Will and Jada Pinkett Smith might write a book, for anyone wondering how their whole thing works

Honestly, what other couples haven't been tested by splitting up and then having one person slap a comedian on live television?

Aux News Pinkett
Will and Jada Pinkett Smith might write a book, for anyone wondering how their whole thing works
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith Photo: Emma McIntyre

Jada Pinkett Smith has been on a news-making rampage lately while promoting her new memoir Worthy, with the most interesting revelation in it being that her and ostensible husband Will Smith have been separated for many years—which is to say that Jada Pinkett Smith was not really his “wife” when he told Chris Rock to keep his “wife’s name” out of his fucking mouth. So why did he say that? Why did he get so mad that he slapped Chris Rock? Jada Pinkett Smith has tried to explain what the hell the whole thing was about in subsequent media appearances, but it remains weird and unclear.

One could easily make the case that this isn’t really anyone’s business, and they can live their lives however they want, but she’s the one putting out a memoir and he’s the one who walked up to Chris Rock and slapped him on live television. So it seems fair to question the motivations behind all of this. And now we might actually get a chance to hear from both Will and Jada, since she revealed during an appearance on Extra that the two of them have been “talking about writing a book together” that they’re going to call Don’t Try This At Home.

Variety says she brought up something similar on the School Of Greatness podcast, saying that they’ve “been through so much” together and that hearing about “the process” that Will is “going through right now” would be “so helpful to so many men.” And that might be totally true! Men could always use advice. They’re largely stupid. But, at the same time, how common is… anything that the two of them have ever gone through ever?

This specific situation they’re in has never happened to anyone else, where a couple is together for decades, they quietly get separated but stay together publicly, then one of them hits a famous comedian in the face for insulting the other one while misrepresenting their relationship in a way that will only be meaningful to the two of them because nobody else knows the reality of their situation. But they were two famous people with complex life stories even before that, so what kind of insights into maintaining a relationship can regular people hope to get from them? And it’s questions like that that make this Don’t Try This At Home book seem even more interesting! In other words, we hope they do write it and we’d like to read it.


  • yoyomama7979-av says:

    Is Jada’s book a biography of James Worthy?

  • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

    How about she just fuck off and get divorced already? 

  • firefly26-av says:

    Juse pointing out people that are separated are still legally married. So she is still officially his wife.

  • everythingnow-av says:

    I would rather read a cookbook from Hannibal Lecter than one offering advice from these buffoons.

  • indicatedpanic-av says:

    Honest to god, I can’t think of a single person who IS interested in anything about this couple. I only even learned they were married a few years ago, which means they had already been separated before I knew they were ever together, that’s how nothing of an impact they had on pop culture prior to the slap. Its probably not that uncommon for couples to separate but still publicly appear together if not amiable. 7 years seems a little long, but I won’t judge that. I just don’t get how much visibility this is getting, it’s all just so uninteresting. 

  • milligna000-av says:

    For his crimes against writing, Barsanti should be forced to read this hypothetical book… with someone else doing the review.

  • wbgk-av says:

    I wish Jada’s book doesn’t sell many copies, so there won’t be a reason for a second book or a book written by her and Will.
    Sheesh, why do they feel the need to make everything public? Just get a divorce, find new happiness and move on, live your life. They’re just toxic for eachother. If only they would see that themselves….

  • mhegedus-av says:

    Define “works”

  • murrychang-av says:

    Will and Jada Pinkett Smith might write a book, for anyone wondering how their whole thing works attention and money

  • taco-emoji-av says:

    please stop writing about these people’s love lives. i do not want to know about it

  • oldnslo-av says:

    I feel that I already know far, far too much about these people as it is.

  • warpedcore-av says:

    Will and Jada,We don’t care.

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