A catchy track and strong social game sends RuPaul’s Drag Race into its finale in style

TV Reviews RuPaul
A catchy track and strong social game sends RuPaul’s Drag Race into its finale in style
Screenshot: RuPaul’s Drag Race

Season 13 has been airing for what feels like an age, with most of the producers’ preferred finalists readily apparent for much of the season. The show’s momentum dragged considerably through the season’s middle run, stuck in a holding pattern as eliminated queens were shuttled off without any real sense that they ever had a fighting chance. With that phase of the season over, the top four queens can relax a bit and show RuPaul and the viewers what they have to offer. Which is quite a lot. All four remaining queens are charismatic, driven, and entertaining. All four know themselves and know how to deliver compelling reality TV. And unlike “Henny, I Shrunk The Drag Queens!,” this episode gives them a final challenge worthy of their abilities.

“Gettin’ Lucky” opens with the queens returning to the workroom after Olivia’s elimination. They’re buzzing, excited to be in the top four and to be part of this top four in particular. The conversation quickly turns to their report cards. Kandy has one win, the roast, and is the clear dark horse of the top four. Gottmik only has two wins, but they’re the show’s most high-profile challenges, the ball and Snatch Game. Rosé has three wins—the Rusical, the branding challenge, and the second acting challenge—and Symone has four, the first lyrics and performance challenge, the first acting challenge, the makeover challenge (with Utica), and the branding challenge. However, while Symone has the most wins, she’s also had to lip-sync for her life twice, whereas Mik and Rosé have been at least safe all season. All four queens are determined to make the finale, but they’re also all confident that they have what it takes to get there, so they don’t waste time tearing each other down. Instead they’re focused on the work and on doing their very best. It’s exciting to see and promises a worthy fight to the end.

After some fun with a truly questionable purple wig of Mik’s, the episode cuts to the next day. The queens skip into the workroom and Kandy asks what they’ll do with the prize money, if they win. Rosé, Symone, and Mik will invest it right back into their careers, and they’re surprised to hear Kandy has other plans. He figures he’ll buy a boat, because well, he wants a boat. Before they can continue on that tangent, the RuMail siren goes off and Ru heads into the workroom, looking fantastic in a bright yellow suit with pink and red flowers. Once again, there’s no mini challenge and Ru announces the maxi challenge: The queens will be writing and recording original verses to Ru’s new song, “Lucky,” then dancing to them in the music video, directed and choreographed by Jamal Sims. They’re all excited, particularly Mik, who had a wonderful experience working with him during the Rusical. The queens will also be doing their top four interviews with Michelle and Ru.

For their “Lucky” verses, the queens will need to talk up their skills and show why they deserve the crown. They get to writing and start piecing together their approaches. Rosé will be singing, of course, but he’s also excited to fold in some rap. When New York locked down, Rosé started writing and performing raps on commission, so he feels confident drawing on that experience and is hoping to surprise the judges. Symone is staying far away from singing, given his disastrous performance in the Rusical, and is instead going for more of a spoken word delivery. Mik is trying something new: positivity. He’s going for a happy, loving vibe, channeling his recent enthusiasm and the support he feels from the judges. As for Kandy, he’s well aware that he’s stumbled in each of the previous group performance challenges and is determined to prove himself this time.

Over on the main stage, Ru and Michelle are waiting to interview the queens, the Inside The Actor’s Studio rebrand undoubtedly inspired by social distancing requirements. It’s not ideal to have so much physical distance between everyone, but the editors are able to mostly cut around it, conveying the needed intimacy. All four queens crush their interviews. It’s remarkable. Usually at least one queen dips below the rest of the pack, but Mik, Rosé, Kandy, and Symone are all great talking with Ru and Michelle. They’re open and reflective when asked probing questions and quick with the banter as needed. The conversations stay light in general, but they touch on real issues for each of the queens and show them to be relatable and accessible, qualities essential to the eventual winner. If pressed, Mik leaves the interview round slightly ahead thanks to his easy rapport with Ru and Michelle, but all four queens excel here, leaving them neck-and-neck going into the challenge.

It’s time for the choreography rehearsal. This is Jamal’s second time working with the queens, so he has very specific goals for each of them, to build on what they’ve shown previously. He starts the rehearsal by warning them that he’s going to be demanding, but he’s actually very supportive, throwing out his usual approach to cater to the weaker dancers’ lack of confidence with traditional eight counts. Symone knows this challenge does not play to his strengths, but he’s in a much more centered place this time. He’s able to quiet his Inner SaboteurTM and focus on serving the energy and style Jamal is asking for, rather than stressing out about nailing each count.

Next up is Mik and Jamal tells him not to bother counting, but to instead key into the lyrics for his verse and connect his choreography to that. Mik is immediately relieved and his rehearsal goes well, with Jamal reminding him not to second guess himself. For Kandy, Jamal focuses on honing his rawer energy into something more precise, and Kandy is eager to show that he can. Last is Rosé. As the judges keep remarking, Rosé is a pro, so he easily picks up everything Jamal throws at him. Until the end-of-verse rap, that is. It needs swag, something Rosé most definitely does not have. It’s hilarious to watch him absolutely nail the Dreamgirls-inspired portion of the choreography and then immediately tense up when it’s time to break it down. Jamal does a good job of making sure each queen has something to do that challenges them and will allow them to demonstrate growth, should they nail it. It’s been great having him as a more regular presence this season and hopefully that will continue in future post-COVID seasons.

The episode thankfully skips right past the queens’ recording sessions and jumps to the workroom, with the queens getting ready to film. They share their first impressions of each other and Mik, Symone, and Kandy read Rosé for filth, calling him unseasoned, bland chicken. Fortunately he’s loosened up since then and let his personality shine through, and the other queens now consider him a formidable competitor. Symone says he initially pegged Kandy as the loud queen of the season, but commends him for opening up and showing his sensitive side. Mik remarks on their growth over the season. He’s still amazed at his transformation from look queen to comedy and performance queen. Before this season, he was terrified of comedy and singing challenges—which Symone is shocked by—and now he can’t get enough of them. Symone and Mik bond over the tremendous pressure they felt coming into the season to represent their communities. Both have learned that the best way they can do this is by just being themselves. It’s lovely to see the top four cheerlead for each other so much, while still staying laser-focused on the crown. They want to win, but they want to beat the best.

On the main stage, Ru comes out in a cute silver and gold mini dress with pink lining and a round white wig. The dress and hair don’t work particularly well together, but as she has been all season, Ru is beat for the gods and she looks fantastic. Michelle is in a black dress with white beaded accents and a wavy bob, Carson is in a sequined black suit, and Ross is in a metallic patterned suit, with clip-on statement earrings. Alas, Jamal is not on the judges’ panel this time. Ru introduces “Lucky” and the episode dives right in. With a ’60s pop feel and catchy hook, this is one of RuPaul’s best singles in a while. The video is bright and candy-colored, with fun framing and plenty of movement, and is immediately among the top tier of Drag Race music videos.

Mik’s verse is up first and she sounds and looks great, cinched in tight in blue lingerie. She’s confident and clear in her messaging, preaching positivity while declaring herself as the queen to crown. Kandy also comes through with her verse, delivering easily her best performance in a group challenge. Her lyrics are a bit more typical of the Drag Race end-of-season brag tracks, but she sells them and looks terrific doing so, practically glowing in yellow. Rosé, in her element in frilly pink, sings her way through her verse, showing off her vocal chops without overdoing it and making her much more complicated choreography look easy. She spits out her closing rap and even manages to sell at least a little swag at the end. Symone looks gorgeous in orange and commits to her verse, but the lyrics aren’t great, disappointingly reminiscent of Kahmora’s “Phenomenon” verse. Fans would be forgiven for not noticing, though, thanks to her strong performance.

On the runway, Category is: Drag Excellence. Mik is out first in a white halter dress with black polka dots that continue into her white wig and clown paint. Her wig is a bit poodle, but as always, her face is looks great. Kandy’s look is a massive step up from her previous runway, an orange, blue, and sheer top with a red leotard, clear corset, flared sleeves, and yellow accents. Rosé goes back to her Scottish roots for her look, a tartan gown half pleated and half draped, with lace gloves, a leather belt, and a white bag. It’s a terrific way to reimagine a kilt into a drag gown and it’s smart of Rosé to avoid pink for her penultimate runway. Symone is last and once again looks fantastic, wearing a deep purple gown with massive, floor-length sleeves and a terrific short cornrow wig, accented with jewelry between each row. The proportions are just right, serving up drama while keeping the audience’s eyes on her face.

Ru begins by acknowledging just how tough this season in particular has been and thanking the queens for their work. As always, Ru reminds the queens to pay their taxes and to stay out of the comment sections. The final judges’ critiques have gotten gentler and gentler over the seasons and this episode is no exception. It’s a love-fest for all four queens. Thankfully, this episode, the praise feels warranted. The last hurdle for the queens is the now expected message to their young selves, but just as in the interviews, all four queens handle the moment with aplomb. The photos are adorable and the advice is honest and emotional. It’s everything RuPaul is looking for. Kandy still lags behind the other queens, but that’s based on her performance over the season, not this episode. With their closing comments, the judges take turns pitching each of these queens as the worthy winner of the season and the producers will likely be watching social media closely as they decide who to crown in the finale.

The episode ends with a four-way lip-sync to Whitney Houston’s “I Learned From The Best,” but the producers side-step the issue of an over-crowded stage by having each queen lip-sync independently, editing their performances together. It’s not a perfect solution—the energy is nowhere near as potent as it would be if they were lip-syncing together—but it’s better than the chaotic mess most Drag Race lip-syncs with three or more queens have been. Until the lip-sync, Mik seemed like the queen to beat, but Symone walks away with the lip-sync, with Rosé just behind her. All four queens do well, though, and Ru’s decision to put everyone through to the finale feels appropriate. After several questionable recent episodes, it’s exciting to have such a compelling and satisfying final challenge and runway. Bring on the reunion and the finale. If they’re anything like “Gettin’ Lucky,” fans have a lot to look forward to.

Stray observations

  • When he announces the maxi challenge, Ru confirms that the winner will be crowned in two weeks. Given the early season twists, it’s reassuring to have an official date for the finale.
  • Symone’s gone on quite a journey over the past few episodes. His talking head as the queens paint for the challenge, acknowledging how long it has taken to truly love and believe in himself is incredibly powerful.
  • My money is still on Symone to win this season, based on her lip-sync skills, but after this episode I could see it going to Mik if she can step up her lip-sync game in the finale. Rosé could similarly pull off an upset, but based on the edit, that feels less likely.


  • goodshotgreen-av says:

    Kandy bitch count: 14Also, if they all could watch the f-bombs, that would be great.  So much bleeping. 

    • melizmatic-av says:

      Kandy bitch count: 14If Kandy ever had to do a family friendly gig; she’d be completely fucked because half of her entire commentary is just expletives.I am so ready for this season to be over.

      • goodshotgreen-av says:

        And that’s just the number that made it to air. 

      • neonate-av says:

        Why would Kandy be presenting her personality as “family friendly” on a reality TV competition? This line of thinking is actively sanitizing the queens and creating an era of toothless personalities on the show. Stop policing the queens like this or we will literally have a cast of drag artists who don’t speak unless spoken to on season 18. He can cuss if he wants to. That’s just how he talks. My lord. You’d be “fucked” too if I based your ability to host a family friendly gig on this comment.

  • andy-s-av says:

    ‘A catchy track’ CITATION NEEDED! Truly ‘Lucky’ is a contender for worst finale song alongside the slow mix version of ‘Super Queen’ for all stars 4.Even so, a pretty engaging finale. It’s Symone or Mik’s to win and while I would love Symone to take it if Mik does I wouldn’t be too-too disappointed.

    • yetmargret-av says:

      In the running for the worst Ru song ever, which Is saying A LOT.

      • soveryboreddd-av says:

        She really needs to stop forcing these queens to perform to her crappy songs. There’s a reason she is a one hit wonder. How about next season when they do a challenge like this the queens perform to a song by someone with actual music talent.

        • davidcalgary29-av says:

          Not going to happen; I’m certain that she gets royalties from them any time an episode airs anywhere the show is licensed to do so. Whatever her faults might be in how she approaches drag in this day and age, I can’t fault her business acumen.

        • davidcalgary29-av says:

          Not going to happen; I’m certain that she gets royalties from them any time an episode airs anywhere the show is licensed to do so. Whatever her faults might be in how she approaches drag in this day and age, I can’t fault her business acumen.

    • davidcalgary29-av says:

      Truly ‘Lucky’ ‘Sucky’ is a contender for worst finale song alongside the slow mix version of ‘Super Queen’ for all stars 4.Fixed the title for you.

    • slyvstr-av says:

      Me and my boyfriend thought it was actually one of the best ones lol. Maybe because neither of us is a fan of dance music apart from really mainstream stuff. Not half as catchy as UK Hon though.

    • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

      I still don’t see Gottmik winning in the lip sync format but she’s definitely feeling like the alternative if Symone doesn’t get it. The narrative around Rosè seem to be that she’s too much of a perfectionist / professional like Chad Michaels to win. And of course Kandy is still there? 

      • skoc211-av says:

        I think it’s Gottmik’s to lose. Has Ru ever gushed and sobbed over a finalist like she did in Gottmik’s final critique? It also felt like she got the most screen time in the interview portion. Ru is utterly enchanted by her in a way that’s reminiscent of Lawrence Chaney.

        • davidcalgary29-av says:

          I think RuPaul is ecstatic that Gottmik is a trans contestant who is capable of winning and, therefore, someone she can use to rehabilitate her public image after the repeated, inexplicable, and disheartening transphobic comments she’s made over the past few years. She probably likes Gottmik too, though.I’d certainly be happy with a Gottmik win…but Symone has been a tour de force for most of the season, and is the only queen left who’s consistently understood the runway. It’s too bad that the runways don’t count for anything anymore.

          • melizmatic-av says:

            I think RuPaul is ecstatic that Gottmik is a trans contestant who is capable of winning and, therefore, someone she can use to rehabilitate her public image after the repeated, inexplicable, and disheartening transphobic comments she’s made over the past few years.Agreed; the disdain Ru used to constantly show for transfolks seems like it has a lot to do with the “kinder, softer,” and more boring side of the panel which we’ve seen all this season. While I appreciate the inclusion of the Trans community and a much wider variety of the styles of drag, I don’t care for how fake-nice the judging has become.That said, I really like Gottmik and I am happy that he’s done so well, even if S13 has been a lengthy slog of an installment in the franchise.

  • melizmatic-av says:

    Nah, sis; that song was pure-D AWFUL.We’re “lucky” because Ru is “giving us the show we want?”

    • davidcalgary29-av says:

      Also: another week, another terrible runway. And Symone.

      • melizmatic-av says:

        another week, another terrible runway. Wasn’t it, though?

        I hated Rose’s, and was really underwhelmed by Gottmik’s, whereas Symone’s look was just pretty, but not what I would expect for her idea of “drag excellence.”

        • davidcalgary29-av says:

          I agree that it wasn’t Symone’s best outfit, but her poise and presence carried it through. I believed!I really like Rose, but that flashback of her runways this season said it all about her taste level in fasion, despite Carson’s lies that it was fabulous and striking. I couldn’t determine if the unhemmed top of her tartan gown was supposed to be that way, but I kept getting distracted by how unpleasant the entire ensemble (and cheap wig) looked on her. Didn’t she see that Project Runway episode where the contestants had to make ball gowns with tartan, and turned out some pretty nice garments? And then maybe ask someone to make a replica of that? And — maybe — ditch that brown tool belt while she was at it?When I saw Kandy come down the runway, I was reminded of the circus play tent that I got for my eleven year-old son off of Amazon last year, and which then disappeared in the backyard after the first snowfall. I’m glad Kandy found it and made a new use for it!I wish they’d bring back the old panel — you know, the judges who would tell Kandy that her paint looked greasy; Gottmik that her paint was kind of expected; and Rose that it was nice that she got Tina to stick around and do her makeup again. This was the goddamned final four. Don’t make me start to miss Utica’s runways at this point!

          • anndhewas-av says:

            To be fair this was a super long season and they are all out of drag. If I’m not mistaken that was kandys (unused) sheer runway. That being said I didn’t care for any of it lol 

          • davidcalgary29-av says:

            I buy that, as even Ru’s looks are not up to snuff at this point. Tonight’s look was particularly cheap and tacky looking, and certainly not what we’re used to seeing for the semi-final. You’d think that she’d have more depth in her wardrobe. Or maybe she just really, really liked Olivia’s look from last week and decided to keep it herself.

          • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

            “I wish they’d bring back the old panel — you know, the judges who would tell Kandy that her paint looked greasy; Gottmik that her paint was kind of expected; and Rose that it was nice that she got Tina to stick around and do her makeup again”Facts are facts 

          • theghostofoldtowngail-av says:

            I don’t think it’s the panel. Ru and Michelle are still there and they’ve been some of the harshest in the past at calling out queens for sloppy outfits and bad paint. Let’s not forget this season aired at the same time we yanks watched Ru have a meltdown about an H&M dress.I genuinely feel as though the mild critiques have been very intentional. And reactive. From the first episode, when they didn’t read Denali for her habit of painting on a beard with her contour, it has seemed to me as if they’ve overcorrected for some of the criticism the show has gotten in the past for being behind-the-times and dismissive of different types of drag.

          • callmeshoebox-av says:

            Ha! That’s exactly what Rose’s makeup looked like! I’ve really liked her outfits this season, but that tartan number was like a sack. 

    • mikepencenonethericher-av says:

      I think Kate’s generous grade is probably out of relief she doesn’t have to recap this season for much longer 

  • pkingdom2-av says:

    After Silky, its been fun to check the “who’se team are you on?” tweets at the end of the season as a barometer of how many fans each queen has.  Let’s just say the Kandy backlash is real

    • ohnoray-av says:

      I don’t even mind Kandy that much, she shouldn’t be in the top 4 but it sounds like she’s been through it before drag, so just gotta meet her where she’s at and watch her grow.

      • neonate-av says:

        Why shouldn’t she be in the top 4? Her run is almost identical to Peppermint’s in season 9, Kameron’s in season 10, Abby OMG’s on Holland, and Tayce’s on UK series 2. This “Kandy doesn’t deserve to be in the top 4″ narrative is based on nothing. Every season y’all choose one queen to hate on and they are almost always either plus sized, a POC, or both. She had one major argument in the entire season with Tamisha, and she apologized for it. I think it is really important that the “fans” of this show start practicing kindness and positivity. It is so disheartening to watch people tear down entertainers whose livelihood depends on their reception from the show season after season. There’s a difference between being critical and reveling in the “backlash” of another human being.

        • ohnoray-av says:

          I don’t hate Kandy, I just don’t think her drag is that great just yet, v sloppy at times. but I’m happy to watch her career continue to grow, wasn’t even being critical in my comment lol.

        • davidcalgary29-av says:

          This “Kandy doesn’t deserve to be in the top 4″ narrative is based on nothing.Not true: this is what the show has presented to the viewers. I’m sure that production had plenty of material that showed Kandy to be a well-rounded, likeable person — after all, she seems to be well-loved by all of the remaining queens — but we were shown her in the worst light at the beginning of the season. I am not on board with anyone hating any of the contestants, but some of the comments here (and I say SOME, not all) are understandable given the edit that with which viewers have been fed up until the last three or so episodes. This is the show’s fault, plain and simple.I am in complete agreement with you that queens of colour bear the brunt of many viewers’ worst behaviour, and that is simply not acceptable.

        • melizmatic-av says:

          “Kandy doesn’t deserve to be in the top 4″ narrative is based on nothing.I have no problem with loud. boisterous queens of any color who have the talent and style to back it up.What I cannot stand are subpar, overbearingly obnoxious queens whose egos far exceed their overall ability…. and Kandy Muse falls squarely in that category, just like Silky and Raja did in S11, and like Brita did in S12.

          • pmittenv3-av says:

            Say it again for the people in the back.“Loud” is not a personality, If you’re going to be boisterous, you better have the chops behind it, and it’s not fatphobia or racism to critique the delusional.

          • melizmatic-av says:

            Loud” is not a personality, If you’re going to be boisterous, you better have the chops behind itEXACTLY!For example, Latrice Royale is one of my fav plus-sized queens of color who does ‘Loud & Proud’ right.

        • dr-bombay-av says:

          She was deservedly told to sashay until Ru “changed her mind” in a cheap stunt to create a dramatic, “shocking” moment. Any other queen with her track record, makeup and lewks would have been told to sashay and been allowed to keep heading backstage. She’s been in the bottom three times and probably should/could have been another time or two. One of her lip syncs she knew half the words and kept turning her head away try try and cover for it. How is that any worse than Valentina wanting to keep her mask on because she didn’t know the words? Your comparisons to Peppermint and Kameron are specious IMO. Peppermint improved as the season went on. She would have never stepped out onto the runway of the penultimate episode wearing that pocket dress that looked like something a contestant on Project Runway Junior would have been eliminate for.  I don’t care about her race or her weight or the fight she had. There are fights every season. Ever think maybe she’s been carried through BECAUSE of her race and/or weight and/or the potential drama from that fight? I mean, so long as you can hurl unfounded accusations against us…

      • pkingdom2-av says:

        That’s not really a bad thing and its certainly not worth harassing a person over, but its still a competition for money and acclaim.  This is the third season in a row that someone in the top 4 really, really shouldn’t be there.  Its a problem

        • pmittenv3-av says:

          This show didn’t even need a top four after season nine, and even then, in S9 there were so many lackluster lipsyncs (Charlie, Valentina, Nina v Shea) that forcing the finalists to prove they could do the drag fundamentals felt right. And of course, it gave us Sasha.

    • nocuzzlikeyea4-av says:

      I’m shocked people dislike Kandy. It’s clear the judges are trying to keep her around as the villain, but IMO she has so much more charisma than other loud villain types. She’s so confident and she never comes off has fake (Hi, Utica!)

  • davidcalgary29-av says:

    Symone’s photo address was the most raw, honest, and sincere speech that I’ve seen in one of these episodes in years. She’s so wonderful.

  • avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba--disqus-av says:

    I’m really surprised at the positive write up and A grade. I thought this was a pretty lackluster episode. It was pretty obvious to me that it was going to be a four queen finale so the fact that we started with four queens and ended with four queens was completely predictable and boring and just further compounds this season’s problem of having way too many non-elimination episodes.The obligatory new RuPaul single was okay. I definitely wouldn’t say it ranked with the best but wasn’t terrible. I thought it was notable that it’s the first single RuPaul’s ever done which was arranged and produced in a retro style. It seems like an iffy direction for Ru to go in given his age. It might just make him seem more old-fashioned. I did think the queens’ vocal tracks and little videos were all really good this time though.The interviews with Ru and Michelle were surprisingly good. Ru limited the psychobabble and catchphrases somewhat and there were some good real conversations. But the picture of your childhood self thing fell flat for me since so much of the territory had already been covered by the interview and it was weird that they had to “talk to” their 2 year old self, so basically a baby?None of the runway looks were particularly “gag worthy”Kandy obviously should’ve been sent home but Ru wanted her in the finale so here we are

    • davidcalgary29-av says:

      It seems like an iffy direction for Ru to go in given his age. It might just make him seem more old-fashioned.That’s exactly what I thought! Maybe this is RuPaul’s attempt to make the Great American Drag Songbook a “thing”.RuPaul: “Don’t go to the comments and read them. Just don’t.”Me: quickly hustles off to the message boards to read and respond to the comments.

  • jrp911-av says:

    Ordinarily not a fan of Ru’s music, but I enjoyed all of the verses and the song itself was actually ok? Much prefer a production like that to a “on the stage and in front of the judges” performance as well.Said it earlier that in a LSFTC format, it’s probably Symone and Rose’s to lose (considering that even though Ru loves Kandy, the fandom’s collective head will explode if she advances any further). But Mik has surprised me all season, and I think might be the queen I’ve grown the most on. Serious winner edit vibes from this episode, so not counting them out even though probably the least experienced lip syncer out of the group.And yeah…based off this episode, it definitely seems that if it’s close and Ru’s decision is final, it might not be Rose. Not sure how much the theater kid affects bother Ru, but please stop singing sentences for all of our sakes too.

    • davidcalgary29-av says:

      Rose’s age (a hundred and ten in Drag Years, remember) will likely take her out of contention for the title. The title’s only gone to a winner over thirty four times, and we just had someone from that demographic win last year. I’d guess that Gottmik has the momentum at this point, and a part of me is cynical enough to think that RuPaul would choose her as a winner to “prove” that she’s listened to her critics…but I’d feel terrible for Symone if that was the case. I haven’t really liked this season, but she’s been the one constant factor that has elevated this entire season above “meh”.

  • anndhewas-av says:

    Damn, they really shut rosé out this episode huh? Looks like Mik is gonna take it! 

  • ohnoray-av says:

    omg Symone lives in my memory forever in that runway dress. So stunning.ya’ll Rose is so technical that I just feel like I’m watching a backup singer on Broadway that just so happens to be on Rupaul, and that paint was bad. where is the drag persona?!Honestly I’m happy with either Symone or Gotmik winning, Gotmik has really stepped it up these last few episodes.

    • davidcalgary29-av says:

      ya’ll Rose is so technical that I just feel like I’m watching a backup singer on Broadway that just so happens to be on RupaulI think that Rose is viewing her time on Drag Race as a season-long audition either for Vegas Revue or work in New York, and is projecting herself as a consummate professional with a certain skill set for that reason. And the judges know it: they’ve consistently characterized her, above all else, as “professional”, which I think is the death knell for any aspirations that Rose might have of winning this season. RuPaul wants fresh-faced ingenues, and not hardened veterans (who might be familiar with balanced contracts and unfair working conditions), to present her brand.But it goes both ways: Rose was careful to note during her interview that her dream is “to appear on Broadway in drag” and not, I note, win DR. And good for her for doing this! She’s making Drag Race work for her, instead of being used by it (cough: Kandy). Many more of the queens who have appeared on this show would’ve been better off at the end of the day if they realized that season-long exposure could potentially be worth more coin than the actual grand prize, and acted like it. Does it make for better viewing? No. But I’m sure it’s better for Rose, who will likely get new offers from producers impressed by the talents that she’s shown this season.

      • ohnoray-av says:

        I think you’re underestimating the ego of these girls, they are here to fucking win. There’s a career for all of them afterwards from the exposure, but they each want that crown. Rose just has terrible taste level lol, I know she’s not going to win but I don’t think it’s because she’s a veteran who can negotiate a contract, it’s just because she doesn’t have a perspective and that’s what the art of drag calls for! Brooklyn managed to be both a dancer and have a persona when she got into drag. If there’s a drag musical on Broadway and Rose gets cast, good on her though!

  • rachelmontalvo-av says:

    So, the final four. Does anybody remember who was in that ‘ winner/loser’ group from back at the beginning? Did it matter at all?

    • batabid-av says:

      Rosé lost that first lipsync to Olivia Lux. The others won theirs. Gottmik won against Utica, Kandy Muse against Joey Jay and Symone against Tamisha Iman.

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    I’m not crying  you’re crying

  • austinyourface-av says:

    These penultimate episodes are always kind of a slog for me. There stakes feel so low, since nobody’s going home. The challenge is not the focus, so there’s no question about whether it’ll be pulled off. The judging is just puff, regardless of what the queens do or wear. It’s an hour and a half of being told how great everyone is.Anyway. It’s clearly Symone vs. Gottmik for the crown. I’d be happy with either, but Symone is my choice. She’s a superstar.

    • soveryboreddd-av says:

      When I was rewatching this show on Hulu I would always skip pass these type of episodes. Not really interested seeing a couple of queens perform to a crappy Ru Paul song. 

  • dr-bombay-av says:

    What a waste of 90 minutes. A 4 queen finale is such a cop out in a season marred by THE cop out. We’ve already had three full episodes where no one sashayed…we did not need nor deserve a fourth. I watched with friends and we took a drink every time Kandy said bitch. I am posting this from my hospital bed after having to have my stomach pumped. She said bitch THREE times alone in the opening stanza of her part of the song. A yet, every time, Ru laughs at it harder than Bill Maher laughs at his own jokes or Jimmy Fallon laughs at everything any of his guests say. Saying it over and over is not charisma, uniqueness, nerve or talent…it’s tedium. This was far from the deepest roster of queens but there’s still no excuse for her still being here. The SECOND she stepped out onto the runway last week in one of the worst outfits in herstory that wasn’t part of a sewing challenge, Ru should have shouted for the producers to cut the music, announced she was skipping a lip sync and told Kandy to sashay away.

    • dr-bombay-av says:

      And wouldn’t it have been at least more interesting if, instead of the judges all doing nothing but heaping praise upon these four, they’d actually offered up a few critical comments? Kandy’s make up was not good. Rose’s dress had NO discernable shape and the wig was Party Cityish. At least it might have added a moment of suspense that MAYBE somebody was going home. Once they went backstage and untucked and the judges went in for a second round of salad tossing, you knew nobody was going home. I think Ru had it in her head that America needed something to “feel good” about during the pandemic and I can almost appreciate it. But it was such a misfire.

      • nocuzzlikeyea4-av says:

        TBH with the stressful year I’ve had I’ve been living for these nobody goes home episodes. Ru is hitting the mark for met at least with this chill TV. Here for it. 

      • callmeshoebox-av says:

        I really disliked Rose’s final look. It was shapeless and her makeup looked sloppy. 

  • nocheche-av says:

    An “A” grade?? This was an F! All the way. I want a refund from RPDR on the +90 minutes time wasted on my life, including writing this response! >:-(
    Anyway, the reason most DO NOT LIKE Kandy is because she doesn’t measure up to the other contestants of this season or any other season. She should have been eliminated early on, I’m sorry. She’s obviously been given many a pass while others got the chop for more trivial transgressions. The forced laughter from the Ru’s Crew and the lightweight approach to her flaws is the worst favoritism ever seen! Some sponsor must be bankrolling her continued presence is all I can think of at this point. Because it’s like, “Really Ru? You’re going to let this member of the gritty bitty sh!tty committee continue on?”
    I *empathize* that plus size and Latina queens are given short shrift when it comes to winning the crown; with traditionally their best hope in winning Miss Congeniality if they work twice as hard as other top contenders. But Mama Ru, you’re insulting the intelligence of all viewers and embarrassing the actual communities you THINK you’re pandering to by favoring this f-ugly, low talent, one note, screech hog! She isn’t someone the majority of plus size and/or POC viewers will proudly point to as ‘one of our own’. Yes, she has a (shrinking) fan base who feverently support her continued presence, mostly because they’re so weary of seeing contestants that somewhat reflect their demographics being consistently pushed to the wayside for over a decade! But it’s tactics like this which give affirmative action a bad name, by deliberately picking applicants with the worst qualifications/merit to undermine the whole point of diversity initiatives. Kandy Muse is not a Top 4 candidate, period. But I’m more angry at Ru for choosing her as some type of ‘barrier breaking’ ‘her-story making’ courtesy. It’s a slap to the face of the viewing public, both specifically and in general.

    • avclub-07f2d8dbef3b2aeca9cb258091bc3dba--disqus-av says:

      Yeah it’s strange. Most of your “big queens” are comedy queens which Kandy most assuredly is not, and she’s certainly not a look or fashion queen, or a pageant girl or good at singing or dancing. So, what exactly is she bringing to the table? Rose is a little boring but has performance chops. Gottmik brings fashion and comedy. Symone brings fashion. This would’ve been the perfect time to get rid of Kandy and have a three queen finale, which used to be the standard!I don’t hate Kandy like I did in the early part of the season when I thought she was gonna be Silky Ganache Part 2. I think she is self-aware and did grow from where she was at the beginning of the season and become a somewhat likable person, but her drag is still terrible

  • theghostofoldtowngail-av says:

    Dear Rosé and Kandy,If you wear garters and stockings, they MUST connect.This is not optional.Many thanks!

    • davidcalgary29-av says:

      I think we can lay the fault of this one clearly at the feet of wardrobe. It’s clear that the queens didn’t style themselves for this number. And while we’re on the subject…RuPaul: “… for your “Lucky” looks, you can use fabric from the Fabric.com fabric wall!”Lucky looks: no one uses fabric from the Fabric.com fabric wall. I’m dying to know if anyone (translation: Symone) asked production if they could make their own outfits because the ones which they were provided were cheap, ill-fitting, and tacky. Maybe the fabric wall was used to make the pointless fencing masks worn by the background dancers. HIDEOUS.

  • killaryclintonredux-av says:

    This ep was such a lovefest it was kind of boring! I wish the judges had given actual feedback. Kandy’s runway was so boring compared to the others, and the proportions on Rose’s gown were off and she kind of drowned in it. That could have justified a lip sync between the two, and finally sending Kandy packing.
    At this point I’d be happy with a two-way win between Symone and Gottmik. They are both actually bringing fresh new perspectives to drag, I don’t know how you choose between them. Rose is fine, I get that she’s a pro, but her taste level is off and she’s just not giving me life.

  • risingson2-av says:

    I had a hell of a week and weekend work wise and personal life wise (I will spoil it: the personal life was a tooth removal) so honestly I had no energy to comment. But I also had no energy to comment because the episode was crap. Because we are all tired, because the quees are tired, because the editing is being worse and worse and they cannot even sync a track lately, and because Rosé does not deserve that makeup. I had to skip parts because I am so tired, so so tired of this season.  

    • risingson2-av says:

      oh yes. The song was like disney 90s show tune quality, and Ru’s skirt was hideous. 

    • davidcalgary29-av says:

      *hugs*Please feel free to comment on Rose’s success in channeling Princess Fiona (post transformation) on the runway this week once you feel better.

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