Adult Swim delays Uzumaki adaptation but releases incredible spiral-filled teaser

Uzumaki has been delayed into 2022 after first being announced in 2019

TV News Uzumaki
Adult Swim delays Uzumaki adaptation but releases incredible spiral-filled teaser
Uzumaki Screenshot: YouTube

In 2019, Adult Swim announced that it was working on a limited series adaptation of horror manga master Junji Ito’s chilling Uzumaki—a story about a town succumbing to an all-consuming and life-destroying infectious obsession with bizarre spirals that appear throughout the world. It was supposed to come out in 2020, and Adult Swim later teased it with a featurette on Junji Ito himself that reaffirmed that 2020 release date, but apparently we had enough to deal with last year without throwing “fucked up spirals that make you go mad” onto the pile. The miniseries was bumped to this year, now that we’re all primed to recognize the spirals as a potential metaphor for, you know, any other all-consuming and life-destroying infectious obsession.

Unfortunately, though, 2020 was even bad for spirals, as Adult Swim has been forced to delay Uzumaki until 2022. That announcement was made in a YouTube statement from director Hiroshi Nagahama, but he didn’t have something nice to share to make up for that bad news: a brand new teaser for Uzumaki, featuring its black-and-white manga-esque art style in motion and full of tons and tons and tons of fascinating spirals… we just love those spirals. We’ve gotta see more of those spirals! Oh no, now we’re seeing them everywheeerrreee! Seriously, while the teaser is disappointingly short, it looks really damn good. It may take another year, but this could be really good.

After this we can all go to that mountainside with the weird people-shaped holes and maybe find one specific hole that fits us all perfectly. That’s another Junji Ito story, and like Uzumaki, shit gets real fucked up. It would be fun if this works out well and Adult Swim gets a chance to make a few other Junji Ito shows—err, maybe not “fun,” but… scary.


  • chgugu-av says:

    In the meantime, it’s worth reading the manga. There’s a big ol’ hardbound version out there, and it’s an entertainingly fucked up story. I wonder if they’re going full greyscale manga-brought-to-life with it, or if this preview is using it for style points.

    • notochordate-av says:

      Right?? I’m guessing it’s all gonna be greyscale. Which tbh, not sure how I’d feel about seeing the spirals in color, cause what would you even choose?

      • r31ya-av says:

        Considering how bad Junji ito recent anime art is compared to its original manga art, going faithful with greyscale moving(animated) manga style might be for good cause.Take the time needed to be good. If it become one of the great, it will be remembered for decades to come.

        • notochordate-av says:

          Oof yeah for real. I watched a few of them on Crunchyroll, the concepts were fine but the execution…. I think a lot of his style comes from the detailed inking.

  • notochordate-av says:

    For people who can’t/don’t do horror, Ito has the very funny Yon and Mu cat diaries out, too.

  • norwoodeye-av says:

    What would be a good starting place if I were going to delve into Ito’s horror mangas?

  • weedlord420-av says:

    This comment section… this comment section was made for me!

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