A pregnant Amy Schumer joined Dave Attell onstage in Times Square over the weekend

Aux Features Amy Schumer

Going to a comedy set these days carries with it the threat of, say, Louis C.K. “popping in” with some jokes about those dang school shooting survivors, but every now and then a surprise guest arrives that’s not just a surprise, but a pleasant one. That was the case at Dave Attell’s show at Carolines on Broadway this past weekend, when a pregnant Amy Schumer joined the comedian onstage for some welcome banter.

This comes from Page Six, who report that Schumer praised Attell by congratulating him “for surviving the #MeToo movement.” Elsewhere in the pair’s exchange, Attell asked if Schumer and her husband had chosen a name for the baby yet. “Yes, we haven’t told anyone this yet,” she replied. “Do you guys like this…Hitler? It’s my mother’s name.”

In October, Schumer publicly announced her pregnancy in a decidedly novel way. The following month, she was hospitalized for an extreme form of morning sickness. Thankfully, she seems to be faring much better these days. “Yesterday [my] body gave me the gift of pooping,” she posted over the weekend.


  • acidgal-av says:

    “ but every now and then a surprise guest arrives that’s not just a surprise, but a pleasant one.”Ad then there are those times the surprise guest is Amy Schumer.

  • shaolinbastard-av says:

    “Do you guys like this…Hitler? It’s my mother’s name.”“Yesterday [my] body gave me the gift of pooping.”I’d rather watch Tiffany Haddish bomb on-stage. Jesus.

  • 2mtm-av says:

    She’s stealing jokes for two now.

  • renorick2-av says:

    Schumer is the worst. Insulted my hometown. Plus, I thought that comedians were supposed to make us laugh? Dave Attell rules!

  • richarddawsonsghost-av says:

    Oh, yeah, Dave Attell was a thing.

  • yaksplat-av says:

    Two terrible comics on one stage?  Attell was one of the worst comics i’ve ever seen and Schumer is a one trick moose. Pass.

  • tmontgomery-av says:

    Still missing ”Insomniac.”

    • zoidberg668-av says:

      Attel was mildy entertaining back then.

      • cordingly-av says:

        There were a few things that worked well with Insomniac, it hit a few of us at that right age where staying up to a certain time was somehow novel.

        The idea of a travel show that occurs when a town is asleep, was not, and is still not a bad idea.

        • youhadjustonejob-av says:

          That’s what I liked the most about Insomniac. Attell’s comedy was merely ok, even when I was younger when Insomniac was running… but seeing him out and about in the middle of the night was pretty cool.

          • cordingly-av says:

            I remember the show starting with his stand up, I would circle the channels until it got back to him on the city.

          • youhadjustonejob-av says:

            I wold usually just keep watching it, because I didn’t hate it but didn’t love it.I heard some of his stuff (older… is he even around anymore?) recently and it really doesn’t hold up.  The only comedian that really holds up from that era, for me, is Greg Giraldo.

          • cordingly-av says:

            Attell is still a thing, I think he’ll do stand up until he dies and while he may never hit the level of fame that some comedians have I can imagine he’s doing “alright”.I had just gotten into Giraldo around his death. I think there was a decent batch of comedians who came onto the scene before Comedy Central was lifted out of obscurity.

          • zoidberg668-av says:

            He’s got a thing on Netflix now with Jeff Ross.  It’s mildly amusing.

          • youhadjustonejob-av says:

            Yeah, it looks like he just does it because he likes doing it. Glancing at his IMDB page, it looks like he’s a fairly prolific writer/producer, and also looks like he does some “favor” style bit acting and voice work., so I’m sure he does fine based on those things.I was pretty young when Comedy Central really started putting out stand up specials regularly, so I don’t have a ton of memory of pre-Comedy Central stuff, but I am under the impression that prior to that, there was really only HBO specials and the late night talk circuit for comedians to get exposure nationally. HBO specials were pretty big time, and the late night shows were hard to get a good idea of the act, due to the time constraints and need to be pretty clean.As a midwestern teen, Comedy Central Presents introduced me to a lot of comedians that I still really enjoy.

        • wiscoproud-av says:

          I was a fan, and also of the age you just described. 

        • tmontgomery-av says:

          My favorite episode was in Anchorage in the middle of June. You could barely see the 3:00 AM timestamp on the screen because the sun was so bright.

    • CD-Repoman-av says:

      He has a 3 part show with Jeff Ross on Netflix called Bumping Mics, where they trade barbs back and forth.
      It’s pretty funny and well worth a watch.

    • allegedly804-av says:

      Is that the show Atell used to do where he went into different cities from midnight to 8AM? That was awesome.He said he stopped doing it because he got to famous, and he could no longer slip in with a camera man and be minimally disruptive and interact with actual people.I always thought he should have taken the franchise to a new, young, unknown comedian every year and swapped them out

  • zoidberg668-av says:

    I listened to Louis C.K.’s “leaked” set.  It was mostly good stuff.  Unlike Trainwreck and I Feel Pretty, which blew.  How is Schumer getting these deals?  Is she related to someone rich and powerful or something?

    • cordingly-av says:

      She’s a popular comedian. Why does this surprise so many people?

      • fandangogurt-av says:

        Because shes’s not funny and her act is dirvative of bits from other comedians. 

      • panthercougar-av says:

        I think it surprises people because many don’t find her to be very funny. That’s okay, it’s an opinion. 

        • cordingly-av says:

          That’s a fair take.

          Honestly it’s on me for clicking on an Amy Schumer post, but I feel that 99% of the time, people just skip to the comment section to voice their opinion about her, and that’s the impact I embrace for.

          • panthercougar-av says:

            Yeah I personally don’t find her style of comedy funny. I have nothing against her though like some do. I clicked on the article because Dave Attell was in the headline. He is someone I haven’t thought of or heard about in a long time so I wondered what he was up to. 

      • charliesprocke14-av says:

        She’s the Nickelback of comediennes: NO ONE will openly admit to liking her, she’s blandly unoriginal, and mediocre at best….yet somehow she’s still hugely successful. No idea how she manages such a feat, but pretty sure it involves satan and a virgin sacrifice. 

    • JohnCon-av says:

      Because studios are businesses that want to make money? I feel pretty grossed $94 million on a $34 million dollar budget. And Trainwreck was much bigger. So that’s how Schumer gets deals. You’re welcome.

      • zoidberg668-av says:

        So, your explanation of how Trainwreck got made, and how the studio let Schumer star in it, is that it eventually made money? I would have thought some sort of argument about how the strength of her TV writing and acting got her the job would make more sense, but sure let’s go with your retro-causation idea.  It’s genius.

        • JohnCon-av says:

          Oh FFS. Yes, that too. My answer to an Amy Schumer hater asking BUT WHY DOES SHE GET TO DO THIS?? is because she makes studios money (ie has an audience / is successful). And yes, because she’s talented and made a career happen for herself. And probably lots of other reasons. I sincerely hope shitting your pants over my response made you feel better.

        • mmcashan-av says:

          Trainwreck is funny. It’s well-written and has a solid screenplay by Schumer. Judd Apatow has a long string of hits behind him and he both directed and produced it, so….that’s how it got made.

    • thecheadles-av says:

      she’s a classic case of claiming sexism to get her way. Lena Dunham did this too. Their entire branding is around “if you don’t like my work it’s because you’re sexist!”On top of Schumer blatantly being a joke stealer, and a fraud of an activist, one can only assume she’s getting gigs BECAUSE she’s a white woman.

    • iomnibus-av says:

      Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not. If not, the answer to your last question is, “Yes.”…If you were being sarcastic, sorry for explaining the joke. 

      • zoidberg668-av says:

        I’m not sure sarcasm is the right word. I doubt Chuck has much to do with it, but I could be wrong. I actually like some of the stuff on Inside Amy Schumer. None of that suggests she should be anchoring Hollywood movies, but then Melissa McCarthy and Rob Schneider are somehow in movies too. Is Sandler to blame for all of these?

    • zoidberg668-av says:

      I have found the answer myself. It is the result of Judd Apatow’s cynicism and misanthropy.

    • hkthawn-av says:

      it’s hilarious to watch your joke go over everyone’s head

    • mmcashan-av says:

      Oh, is circlejerking about how much Amy Schumer sucks still a thing?

  • cordingly-av says:

    Man, I really hope a lot of people share their opinion on how they don’t like Amy Schumer, and then go on to justify it by making a (short) list of female comedians they do like.

    • fandangogurt-av says:

      Probably as much as I hope some people dismiss differing opinions from their own without presenting a counter argument in a whiny way. 

    • thecheadles-av says:

      Yes, we get it. You’re a victim. Thanks for letting everyone know.

    • newdaesim-av says:

      I dunno, I haven’t really listened to a lot of female comedians. I really like gallows humor, and I haven’t found many women performers willing to perform that black-hearted Jesselnik stuff. Garfunkle and Oates comes close.

    • Cecilfielderhasabigolebutt-av says:

      I just don’t like joke stealers, male or female. But, hey, let’s paint broad strokes.

  • anokato-av says:

    Patrons of Caroline on Broadway were subjected to a “popping in” from accused r Amy Schumer, who took a break from j to make “a joke” trivializing the Holocaust.

  • craycraysupercomputer-av says:

    Ah, pooping.  You wouldn’t think you’d miss such a thing until you can’t do it for a while.

  • boner-of-a-lonely-heart-1987-av says:

    Going to a comedy set these days carries with it the threat of, say, Louis C.K. “popping in” with some jokes about those dang school shooting survivors, but every now and then a surprise guest arrives that’s not just a surprise, but a pleasant one.Honestly, between these two, give me Louie.

  • russellbarth-av says:

    Amy going more than a day or two without wine? I kid! Congrats Amy. Yay!

  • charliesprocke14-av says:

    Here’s hoping she’s a better mother than she is a comedian, actor, activist… human being.

  • charliesprocke14-av says:

    Here’s hoping she’s a better mother than she is a comedian, actor, activist… human being.

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