You nerds (temporarily) broke Disney Plus with your insatiable WandaVision love

TV Features Disney
You nerds (temporarily) broke Disney Plus with your insatiable WandaVision love
Photo: Courtesy of Disney+

The one thing that Marvel people and the Martin Scorseses of the world can probably agree on is that WandaVision is the year’s biggest TV show yet. Even if you haven’t watched any MCU movies, the nonstop chatter around the show (not to mention the resulting, spoiler-riddled social media trending topics that transpire as a result of said chatter) is enough to at least be curious about it. Given how there are only two episodes left and Paul Bettany keeps teasing a major cameo that isn’t Evan Peters, people hurried to Disney Plus to check out what the fuss was about.

Well, you nerds broke it. You broke Disney Plus.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Disney Plus experienced some technical difficulties on Thursday night, with over 8,000 people reporting issues with Disney’s streaming site. Outage tracking site Downdetector reported that most of the issues happened on the West Coast, so perhaps some WandaVision fans were lucky after all. Don’t worry, though – Disney Plus seems to be running smoothly now, so you can catch up with the latest episode. And if you were amongst the unfortunate ones last night, the good news is that big cameo hasn’t happened yet.


  • murrychang-av says:

    Avoiding spoilers until the work day ends at 5 is gonna SUCK!

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      Wanda’s sled is named Rosebud.

    • richardalinnii-av says:

      Wanda is Kaiser Soze

    • bellybuttonlintconnoisseur-av says:

      Is this really a spoiler type show though? I’ll grant that having Evan Peters show up was about as close to a surprise as you’re gonna get with MCU anymore, but at some point in either this episode or the next one they’re gonna do a big villain reveal, and it’s glaringly obvious that Kathryn Hahn is the villain. You don’t cast Katrhyn Hahn to just be a funny next door neighbor at this point in her career. Not in a world of superheroes anyways. 

      • luigihann-av says:

        Yeah, the concern is less about plot spoilers and more like, certain jokes or meta-gags or cameos could be kind of ruined if you hear about them beforehand. This show telegraphed its plot pretty heavily but the journey has unexpected detours.

      • nilus-av says:

        Yeah and that was spoiled for me the headline of some random stupid ad article at the bottom of my screen 

      • racj82-av says:

        The answer to your question is yes. No need to type anything else.

        • bellybuttonlintconnoisseur-av says:

          The answer is no. 

          • racj82-av says:

            Literally every serialized story is a spoiler type story because it’s a long form story being told that people are watching bit by bit. So….people don’t want details spoiled for them. They want to see them as they happen. Surely this isn’t a hard concept for you.

      • murrychang-av says:

        Yep I mean we don’t know what exactly is happening so if Mephisto shows up at the end that’s definitely a spoiler even if I have a feeling he’s the big bad.

    • fcz2-av says:

      Westview is really an autistic kid’s snow globe.

    • brianjwright-av says:

      I realized yesterday that was going to be a problem. Big thing is staying off Twitter I guess.

    • doodledawn-av says:

      I’m working from home so I took an extended coffee break and watched it. No spoilers but it is So Good. 

      • jmg619-av says:

        Yeah I caught it at work as soon as I got in (it’s been a super sloooooow week). No real spoilers…just more questions!

    • thesillyman-av says:

      7pm for me. Gotta end work, walk dog, shower, pour myself an adult beverage then watch. Such a tedious ritual

    • hankdolworth-av says:

      When do the episodes actually get released? I just assumed it was Friday morning, since that is the way all the ads have presented it….but this story said the service went down on Thursday night? I get this may just be fumbling with time zone math.On the other hand, I’d rather be an hour or two sleep-deprived than having to spend all day dodging WandaVision spoilers (soon to be replaced by Falcon and Winter Soldier spoilers).

      • orangewaxlion-av says:

        I’m pretty sure it’s midnight on the west coast, granted maybe the service died since there’s been tons of posts about hyping up The Muppet Show for awhile too. (I assume there’s a teeny bit less enthusiasm over the super powered squirrel movie?)

      • murrychang-av says:

        I like to pop a beer and watch it right after work Friday 🙂

      • kimothy-av says:

        I read it as meaning a lot of people who hadn’t been watching started watching, but I guess it could have been the new one coming out at midnight on the east coast, so that would be Thursday night at 9 for the west coast.

    • ginghamboxer-av says:

      WandaVision was a tv show within a tv show the whole time!

    • dontdowhatdonnydontdoes-av says:

      I hate how even the review titles give some sort of spoiler like I just want to watch the show w/o any indication of whats coming instead of like now expecting some big cameo or something.

      • murrychang-av says:

        Kinda wish websites would save reviews for the day after the episode premiers.  I feel like they used to do that…? 

  • voon-av says:

    I suppose Disney knows, but do we know it was WandaVision’s fault and not The Muppets?

    • luigihann-av says:

      hundred thousand music industry lawyers logging in to binge muppets at 3AM to make sure disney cleared all the licenses 

    • nilus-av says:

      I kinda hope its the Muppets

    • gseller1979-av says:

      I watched the Pearl Bailey episode of TMS, then WandaVision, then the Rita Moreno episode, so I’d like to think I contributed either way. 

    • Wraithfighter-av says:

      I mean, it was both, specifically both things happening at once.Pulling numbers completely out of my ass for the purposes of demonstration, if WandaVision is pulling in 20 million people to login at midnight to see the new episode, and they pulled in 19.5 million people last week for it (…because, at this point, I don’t see that number ratcheting up hugely week-over-week), and also 2.5 million people logging in at midnight for the Muppet Show nostalgia high, then the increase in 3 million people pounding on the login servers could easily be enough to cause problems.Really, this is something that Disney, and other streaming services, need to remain aware of, stagger your releases, don’t release too many big things at once. If you’ve got a big popular big-budget first party release coming out, you want that to be the only thing coming out at that moment.You don’t even need to stagger things too much, putting the release of other things an hour before or after the big thing would likely be enough to avoid the pressure on the login servers, which is what failed last night (once the episode actually started, all was fine).

    • gwbiy2006-av says:

      Yeah, that’s my bad about the Muppets. I couldn’t wait another second to watch the Shields and Yarnell episode. 

    • lednem1-av says:

      If they ever put up all of Fraggle Rock….dead.

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      You mean, Fozzie was in charge of the servers and wasn’t up to the job?

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Oh sure, blame us nerds when we know who it really was all along.

    • michelle-fauxcault-av says:

      That song is going to be stuck in my head all weekend, and only partially because I’m gonna rewatch the episode a half dozen times.

      • TRT-X-av says:

        It’s on par with some of the best Disney Villain songs out there.

        • moggett-av says:

          Insanely catchy. I’m just miserable that I have to wait another week for the next episode. 

          • TRT-X-av says:

            It’ll be interesting now that we appear to be at the point where it’s abandoned the sitcom layer entirely.

          • moggett-av says:

            I don’t know if it has though. It’s just self aware now. The villain seems committed to it, for one. 

          • TRT-X-av says:

            Hayward mentioned there was no longer any signal coming from the Hex. Everything today was for *us.*Agatha was taunting *us.* Including the stinger about killing Sparky. Because she (and the writers) knew after that bop you’d be falling in love. So one last reminder she’s evil.

          • moggett-av says:

            That also lines up with the fact that we’ve run out of sitcom decades!

          • TRT-X-av says:

            Yep.It’s too bad, too. Because Agatha’s “magical girl” line makes me wish we’d get a Sailor Moon take off on top of the sitcoms.

    • precioushamburgers-av says:

      You guessed it… Frank Stallone.

  • cathleenburner-av says:

    8,000 people (of DP’s current 94 million subscribers) temporarily couldn’t watch WandaVision? *GRABS PITCHFORK*

  • canyda-av says:

    I legit thought the new Disney+ Star service launched today (apparently it’s actually next Tuesday?) so I wonder if other people were confused as well? (Disney updated their iOS app yesterday touting the Star launch.)

  • scottscarsdale-av says:

    This is all because of the Green New Deal.

  • surprise-surprise-av says:

    I was one of the ones who experienced it, but figured it was just a shoddy internet connection because of winter weather.

  • moggett-av says:

    I watched before work this morning. I helped!

  • BlahBlahBlahXXX-av says:

    Lucky for me I watch it through…other means

  • porthos69-av says:

    i do not understand the adulation of this show. it’s fine.

  • Wraithfighter-av says:

    It probably wasn’t just WandaVision doing this, but also the much-anticipated release of the Muppet Show back catalog. Those are two big reasons to log onto the thing at midnight last night, hitting a larger overall audience.I mean, yeah, a huge portion of it absolutely was WandaVision, duh, but I doubt it was dramatically greater than in any of the previous weeks. WandaVision might be picking up more fans, but not at a massively greater amount than in previous weeks. At that point, you should be looking for different answer as to the why.

    • moggett-av says:

      WandaVision actually started soft and has been jumping in viewership only in recent weeks. So it’s possible there was another surge this week. 

      • Wraithfighter-av says:

        Maybe, but has it been outperforming the Mandalorian? Tech’s the same, after all.It should also be noted that it’s probable that it’s only one set of servers that failed, those dealing with login/account mangagement. It wasn’t like the actual streaming of the video was a problem, it was just everyone jumping in at midnight to see whatever that caused the issues.

  • akarasuma-av says:

    I wish there had been WandaVision reviews for non-comic book readers, the way there were for GoT book virgins or whatever they were called. I can literally only imagine whether I’d been surprised by these week’s “twists” if most reviews hadn’t given them away weeks ago 🙁

  • lednem1-av says:

    I mean…Wanda’s halloween costume in last week’s episode…come on.And, for that matter, the hair and mom jeans from the episode before that…hits some deep seated…feelings…for this 43 yr old male./wistfully remembering a certain kindergarten teach in 1984….

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Oh, you nerds! You broke Disney+! Damn you! Damn you all to hell!

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