Winchesters crew member sues Supernatural spinoff after getting hit by lightning

Assistant camera operator Bryan DeLorenzo alleges he was ordered to film on the CW series in conditions that production knew were unsafe

Aux News Lightning
Winchesters crew member sues Supernatural spinoff after getting hit by lightning
The Winchesters stars Drake Rodger and Meg Donnelly Photo: Eliot Brasseaux/The CW

And now, in “Act of…Somebody?” news: A crew member on The CW’s now-canceled supernatural (and Supernatural) series The Winchesters is suing Warner Bros., after he was struck by lightning while filming on the short-lived show.

Specifically (per THR), assistant camera operator Bryan DeLorenzo is suing the studio for not following proper safety measures in response to extreme weather, claiming he was struck by lightning after episode director John Showalter decided to film in the midst of a heavy rainstorm after a number of shooting delays. According to DeLorenzo’s lawsuit, production is required to shut down if lightning strikes in a six-mile radius of filming location; the suit alleges that production knew, or should have known, that lightning had been occurring in the area where they were filming less than 30 minutes before they began to film.

In the suit, DeLorenzo says he raised issues with filming to higher-ups on the set, and was told that the scene had been shifted to be a rain scene at Showalter’s request. Then, “Within ten minutes of this conversation, Plaintiff was standing next to a camera when a loud ‘boom’ occurred. The crew was scared and crouched down to protect themselves. During the commotion, Plaintiff was pushed and thrown down to the ground. Plaintiff saw a bright white light and then lightning struck him, knocking him unconscious. When Plaintiff awoke, his chest burned, and he felt like an explosion had occurred.”

DeLorenzo is suing the show’s producers, including Supernatural star Jensen Ackles, for negligence, citing “serious physical injuries, pain, discomfort, anxiety, extreme emotional distress, embarrassment, humiliation, depression, shock, and injury to his person.” He is also seeking punitive damages “in an amount sufficient to punish and deter similar future conduct.”

So far, Warner Bros. has yet to publicly comment on the case.


  • systemmastert-av says:

    I know how lawsuits work but I really wish they worked different so they didn’t have to include so many adjectives. Like instead of saying “This event gave me emotional troubles, depression, shock, paranoia, anxiety, hot flashes, and light to medium despondence” it could just be “This event got me struck by goddamn lightning.”

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    “Several days before the incident, DeLorenzo says he communicated with Warners’ production coordinator and safety officers about procedures to follow when shooting during bad weather conditions. They allegedly responded by telling him to purchase lightning detector products and weather apps.”Is a camera man responsible for making those purchases? Sound like a big old F-you to me. It’s a wonder the strike didn’t kill him. I’d sue too. Shooting scenes in bad weather poses all kinds of risks, especially when all involved haven’t had a chance to prepare.

    • daveassist-av says:

      The studio certainly isn’t going to purchase safety equipment for the crew.  That’d take away from investor profits!

    • jpfilmmaker-av says:

      No, no one in camera is responsible for any of that. It’s not unheard of for one or more technical departments to have a lightning meter, and lightning apps on phones are common on sets, but its the ADs and the safety officers that have final word on which measurements to use and when it’s safe to return to work, so they are the only ones that have to have them.

  • ghboyette-av says:

    Goddamn it, Chuck!

  • bgunderson-av says:

    This is what happens when you anger Thor.Don’t want to get hit by lightning?  Don’t anger Thor.

  • drpumernickelesq-av says:

    Oof. Jensen Ackles has not had a great year or so when it comes to on-set mishaps, given he had also just started filming his part in “Rust” when, y’know.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “It’s ok, I brought a lightning detector!”

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Can’t wait for all the experts on lightning, lawsuits and lightning-related lawsuits to start sounding off!

  • jimbis-av says:

    Such a truly awful tv show. Not worth risking a hangnail let alone getting hit by lightning. Pay him.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Was Giovanni Ribisi anywhere near the set at the time?

  • 1stworldnomad-av says:

    Why the hell is he suing Ackles tho?

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