Price wars: The 20 most expensive movie props ever sold

Anthony Daniels is selling C-3PO's head, which has us thinking about the crazy money spent on other Hollywood memorabilia, from The Wizard Of Oz to James Bond

Film Features Entertainment, Culture
Price wars: The 20 most expensive movie props ever sold
Clockwise from top left: Darth Vader helmet (Photo: MJ Kim/Getty Images); James Bond’s 1964 Aston Martin DB5 (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images); Dorothy’s ruby slippers (Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images); A model X-Wing fighter (Photo: John Phillips/Getty Images) Graphic: The A.V. Club

Sometimes, C-3PO just doesn’t understand human behavior. Anthony Daniels certainly does, however. The actor—a.k.a. the man inside the C-3PO costume, who also voices the beloved Star Wars character—knows that someone out there will pay big money to own a C-3PO head from his first big-screen adventure. That’s right, Daniels is putting the piece of Hollywood history up for auction in November, along with other Star Wars items from his personal collection. It’s all part of Propstore’s mega-event, which will see 1,800-plus pieces of film and television memorabilia go under the hammer. Daniels’ C-3PO head is estimated to fetch more than $1 million. And that got us thinking about other movie memorabilia that people have paid insane amounts to own. Here, in ascending order are the top-sellers. (Note: It’s tough in some cases to assess actual amounts due to buyer’s premiums and U.S./U.K. exchange rates).

previous arrowSteve McQueen’s suit and helmet from Le Mans next arrow
Le Mans (1971) ORIGINAL TRAILER [HD 1080p]

Sale price: $336,000Steve McQueen was at the top of his game when he starred as Michael Delaney in the 1971 race-car actioner Le Mans. Soon after the movie opened, a teen won second prize in a magazine contest: the Gulf racing suit (complete with patches), underwear, and helmet worn by the car-loving McQueen in the movie. The kid was apparently disappointed: he really wanted the contest’s grand prize, namely a Porsche 914. But it didn’t turn out too badly for him. The suit, underwear, and helmet (which got used as a motorcycle helmet!) stayed in the family for 46 years, until RM Sotheby’s sold the coveted combo in 2017.


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