Yep, there's going to be another Jaden Smith Karate Kid movie

Aux Features Film

After a four-year wait since the first film and after After Earth, Sony remains determined to get Jaden Smith back into a Karate Kid sequel, where he can continue to pursue the stardom that he will have even if he just stays in his bedroom for the next five years and plays psychological games with the maid. Variety reports that The Crazies director Breck Eisner has now been hired to direct the film about which little else is known—save for the fact that it will once again star Jaden Smith as an increasingly aging “kid” who remains interested in karate, and Jackie Chan as his mentor in karate-ing.

The original Karate Kid Part II transposed the action to Japan, where it was mainly about people drinking tea to Peter Cetera songs. However, seeing as the 2010 Karate Kid remake reversed things by moving the action to China, perhaps the sequel will find Chan’s character following Smith back to America? It’s also possible it will mirror real life by finding Smith having evolved into a zen master, sitting beneath the cherry blossoms and dispensing wisdom straight from his Twitter feed.

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