An owl named Winky is breaking into and trashing fancy houses

The town of Oak Bay, British Columbia is under attack by a squinting burglar owl

Aux Features Winky
An owl named Winky is breaking into and trashing fancy houses
Portrait of a law-abiding, non-Winky variety of owl. Photo: Keith Tsuji

The wealthy homeowners of Oak Bay, British Columbia have been shaken out of their comfort by an agent of chaos. A single, determined anarchist has decided to show that even the best-protected house can be undermined at any moment—that a fancy property does not truly belong to the person whose name is on the deed.

This revolutionary’s name? Winky The Owl.

Mischievous owl blamed for break-ins in British Columbia

A CTV News segment from yesterday detailed Winky’s reign of terror, describing how the winged hooligan first appeared on the Oak Bay Police Department’s radar. Reporter Jordan Cunningham says that officers were called to the “upscale neighborhood” on Vancouver Island at four in the morning last Thursday after a frightened resident called 911 to report that an owl had broken into their home.

Winky was photographed during his crime, impassively looking into the camera with his trademark appearance—one squinting eye—and talons dug into what a police constable described as “a very expensive leather couch.” He’s only nine inches tall and about 800 grams (1.7 pounds) in weight and yet, despite his small stature, clips included in the segment show the police unable to thwart such a powerful force of nature. The officers bumble around the house poking at Winky with brooms and try to wrap him up in a blanket using owl-catching tactics gleaned, the constable admits, from Google.

Eventually, bored of displaying his power over the state’s impotent authorities, Winky “walked out the patio doors” on his own. While Oak Bay may have hoped that he would be content to strike just once, the police were called again on Sunday after another home was ransacked by Winky. This time, he tore pictures from the walls, knocked over lamps and vases, and taunted the cops more pointedly, perching on a fancy chandelier and remaining in the house as it was cleaned up.

In an effort to show that his violence is aimed at material wealth and not individuals, Winky apparently allowed himself to be pet before flying away from the scene of his second crime. When he undoubtedly returns for a third break-in, Oak Bay can only hope that he still feels so magnanimous toward those whose homes he holds in such disdain.

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