Zac Efron secures his spot as the new Steve Guttenberg by signing on to Three Men And A Baby remake

Aux Features Film
Zac Efron secures his spot as the new Steve Guttenberg by signing on to Three Men And A Baby remake
Zac Efron Photo: Astrid Stawiarz/Netflix

Zac Efron, years after graduating from High School Musical, is finally returning to Disney’s loving embrace: According to The Hollywood Reporter, he’s going to star in a Disney+ remake of Three Men And A Baby. Will Reichel wrote the script, with THR adding that it’s “unclear” how this will differ from the original and that the studio is still searching for a director—though, off the top of our collective heads, Zachary Quinto seems like a funny choice (we’ll let you do the math on that one, since explaining it would ruin what little humor was already there).

The original movie (though it is based on a French film called Trois Hommes Et Un Couffin) is about three men and a baby, with Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, and Ted Danson playing the three men and some baby playing the baby. The basic premise is that they’re all cool bachelors who run afoul of some drug dealers while also trying to take care of a baby, which is the kind of paper-thin nonsense that happened in real life all the time in the late-’80s. Also, there’s the ghost of a little boy that is totally real and totally not a cardboard cutout that shows up later in the movie. It’s super spooky.

Efron will presumably be playing the Steve Guttenberg character (a writer), and while that may seem unfair to Efron fans, let’s break it down with science: The three men are Mustache Guy (Selleck), Handsome Guy (Danson), and Cute Guy Who Is Funny (Guttenberg). Efron doesn’t have a mustache and he’s no Ted freakin’ Danson, which only leaves the Guttenberg option. It’s not ideal for a guy who banks on his charm as much as Efron does, but it’s either that or grow a mustache. We don’t make the rules.


  • ghostjeff-av says:

    Is it time?

  • robert-denby-av says:

    Efron will presumably be playing the Steve Guttenberg character (a writer)From that header photo it looks more like he’ll be playing an alt-right YouTube vlogger.

  • shockrates-av says:

    Wasn’t Guttenberg a cartoonist (which I suppose is a kind of writer)? Also, who of the Efron generation could possibly be the Sellick?

  • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

    So by labeling Danson simply as “the handsome guy” and then saying Efron can’t play that role, is Barsanti claiming you live in a universe where Zac Efron isn’t good looking enough to play “the handsome guy”?Seriously? Douche-y about Doctor Who audio dramas and apparently, needs to see an optometrist soon.If it had been another adjective to describe, that might be defiance, but handsome?I’m straight, and can’t see how Efron wouldn’t be capable of pulling off “handsome guy”.

    • dinoironbodya-av says:

      I haven’t seen the movie so there could be something in the movie that explains it, but I was wondering why Selleck isn’t also Handsome Guy(Handsome Mustache Guy?).

      • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

        Right.Hell even in the header image, he has a mustache, so why couldn’t Efron play Mustahce Guy or Handsome Mustache Guy?This article is  dumb.

        • dinoironbodya-av says:

          In the article’s defense, I don’t think he pulls it off as well as someone like Selleck or Nick Offerman.

          • geekmilo-av says:

            He might not pull it off as well as them, but there’s no need to defend the article. Barsanti literally wrote “Efron doesn’t have a mustache” in an article where the picture is of Efron with a mustache.

          • bmglmc-av says:

            you call that a moustache

          • geekmilo-av says:

            I didn’t say it was a good one.

          • bmglmc-av says:

            you implied it was comparable to Magnum’s.

          • geekmilo-av says:

            Here is what I said again:He might not pull it off as well as them, but there’s no need to defend the article. Barsanti literally wrote “Efron doesn’t have a mustache” in an article where the picture is of Efron with a mustache.My comment clearly says that he has a mustache, but he does not pull it off as well as Tom Selleck or Nick Offerman. (If you need further assistance, the “them” in my comment applies to the “Selleck or Nick Offerman” of Dino Ironbody’s previous comment.)There is no further need for your services of contradicting something I never said. Thank you for your help, but it turns out to be completely unwanted and unnecessary.

          • bmglmc-av says:

            dear sir,

            upon inspection, i can shrug and concede.

            yours &c

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      I’m not saying you are wrong, this just seems like an odd hill to die on.I can’t imagine being this passionate about Zac Efron or this movie.But I’m definitely on board with ragging on Barsanti.

      • tormentedthoughts3rd-av says:

        Since you seem to be the real Lizardo, I’ll respond:I’m not saying this is a hill I’ll die on, but, I don’t mind putting a billboard on it for either to see while I move to the next hill.

    • haodraws-av says:

      Welcome to AVC. We have good writers, solid reviewers, prickly “movie critics”, and Sam Barsanti.

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      Indeed. Effron’s good looks should have him pegged as the actor- Ted Danson’s part. He was also the a-hole absentee biological father of the child, and I think Zack could be the most funny in this role specifically.

  • notanothermurrayslaughter-av says:

    “I fucking hate Steve Guttenberg.”

  • ronniebarzel-av says:

    Eh, the fact the original itself was a remake really cancels out any anger I may have over this version.

    • robgrizzly-av says:

      That’s fair. But I give a pass to American remakes of foreign films. American remakes of America’s own stuff will always irk me more

  • stegrelo-av says:

    My girlfriend has never seen that movie, so I was telling her the plot the other day and when I got to, “Oh, and there’s a whole subplot about them accidentally becoming drug dealers for some reason” she just burst out laughing.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    I’m out if it doesn’t have the awful rap.
    Also, I’m out if it does.

  • Nitelight62-av says:

    Who holds back the electric car?Who makes Zac Efron a star?We do!We do!

  • thebillmcneal-av says:

    But will the reboot have cameos from Dave Foley and Colin Quinn?

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Cast Ted Danson in the Ted Danson role again. Guy’s still got the mojo!

  • mullets4ever-av says:

    I anyone going to really believe that a bunch of millenials cant easily figure out how to take care of a kid? Like back in the 80s, the idea that cool dudes would be hopelessly inept was both culturally and somewhat practically plausible. But now the millenials would pop on the internet, check out what the pediatric association says they need and have it sent same day delivery from amazon and then rock their baby in a baby Bjorn at a trendy pop up beer garden and artistic hamburger stand. 

    • triatomico-av says:

      The hard part would be deciding what to name the child, since it would be too young to express their true gender.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    Zacahary Quinto hasn’t directed anything yet.

  • realgenericposter-av says:

    The “Men . . . taking care of a baby?  But how??????” premise was pretty dumb 40 years ago, and it’s extra dumb now.

  • adohatos-av says:

    That blond hair looks like a bad photoshop.

  • glorbgorb-av says:

    Selleck hasn’t aged and could probably play himself still.But really, who was asking for the remake to this? Anyone? Anyone?

  • mrbleary-av says:


  • precognitions-av says:

    when did he become a Saudi prince

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