Adele doesn’t think anyone should cover her songs

This is, of course, a rather surprising take from Adele, who got considerable mileage out of her cover of Bob Dylan’s “Make You Feel My Love”

Aux News Adele

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  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    Okay but I wouldn’t tell Aretha Franklin that.

  • milligna000-av says:

    Who gives a shit. Not like you need her permission, just pay the fees.

    • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

      I am not an entertainment lawyer, but my understanding is you do need permission to use it in a video (something about “sync” rights vs. “mechanical” rights). While most artists and publishing companies are happy to say go ahead and put your cover on YouTube and we’ll monetize it for ourselves thank you very much, those who want to be self-defeating jerks about it can get them taking down.

      • centristbootlicker-av says:

        You actually don’t need permission to cover a song due to a thing called compulsory licensing.

        • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

          As noted above, compulsory (mechanical) rights do not cover videos. Basically they allow you to rerecord the original composition without adding any other content. If you use it for a YouTube video (short film, podcast, etc.), or if you make changes to the melody or lyrics, you can get into trouble ranging from a takedown notice to a lawsuit.

          • centristbootlicker-av says:

            Right. Got it. That’s a horse of a different color, and not really pertinent to the story which is Adele saying no-one should sing her songs. I only meant to suggest that she can’t stop them performing or even recording them. Unless they try to post a YouTube video of said performance. I suppose a lot of people consume their music there, although I can’t say I’m one of them.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    We could have had it all.

  • murrychang-av says:

    Well shit, there goes my Adele/Megadeth coverband, ‘Rolling in the Symphony of Destruction’

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    “I don’t think anyone else should sing my songs.” Wow, letting people cover your song used to be a way to get some great advertising. If poeple are being reminded of your music wherever they go, they are thinking of you, primarily, and then deciding if the other musician is doing it justice. This seems like a self defeating flex.

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