Zack Snyder reveals what his Justice League trilogy would’ve looked like

Film Features Justice League
Zack Snyder reveals what his Justice League trilogy would’ve looked like
Darkseid in Zack Snyder’s Justice League Photo: HBO Max

This post discusses the plot of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, as well as the plot of movies that will probably never happen.

Now that The Snyder Cut is the only thing anyone can talk about this week, you can’t help but wonder what its Zack Snyder-directed sequels would’ve looked like. We know the director will likely never be given the chance to make the Justice League movies he envisioned, even while his version of the movie is generating more buzz than the original release. But in an interview with Variety, Snyder and co-producer Deborah Snyder said fans can actually take a look at the trilogy’s storyboard if they go to an AT&T-sponsored exhibit in Dallas, because “it has the entire 40-foot dry-erase board that has a very detailed outline of the next two movies.”

But if you’re not anywhere near Texas and still want to know what Snyder’s vision was, he’s at least generous enough to share some of the details of the plot in the interview: “It was basically the fall of Earth to Darkseid, and then, in the post-apocalyptic world, Flash and Cyborg and Bruce figure out a way to jump Flash back in time to prevent Lois’ death so Superman doesn’t succumb to anti-life,” he says, referring to the extraterrestrial bad guy who plays an expanded role in the Snyder Cut, the mathematical magic that is his intended method of world domination, and the “Knightmare” flash-forward that was introduced in Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice and is seen again as part of the epilogue to Zack Snyder’s Justice League. “Then the third movie was the uniting of all the forces of Earth to defeat Darkseid. It was a giant, Lord Of The Rings-style battle movie,” he says. At least Snyder got his closure in having Batman and The Joker finally cross paths, giving the fans what they really want.


  • singleuseplastic-av says:

    It was a giant, Lord Of The Rings-style battle movieSure sounds a lot more like that other big comic book movie franchise rather than the trilogy that famously doesn’t just time travel after a big bad wins in the second to last film. Im just glad that this shit will all be over once yall get your 2 cents in about it once and for all.

    • lattethunder-av says:

      You think this site is going to stop talking about this thing? Aw, that’s cute.

    • mark-t-man-av says:

      Im just glad that this shit will all be over once yall get your 2 cents in about it once and for all.There’s a new article, comparing the new cut to the original.In other words, no, this will never be over.

    • chiefmccloud1-av says:

      The Snyder League ends with Darkseid pulling a Thanos and essentially saying “I’ll do it myself”.

    • mcgoofy-av says:

      LOL like 90% of AV Club’s traffic probably comes from Zack Snyder articles. They will never stop talking about him. This site is pretty much a nerdier Buzzfeed now.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    Ok but would any character emote joy at any point? Would there be actual colors?

  • ghostiet-av says:

    The problem with the Snyderverse isn’t in the overall outlines and ideas, it’s in the detailed execution.Like, there are interesting ideas around. His Superman was dour, but it could work if, for example, he didn’t kill Zod and Zod in turn would kill that family. That would a) make sense for a detached, sad Superman in BvS, b) make Papa Kent’s disencouraging attitude kinda work, c) hell, even make Murder Batman work on some level and give Bats a better jumping off point to recognize Clark’s humanity. But the problem is that Snyder went for all bullshit edge.Like, I read some rumors about Bats getting Lois pregnant in the Knightmare timeline and I hate that so fucking much.I’ll give him one thing, though: Steppenwolf’s motivation in the Snyder Cut works better both to differentiate it from Infinity War AND to make Darkseid a potentially threatening villain in this film by showing how alien his thought process is.

    • capeo-av says:

      Lois and Bruce hooking up while they thought Superman was dead isn’t a rumor, it’s a central part of the next two movies that Snyder had storyboarded out and released images of. Lois becomes pregnant with Bruce’s child and then lies to both Bruce and Clark and says Clark is the father. When Darksied shows up Clark leaves Bruce to protect Lois but Darkseid teleports to the Bat Cave and kills Lois, which “breaks” Clark and allows Darkseid to control his mind and they proceed to destroy the world together. Eventually Flash travels back in time and tells Bruce he’s actually the father, which Lois then admits to, and this time when Darkseid shows up he sacrifices himself to save Lois, preventing Supes from going bonkers.It’s fucking awful.

      • starvenger88-av says:

        Well at least we’d be certain that Martha was the grandmother. 

      • thezmage-av says:

        Wait, so Batman would only sacrifice himself to save Lois if she was the mother of his child?

        • capeo-av says:

          It seems that way. In the future, after Darkseid and Superman have destroyed everything (the Knightmare future) there’s just Mera, Cyborg, Batman, Green Lantern (who appears out of nowhere at the start of the JL3), Deadshot and possibly someone else I forgot. Cyborg makes a time machine that Flash can use but he only gets 10-15 seconds to tell past Bruce something. They all agree to, “you have to stop Lex.” (Oh, btw, most of JL2 was Lex and his team of bad guys wrecking the JL, including killing Aquaman, Wonder Woman and ALL the rest of the Amazonians). Batman then pulls Flash aside and whispers something in his ear. When Flash does end up going back in time, instead of saying to stop Lex, he tells Bruce that Lois lied and he is actually the child’s father, which Lois overhears and then admits she had been lying.Also, she then tells Bruce that she’s been investigating Lex and that he’s gathered a team to attack the JL. She was going to tell Batman this right before Darkseid attacked last time but didn’t have time to.. for reasons. Darkseid then attacks again, like last time, but Bruce takes an Omega Beam instead of Lois and is mortally wounded. This gives Superman, who is extra powerful because he’s “enraged,” enough time to beat Darkseid’s ass until he retreats.

        • voon-av says:

          Some people REALLY don’t want to be parents.

      • ghostiet-av says:

        Thanks, I want to die now. Doubly so, because not only does what you told me hurt my very soul, but now I also feel bad for giving the vaguest praise to Snyder.

        • capeo-av says:

          Oh, and the epilogue is the 20th anniversary of Bruce sacrificing himself. At a memorial service Commissioner Gordon asks Lois when she’s going to tell the kid who his real father is. For 20 FUCKING YEARS Lois and Clark have been lying to the kid about Clark being his father. Lois proceeds to tell the kid that Bruce is his real father during the memorial, with the whole JL and bunch of other people standing around them. Somehow the kid doesn’t just say, “fuck all you liars,” and bolt. Oh, no, the very last shot is the skyline of Gotham and a new Batman comes gliding in. The kid decides to become Batman…

          • ghostiet-av says:

            Thanks, now I want to kill myself, not just die. This is how I feel after reading:

      • bassplayerconvention-av says:

        I can imagine the pitch– “What if Justice League, but as a shitty soap opera?”

      • monsterdook-av says:

        Not only that, but it would have been 3 movies.
        Infinity War was a downer until Endgame, which everyone knew would right the universe. Man of Steel wasn’t exactly full of sunshine and hope, and Snyder was determined to make multiple long movies, each successively more bleak. The recent Justice League Dark Apokolips War animated film was similarly dark end of times battle with Darkseid but it took like 20 animated movies to get there. Plus, Superman remains an actual character who keeps fighting the good fight. Snyder’s Superman is easily manipulated by both Luthor and Darkseid.
        I’m glad Snyder was able to finish his film and I’m sure it will be more interesting than the forgettable theatrical cut. But he was the wrong shepherd for these characters.

        • capeo-av says:

          Yeah, Snyder doesn’t get any of this. According to his synopsis for JL2 & 3 all of the JL (except evil-Superman) are killed at one point or another (including the entire Amazonian race), many by Superman himself. Yes, it all gets reversed but it’s still the same Superman, who is apparently one loved ones death away from annihilating the planet at any moment.

          • monsterdook-av says:

            So much for people joining Kal-El in the sun, I guess Jonathan Kent was right all along.You are not just anyone.
            One day you are gonna have to make a choice.
            You have to decide what kind of man you wanna grow up to be.
            Whoever that man is, good character or bad: is gonna change the world.

          • capeo-av says:

            With this Snyder version of Pa-you should’ve let those kids drown-Kent, it’s surprising Supes didn’t turn evil before now. 

      • mitchellbyron1983-av says:

        Dude, are you fucking kidding me? A fucking love triangle? What is this, Michael Bay’s Pearl goddamn Harbor? What a joke.

      • cigar323-av says:

        Oh yeeeeeeeesh.

    • croig2-av says:

      I haven’t gotten to the end of the Snyder cut (up to part 3), but I don’t think it was a good look that Darkseid’s proper introduction during the Age of Heroes flashback sequence was him getting his ass kicked.   

      • capeo-av says:

        I haven’t watched the SC but I had a similar thought reading the synopsis of what Snyder has planned for JL2 and 3. Once Flash gets his message back in time Bruce saves Lois and gets mortally wounded by the Omega Bean meant for Lois. An ‘enraged’ Superman then proceeds to beat Darkseid’s ass so bad he runs away. And by that point Darkseid already has the anti-life equation, which is supposed to be like the most powerful thing there is. Why do they need the combined forces of all the gods and the Green Lanterns and everyone during the climactic battle if Superman can kick Darkseid’s ass by himself?

        • croig2-av says:

          The flashback sequence has a very similar feeling to the opening of Fellowship of the Ring, where they showed the battle where Sauron loses the ring. Except in that sequence, Sauron is practically winning that battle single-handedly until a lucky swipe by Isildur does him in.Darkseid is not shown that way.  At all. 

          • capeo-av says:

            That’s a weird choice. Comic’s Darkseid can, and has, taken on the entire JL by himself and won. Even without any special super-powered MacGuffins, he’s one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Marvel definitely got that part of Thanos correct. Even without all, or any stones, he was still a powerhouse and a massive threat.

          • croig2-av says:

            I think Snyder just missed the subtext he was supposed to be going for there, probably taken up with his desire to showing bad ass fighting. Obviously the Amazons and Atlanteans were serious about guarding the Motherboxes, but the desperation and difficulty of a conflict that would inspire that level of fear does not come through in the flashback. Apart from this grand marshaling of all these forces of Earth, the battle pretty much seems like a rout for Darkseid’s forces.

          • capeo-av says:

            I read that Ares defeats Darkseid in that flashback? Is that true? That would seem a bit silly considering Wonder Woman defeated Ares by herself. I also had a friend who watched it over a couple nights and was very confused by it seeming like Darkseid somehow forgot that the boxes and the equation were on earth this whole time. That it seemed like Steppenwolf re-discovered something he and Darkseid should already know about. To be fair, he also said he was very bored and might have missed an explanation for this.

          • croig2-av says:

            There was a small group of superhumans in that army who I guess were meant to be the Gods, and I think they mentioned Ares by name but the editing and narration was such that it didn’t really sink in. A bunch of the superhumans started to take shots at Darkseid and then a dude with an axe stuck it in his shoulder, so maybe that was Ares? Yeah, before the final battle Steppenwolf gets really excited that he has re-found the anti-life equation etched upon the surface of the Earth, and calls Apokolips. Up to this point he’d been talking strictly with Desaad because he had been exiled, but then with this revelation Darkseid finally gets on the call and they both talk about how they have finally found the one planet that defied them thousands of years ago. It didn’t make sense to me, and it also brought into question the main plot of the movie, which was that the Motherboxes called to Steppenwolf upon Superman’s death. So I guess Darkseid somehow forgot where he got beaten and where he misplaced his Motherboxes? It’s nonsensical.

          • capeo-av says:

            Well, that’s silly. 

      • hulk6785-av says:

        Yeah! If he’s supposed to be the ultimate badass of the DCEU, then how did he get beat the first time? Thanos was kicking ass until he faced The Avengers. And, that was the 2nd time. The 1st time, he won and was only killed after he was weakened from 2 snaps. And, the alternate Thanos was defeated because The Avengers were extra motivated AND had the Infinity Stones. If Darkseid has already been beaten, then they just need to repeat what worked the 1st time.

  • mark-t-man-av says:

    This post discusses the plot of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, as well as the plot of movies that will probably never happen.It’s certainly considerate of you to post spoiler alerts for movies that will never come out.

    • laserface1242-av says:

      The Snyder Cult harassed one movie into existence and they can certainly do it again…

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        They hit the jackpot on the WB slot machine once.  Now they are going to pull that lever till it falls off or they die.  I know which one I’m rooting for.

        • spidyredneckjedi-av says:

          That only works if they’re a united front, and with Snyder pissing on the entitled arm of fans in his Wednesday comments, there’s a good chance that they aren’t going to be pushing WB for a sequel as Snyder is now their enemy. 

        • rogersachingticker-av says:

          Yeah, the set of circumstances that gave us the Snyder cut are pretty much a perfect storm. Internet trolls, plus the corporate parent starting a new streaming service (that maybe wasn’t performing too well), plus the pandemic, plus there being an existing bunch of footage. I’m not sure we get a 4-hour Snyder Cut with new effects if any of those elements is missing.

          • laserface1242-av says:

            Plus, I don’t really think AT&T is really gonna recoup their money from ZSJL. 

          • rogersachingticker-av says:

            In a conventional sense, I agree, but the world of streaming makes the finances a bit less clear-cut than theatrical releases, and I wouldn’t bet against the idea that there’s some accounting trickery in all this that makes the money work out for AT&T. But I doubt it’s a move they’d make if they’d known fr0m the jump they were premiering their 2021 slate simultaneously on HBO Max.

  • wangphat-av says:

    His original plan was for Batman to knock up Lois Lane and that’s what caused Superman to give into the anti life. Not that this is much better. Superman stops caring about humanity because Lois dies? Like, she’s going to die sometime no matter what he does.

    • ghostiet-av says:

      I think it’s telling that Injustice made the idea of “Broken Superman” kind of work and even then a) it took Superman being manipulated to kill Lois himself and lose all of his personal anchors, including the entirety of Metropolis, b) the game confronted him with the “real” Superman to indicate that the Injustice version is inherently flawed.I really hope the failure of the Snyderverse puts a lid on the “Superman is one bad day from killing us all” concept. The idea worked in stuff like The Boys or Irredeemable, but those had their Superman expies exhibit glaring problems and traumas that shaped them into villains.

      • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

        The Injustice games also had Superman goaded by Wonder Woman, who’s a manipulative bitch in that universe. 

      • egerz-av says:

        There’s a basic limitation in any story that wants to treat Superman as a threat — namely, we know that he’s such a living embodiment of moral virtue that we take sides against anyone who worries he might abuse his powers for immoral reasons. This is why Batman v Superman doesn’t work: while Batman’s concerns are valid given his limited information, we know the whole time that his concerns are silly, so there is no dramatic tension in even exploring this angle with the Superman character.Superman under an evil magic spell is no longer Superman, he’s just General Zod with less personality. And some magical nonsense like this is usually necessary to explain why he might become a threat. I wasn’t buying the Injustice scenario, personally.

        • ghostiet-av says:

          I didn’t love the Injustice scenario that much – even though there are things in that uni that I love, like Harley Quinn becoming part of the Bat Family – but at least it understood that for such a large-scale conflict to work, you need those characters to be different from how they actually are. That story hinges on Wonder Woman and Superman acting differently from the characters you know. It’s a bit like cheating, but at least it makes an amount of internal sense.

        • jayrig5-av says:

          Yep. It just made Batman look like a moron, to be honest. Batman shouldn’t know less than the audience. That kind of limits the character to generic action hero, which admittedly is probably all Snyder wanted to do anyway. The entire plot was pretty apparent as soon as the BvS title was released. 

        • jmyoung123-av says:

          What did you think of the last chapter of the Dark Knight Returns?

          • egerz-av says:

            I have complicated feelings about all that! As a kid, the Batman vs. Superman fight blew my mind. But re-reading it as an adult, there are some serious issues with the characterization and Miller’s broader fascist messaging. It somehow didn’t annoy me that Miller turned Superman into Reagan’s lapdog when I originally read all that as a kid, but after living through 40 years of the consequences of Reaganism, it kind of destroys the character.

      • laserface1242-av says:

        Except Injustice is really an exception to the rule. There are a bunch of instances where, if Lois dies, Clark doesn’t immediately snap and decide to kill people.There’s the Elseworld story Kingdom Come, where Joker kills everyone in The Daily Planet and Superman, even than, refuses to kill him.In Action Comics #796, in retaliation for the events of “What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?”, Manchester Black tricks Supes into thinking Lois is dead and tries to goad him into killing Black.Hell, the whole “Anyone can snap with just one really bad day!” thing, like most thinks edgelords get wrong about comics, came from an Alan Moore comic. Specifically The Killing Joke. In that story, the Joker is wrong; Gordon doesn’t break after the Joker gives him that eponymous bad day. 

        • ghostiet-av says:

          Oh yeah, I do remember that point about Kingdom Come – and that fact about Clark it’s instrumental to that entire story, too.My point was that even the story where it kinda does work makes a point to alter the character from what we know by making him weaker, more selfish and giving Diana a massive Lady Mackbeth complex. So in reality, it doesn’t work at all unless you break a bunch of rules – something that Snyder doesn’t get.

        • alferd-packer-av says:

          Ah yes, when Superman was played by Bruce Campbell.

        • edkedfromavc-av says:

          I can’t believe how much seeing the “yellow oval removed” edit of this annoys me, even as problematic as the story has come to be seen these days.

        • igotlickfootagain-av says:

          God, I remember reading ‘Kingdom Come’ the first time and being blown away by the scene where Superman confronts Magog. Magog’s been built up as this dangerous, borderline sociopathic antagonist for all this time, and the confrontation ends with him weeping for the people he killed. When he said, “They chose the man who would kill over the man who wouldn’t”, I realised how much Ross and Waid got the importance of Superman. The true threat is not that he goes crazy and kills everyone, it’s that this paragon of goodness and hope will just stop caring about us. If Superman gives up on humanity, why wouldn’t everyone else?I love ‘Kingdom Come’, is what I’m saying.

      • monsterdook-av says:

        If someone would treat Superman as an actual character with a personality rather than a Jesus-metaphor with hella powers, we might get stories that don’t hinge on him being evil or being killed.

        • ghostiet-av says:

          There’s plenty of that, though. The problem is that since the first Superman film no director with an appreciation for the character took him on.

          • monsterdook-av says:

            For sure, the stories are there, I meant on film. We can all thank Mario Puzo for transforming a Jewish immigrant metaphor into a Christ metaphor.
            Tyler Hoechlin’s Supes has been fun so far, even if he’s now a suburban dad.

        • canwithnoname-av says:

          Superman Returns treated him as an actual character with an interesting new arc (the biological dad who went away and now is trying to reintroduce himself into his ex’s and kid’s lives; after making it clear that he would otherwise be truly, brutally alone because he’s seen firsthand that Krypton is dead).

          • monsterdook-av says:

            To a degree. There are some interesting threads in Superman Returns. But it still retained the Donner films’ Christ allegory. The climax ends with Superman basically dying, sacrificing himself in order to be resurrected.
            I also thought the idea of Superman abandoning both his adoptive mother and Lois for 5 years didn’t really make any sense.

      • oldaswater-av says:

        The Watchmen did the when Superman quite carrying best.

        • ghostiet-av says:

          True.I recommend Irredeemable, by the way. It’s a much more violent take on the idea, but it’s very clever and it’s a great superhero universe by Mark Waid.

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      I’m also not wild about Lois’s sole function being love interest (although maybe the script had more for her to do). Plus, it implies the reason they fight for her life is just to keep Superman happy, not because her life has any inherent value of its own. It’s weird because Snyder actually did a pretty good job with Lois in the first film. Plus plus, as others have pointed out, protecting Lois is clearly a job for WW.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    Warner Brothers is now learning the same lesson Bioware did with Mass Effect: as soon as you let the fans tell you what to do, they will never be happy ever again.

  • sensesomethingevil-av says:

    Careful guys. The link in the story has the actual formula, so don’t be surprised if we’re all under the heel of a new tyrant by Monday.

  • tombirkenstock-av says:

    I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Snyder’s four hour cut still has roughly the same boring plot from the original movie. Like, what? And how?

    I don’t think more plot makes a movie better or anything, but also I can’t imagine any of Snyder’s superheroes are interesting enough for extended character analysis. 

    • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

      Most of the stuff that was cut were the backstories for Flash and Cyborg, as well as the Knightmare stuff.

      • tombirkenstock-av says:

        But how can there be two hours of that stuff?

        • croig2-av says:

          Those are the main subplots that were cut, but it’s not just that. There are just longer takes, incidental scenes, and more supporting cameos of similar sequences from what Whedon retained. All those types of restored edits add up when combined with the subplots that were just excised entirely.

          • edkedfromavc-av says:

            Plus interminable Snyder slowd0wn-freeze-swivel-then-speed-up-again bullet-time wankery. People are speculating as to how much that shit adds unnecessarily to the runtime.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      i was shocked at how exactly the same it was. it made me mad that whedon could be credited as director of the original release! he barely changed anything!

      • batabid-av says:

        Come on, Whedon’s Steppenwolf looked like it belonged in 2002’s Spider-Man. At least Snyder got the CGI right, for all his other faults…

      • wrightstuff76-av says:

        I thought he wasn’t credited as director?Isn’t that a DGA rule?

      • srdailey01-av says:

        Synder is credited as director on the theatrical release, Whedon as a writer.

      • cura-te-ipsum-av says:

        He’s not being credited, he’s being blamed. Big difference.Joss was brought in because Zack stepped down – or was fired depending on who you ask and was given a number of mandates (cut the film down, introduce some levity) but Zack Snyder was still credited as director.So, I guess Joss did what he could under the constraints he was under. Could he have done better? No idea.Obviously, this isn’t the Snyder Cut either. Had he been able to complete his version back then, it wouldn’t have been this as a) obviously it couldn’t have been this long and b) he wouldn’t have the benefit of being able to look back at the reception of the 2017 hybrid.

      • bc222-av says:

        Really? I had the opposite reaction. I was shocked how much of the footage was completely different. I thought it was 60-70% unseen footage from the Whedon cut. Not to say that it was GOOD footage, but it was different.
        That said, I thought it was a markedly better movie. Though it had a pretty low bar to clear.

      • helzapoppn01-av says:

        Technically, Whedon wasn’t credited. The original still says “Directed by Zach Snyder.”

    • kroboz-av says:

      I expected to fully hate it, but the extra time to introduce/characterize Flash and Cyborg actually make the movie much better. Like the focus shifts to them because you actually give a shit about those characters, which makes the entire narrative a bit more satisfying. It’s weird to think that Ray Fisher was… kinda right the whole time? Even if I got tired of him insisting his performance of “DC’S CYBORG™” was really good?What SHOULD have happened is WB should have been more patient and introduced the other characters in their own film(s) first, because that’s what the extra 2 hours basically is.

      • tombirkenstock-av says:

        I’ll admit that I’m curious (like I was curious about the extended Watchmen cut), but like the director’s cut of Watchmen, I’m not curious enough to actually sit through the damn thing.
        Congratulations on the Snyder-pack for getting their movie, though. I just wish other directors got as many chances and as much leeway as this dude.

        • teageegeepea-av says:

          I’m all for more director’s cuts available to watch at home for the serious fans. I won’t make any wishes, because whatever monkey’s paw is listening might summon more production derailing family tragedies and pandemics.

          • edkedfromavc-av says:

            I do kind of wish it had been cut into chapters, or that streaming services had ways to skip to different points in things, because I can already tell that wanting to skip bits that are boring me, or get to where I was before I fell asleep are going to be major impairments to me getting through this (ff doesn’t quite do it, even without the fact that I often find it glitchy on streaming, where it barely goes as fast as needed at the lowest speed, then the next isn’t much better, then I press a couple more times and it skips to the end or exits the show).

        • kroboz-av says:

          It’s a good movie to have on in the background while you work for the morning.

      • teageegeepea-av says:

        It’s like they were so intent on replicating the Avengers, they never stopped to ask “Hey, weren’t all the primary Avengers introduced in earlier solo vehicles”?

      • doobie1-av says:

        I haven’t seen the new cut, but your last paragraph is DC’s problem in a nutshell. Apparently there was going to be a “rally the forces of Earth” third movie, which presumably would involve either overstuffing the movie with new characters with thin backstories or, more likely, was intended as a crossover-style film with characters from DC’s other movies. Which at the time would have been, like, Suicide Squad, I guess? Which is also getting a soft reboot because the first one was kinda shitty?

        The Marvel thing is really hard to pull off, and doubly so if you don’t really put the work in or understand what makes it work in the first place.

        • capeo-av says:

          The big battle at the end was supposed to be way more than the Earth’s forces according to Snyder’s own plans. It included the Lantern Corp, Atlanteans, Olympians, Amazonians, and various aliens. Basically a repeat of the earlier fight from the past shown in the beginning of JL but much, much, longer.

      • jayrig5-av says:

        Which everyone knew at the time, too. 

      • wangphat-av says:

        I honestly thought Ray Fisher gave the worst performance in the film. He looked constipated the whole time. We still don’t know anything about him after four hours except that he misses his dead mom and he likes to play slow motion football

        • kroboz-av says:

          I, too, was once young enough to contribute shallow, edge-lord-y takes on internet comment boards.

          • wangphat-av says:

            You Snyder bots are something else. I guess me disagreeing about a performance in a movie is trying to be edgy. Good to know you’re mature enough to have a discussion.

          • kroboz-av says:

            lol “snyder bots”. Zach Snyder still isn’t great, this movie is just better than Whedon’s version. 

          • wangphat-av says:

            I definitely agree its the better version. The theatrical cut tried to Frankenstein Whedons sensibility with Snyders and it didn’t work.

        • souzaphone-av says:

          I have to agree. I remember finding Fisher quite good in the theatrical version, but found him wooden and one-note in this one.

      • bc222-av says:

        Yeah, I was surprised that basically Flash and Cyborg got most of the additional footage, and i actually… kind of liked that? I wasn’t totally sold on Ezra as the Flash, but he kinda won me over.

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      90% of the movie is in slow motion which really extends the run time. But on the plus side, it’s being shown in a shitty TV style format. 

    • merk-2-av says:

      If you play the slow motion scenes at normal speed, it’s only 30 minutes longer.

    • haodraws-av says:

      Weirdly enough, the character works are what most people agree works the best in this 4 hour movie.

    • mrfallon-av says:

      I’ve said this elsewhere but it’s baffling to me that this thing exists.  It was not a compromised vision restored, it’s a shit vision amplified.

  • south-of-heaven-av says:

    “Superheroes? Pssht. More like stupidheroes. Buncha fucking bullshit, man, just like everything else!” -Zack Snyder fans.

    • batabid-av says:

      To be fair, he did tell them “there’s no place for hate” and that set them off for… reasons.

  • cscurrie-av says:

    well, it could have been intriguing and cool. alas, tragedy took place with Mr. Snyder’s daughter. that eventually brought in Mr. Whedon and the corporate pressure to have something right away for the Christmas holiday 2017. The final cut is a worthy film.  Kudos.

  • knopegrope-av says:

    Now that The Snyder Cut is the only thing anyone WB promotional outlet G/O Media can talk about this weekFTFY.

  • batabid-av says:

    I used to think Zack Snyder’s DC movies were shit (I fast-forwarded through MoS and BvS:DoJ), but I really liked this one. If there weren’t so many Marvel movies, there would be no need for an alternative. But those are permeating culture constantly, so I wouldn’t mind two Justice League sequels. At least Snyder is aware enough no to make his dream project, “The Fountainhead”.

  • thezmage-av says:

    We already know exactly what it would look like: colorless and in slow motion.  A perfume commercial

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    It was a bad, BAD fucking movie, but I didn’t hate it.

  • fcz2-av says:

    The Snyder Cut is the only thing anyone can talk about this weekWhat about Falcon and the Winter Soldier? That comes out today too, can we talk about that instead?

    • laserface1242-av says:

      I’m kind of getting tired of the MCU heroes being so cavalier with killing people. Only Spider-Man and Dr. Strange ever vocalized any objections to killing somebody. Honestly it feels kind of weird that the supposed antagonists of the series seem to avoid killing anyone in the heist (I mean yeah that one cop’s spine is probably broken and he’ll likely never walk again but he lives in Sweeden and they got free healthcare.) than Sam did in the opening fight scene.

      • knopegrope-av says:

        “I’m kind of getting tired of the MCU heroes being so cavalier with killing people.”Um, citation required? You seem to be painting “MCU heroes” with a rather broad brush based on the actions of one character, who himself is actually fairly justified in his actions. Sam Wilson was going up against kidnappers who had already a) killed civilians themselves (dead pilot), b) were repeatedly threatening to kill their hostage, and c) were repeatedly using deadly force against Sam Wilson first. There’s also the fact that Sam was involved in a military operation where lethal force was likely authorized because of the “antagonists” being labeled international terrorists. Plus the little that we saw of the Flag-Smashers’ operation involved the getaway, not the full heist. For all we know the inside of the building that the one guy jumped out of is stacked with the dead bodies of the people who tried to prevent him from stealing those two bags. The one obviously powered goon certainly didn’t display any compunction against using his powers against law enforcement when confronted with someone trying to arrest him. Plot armor probably had more to do with saving Torres’s life for his eventual ascension to Falcon 2.0 than any morals or scruples from the Flag-Smashers. And Stephen Strange sold out at least three souls to an other-worldly demon, a fate arguably worse than death, so trying to cite him as a moral compass? Come on, man. This is the same guy who saw the only path to victory through Tony Stark’s death and didn’t hesitate to make that call al on his own, yeah?

      • taumpytearrs-av says:

        Sam’s a soldier on a black-ops military mission. It did catch me up for a second when he dropped a dude from a helicopter, but then I thought “nah, that makes sense.”

    • knopegrope-av says:

      A basic review of G/O Media’s content will reveal to anyone willing to admit it that the WB pays for promotion where Disney does not. -Morning Spoilers is 80% CW/WB content every day. Every. Damned. Day. -AV Club and io9 are both promoting the Snyder Cut hard this week, to the point of ridiculousness. G/O Media is also plugging subscriptions to HBO Max this week too. -What little coverage that The Falcon & The Winter Soldier is getting is deliberately more critical and negative than anything being written about the Snyder Cut.

  • backwardass-av says:

    “You know how Marvel took 10 years to introduce the Avengers, and then I did it in 3 movies? Well…take a look at what they did 10 years AFTER The Avengers, I bet I could have done THAT in 3 movies too!”

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    I begrudgingly admit having enjoyed the Snyder Cut version much more than the theatrical one (low bar, I know), but it is a cinematic cul-de-sac. The story will not go on, at least not in movie form, though I could see some comic book publisher trying to get DC to let them tell the rest of the story.

    • bc222-av says:

      “The story will not go on, at least not in movie form, though I could see
      some comic book publisher trying to get DC to let them tell the rest of
      the story.”Isn’t that basically what the Injustice comic based on the game was? Just going by the epilogue, it seems kinda similar.
      That said, i also enjoyed the snyder cut way more than I thought I would. Like you said, low bar, and I don’t know what Whedon would’ve done with four hours, but this version seemed at least more cohesive. And dammit, Batfleck might just be the best Batman. Looks like Batman, sounds like Batman, and Affleck really carries of the exhausted sense of duty of the older Batman, which may or may not be how Affleck actually felt while filming.

  • the-colonel-av says:

    Fuck Zach Snyder, if I hear one more word about his intellectually bankrupt bullshit I’m gonna shoot this puppy.

  • mitchellbyron1983-av says:

    I’m fucking exhausted with this shit. Time Travel plot to go back in time and stop something from happening in the future, leading to a massive LOTR style battle? Can WB make it even more obvious that they’re just copying off of Marvel Studios exam paper? It’s so blatant and forced it makes me sick. Blow it all up. Start anew with Robert Pattison’s Le Batman. Or don’t, I don’t give a shit. Just STAHP.

  • voon-av says:

    Then the powerful alien’s past self would find out that the heroes had come from the future to stop his plan. And after a big battle involving every character in the series, he would be defeated for good when the inventor millionaire sacrifices himself to destroy him.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    This more specific outline of Justice League 2
    shows the Injustice League would’ve paved the way for Darkseid’s
    invasion. This sounds like “Rock Of Ages” except terrible. (The JLA story, not the musical where Paul Giamatti was menaced by a baboon.)

  • wrecksracer-av says:

    Stop humoring this guy, or he’ll make more. I’m about half way thru with his version. I’m wondering why there are so many long and unnecessary scenes. Let’s watch Lois Lane buying coffee. Oh, and throw a couple of songs in there. Really?!??!! Anyway, it’s funny that Lord of the Rings was mentioned here. I thought it was way too long, as well.

    • knopegrope-av says:

      The comparisons to LOTR make me laugh because every time I see Snyder’s Darkseid all I can think is, “They have a cave troll.”

    • darrylarchideld-av says:

      I genuinely lost it, laughing for a solid minute, when the Aquaman intro scene ends with Aquaman cowabunga’ing into the ocean as a bunch of Icelanders sing a reverent folk song while one of them erotically smells his discarded sweater.It’s just such an odd bit of worldbuilding. I suppose it connects to the mythic prophecy parts of his story – he has a special hero’s destiny which he’s reluctant to fulfill – but that isn’t important to Justice League at all. Helping defeat Steppenwolf is unrelated to this arc.

  • haodraws-av says:

    He als0 apparently pitched a Ryan Choi Atom movie set in China that WB rejected. Damn, I want to see that one. The Snyder Cut set Choi(Zheng Kai) up neatly. It’s really infuriating that they cut him off completely out of the theatrical release.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Wow, that outline sounds amazing. I wish I could have scene the part where Flash appears from a portal and says, “On the side of you that’s not your right.”

  • frasier-crane-av says:

    So, the plan was: “Avengers use quantum mechanics to go back and prevent Lois Amidala from dying so Kal-Anakin doesn’t become Supervader.”

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    A lot of what he wants to do sounds like it was realized in Justice League Dark: Apokolips Wars. That animated movie closed out a continuity of 16 movies and really went all out to show a nightmare scenario where Darkseid wins.

  • franknstein-av says:
  • youcancallmeluke-av says:

    TLDR: Dogshit.

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