Zack Snyder says his vision for Rebel Moon wouldn’t have fit in with Star Wars anyway

Snyder recognized that Lucasfilm wouldn't have wanted to make a Star Wars movie with no established characters and an R rating.

Aux News Zack Snyder
Zack Snyder says his vision for Rebel Moon wouldn’t have fit in with Star Wars anyway
Rebel Moon Photo: Justin Lubin/Netflix

Zack Snyder has never been shy about the fact that his upcoming Netflix dyad Rebel Moon began life as a pitch for a Star Wars movie, and all things considered, leaning into that fact and being upfront about it is the smartest thing Snyder is doing with the promotion for the movies. It all sounds Star Wars as hell, so if he really tried to pull this over on people, acting like it was just a wholly unique sci-fi story inspired by Seven Samurai with space-fascists and space-hermits and glowing swords, even the Snyder Cut loyalists might have paused for at least one second.

But no, he’s openly acknowledging that it was originally meant to be a Star Wars movie, telling Empire recently that, for Lucasfilm, it would’ve been “a big ask” anyway. His pitch was that it would take place in the Star Wars universe but would have absolutely nothing to do with any established characters and would be R-rated, and he says the further he got into envisioning his story, he realized that the Star Wars version of it “was probably never going to be” what he wanted.

So it’s now definitely not a Star Wars movie, it’s just another sci-fi thing inspired by Akira Kurosawa about someone living on the outskirts of the galaxy who has to put a team together to fight evil space villains, also there’s a mercenary pilot with a junk spaceship, an ancient religious order, a “world destroyer” spaceship, and it’s called Rebel Moon—with those two words being the first choice for when you want to insinuate Star Wars without literally being Star Wars. And that’s all fine, because oh my god he admit it.

Rebel Moon is coming to Netflix on December 22 with a family friendly cut that can be enjoyed by anyone (in theory), but at a later point there will be a “harder-edged” version “strictly for adults.” (Hey, there are more canonical virgin births in Star Wars than there are sex scenes, if you count cloning, so he deserves some originality points there.)


  • murrychang-av says:

    An R rated Star Wars ripoff made by Zack Snyder, you say?

    • rogersachingticker-av says:

      Why does it look like he’s surreptitiously waving a visible fart cloud with an airplane in it at that woman?

    • laurenceq-av says:


    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      But he could have had a Snyder cut of it released years after anyone cares about the movie filled with all the craptacular content that was cut from the original (also awful, but at least shorter) movie!

  • argiebargie-av says:

    Bro One: A Star Wars Story

  • nopefoitall-av says:

    The Go-bot Star Wars.

  • kencerveny-av says:

    Sounds a lot like: “Oh yeah? Well…I didn’t wanna be part of your stupid Star Wars thing anyway. I’m gonna make my own Star Wars and it’s gonna be even better than yours and be R-rated and you’re not gonna be invited to watch it. You’re gonna be so jealous.”

    • m0rtsleam-av says:

      With Hookers. And Blackjack.

      • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

        Ahem, they’re not hookers, they’re Suicide Girls™, because this is Zack Snyder and he still jerks off like it’s 2005!

    • weedlord420-av says:

      idk, sounds like he wanted to make his rated R flick from the jump, it just took him a bit more planning out to realize there’s no way Disney would be down with it. The man is petty to be sure but in this particular case I don’t think he’s lying.

    • moxitron-av says:

      that Snyder, soooo damn edgy!!

  • argiebargie-av says:

    “Fuck your Space Nazis, Disney! I’ll make my own Space Nazis!” 

    • aej6ysr6kjd576ikedkxbnag-av says:

      What are the odds Zack’s Space Nazis are some kind of Space Communists, and the heroes are fighting for recognition of their own innate superiority?

      • gordonshumway84838-av says:

        With bewbs

      • pocrow-av says:

        are the odds Zack’s Space Nazis are some kind of Space Communists, and
        the heroes are fighting for recognition of their own innate superiority?“The Evil Empire is trying to suppress all copies of Atlas Shrugged in the Galt Galaxy!

      • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

        Yeah Yeah Yeah, Space Trumpin’

    • thegobhoblin-av says:

      “With blackjack and hookers!”

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    How ling till this guy goes away to whatever farm McG is at?

    • bobusually-av says:

      If it didn’t happen halfway through the premier of Sucker Punch, I don’t know if it will ever happen. McG’s mistake was presenting himself as a relatively capable director-for-hire, which got him work but also made him disposable as a personality. Snyder thinks he’s some kind of visionary, and has convinced idiots (at studios and in audiences alike) that his work is singular, irreplaceable. 

    • jpfilmmaker-av says:

      McG is still working a lot. He’s got tons of TV credits, plus probably some kind of deal with Netflix to keep making Babysitter movies.

  • weedlord420-av says:

    “What if lightsabers didn’t cauterize wounds when they chopped people up?”Netflix: “… fuck it, why not?”

  • alexanderdyle-av says:

    Fascists just love to churn out pop culture about rebellions against fascists. “No, really, OUR regime will be different…”

  • laylowmoe76-av says:

    Damn straight it wouldn’t have fit in Star Wars. Any costume designer who proposed something as mundane as neckties ought to be banned from the franchise.

    • bassplayerconvention-av says:

      Ha, that’s the first thing I noticed in that header image. I mean, yeah, it’s front and center, but you can’t see that and not think “A tie? You don’t wear a goddamn tie in a space opera!”

    • boggardlurch-av says:

      Completely agree. Unless your storyline includes “guy gets abducted midday from local law firm to be fascist emporer of the universe”, that costume is just jarring.

    • beertown-av says:

      I read somewhere that part of the style guide for the Star Wars universe was “no paper, no wheels,” and while I’m not going back to see if that’s true across all the movies, it feels like it might actually be. We should add neckties to the list, if so.

  • izodonia-av says:

    In his version of Star Wars, Han Solo was raped in prison.

  • garland137-av says:

    While Disney definitely wouldn’t want an R-rated Star War, a “harder-edged movie with all new characters” is literally Rogue One, and it was the best movie they’ve done so far.  Weird to claim that Disney would never make a movie like that.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “While Disney definitely wouldn’t want an R-rated Star War”

      “Weird to claim that Disney would never make a movie like that.”

      So which is it? Would Disney definitely not make an R-rated Star War or is it weird to say they wouldn’t?

    • yawantpancakes-av says:

      A “R” rating is just more blood, naked people/sex, and some bad words.You can make a serious Star Wars movie without all of that, if you are an adult.

  • tlhotsc247365-av says:

    Wish he thought the same thing for the DC universe…

  • i-miss-splinter-av says:

    Zack Snyder is a bad director.

  • capnandy-av says:

    So, when do we think “Hallelujah” will play? During a fight scene? During a sex scene? During a fight scene that is also a sex scene? Or all of the above?

  • beertown-av says:

    It feels like this guy’s career has been astroturfed post-Sucker Punch. Like, his fanbase seems to exist solely because if they’re not there to prop him up, then…Marvel wins? Disney wins? “Woke” wins? I have no idea. It’s all just pretty garbage. This is gonna be another coffee table book of designs to toss onto the sludge pile, but you know we are going to see so much breathless fanboying about paper-thin characters and boring slo-mo action shots.

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