, he’s still a comedian — they live by their wits. Stewart could have chastised him without getting artificially personal like that, let alone comments about his belly or trying to match quips with someone who shoots zingers for a living. I wish I could erase that exchange from my memory.

      • recognitions69-av says:

        Well I never thought I’d be on James Cordon’s side against Patrick fucking Stewart but here I am, 2:14 of cringe.

      • ssp2021-av says:

        They were both just having fun roasting each other there, looks like it was all in good fun.

      • soylent-gr33n-av says:

        Getting on Sir Patrick’s bad side is telling. The man even got along with Shatner, for crying out loud!

      • joeyjigglewiggle-av says:

        Is it just me, or was Patrick Stewart being kind of a dick, there…Corden seems legit caught off-guard being accused of being inconsiderate and rude and then Patrick Stewart decides to call him fat and make fun of his belly? I had to stop watching. I feel kind of bad for Corden. 

    • chris-finch-av says:

      I think his persona is annoying, which is why I don’t really like his late night show or the carpool karaoke. But that’s work he’s creatively involved in which front-loads his persona; the idea that his presence would ruin a movie he has no real creative input on is kinda obnoxious.

    • kbroxmysox2-av says:

      Anne Hathaway was built on A LOT of sexism. Corden is based on him being kinda a terrible human being

      • fever-dog-av says:

        My impression was that people jumped on Anne Hathaway because she’s essentially a drama nerd/band geek who made it but never shed her drama nerdiness.  For my part, that drama nerdiness made her that much more attractive.

    • kentallard1-av says:

      For my part, my marked distaste for him stems from the fact that he was such a terrible replacement for Craig Ferguson and the craigyferg iteration of the Late Late Show.Ferguson was funny and original, while Corden displays the worst of Jimmy Fallon’s pandering tendencies.

    • crankymessiah-av says:

      I mean, he’s known to be a raging asshole who treats everyone like shit. There are tons of stories out there. Just a couple of months ago it was a big thing. Where have you been?

    • citricola-av says:

      Cinderella was cursed but he had nothing to do with the worst part I saw – a seriously misbegotten cover of Material Girl.Honestly, I don’t think he’s awful so much as he only picks awful projects.

    • jonathanmichaels--disqus-av says:

      I will say that I watched the recording of One Man, Two Guvnors on the PBS app, the one he won the Tony for, beating, get this list, James Earl Jones, John Lithgow, Frank Langella and Phillip Seymour Hoffman.And I think it was well earned, it’s a great show and he carried it on his back.Is he in too much, obviously yes, but I also totally understand why someone adapting a Broadway property would want to get him in there.

      • queenonalist-av says:

        I saw One Man, Two Guvnors live with Corden. It was a painfully broad,  slapstick bore. I happily left at intermission.

    • dr-darke-av says:

      Well, he was a straight man playing a gay character like an offensively flaming caricature in The Prom (so, yes he was part of the problem with that!), and I take issue with him being called “fine” in Into the Woods.
      He was good in Cats so I’ll give you that — but he’s got this olagenious aura of flipping between unentitled self-regard and flop sweat so often I can’t comprehend why he has a career of any sort….

      • socratessaovicente-av says:

        So we agree that the writer, director, and casting were the problems with ‘The Prom’?And what did he do wrong in ‘Into the Woods’? I found it an average (if forgettable) performance in an average-but-forgettable film. I mean, aside from Hollywood collectively sucking Meryl Streep’s dick anytime she does anything, did the movie get any awards heat? Did it deserve any?

    • triohead-av says:

      I think fans of Wicked are worried that casting Corden implies that scenes like this get shoehorned in to showcase his comedy:
      (I’m talking about 1:16-1:56 in case the video doesn’t load to that timestamp)

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      He’s every over-eager theater kid I’ve ever met. All good.

    • rkpatrick-av says:

      Keurig pitchman

    • mike110780-av says:

      Corden shouldn’t be in musicals, period. He was a subpar Baker in Into the Woods, though to be fair Kendrick aside that was a subpar production all around and included a career worst Streep performance. (Yes, the whole thing suffers next to the masterclass that is the recorded stage production starring Bernadette Peters and Chip Zien, no it’s not unfair to compare them, welcome to the world of Broadway Musicals.)Oftentimes people can’t do some things well even if they love them and being a B or C list celebrity shouldn’t be enough to let your self-indulgence run wild as part of a professional production.

    • spaceladel-av says:

      I do think his schtick is fairly insufferable, but I doubt nearly 70.000 people care about him enough to actively and strongly want him to not appear in a particular film. This is just a safe, quick and easy way to be mean.

    • tvcr-av says:

      He’s a dink.

    • halloweenjack-av says:

      The sheer number means absolutely nothing, given the internet’s multiply-proven capability to bring shitty people together and convince them that they’re some kind of “movement” rather than people who are intractably wrong about something. You or I could get 70,000 signatures on some online petition asking that we not be in this adaptation, regardless of whether or not we’re good for the part (I wouldn’t know about me, I’ve never even seen Wicked); people would just sign it for the shot of haterade. Or think of Ellie Kemper getting dogpiled for something that her parents got her into when she was still a teenager; yes, the Veiled Prophet thing has racist origins, but guess what, so does America. If I were to start an online petition, it would be for the banishment of online petitions, and would be precisely as useful as all the others. 

    • spartanhabits-av says:

      He has a nice guy schtick but I’ve heard things about him (ala Ellen) about how he’s not a nice person at all.

    • readdontsee-av says:

      Not sure either. I’ve heard some secondhand stories of him thinking very highly of himself and being all around rude to staff/crew but I’m more liable to believe they just don’t like his acting or just how he comes off on his show or in roles.  I’m more surprised he even got his late show job tbh.  He wasn’t known in the US at the time so it’s still very strange to me.

  • thefilthywhore-av says:

    Finally, an online petition I’m willing to believe will work. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to sign this fucker a few hundred million times.

  • oldmanschultz-av says:

    I’m gonna sign it, because I truly don’t want him in this movie. Not because I particularly care about Wicked, but because I don’t want him in any movie period.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      Well…guess who isn’t “Big in Germany”!

      • oldmanschultz-av says:

        As much as I want you to be right about that, I’m afraid my pop culture sensibilities are hardly representative of the general population. The truth is I have no idea if Germans like that discount microwave lasagna of a person or even have him on their radar much. And I’m not sure I want to find out.

        • tvcr-av says:

          Germans love David Hasslehoff, techno, and nothing else. They’re very cautious about what they like since the war.

          • oldmanschultz-av says:

            Even I know that is a very dated cultural snapshot of Germany. Are you talking to us from the 90s?

          • tvcr-av says:

            I am.

          • oldmanschultz-av says:

            Well, let me tell you, in the 2000s, everybody’s gonna be really into R&B but also The Strokes. German acts are going to mostly sound like one of those two things (except in German) for a while. Now, the 2010s… oof. Forget it. There are no words. Best to spend that entire decade abroad.

          • tvcr-av says:

            I’m hearing things about German hip hop.

          • oldmanschultz-av says:

            You’re right!I block that out sometimes because that was the music the kids who beat me up listened to.Some of it is okay.

      • awesome-x-av says:


  • bhlam-22-av says:

    I’m by no means a fan of the guy, but maybe the internet shouldn’t be so mean to someone whose biggest crime (unless I’m overlooking something) is that he’s super corny. This isn’t even about whether or not James Corden should get to be in Wicked–I certainly couldn’t give a shit–but maybe it perpetuates some terrible behaviors and precedents.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      If Guy Fieri is any indication, we’ll be doing a 180 any minute now.

    • crankymessiah-av says:

      I think it has more to do with the many many stories that recently came out about him being an insufferable, narcissistic, rude asshole?

    • fugit-av says:

      He’s shitty to his employees, shitty to his family, and generally shitty.

    • kitschkat-av says:

      Corden advocated to skirt union rules and pay his show writers less, he’s an actual bad person. It’s unfortunate that context isn’t brought up more, and people go with “punchable face” or what have you.

    • MookieBlaylock-av says:

      It has been widely circulated that he is one of the biggest douchebags on the planet.  Just an insufferable prick to everyone that can’t help him.  To those that can help him, he’s an obsequious troll.

  • haodraws-av says:

    The Deuxmoi stories I’ve read about him in restaurants and clubs certainly soured me on him.

  • endsongx23-av says:

    Ya know, I get that folx find him annoying. But I’m really tired of the bullying of James Corden. He actually worked hard to get where he is and he’s just met with constant backlash because….. people don’t like his voice or excited-drama-kid personality? It’s mean. It’s not funny or in good fun, it’s just mean. 

  • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

    He won a Tony in 2012 against:Philip Seymour HoffmanFrank LangellaJohn LithgowJames Earl Jones

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    Theses petitioners are just masking their homophobia with a “petition”.

  • hulk6785-av says:

    James Corden is just too much. And yet, somehow not enough. 

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    I have heard anecdotally that he is a prick to people who aren’t celebrities and (and yes I know, a late night show host who’s a big guffawing asshole, color me shocked), so I am glad this phony isn’t getting something he probably thought he was entitled to, but watching him inject an unwelcome dose of 70’s variety show host smarm and loudness into the Friends reunion debacle was nauseating. Fuck this guy, give it to one of the dozens of other comparably talented people out there who could turn it into a big break.

    • brmouland60-av says:

      Have no idea how people can stand this guy

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        I can see how a lot of people would enjoy him, he’s funny and can sing and seems superficially friendly, but I suppose I’m cynical enough to see how sweatily desperate it all seems, like LOOK AT ME NOW!!!! AREN’T I THE AWESOMEST???

  • real-taosbritdan-av says:

    I believe that he sold his soul to have a successful and we have to suffer it happening. He is a so-so actor, singer, dancer, presenter at best yet he has starred with Meryl Streep, twice! as mentioned in the article he is exactly the same in everything he does, James Corden playing James Corden in a different costume. He even played James Corden in Superintelligence! Where do I sign up?

  • admnaismith-av says:

    By the time these kind of announents are made, shooting the movie is halfway over- so good luck with that petition, people.I’ve only seen ‘Into The Woods’ out of the listed pictures, and since Cordon had nothing to do with re-writing the ending, he was not the problem there.  

  • fugit-av says:

    “Not a bad guy”???

  • recognitions69-av says:

    I really don’t enjoy Cordon’s comedy stylings, or really anything he’s been in.  BUT this just feels like internet bullying on a mass scale and I can’t get behind that.

    • awesome-x-av says:

      And yet, I’m sure James Corden wouldn’t give 0.000001% of the consideration you’re giving him to you. Just join in! It’s fun. 

    • stuckonidle-av says:

      I completely agree. I know people that are signing this petition just because it’s “fun” but all I can imagine is how I would feel if 70,000 people signed a petition to keep me out of something. Maybe that makes me too “sensitive” or whatever and people are gonna come at me with reasons that Corden is a “bad guy” but I just don’t understand how Corden has almost as much vitriol against him right now as actual sexual predators. Makes no sense to me.

    • seven-deuce-av says:


  • zwing-av says:

    One of my hottest non-takes is that Corden is fine. He was a phenomenal comedic broadway performer (really, he’s great on stage). He was fine in the film roles he’s been in. When I was unemployed a few years back I actually watched a decent amount of the late night shows and found his consistently engaging, even if his schtick could wear on you a bit. The backlash to his shitty, casually racist/ethnocentric sketch where celebs either tell the truth or eat a foreign delicacy was absolutely righteous. But the backlash to him otherwise seems a little strange to me (and it happened well before that sketch). Dude’s a solid performer, and as far as heavyset overexposed comedic crossover performers go, I’d rather watch him than, say, Josh Gad.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “But the backlash to him otherwise seems a little strange to me”

      I like him, how can others not?

      Thanks. Thank you VERY much.

  • johnny-utahsheisman-av says:

    The 8th most interesting character on Gavin and Stacy had become a Hollywood A lister somehow and I wish he’d get hit by a bus. 

  • carnage4u-av says:

    I wonder how many people that signed that petition will bother to see the movie.

    James is fine. His show the past year has been really enjoyable. People just to love someone that seem to be fairly happy. The internet, what a hilarious place.

    • haodraws-av says:

      By all accounts dude is a toxic asshat towards workers and non-celebs.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      James is fine. And Jesus is just alright.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I wonder how many people that signed that petition will bother to see the movie.”

      I wonder why you think that’s relevant.
      “People just to love someone that seem to be fairly happy.”

      You’re right, people DO just to love someone that seem to be fairly happy.

      Want to try again in English?

      “His show the past year has been really enjoyable.”

      Cool. This isn’t about his show, is it? Can you read? We know you can’t write, but can you read?

  • wangphat-av says:

    The guy couldn’t name a single one of his camera people. Fuck him. 

    • stuckonidle-av says:

      I don’t know man, on the list of “Hollywood wrongs” I can’t muster up an ounce of anger about him not knowing their names.

  • coatituesday-av says:

    Damn. Now I want him to play a major role in Wicked…Look, he was probably bad in Cats, but I think everyone was, right? (Didn’t see it.) He was fine in Into the Woods. And that Prom movie…  He got a lot of flak for playing that role.  Not sure what it says about me -probably that I don’t know anything about Corden’s life, or maybe that he’s a good actor. But – until the backlash happened for that movie I was sure he was gay…

    • gargsy-av says:

      “But – until the backlash happened for that movie I was sure he was gay…”

      Well, you’re prejudiced, so he MUST be good!

  • trbmr69-av says:

    He’s white, male, straight, and fat. Maybe the people who hate him hate everyone who fits in those groups. He was fine in The Wonder Boys and Doctor Who, I’ve not seen him in anything else.

  • mrfallon-av says:

    There was an AMA on Reddit for Corden that was like, 99% people who remember him from when he was UK-based, going “Is it true you’re a horrible prick?”

  • dr-darke-av says:

    They made 75K, now they want to make their stretch goal of 150K so they’re one of the top petitions on change.org. (https://chng.it/JP4FVyHJLJ ).

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    Thing is though… his shtick is the Cowardly Lion. It’s the role he was born to play.

    • unfrozencavemanmediaconsumer-av says:

      Yeah that was my first thought. Stick him in another cat suit, and let him mince around acted scared of everything. It will be grating to watch, but it’s not hard to see that he’s a perfect fit for the part.

  • mr-mirage1959-av says:

    Any musical role suggested for James Cordon should go to Adam Driver. Just to throw in a quarter (can’t find those other coins).

  • themightymanotaur-av says:

    He’s a great presenter and host but a terrible actor who basically just plays himself in every single role.

  • freshness-av says:

    Sorry America, you insisted you wanted to take James Corden from our screens in the UK, and if you didn’t keep the receipt, I’m afraid that’s on you.

    Same goes for Jake Whitehall, sorry.

  • heasydragon-av says:

    Hated him from the Gavin & Stacey years, loathed him in Lesbian Vampire Killers (oh, that’s a real, very real film, kids. Watch it and be horrified) and just found him utterly repugnant since. You can keep him, America.  We don’t want him back.  Think of it as revenge for you shits dumping the tea in the harbour…

  • rogar131-av says:

    I don’t care much either way about Corden, but this is just stupid.

  • bulldogger216-av says:

    How about not hate but just sick of seeing the man. He can’t be in all musicals that are adapted to the screen. His acting in Into the Woods was FINE…it was fine….it really was….fine…it was fine. And that was all I need to see of him.

  • puddingangerslotion-av says:
  • dabard3-av says:

    I caught this show when it was done to Anne Hathwaway, John Krasinski and am still halfway through the Pratt one. I’m going to skip this season of “The fuck is the Internet whining about today” and catch next season’s attacks on Pierce Brosnan.

  • raycearcher-av says:

    CounterpointWicked isn’t very good and you shouldn’t let Twitter cast movies for you

  • gargsy-av says:

    “It’s not that Corden is a bad guy”

    Yes. It VERY specifically is.

  • dalien8-av says:

    The masses are entitled and snowflakey. They want their movies pre-sanitized to avoid making them uncomfortable.

  • toddtriestonotbetoopretentious-av says:

    One day… people will realize Cats is amazing.

  • thatguyinphilly-av says:

    Ever since I endured the first ten minutes of The Prom – a.k.a. Millionaires Singing About How Woke They Are – James Corden makes my skin crawl. I used to call him Carpool Andy Richter but that’s an insult to Andy Richter. Tituss Burgess has been Lemonading around Brooklyn, yet every time Hollywood needs a sassy queen they tap an imposter whiter and dryer than a store bought English tea biscuit.

  • oarfishmetme-av says:

    Well, this does seem a little bit mean spirited, but I see where it comes from. Hollywood these days seems to have a group of two dozen or so people who they like at the moment that get put in literally everything.
    Like, a couple of years ago it was Nick Offerman. Offerman’s a talented actor and all, but I remember seeing him in a movie a couple years ago where his part is like 2 min. long and he doesn’t have any lines. And I thought, “Why did they need him for that? Why not give some other guy trying to establish himself a break?” It was distracting, and totally pulled me out of the story the film was telling.

  • wisbyron-av says:

    I always thought people hated Corden because he was rehabbing Sean Spicer and whitewashing his enabling of Trump’s lies. Seriously. I always thought that was a perfect visual example of how quickly the media boils down everything into an us/them rivalry and how all you need do is leave the nest of someone to be accepted by the other side that doesn’t agree with them.

  • waystarroyco-av says:

    I have 1 idea that might drive a bunch of buzz for this new movie…..

  • det--devil--ails-av says:

    He was the best Doctor Who companion. Fight me.

  • huja-av says:

    Careful what you ask for  . . . could get Russell Crowe.  

  • amessagetorudy-av says:

    Not sure anyone posted this but… John Oliver on James Corden (apologies for the poor quality, but… YouTube)

  • izodonia-av says:

    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but James Corden

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