6 video game worlds we actually want to live in

Games Features AVQ&A
6 video game worlds we actually want to live in
Clockwise from top left: Super Mario 3D World (Screenshot: Nintendo); No Man’s Sky (Screenshot: Hello Games); BioShock (Screenshot: 2K Games); Journey (Screenshot: Sony Computer Entertainment) Graphic: Baraka Kaseko

This week’s AVQ&A comes from web producer Baraka Kaseko, in honor of the release of the Sony and Microsoft’s latest consoles:

What video game world would you want to live in?

previous arrowThe Mushroom Kingdom, the Mario franchise next arrow

Is the Mushroom Kingdom the most pedestrian answer to this question? Absolutely. Has the Mario franchise spent the past 35 years proving that it has one of the most versatile and entertaining settings in all of popular culture? Also true. Call me twee, but you can’t blame a guy who was a kid during the apex of Mario Mania for wanting to ride a Yoshi, vacuum up ghosts alongside Luigi, or chuck a turtle shell at that rat bastard while driving a go kart. Coronavirus notwithstanding (maybe we can put Dr. Mario on the case?), Super Nintendo World can’t open soon enough. [Erik Adams]


  • deletethisshitasshole-av says:

    Skyrim or RDR2. Why? Cause I’d be either shittin in high cotton, be the town drunk or, and this is the more likely scenario, I’d be dead. And if I’m dead I’m not caring what world my corpse is in. What can I say? I’d be hawkin snake oil or askin people to join my cult in them worlds. In a non-connected localized world, my charm will either get me by or get me killed.

    • wolfgang-von-schrei-av says:

      RDR2 was my first thought; I’d love to have a place in Strawberry and spend my days fishing or hunting in Big Valley, maybe take the train to St Denis for dinner at the Jade Dragon and a show, maybe massacre a dozen feds at a roadblock for sport, that sort of wholesome thing.

      • sh0dan-av says:

        I think I would very much enjoy a similar setup, but I would like for there to be gay brothels, and instead of murdering feds, I would go off into the wilderness at night looking for Klan meetings to slaughter (or just watch them doom themselves without my interaction).

    • mrdalliard123-av says:

      The world of RDR2 is so scenic you find yourself forgetting about the roving band of hillbillies that will ambush, rob and skin you, the Lemoyne raiders that will make a nuisance of themselves with their Civil War reenactments, and the asshole wolves and cougars that will eviscerate you the minute Courage the Cowardly Horse flings you from the saddle.

  • magnustyrant-av says:

    My answer to this question has been Pokemon since about 1999 and probably always will be.

  • kirkchop-av says:

    I’m cool with game worlds, as long as they don’t have a sewer level. Why are devs obsessed with sewers anyway? Too many Ninja Turtle episodes when they were growing up? I don’t get it.

    • deletethisshitasshole-av says:

      So what’re saying is, you want a video game with a sewer level that is also a timed escort mission? People love both timed and escort levels, right?

      • tokenaussie-av says:

        With QTEs, please. I don’t want to be looking at the action, thanks, I want to be watching the bottom 1/6 of the screen for “TAP X + HOLD L”.

      • kirkchop-av says:

        Why yes, but only if there are also damage-sponging enemies that respawn every ten seconds. I love those!

      • modusoperandi0-av says:

        And also there are pockets of air along the way that you have get or you’ll die. And electric eels or force fields that stop you for several seconds.

      • bellybuttonlintconnoisseur-av says:

        Better make is an ice sewer, just to be safe. 

    • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

      And air vents! Most are too small to climb through, and you’d make a lot of noise doing it even where you could, so the typical “climb through the vents and surprise enemies below” would be infeasible.

    • hamburgerheart-av says:

      ‘salways about the ninja turles. do what you gotta do.
      Don’t blame it on the tv.

    • ducktopus-av says:

      are you serious?  Because of Super Mario Bros.

  • adonzo-av says:

    Ya’ll seriously ran a slideshow for 6 slides?

    • deletethisshitasshole-av says:

      I know that most people ain’t gonna see this, but the writers of these articles have no control over these slideshows. I don’t know exactly what triggers them, but the authors of these are definitely not asking for them.

  • frankwalkerbarr-av says:

    All these jerks who just care about helping themselves have fucked off
    to the bottom of the sea, exclusively leaving—I assume—charitable
    people to run the worldNo. Rapture was (even at its peak) a rather smallest community barely qualifying as a city. In no way did all (or even a significant fraction) of the world’s libertarians move there. So basically the surface world would have been our world of the time with all its faults.

    • dremiliolizardo-av says:

      Besides, if you live on the surface you have to deal with Columbia flying overhead.  There’s always a lighthouse.  There’s always a man.  There’s always a city.

  • tokenaussie-av says:

    In no particular order:NOLF: Swingin’ Sixties! Yeah, baby, yeah! Mirror’s Edge: Purely for the aesthetics.

  • miked1954-av says:

    You want to LIVE in those games? Pick something more habitable like untitled Goose Game.

  • bembrob-av says:

    Living in the heavy metal album cover-inspired world of Brütal Legend would be just plain awesome.

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  • hamburgerheart-av says:

    What we have in common, with everyone else here on the planet. En serio?

  • docnemenn-av says:

    Objectivists are predominantly assholes, but it does not follow that every asshole is an objectivist. 

  • laserface1242-av says:

    Sadly those were all the wrong answer. I want to live in the world full of magical creatures you can befriend and where you  can capture god in a tiny ball and bend them to your will.

    • cropply-crab-av says:

      massive oversight truly, though there are a worrying amount of apocalyptic near-misses that hinge on children being around at the exact right time and place. 

      • laserface1242-av says:

        I find it hilarious how in Sword and Shield the world almost ends because Chairman Rose couldn’t wait until the day after the player and Leon’s match to deal with an energy crisis that was going to happen in a century.

        • cleretic-av says:

          Chairman Rose might’ve been jumping the gun a bit (although I got the feeling that things were gonna go pear-shaped no matter when he did it), but at least in Pokemon there’s somebody actively trying to solve a global crisis, who does at least seem to be onto a genuine solution.The more I think about Pokemon as an option for this, the more viable an option it appears. I mean… it does seem to have global free and available healthcare, given even the crime-ridden Orre region from Colosseum has Pokemon Centers. Judging by the prices of everyday items there hasn’t been inflation for twenty-five years, so either the economy seems pretty good or they’ve got some form of socialized essentials production. They’ve apparently solved extinction as a problem, so good job there…Really, the only problem is that at least every few years, a teenager stops a cataclysmic event and/or some major crime ring. Which implies a whole lot of those things going on (since I assume that at this frequency there’s been more than, like, ten or so huge stories like that around the whole world), but… also, those are apparently problems a thirteen year old can solve in that world. And thirteen year olds aren’t exactly fantastically capable people. Even if crime and natural disasters are more prevalent in that world, I feel like in that world, I could probably solve a couple of them myself if I have to.

  • dustinanglin-av says:

    Hear you on No Man’s Sky. I would also take Elite Dangerous. Any space future where I can just bum around in my exploration vehicle, charting nebulas, unearthing alien ruins, and my only worry is how close can I skim the edge of that neutron star. I mean, sign me up.

  • weedlord420-av says:

    I’d definitely want to live in Hyrule because if you look at the side characters, almost everyone is happy. Even the timelines where the land is destroyed like Wind Waker or Breath of the Wild, like 90% of the people never let it get them down, and if they are down, odds are a nice man in green is gonna help you out on a side quest. Those folks are doing something right. Plus, you know, if you’re short on cash, just walk into someone’s house, break all their shit, and steal the money that falls out.

    • sentientbeard-av says:

      Breath of the Wild is my answer too. If you’re a regular Hylian just minding your own business, you get to live in a nice little town with gorgeous scenery, once in a while you run into this crazed mute twink who drops hundreds of rupees to buy your whole inventory, and the worst thing that can happen to you is you run into bokoblins who knock you unconscious for a minute.

      • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

        Unless you’re Magda, that crazed gardener lady who flies in a violent rage when you step near her flower patch. It seems like she has some emotional balance issues to resolve.

  • ducktopus-av says:

    Do you ever play a multiplayer online where everybody else has left and you just walk around and chill out for a while? Surprisingly calming.Or you can blow up all of the remaining structures on the entire playing field and knock down every tree.  You can do that too.

  • blood-and-chocolate-av says:

    If you’re going to pick something from the Mario franchise, Isle Delfino was the correct answer.

  • defuandefwink-av says:

    – Katamari Damacy earth for sure; I’ve always loved that game’s weird worldbuilding- I’d also love to explore Zeffo and Bogano from Fallen Order, although not alone, since both planets are the perfect level of creepiness

  • robgrizzly-av says:


  • briliantmisstake-av says:

    To go very old school, I’d love to visit the amazing art nouveau designs of Syberia.

  • misstwosense-av says:

    Stardew Valley, duh. All the excitement of adventuring, fighting monsters, etc, but in the most chill atmosphere ever. Straight farmin’ on your off days, making bank, romancing gentle townsfolk. Paradise.The Sims also seems fun (minus an amoral overlord controlling me). Beautiful neighborhoods, chill atmosphere, easy social interactions, even the most rich and famous lead lives pretty similar to the everyman, plus, CHEAT CODES.

    • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

      Collapsing unconscious if you’re out with friends past 2 AM would really put a damper on parties though. 

  • gregthestopsign-av says:

    FIFA. Just to see Scotland win the World Cup.

  • xio666-av says:

    Monkey Island universe. Definitely.Chillin’ in the Carribean, interacting with tons of cool people, exploring many interesting places and, best of all, not being able to die unless underwater for more than 10 minutes.

  • swans283-av says:

    I’ve always thought that Mirror’s Edge’s world was soooo beautiful. I would regularly just run around it with no goal, just enjoying how warm and inviting everything was. It’d be nice if it didn’t have a brutal totalitarian government though.

  • alferd-packer-av says:

    Jet Set WillyYou have an angry wife, a hangover, loads of tidying up to do andhang on

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