Report: Will Smith confirms Steven Spielberg is a lovely host, serves delicious lemonade

Helicopters and fizzy lemonade sold Will Smith on Men In Black

Aux News Will Smith
Report: Will Smith confirms Steven Spielberg is a lovely host, serves delicious lemonade
Steven Spielberg being very small with a gigantic Will Smith Photo: Valerie Macon (AFP via Getty Images)

Will Smith may have irrevocably harmed his career by assaulting Chris Rock, transforming him from Hollywood nice-guy to wife-defending alpha, but that doesn’t mean he’s immune to the bold citrusy flavors of ice-cold fizzy lemonade. The man known for correcting himself when he foolishly mispronounced “Willennium” as “millennium” knows to say yes when Steven Spielberg sends him a helicopter and a cool beverage.

Appearing for another round of character rehab on what can only be described as the perfect location for such an activity, Will Smith joined Kevin Hart’s Peacock interview show Heart To Hart. No, he wasn’t asking Hart, “How many friggin’ shows do you have?” Instead, Smith told Hart about the hardball negotiating master dealmaker Steven Spielberg played in convincing the actor to star in Men In Black.

Coming off of Independence Day, Smith was hesitant about becoming America’s most prominent alien puncher. “I kinda understood Men In Black, like a little bit, but I didn’t want to make Men In Black—that was the next year after Independence Day,” he said. “So I didn’t want to make two alien movies back to back.”

So Spielberg did what any legendary director whose last two movies were Jurassic Park and Schindler’s List would: He sent Smith a helicopter, introduced him to fizzy lemonade, and made a simple request. Spielberg had him “at ‘Hello.’”

“Steven Spielberg sent a helicopter for me,“ Smith said. “To talk. It landed at his house. And he had me at ‘Hello.’ And it was the first time I ever had lemonade with carbonated water.” But this was all built toward Spielberg’s trump card, which Smith describes as “the coldest shit ever.”

“He said, ‘Tell me why you don’t want to make my movie….’ He put the ellipses at the end…if he had continued, he would have said, ‘Joker, you know I made Jaws, right? You know I made E.T.’” Smith, who presumably stopped himself before saying, “You know I made Steve Spielberg’s Director’s Chair,” obviously couldn’t say no.

And lo, as it was written, Will Smith starred in both Independence Day, where he punched an alien in the face, and Men In Black, where an alien puked on him. We have Steven Spielberg and fizzy lemonade to thank.

[via EW]


  • murrychang-av says:

    Man now I want fizzy lemonade. 

  • grantagonist-av says:

    The important fact that is missing from this story is that Spielberg was the Executive Producer of MIB.

  • monsterenergyqueef-av says:

    Wait. There’s fizzy lemonade?That’s probably just for rich Hollywood types. 

  • mykinjaa-av says:

    “He sent Smith a helicopter, introduced him to fizzy lemonade,”IDK. That all sounds like euphemisms. Can’t trust what you hear about Hollyweird.

  • katyggls-av says:

    I still don’t understand why this incident “irrevocably harmed his career”. Like yes, it was wrong, he should not have done it. But it just doesn’t rise to the level for me of an unforgiveable act. Are people ever going to get over it? Some people are acting like he’s Harvey Weinstein or something. I think Chris Rock is fine, and Smith apologized. He’s a good actor and I’d like to see him in more projects again and I think he’s repented enough for America.

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