With Roy Wood Jr. right there, Daily Show expands host hunt after Hasan Minhaj story

The emotional truth of the matter is that Roy Wood Jr. is available

Aux News Hasan Minhaj
With Roy Wood Jr. right there, Daily Show expands host hunt after Hasan Minhaj story
Roy Wood Jr., Jordan Klepper, Trevor Noah, and Hasan Minhaj Photo: Brad Barket (Getty Images for Comedy Central)

As the WGA celebrates its overwhelming victory and writers pick their pencils up again, The Daily Show and its late-night compatriots prepare to return to work. Comedy Central announced its flagship news and talk show would grace cable again on October 16, with “all-star guest hosts for the rest of 2023.” After that, it’s anyone’s guess.

Two weeks ago, Comedy Central’s favorite for the gig, Hasan Minhaj, found himself at the center of a maelstrom about the importance of truth in comedy. Minhaj pleaded guilty in the court of public opinion to charges of fabricating elements of his standup in ways that didn’t sit right with people, particularly a bit about his daughter ingesting anthrax. The controversy has derailed Minhaj’s chances because The Daily Show’s audience needs someone they can trust, like Craig Kilborn. Per Variety, Comedy Central is “going back to square one” and widening its search beyond Minhaj, apparently forgetting Roy Wood, Jr. still works there.

Wood has long been a favorite for the job. After host Trevor Noah announced his departure from the show, many saw Wood as an obvious successor. He’s funny, original, and, gosh darn it, people trust him. Moreover, he “absolutely” wants the gig. But then the search extended for the next six months as guest hosts and a strike took over The Daily Show.

“A bunch of my comic friends, when we found out that Trevor was leaving, said, ‘And they’re going to give it to Roy, right?’” Wood told Vulture in April. “They’re dating around. The perception is always that the talent is auditioning for the show, but I feel like the show is also auditioning for the talent. I am focusing on the shit that I can trust and control. Because we’re in a weird, flux place, it’s giving me a little bit of time to delve into the other things that excite me.”

Regardless of whether they have someone who could take over—longtime correspondent Jordan Klepper also seems like a good candidate—Comedy Central needs to decide fast. “Indecision 2024” is right around the corner, and apparently, the network wants to have someone behind the desk at the start of the year. But considering the show will continue parading guest hosts, including presumably Wood and Klepper, for the rest of the year, we don’t expect an answer any time soon.


  • pocrow-av says:

    This was the first I heard about the Hassan Minhaj kerfuffle, which was disappointing.

    I don’t think it should be a career killer — Louis C.K. has proved the bar is a lot, lot higher for that — but it makes sense that it’s going to be disqualifying for hosting the Daily Show, at least this time around.

    • whompwomp-av says:

      CK hasn’t been on TV though, right? Like no network has hired him. He toured and released an album but no one is trying to put him behind an anchor desk. If someone has an audience he’s going to try and work in front of them. That’s different from a network giving someone a seal of approval for a regular high-paying gig.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        “So, Louis, we’re really excited about the possibility of having you as our host. But first, do you have any questions for us?”“Yeah, just one. Since I’ll be behind the desk the whole time, I don’t need to wear pants, right?”“Offer rescinded!”

        • dinoironbody7-av says:

          Funny thing is he was actually offered The Daily Show when Jon left but he declined, which I bet Comedy Central is really grateful for now.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “but it makes sense that it’s going to be disqualifying for hosting the Daily Show, at least this time around.”

      you are an idiot

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      “Louis C.K. has proved the bar is a lot, lot higher for that”Do remember that there have always been different bars for white people and brown people.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        See that’s exactly the kind of crap that has Minhaj in trouble.

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          I don’t know what that means.  It kind of sounds like it’s denying the dual justice system that exists in this country for brown people and white people, but I know it can’t be that because it’s ridiculous.

          • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

            At least Minhaj isn’t a singer calling himself a musician, right? 

  • godzillaismyspiritanimal-av says:

    great, great!  love all the penises in that photo.  guess ovaries aren’t even in the running.

    • leonthet-av says:

      Face it, TDS screwed up when they hired Noah instead of Sam Bee.

      • CountDriveula-av says:

        Hard disagree. I didn’t like her on TDS, her over acting or over intensity was off-putting, and the few segments I watched of her TBS show felt like she cranked that up to 11. (Admittedly this was in the Trump era, when it was easy to be angry all the time.)

        • iggypoops-av says:

          Don’t disagree with you about the intensity level — Full Frontal w/Sam Bee was set to 12 all the time and that probably put off a lot of people. That said, I appreciated it and never missed an episode 🙂

          • clintontrumpepsteinfriends-av says:

             It was pretty funny when she did that bit about how she didn’t want any non-white children going to school with her kids.

      • dinoironbody7-av says:

        I liked Bee on The Daily Show but thought she was too smug on Full Frontal.

      • iggypoops-av says:

        I like Trevor, but yeah… Sam was the shit and should have Bee(n) the one to follow Jon.

      • jasonmelvil-av says:

        Sam Bee has her place, sure. But let’s face it, clearly the biggest success out of all those of the era that replicated the format is John Oliver. Also, as far as those who auditioned for the role now, I think that Wanda Sykes had the best performance out of all of them. With Al Franken being the absolute worst. I don’t want to be ageist here, but he’s comedic timing is not what it used to be. Plus, getting someone who was outed from congress because of sexual misconduct to be in a position where he’ll have to call on others doing what he did… Is an astounding choice to begin with.

    • CountDriveula-av says:

      Desi over acts constantly, like a Craig Killborn-era correspondant. Main reason I was glad that they passed over Sam Bee, who also has this delivery style.Dulce Sloan though, I’d enjoy her in the anchor’s chair though. I trust her, and think she’d do well.

    • luckiest-pierre-av says:

      Maybe Mayim Bialik can split the hosting gig with somebody?

  • whompwomp-av says:

    I’d like to see them rotate it somehow. HIGNFY has had a long, long life rotating hosts on a news/current events comedy panel show. It can probably work stateside too.

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    But then the search extended for the next six months as guest hosts and a strike took over The Daily Show. It’ll take that long to fact check every single one of Roy’s jokes.
    They don’t want another Hasan Minhaj maelstrom.

  • mytvneverlies-av says:

    I really liked The Opposition with Jordan Klepper.You’d think The Daily Show would be a great lead in, but some great shows have died there (post Colbert).

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    As Ben Elton said “As a comedian the only bit of truth is I tell lies. Imagine a joke if it had to be the truth: Bloke walks into a pub, has a pint, fucks off again. Brilliant!”
    That Minhaj is being criticised about this to the point he’s potentially losing work over it is just simply ridiculous.

    • docnemenn-av says:

      In general terms perhaps, but I think the situation does become greyer when it comes to the kind of Nanette-eseque “this is My Truth” autobiographical-confessional-didactical strain of stand-up comedy which has become a lot more common of late, where the whole point is that the comedian is supposed to be expounding on their actual real-life experiences, and that’s where the whole emotional power of the show comes from. Like, comedians making shit up for a laugh is one thing when it’s clearly not true, or when it’s clearly not something that really matters if it’s true. But when they’re not just claiming it’s true but passing it off as a fundamental aspect of their identity and how they experience the world as a human being when it’s total bullshit, I think it becomes a lot harder to play the “well it’s all just made up for laughs” card.It’s like the difference in writing a novel and writing a fake memoir IMO. The former, who cares, you’re being honest that it’s all just made up. The latter’s a lot more ethically dicey because you’re passing it off as true.

      • igotlickfootagain-av says:

        I still want to see the receipt that proves Mitch Hedberg bought that donut.

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        Hannah Gadsby explicitly states the point in Nanette when she starts talking seriously about what happened to her, and also warns the audience earlier that it’s coming up and going to happen. And she also makes it pretty clear what’s actually happened to her in any preceding jokes.
        As for Hasan Minhaj he often explicitly says “this actually happened” or “this is true” in his comedy. In my experience it’s usually comedians who focus on political and real-world events that take extra care and effort to make these distinctions in what they say.

        • docnemenn-av says:

          Not wishing to be rude or confrontational, but I’m not sure how this contradicts anything I’ve said. My point is that when comedians start outright claiming that their acts and material are based in truth and are using that as the fundamental basis for some kind of political / moral / social point of importance or an expression of fundamental truth, then it becomes an ethically greyer area if and when it turns out that they were making it up. As opposed to if the sole reason they were making something up would be “hey, wouldn’t it be funny if X happened.” The fact that they’re outright claiming this to be fundamentally true and a serious point makes it even more serious if it turns out they’re making stuff up.All I’m saying is, if you’re going the Nanette therapeutic confessional / moral lecture / ‘voice of truth’ route with your stand-up, essentially, it’s hard to then play the “hey, I’m just making it up laughs” card and have people take you seriously if it turns out you were actually just full of BS.

          • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

            That’s fine. I just pointed out that comedians, like Hasan Minhaj, do make the effort to say “this is true / this actually happened” when they mean to. So your concerns about an ethically greyer area don’t really apply so much to the majority of shows I’ve seen Hasan (or Hannah) in.

          • docnemenn-av says:

            Ahh, I get what you’re saying now. Thanks for the clarification. I still think there’s a grey area, as the expectation of truthfulness can arguably extend from just specific routines to their whole comic persona / presentation (and in Minhaj’s case it does seem, as I understand it, that he actually was making up some of the “hey, I’m being honest here now guys” bits). But yes, that’s a lot clearer.

          • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

            I wish I could find a clip of the anthrax “joke”. Because if he said “this actually happened” before that (I don’t remember), then yes he was indeed a douche at that moment.

        • jimbis-av says:


      • snooder87-av says:

        Well, that just feels like one more reason Nanette sucks. Not only was it not funny, it’s even fucking up the game for other comedians who ARE funny.

      • drewtopia22-av says:

        I agree. When your brand of comedy is more social commentary and you’re poking at racial tensions, embellishing/fabricating seems to do more of a disservice when similar events inevitably do happen. As far as he took the prom thing seems to be straight defamation too.

        • bcfred2-av says:

          Yeah I mean that’s not quite Jussie Smollett but making up fake racism stories to get people on your side is full-on shitty behavior. It definitely doesn’t speak to his fitness to host a news-oriented program like Daily Show.

      • cinecraf-av says:

        This. Minhaj’s comedy in this particular instance is founded upon the premise that, “This thing happened to me, and now I’m going to dissect it and tell you about it in a humorous way.” His humor is coming from something he claimed had actually happened to him, as opposed to humor deriving from some kind of reducto ad absurdum exaggeration or hypothetical. That’ s the difference and why it’s so damaging. And it’s fair that he’s been criticized for it.

      • mantequillas-av says:

        Well said.Using Jim Gaffigan as an example. He does lots of jokes about overeating. If he didn’t actually eat a whole birthday cake or whatever, and exaggerated it for laughs, that’s not a big deal.He also has a whole routine about his wife getting a huge brain tumor and almost dying. If it turned out he made that up – that would be really messed up and wrong.

    • dapoot-av says:

      No surprise that the woketard who is offended by everything is fine with his woketard hero defaming and doxxing people

    • ghostiet-av says:

      The problem with Minhaj is that his fabrications go into very creepy, manipulative places. The story about him getting anthrax in the mail skirts the line, but the dude invented a story about an actual woman who allegedly broke up with him due to his ethnicity and her family being racist to him, including using her actual photos. Turns out they never dated, the woman was married to an Indian man and after she complained, he invited her to his show where he continued to use her photos and tell the same story.
      Like, that goes a bit further than “fabricating or exaggerating bullshit for comedic value”, straight into “what the fuck is wrong with you”. It’s telling that his first show after this stories broke a) didn’t feature any personal anecdotes anymore and b) forbade people from discussing the content of the show. He knows he fucked up beyond just “I exaggerated a break up for funnies”.I don’t think this should be a career killer but idk, I draw the line with comedy at literally targetted cruelty like in this case.

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        I wasn’t aware of him using actual photos without the person’s consent. I agree that’s a problem. Enough to lose him work? Well, apparently so.
        Still probably isn’t reflective of his usual work.

        • jasonmelvil-av says:

          You already admit that you don’t know what the story is about but continue to dig deeper into “I still don’t get what the big deal is” territory. First, there’s a massive difference between making some story about how your wife nagged you one time when she didn’t and the stuff that Minhaj did. He talked about stuff like his daughter getting a death envelope for crying out loud. We’re talking Jussie Smollett territory here of claiming he was the victim of a hate crime when it was an entire lie and he staged the whole thing. It really is the same, just more lazy.

          There are more than enough awful people in the world spewing racist acts and what not that we can criticize them, we don’t need to invent fake ones.

          Furthermore, Minhaj is a political activist and he uses his comedy shows to push his agenda. Which is fine, a lot of comedians are. And his goals are good ones overall. But when you push fake news to push your agenda, you are crossing a line.

          Second, the job he lost isn’t a random comedy gig. It’s being the host of the Daily Show. A job who was found by polls to be literally “the most trusted source in news”. It’s a job that requires you to be both a funny comedian and to have some journalistic ethics to it. Yes, someone whose dishonesty exploded big time can’t get that gig.

          • clintontrumpepsteinfriends-av says:

            He does that all the time.  He’s an asshole.   

          • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

            Just because I didn’t know about some photos, doesn’t negate everything else I wrote. I agreed that using actual photos without the person’s consent is a problem. But then I don’t know Hasan Minhaj or the woman he “joked” about. I read she complained about the situation before seeing the show but how did she feel after? Did they settle the issue? Seems she didn’t sue for slander. I don’t know because (as I previously wrote) as far as I searched it’s not been reported. Maybe she shrugged it off and had a laugh. They’re adults so they probably worked it out. Until we see an actual report on it, assuming the worst about Hasan seems an extreme reaction given the quantity of recordings showing him being otherwise.
            Also there’s a difference between faking a hate crime and joking about it. Both are in bad taste but that’s where the similarity ends. Faking it is dangerous for the reasons you mention. Joking about it when it’s clear it’s a joke, not so much. Now if Hasan had said “this is true / this actually happened” or similar, then that’s a problem. Did he?
            And there’s a difference between writing and performing a one-man show, and being part of a show with multiple writers and producers. Of course any employer gets to choose who they hire, but to claim that they’re concerned Hasan will lie by default on camera is just ignoring all the safeguards that are in place to prevent that from happening. Plenty of other reasons not to settle on a host of The Daily Show yet.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        Holy FUCK that’s odd.

      • misscast-av says:

        Breakup revenge taken to a new level.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        Okay yes that is actually pretty shitty.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      The fact that you can’t tell the difference between telling a “man walks into a bar” joke and what Hasan did is…fairly shocking. 

      • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

        It’s not being reported like there is much difference with what Hasan does. All the news stories I’ve read talk about Hasan’s comedy in general terms and cite a couple of perceivably problematic examples as if that’s the usual thing he does. It’s not as I’ve described above.

    • vanheat-av says:

      He was telling lies about being the victim of terrorism and Islamophobia, lies about actual people, people who were doxxed and harassed, lies about his daughter and wife. That’s allowed under the rubric of comedy? No. He crossed a line into real life and had real impacts. That’s not a joke. That’s insane narcissism with rampant disregard for real peoples’ lives. Fuck him.

    • TjM78-av says:

      Didn’t a woman get doxxed a racist when she was not

    • TjM78-av says:

      “However, according to this woman, they were good friends at the time and the rejection never happened (she declined his invite before the prom), which Minhaj confirmed when confronted by Malone. Yet, disturbingly, he invited the woman and her husband to the Off-Broadway version of the show and did little to conceal their identities (projecting real pictures of them on stage, blurring out only the faces). What ensued for this woman was years of harassment and doxing, which Minhaj dismissed when she approached him about it.”https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/hasan-minhaj-standup-patriot-act-rcna105673He can go fuck himself

    • lmh325-av says:

      He’s losing work that is specifically about him telling facts.If it was just about him lying about his high school crush being shitty, no one would care – though he surely should have stopped her from being harassed by fans based on lies.He told lies that he passed as truth about Jared Kushner and the Saudi Embassy. Those are things where we’re expecting the Daily Show to not lie without at least lampshading it as a joke (it wasn’t in his act).Beyond that, the piece also included claims of toxicity on his last show. That probably is also not making Comedy Central want to hire him.

    • jallured1-av says:

      You genuinely can’t see the degree of difference between a cheeky twist on the truth in a low-stakes bit and lying about a child exposed to what was potentially anthrax? Serious autobiographical comedy naturally requires a different standard of truthfulness. Imagine if John Mulaney one day just said, “JK, I never did drugs,” or Mike Birbiglia confessing he never walked in his sleep. That would seriously undercut their past and future autobiographical work. While tweaks to truth happen (condensing events, reordering things, etc.), if foundational basic facts are faked a deal is being broken with the audience. 

    • h3rm35-av says:

      Comedy, as its best self, is a subjective free-for-all. It’s one of the best arguments for free speech. In a situation where content is being produced for the general public and advertisers, though, rather than comedy clubs and no-holds barred premium programing outlets, the producer and distributor has a right to put out whatever they feel best fits the audience they’re aiming for.I understand why CC might want their “news show” “anchor” to be seen as trustworthy – at one point, most people under 40 trusted Jon Stewart more than anyone else for their news, and it really brought CC up in the world from a niche spot to watch stand-up and reruns to one of the most watched cable networks in existence.
      All that said, I don’t think it’ll ever make it back to the glory days with Stewart, no matter the host. Its spirit fit perfectly into the social time it was produced.
      Politics and political media are now so clearly leveraged by special interests or are so generally batshit insane that making a farce of it is basically pointless.

  • CountDriveula-av says:

    I’m angry about the Hassan Minhaj stuff, but not at Hassan. I’m angry at the people that feel like they are entitled to the truth at a comedy show. Did you pay your cover charge? Did you laugh? Then you got what you paid for.  I’m liberal, but damn. That seems like people going for that Janeane Garofalo-levels of looking for shit to complain about.

    • iggypoops-av says:

      It depends on how you sell yourself as a comedian. If his thing is that he’s talking about his own actual life experiences in a comedic manner (which many people do and do well), then you’re saying “this is real, but here’s the comedic / dark / absurdist take on it” — some people are going to feel cheated if the “this is real” part of the equation isn’t true.

      Personally, I don’t really care. As Tim O’Brien wrote in The Things They Carried — “That’s what fiction is for. It’s for getting at the truth when the truth isn’t sufficient for the truth.”

    • iggypoops-av says:

      “A thing may happen and be a total lie; another thing may not happen and be truer than the truth.”
      ― Tim O’Brien, The Things They Carried

      “By telling stories, you objectify your own experience. You separate it from yourself. You pin down certain truths. You make up others. You start sometimes with an incident that truly happened, like the night in the…field, and you carry it forward by inventing incidents that did not in fact occur but that nonetheless help to clarify and explain.”

      • fever-dog-av says:

        Love Tim O’Brien. I had lunch with him once as part of a college event. He was as nice a guy as he could be to a bunch of college kid fanboys and girls he was obligated to socialize with. I also love that book.Anyway, I don’t really agree with what Minhaj did. It’s fine to make up stories to pin down truths but not if you hurt others in the process which it seems is what happened in the case of this “ex-girlfriend and her racist family” who was not in fact his ex-girlfriend nor racist but is now being painted as such. This thing about falsely claiming his daughter received anthrax through the mail because he’s Muslim is also a bit sketchy.

        • bcfred2-av says:

          A “bit” sketchy?  That’s sketchy as hell.  Playing the victim when you haven’t actually been victimized is destructive.

        • iggypoops-av says:

          I’m very happy to learn that he (i.e., Tim O’Brien) is a nice guy. There are just some people who you really hope are nice people and it’s always great to hear that they do seem to be that. I am mostly a fiction reader, but one of my friends gave me the book to read because they thought I would like it. They were correct. 🙂 — Then again… is it fiction, non-fiction, fictiony-non-fiction, or non-fictiony-fiction? 

      • fever-dog-av says:

        Also, this statement is, to me, disingenous (in the context of stand-up comedy taken as a whole):“You wouldn’t go to a haunted house and say, ‘Why are these people lying to me?’ The point is the ride. Standup is the same.”Minhaj wants to have his cake and eat it to. He wants to do cultural criticism without the requisite responsibilities. I thought Jon Stewart was disingenuous along the same lines with that Crossfire incident.

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        Notably, Tim O’Brien never pretended The Things They Carry was a memoir.

    • marty-funkhouser-av says:

      I don’t know much about Minhaj’s comedy. But I do know about John Mulaney and his bits about rehab and his intervention (where some people only Zoomed in!) make him more relatable, fallible and in a way, endearing. That Minhaj apparently tried to pass off made up stuff as real makes him less so to those that grew to love him for his honesty and his life. They felt, perhaps, betrayed.No one thought Henny Youngman really wanted someone to take his wife. It was harmless shtick. Tis does not seem like shtick.

    • lmh325-av says:

      I’m not angry at any body, but I can understand that if the Daily Show wants to be taken seriously (and avoid lawsuits), they may not want to get into business with someone who admitted to lying about political figures.

    • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

      What’s really happening is that the internet gives platform and power to the sorts of weird fuck-ups who cannot adequately distinguish between “character” or “performance” and the people who play those characters or do those performances, and insists we all adapt to their own personal inabilities to do so.

    • leovanheat-av says:

      Yes, yes, it’s Janeane Garofallo-levels of complaining when a TedTalk-style storyteller comedian lies about real people, faking an anthrax attack on his own child, lying to his spouse, getting people doxed and harassed, and lying about Islamaphobia.This is Gallagher. Or Steve Gaffigan. Comedians lie, etc., yes. But he said all of this actually happened and hurt real people. Kinda crosses the artistic license line.

      • buriedaliveopener-av says:


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        • leovanheat-av says:

          Wow, if only she had the necessary brain structure to understand the decision she made! But she absolutely does not! Huh! It’s almost as if this is all social contagion/hipsterdom/trendy bullshit the world will look back on like lobotomies, like the one she would need if she had a functioning prefrontal cortex! You’re wasting your one and only life.

          • buriedaliveopener-av says:


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          • buriedaliveopener-av says:


          • buriedaliveopener-av says:


          • buriedaliveopener-av says:


          • buriedaliveopener-av says:


          • leovanheat-av says:

            You have literally wasted your whole day hahahhaha. I guess not a lot of policy wonk work got done today! I’m surprised the world hasn’t spun off its axis!I haven’t even thought about attempting to look at a single one of your studies. There is nothing—literally nothing—you could have done today less productive. I’m eating Chinese food and laughing at you.They don’t have the brain capacity to understand any of this and any adult who humors them should be chemically castrated. All the studies in the world won’t change this. You can measure any fucking variable you want, you can have longitudinal studies, you can fucking swear to Carl Sagan your study is right on the money…and none of it will add up to a functioning frontal cortex for a fucking child, you daffy cunt.So you’ve sent me…I dunno…45 comments today? Triggered! Answer me this one question: Does a child have the necessary brain structures for reasoned decision-making, long-term planning, and self-identification???I looked up one study last night that found that there was less suicidally in trans people who had transitioned over a 20 year period. Guess what? THEY WERE ADULTS.You’re dryer lint. Just a general scoff in your direction.I’ll check back in the morning to see if you’re still going, champ!Ta Ta!

          • buriedaliveopener-av says:


          • leovanheat-av says:

            You didn’t answer my question, because you can’t. You know these children cannot make these fucking decisions, but you want them to anyway. What’s that called? Oh yeah: A cult.All your studies are for naught: Europe has determined that this is a social contagion and that the data doesn’t support our wanton level of losing-our-collective-minds-and-fucking-up-our-kids-ness.A) No brain structure. B) Not enough data to satisfy Europe. C) Social contagion.This will all be looked back upon like Thalidomide. Way to go, cult member. I’ll check you in the AM. Guffaw.

          • buriedaliveopener-av says:


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  • blpppt-av says:

    I don’t get it—-unless Roy Wood doesn’t have enough “drawing power” and they’re looking to make a big-name splash, he would seem to be perfect.I also really liked Desi as host.

    • iggypoops-av says:

      Nobody knew who Trevor Noah was when he was named the new host after Jon Stewart left. He wasn’t a big name comedian yet and he wasn’t connected to the show.
      I like Desi a lot in all her correspondent pieces, but I didn’t feel like her stint as host worked as well as Roy’s. I’d still per her in my top 3 or 4 though.   

      • dinoironbody7-av says:

        Noah had appeared a few times as a contributor.

      • blpppt-av says:

        Yeah, but coming off of Noah’s tenure, not the ratings and cultural icon that was The Daily Show under Stewart, I think they might be looking to bring in a big name this time, which is unfortunate for people like Roy who deserve it.

        • iggypoops-av says:

          Yeah, but IS Hasan Minhaj really a “big name”? I liked his show “Patriot Act” a lot, but didn’t really care for him as a guest host (especially not compared to Roy Wood Jr., Sarah Silverman, or Wanda Sykes) – doesn’t seem like a great fit for his particular skill set / approach.

      • lmh325-av says:

        Frankly, Jon Stewart wasn’t a household name when he landed the show.

        • iggypoops-av says:

          Jon was a reasonably well-known comic in the US at the time and had had multiple (albeit, failed) shows on MTV — The Jon Stewart Show did run for 2 seasons and 150+ episodes. That said, he was reasonably well-known amongst a particular audience of people who were in high-school and/or university in the 90’s. But I don’t imagine that anyone thought TDS would blow up the way it did after he took over though… 

          • lmh325-av says:

            I don’t disagree, but I’d put his profile at about the same level of most of the people in the mix, to be honest. Desi and Roy have been on the Daily Show since 2015 so they’re certainly known to Daily Show watchers. Hasan Minhaj’s career is very similar to where Stewart was when he took over.

      • harpo87-av says:

        Quite the opposite. Noah wasn’t a household name here, but he was very well-known internationally, and had started to build a name here among comedy fans. He had also hosted a show in South Africa before, so he even had some relevant experience. He might not have been famous enough in the US to bring in viewers just on his own, but he was hardly plucked from obscurity to host.

      • darthpumpkin-av says:

        Nobody knew who Trevor Noah was when he was named the new host after Jon Stewart left. He wasn’t a big name comedian yet and he wasn’t connected to the show.He joined the show as a correspondent under Stewart for a few months before being announced as host (though I assume was either the likely candidate-to-be or had a signed contract by then).

        • iggypoops-av says:

          Wow. I totally don’t remember him being on the show at all before he was named host. Just went through the list on wikipedia and I do remember most of the correspondents, but didn’t remember Trevor. Happy to be corrected 🙂 

      • h3rm35-av says:

        Trevor Noah was handpicked by Jon Stewart and he was still an executive producer when he left. That’s how that happened.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        Noah had been a correspondent, so he wasn’t unknown to the show’s audience. Regardless, I’d say reception throughout his run has been tepid at best. I don’t find him entertaining and stopped watching a long time ago after sitting through episode after episode where I barely laughed, if at all.  They need someone really engaging next or the show’s going to continue slipping.

        • iggypoops-av says:

          Anyone following Jon Stewart was going to have a rough ride. He took an ok-to-middling show from Craig Kilborne and turned it into a super-monster. TDS became synonymous with “Jon Stewart.” It’s like Jay Leno following in Johnny Carson’s footsteps (shows my age) — it took a long time before people stopped pining for Johnny Carson (and some people never warmed to Jay Leno at all even after all those years).

          I think that following on from Trevor Noah will be an easier thing to do. That’s not a knock on Trevor, but more of a recognition that Jon simply WAS The Daily Show.

          • bcfred2-av says:

            Fair point, but one that reinforces the fundamental truth that whoever is in the seat, they better be entertaining. Stewart was, first and foremost, funny as hell. That gave him the attention of the audience that he could leverage into making whatever political point he felt needed to be delivered. A host that starts with the politics with the entertainment element secondary may as well be a CNN correspondent.

    • sarcastro7-av says:

      Agreed that Roy and Desi were my two favorites, by far, and overall I’d have to give a slight edge to Desi.Jordan Klepper was also great as host, but we have to have him out in the field, not chained to the desk.

    • tedturneroverdrive-av says:

      I was going to suggest Roy Wood is too old for the job, and then I looked it up, and he’s only 44. I would have guessed at least a decade older.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Not going to lie. I suspect there’s some executive resistance to having two Black hosts in a row.

      • blpppt-av says:

        I sure would hope we are past that but I wouldn’t really be shocked.

      • theblackswordsman-av says:

        It’s my thought as well. As someone who’s watched TDS since the very beginning, it’s a bit baffling as to why they keep overlooking Wood. The veneer likely placed on this is “charisma” but I think it’s a shield. I can’t say I absolutely think that’s the case but I think racism’s playing into it.

        Interestingly, my favorite guest host was Leslie Jones – she crushed it, which surprised me (I don’t dislike her, I just didn’t think she’d do well). I’d really prefer Wood host it.

      • Bazzd-av says:

        Not going to lie. I suspect there’s some executive resistance to having two Black hosts in a row.This. The creator/showrunner at the time basically said she chose Trevor Noah because he was a mixed-race African guy like Obama. Which, yeah, should have set off some red flags there, but it became obvious this was a marketing move when all of his racist/sexist stuff came out from only a few months earlier and they doubled down on him.Minhaj is going to get burned because there’s not inherent market appeal to a guy who’s just a really good host and personality. This also means Roy Wood, Jr. (and Leslie Jones if we want to go way deep in the quiver for best hosts) are not representative of the market appeal that the Daily Show’s current white Gen X liberal audience probably focus-tested for.

    • h3rm35-av says:

      I’m pretty sure that’s what they’re going for. Stewart was head honcho when he left and saw them through the transition. Noah was his choice. Now that the television landscape is completely different (cable-cutting and streaming platforms other than netflix, amazon, and hulu were in their infancy,) they probably feel that they need to bring in a bigger name. They used to have a semblance of a captive audience for that particular niche. Their only real competition at the time was SNL’s weekend update and (ugh) Bill Maher, and they aired on TDS’s days off. Now they’ve got Colbert, Oliver, Sewart, all having their own shows and lots of other political and news satire popping up all over the place.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    The perception is always that I’m commenting for the thread, but I feel like the thread is commenting for me.

  • snooder87-av says:

    I like Roy Wood Jr, and he’s great as a correspondent, but he just doesn’t have the right feel for the anchor spot.The thing is that the host spot works best with a straight man who the reporters can bounce their wacky antics off. And Roy is too unique and specific as a character to play that kind of bouncing board.Looking at the current hosts, Jordan Klepper probably is the best choice for that kind of role.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Yeah, Wood is fantastic as a “can you believe this bullshit?!” segment host. I don’t know that his persona lends itself to being at the desk.

  • dapoot-av says:

    You gotta pick a white man. Woketards may pretend to like diversitah but they love Colbert and Oliver. Pasty white is the way to go

  • bay123-av says:

    Back up a dump truck full of cash to strewats house and tell him they’ll donate it to the charity of his choice. 

  • recalcitrant-doogooder-av says:

    Hassan Minhajis not funny, witty, creative, or possess good timing. He comes across as an entitled douche and I just don’t like him at all. RWJ on the other hand…he has all the things that a good DS host needs. Also, Jordan Kepler is a FAR better choice than Hassan Minhaj. Not as good as RWJ, but still a fine candidate. 

  • suzzi-av says:

    I hope Minhaj does not get The Daily Show job. Even before this little comedy scandal, he was not the best person for the job. Not to mention, did anyone see how obnoxious he was on Celebrity Jeopardy?

  • marty-funkhouser-av says:

    Can Aisha Tyler get a guest shot as host please? (I’m assuming Daily Show producers read our comments of course.)

  • neatgrl-av says:

    I think it would actually be pretty cool to have a year of just trade off hosts every week. In Britain they have a political satire panelshow called “Have I Got News for You” and since the original host was fired in 2002 (After 10 years of hosting the show) they have had guest hosts ever since. Sometimes the host even comes back. It works for them and they’re still on the air.

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    good. minhaj had his spinoff show like every daily show correspondant from that era already did (same with roy wood jr!). they all got canceled for a reason.

  • harpo87-av says:

    Honestly, I had high hopes for Wood, but I thought his guest hosting stint was a bit lackluster. Not bad, but not as knock-your-socks-off as I was expecting. If you take Minhaj (who was my pick too) out of the equation, Kal Penn seemed like the best of the guest hosts, at least in my opinion.

  • radioout-av says:

    I’d love to see them bring back Larry Wilmore for hosting duties.

  • jallured1-av says:

    Comedy Central will do anything to not hire Wood. No idea why, but they clearly don’t want him. It’s perplexing given his talent and the outpouring of love he’s inspired. 

  • bradleyocc-av says:

    Roy has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt he is ready and capable. He should be offered the gig but the execs probably thinks he’s too similar to the former nightly show host who had a brilliant show in its own right.Comedy Central is notorious for not recognizing talent under their own noses so no real surprises.

  • gterry-av says:

    The Daily Show needs someone they can trust? As I said in another thread the whole point Jon Stewart was trying to make when he called Tucker Carlson a dick was that TDS was a comedy show where he could do whatever, not some serious news show that needed integrity.

  • bigal6ft6-av says:

    Am I the only one who actually wants just rotation guest host in perpetuity? That would be awesome 

  • mooofu-av says:

    I got a Wizzard notification for this?

  • winnie-racer-av says:

    Kal Penn was my favorite of all the guest hosts. I’m a bit surprised more people aren’t talking about him.

  • nickb361-av says:

    Since fucking when does comedy need to be true? Can you pick out a single bit by any comedian that’s 100% truthful and hasn’t been punched up in any way? You can’t. That’s what comedians do. This “controversy” is not a controversy at all. He’s a professional embellisher.

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