Alanis Morissette cites “anti-woman” treatment for dropping out of Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame show

Alanis Morissette was supposed to sing "You're So Vain" with Olivia Rodrigo to celebrate Carly Simon

Aux News Alanis
Alanis Morissette cites “anti-woman” treatment for dropping out of Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame show
Screenshot: Instagram

The annual Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame induction ceremony happened in Los Angeles this weekend, featuring a bunch of star-studded performances celebrating the various inductees (this year they include Duran Duran, Eminem, Eurythmics, Dolly Parton, Lionel Richie, Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo, and—most relevant for this story—Carly Simon), but one planned performance didn’t end up happening. Alanis Morissette was supposed to come out with Oliva Rodrigo to sing “You’re So Vain” in honor of Carly Simon, and while Morissette was there for rehearsals on Friday, she left early and wasn’t there for the show on Saturday (which, by the way, won’t air on HBO until later this month).

Variety says there are various rumors going around, with “multiple sources” saying that Morissette “struggled with the song,” which led to some kind of dispute. But Morissette herself has since shared a statement on Instagram about what happened, and while she doesn’t come right out and say what she experienced, she suggests that she felt disrespected by the show’s production team and that the team was part of what she feels is “an overarching anti-woman sentiment” in the music industry.

Still, she notes in her post that she’s had “countless experiences with production teams with all genders” throughout her career and that she’s simply at a point in her life where she no longer feels the need “to spend time in an environment that reduces women.” She added that there is “nothing better than a team of diverse people coming together with one mission” and she will “continue to show up in those environments with bells on.”

So, basically, something happened that she felt was disrespectful, either to her or to women in general, and she decided that she’s Alanis Morissette and she doesn’t have to deal with that if she doesn’t want to. You can see a screenshot of her Instagram post below.


  • yellowfoot-av says:


  • carrercrytharis-av says:

    So she’ll be furthering a cause that’s important to her by not appearing and performing.Isn’t it… you know, weird?(PS lame gag notwithstanding, I don’t disagree with her decision)

    • i-miss-splinter-av says:

      I don’t disagree with her decision

      I don’t either. If she doesn’t want to perform, she doesn’t have to. But if she’s going to say that something happened that she feels was disrepectful to the women involved in the show, I need more details from her.

      • yellowfoot-av says:

        It might not have been something big or disrespectful to women in general. It might have been one person who was treating her badly or some small thing she requested that was ignored or dropped by someone in charge. It doesn’t have to be some big drama, but Alanis has enough power and money to walk away from things if she wants. Not everybody can afford to walk away, but if enough people did, even for small stuff, it could start to have a larger effect on the process.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        Yeah I mean… she doesn’t have to perform?

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        As a woman myself, I don’t feel the need for details. I have a fairly good idea what she’s talking about.

      • dirtside-av says:

        *Need*? In order to do what? Is Morissette waiting with bated breath on whether she has your approval?

        • ajvia12-av says:

          um, “literal” much? It’s a fair question, no one is putting her on an interrogation stage w/ lights in her face, just asking for some follow-up details on a fairly provacative/serious statement/allegation she’s made. It’s not always about us vs. them and celebrity-worship. She’s a public figure who made a public statement about alleged discrimination/anti-female sentiment and then had nothing to justify it. Yes, it’s fair to ask for more information. No nobody is “demanding” she “needs” to do it, just kinda, you know, asking for further info to understand the lack of clarity she’s standing behind as her defense (“You cannot question a woman, or else you are anti-woman, no matter what she says.”)

          • dirtside-av says:

            Splinter literally said they “need” more information. I just want them to explain what exactly they “need” it for.

        • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

          Wouldn’t it be ironic if she was?

      • gargsy-av says:

        “ I need more details from her.”

        Fuck. You.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “I need more details from her.”

        Nah, you need to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around what you want, and that this story is about someone other than you.

      • dogboysplastichair-av says:

        Thanks for the ruling, King Solomon.

    • sinatraedition-av says:

      You have a point though. OTOH it’s the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, a total masturbatory useless artifice that gatekeeps right there in its name. The logo should be somebody tweaking their own nipples, but the nipples are gold records. Nobody cares about the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, it’s a holdover from when the Coca-Cola Polar Bears and Betty Boop T-shirts were the nation’s sweethearts. 

    • gargsy-av says:

      “So she’ll be furthering a cause that’s important to her by not appearing and performing.”

      What the fuck are you talking about?
      she should’ve stayed and accepted the disrespect for some “cause” that she didn’t bring up but that you seem to think she’s talking about?

      How about you fuck off?

  • zegota-av says:

    I don’t know about any of this, but I do know that Alanis Morrisette is a perfect goddess who has never done wrong so SOMEBODY done fucked up

  • antsnmyeyes-av says:

    Love her.

  • i-miss-splinter-av says:

    I’m gonna need some more details, like something on what actually happened. “Something happened that I didn’t like” isn’t enough.
    I have spent decades in an industry that is rife with an overarching anti-woman sentimentBut that’s every industry, though, with the possible exception of elementary school/ECE teachers. I’m not saying it’s right, because of course it’s fucking not, but the music industry is hardly alone in treating women like badly.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Fortunately she’s not there to represent the other industries because, as you noted, they are all complicit. She’s a musician calling out the entertainment industry specifically and she has a lot of receipts to show.

      • sinatraedition-av says:

        She’s vagueposting, and few people are going to care. That’s the issue. 

      • i-miss-splinter-av says:

        and she has a lot of receipts to show.

        But she didn’t show any. She just said something happened. If you’re going to say that something happened and that’s specifically why you pulled out, then you need to say what happened. She might’ve just not wanted to perform, and that’s entirely her prerogative, but then make this post? She specifically claims anti-woman sentiment, which could very well be true, but she doesn’t give any details at all. By who? Was it directed at her? Did she see it directed at someone else?

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          I don’t think she plans to sue anyone or make a federal case out of it so, no, she doesn’t have to provide anyone with anything. She has fully paid her dues and can handle information any way she wants. You are making demands and you seem pissed because you want what you want.Also, I think you’re just being disingenuous. We all know by now what goes on in the industry. Did you miss #OscarsSoWhite? 

          • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

            All of these internet detectives who think celebrities owe them the gory details of Bad Things That Happened so they can decide if it’s truly bad enough… argh.

          • ajvia12-av says:

            right, but we’re on a website devoted to discussing these types of things, and she put out a statement insinuating some major conflict, then pulled back and said “just trust me, it’s bad” (paraphrasing). So, yeah, receipts, please, they’ll go towards explainign whatever side she’s trying to convey, which at this time seems to be “they hate women!”. While dropping out of a primarily female-filled, woman-celebrating induction ceremony for the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, which is the problematic organization which she’s attempting to bring notice to.Yeah, a little more specifics would be appreciated, if not required or demanded, and it’s not sexist or gaslighting to ask for more information. Like, literally, at all.

          • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

            I didn’t say it was sexist or gaslighting, but I do find it obnoxious. 

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            “and she put out a statement insinuating some major conflict”No she didn’t. She said she was in an environment that reduces women and she didn’t want to be there. She didn’t say or insinuate that it was a “major conflict.” It may or may not have been, but whatever it was was enough for her to choose to go. It doesn’t have to meet anyone else’s threshold of tolerance but hers.

          • gargsy-av says:

            “right, but we’re on a website devoted to discussing these types of things, and she put out a statement insinuating some major conflict, then pulled back and said “just trust me, it’s bad” (paraphrasing).”

            No, she didn’t.Your inference is not her implication.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “She just said something happened. If you’re going to say that something happened and that’s specifically why you pulled out, then you need to say what happened.”

          Why? Why does she have to show receipts? And also, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?

        • pinkkittie27-av says:

          It’s not worth going into specifics outside of a court case because, otherwise, everyone on the internet and in the media will put in their useless two cents on whether they think it was really that bad given the details. That’s not for us to decide. It’s her feelings, her experience and her decision on whether she puts up with any bullshit, no matter how big or small. This idea that we’re all entitled to the details so we get to determine whether we agree with her assessment is wrong.

      • gotpma-av says:

        yes, and musicians and famous people are also known to be entitle spoiled brats. Once again, someone claiming to be not shown respect or treating someone bad but no specifics. 

    • escobarber-av says:

      Ok hang on lemme just call Alanis…..hey, Alanis? yeah, some fool in an internet comments section said they’re “gonna need some more details”. Better share asap!

      • menage-av says:

        She’s sharing this shit online herself. And piling everything that maybe ever happened to her onto this story, sorry if we don’t follow like lemmings. with the usual outrage only to find out there was other shit going on a week later.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “sorry if we don’t follow like lemmings.”

          Imagine, if only for ONE FUCKING SECOND, that this story isn’t about you.

        • kirivinokurjr-av says:

          Lessons learned from The Olivia Wilde Story.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “sorry if we don’t follow like lemmings.”

          You don’t have to “follow” anything, and you sure as fuck don’t have to be a fucking cunt about something you N-O-T-H-I-N-G about.

        • pgoodso564-av says:

          Except she’s not calling on anyone to boycott the show or anything. She’s just saying she didn’t do it because she didn’t want to, not because she couldn’t perform as some folks seemed to be trying to leak to the press.

          Following like lemmings would be assuming the most dramatic interpretation possible of the first folks to report on this (the ones saying she left because of being unable to sing the song) instead of being like “Oh yeah, sounds about right” and moving on with our day.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “I’m gonna need some more details, like something on what actually happened. “Something happened that I didn’t like” isn’t enough.”

      Too. Fucking. Bad.

    • engineerthefuture-av says:

      I think the general way teachers and the public school system are treated by parents and school boards remove that exception too. 

    • gargsy-av says:

      “But that’s every industry, though”

      So fucking what?

      Also, she’s fucking CLEARLY talking about something SPECIFIC, so why don’t get off your high horse and FUCK OFF to hell, please?

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      AV Club level reporting.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      “’Something happened that I didn’t like’ isn’t enough.”Isn’t enough for what?  It’s damn sure enough for me to nope out of a situation if I’m able to.

  • paintingofadisappointedhorse-av says:

    If you take a look at the list of celebrated, groundbreaking artists repeatedly passed over for consideration, particularly within or around the punk movement – in which woman-led bands not named Heart at last had a chance to find some footing, for one – you get a pretty clear picture of how this institution is intended to the preservation of teenage Homer Simpson’s concept of Rock ‘N’ Roll.(I’m still playing catchup on what was cool in 1981, so I don’t know who all’s on that list. But it’s a real list, and it’s a doozy.)

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    She’s absolutely right. Good for her (and all of us).Not interested in hearing her sing with a tiktok sensation either.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “She’s absolutely right. Good for her (and all of us).”

      Yeah!“Not interested in hearing her sing with a tiktok sensation either.”

      It’s good that you definitely got her point about disrespecting women and not diminishing them, right?

    • curiousorange-av says:

      “yeah, more respect for women in music. But not that tiktok girl!”

    • yllehs-av says:

      I don’t listen to a lot of current top 40, but Olivia Rodrigo seems to be able to write a good song or two. I think she’ll have more of a career than TikTok sensation.

    • fireupabove-av says:

      I’m an old person and I’m generally with you on the tiktok sensations, but Olivia Rodrigo is actually good.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Not interested in hearing her sing with a tiktok sensation either.”

      Ah, it’s nice to see that you took her complaint about diminishing female artists to heart.

  • pgoodso564-av says:

    I’m personally at a place in my career where “Please do a job where you don’t like the people and aren’t getting paid, and do it out of the kindness of your heart and a smile, because, gee golly, you respect someone getting honored there” gets a big fat “Kindly go fuck yourself”. Certainly not a requirement I tell people my reasons, and I’m literally a big fat nobody. And it’s fucking great.

    Alanis Morissette, on the other hand, is Alanis Fucking Morrisette. She could easily have just wanted to just go home and jam both of her arms all the way up her own ass and watch Netflix, and it would have been justified. But if she felt disrespected at a big boring ass spectacle that she was only pretending to care about to begin with, why couldn’t she say “fuck this” and go home like any of the rest of us would? She’s Alanis Morrisette. And they’re the dumbasses that put, like, each and every one of Elvis’ session musicians in the Hall of Fame before they even got around to asking her to perform, much less be honored. And some roadie leers at her, or they try and quibble on her contract riders, or, yeah, she actually gets some general sexist disrespect from all quarters like you might expect from a known-to-be-blinkered institution housed in (and this bears emphasis) Cleveland? Who needs the hassle? The only reason she “had” to give an explanation is what she said: other people were spinning the story already, specifically putting doubt whether she could, you know, perform a midtempo 70s pop song well within her range, i.e. her abilities as musician. I’d put out a “hold your fucking horses” release too.

    Life’s too fucking short for dealing with things you don’t wanna deal with, and canceling plans is one of the best things an adult with agency and some safety nets can do for themselves. She had no responsibility to be there, and now declines the opportunity to do so. And getting the explanation we got is more than we need or deserve from anyone, really. Least of all someone like Morissette who’s paid all of the possible dues, especially when those dues aren’t apparently respected at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, either as an awardee or as a performer. Especially when said Hall of Fame has inducted a lot more men from other genres than female anyone.

    Like, I like Kraftwerk, y’all, but, come the fuck on.

    • sheermag-av says:

      Because she’s an adult and not a five-year old? This decision affects other people and none more so than Rodrigo. If you agree to do something you should stick it through unless there’s a compelling reason not to. Maybe there was in this case, but it is all very vague so who knows?

      • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

        She’s given Oliva Rodrigo (and plenty of other women in music) a lot of support; she doesn’t owe her anything specific.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “This decision affects other people and none more so than Rodrigo.”

        Oh, fuck you. Now she has to perform someone she’s uncomfortable because of not, Olivia Rodrigo would get a larger stage to herself?

        Again, fuck you.

      • flyoverbutthole-av says:

        I understand what you’re saying here. I think that this is the same as quitting an intolerable job without notice if you can fall back on it. It sucks for your coworkers, but no one should stay in a bad environment just because it benefits others. I know when I left my last job, my co-workers struggled. It took them a month to hire my replacement, and she wasn’t good. I feel for them. I’ve reached a point in my life and career where I’m not falling on my sword for other people’s comfort.

      • pgoodso564-av says:

        It’s vague, sure, but I simply trust her motives more than the Hall of Fame. Also, Rodrigo performed a solo instead of a duet on a pretty dang easy song to perform.

        It’s also worth noting that she and Rodrigo have a pre-existing relationship: Rodrigo was the one who presented Morrisette’s induction into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame, and they performed and appeared together in quite a few other places. So I’m sure she talked about it more with Rodrigo than she did with us.

        • jomahuan-av says:

          is it really that easy to perform? it seems like a lot, vocally.

          • gargsy-av says:

            Yeah, well, luckily they hired a professional fucking singer, so it shouldn’t be an issue.

          • pgoodso564-av says:

            It’s a basic 4/4 pop progression in A minor (meaning whoever is playing piano doesn’t even need to hit the black notes, hehe) and the vocals, aside from the backup singers, go from A2-A3 (or depending on how you read it, A1-A2). It’s literally just an octave, one that’s pretty comfortable for either an alto or a soprano (less so for the latter on the lower notes, but not bad). And the most complex rhythm in the whole thing is an eighth note.

            So the song, though delightful, requires only a little bit more than the range required of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Most of Morrisette’s work is itself more complex and strenuous vocally. Even You Oughta Know has more complex chord progressions and rhythms, and a larger vocal range.

            Complexity, of course, is not a representative of quality. But if the question is whether or not Morrisette has the chops to sing an easier song than her own work, I’d say yes.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        It affected Rodrigo by letting her get a big solo moment on the Hall of Fame stage. She’ll be fine. You don’t have to put others before yourself at your expense. If you aren’t being treated well, you should feel free to exit yourself, just like Alanis did. I hope you feel empowered to do that. It would be different if it would put Rodrigo in danger or something, but at the most it means that a professional singer and performer has to change her performance a little bit. Not that big a deal. In some cases we can take cues from 5 year olds, and I hope we’re all teaching our 5 year olds that if they are in an environment where they aren’t being treated well, they should leave if they are able to do so.

    • nycpaul-av says:

      I really hope when she got mad she didn’t say “I’m Alanis Morrisette!” as many times as you just pointed out that she’s Alanis Morrisette. I fully agree with your argument that anybody should be able to walk if something doesn’t sit right with them, but Alanis Morrisette isn’t some kind of higher being because she sold a bunch of albums a long time ago. She’s just another person who’s fed up, and good for her for dropping the whole thing. Good for you, too, by the way.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “I really hope when she got mad she didn’t say “I’m Alanis Morrisette!” as many times as you just pointed out that she’s Alanis Morrisette.”


      • pgoodso564-av says:

        Hehe, sure. I was getting a little hyperbolic just for the joke, and of course no one deserves to be a diva, but if anyone did, Morrissette’s probably up there. My point is merely that the Hall of Fame could have quite reasonably been on thin ice with her already because of its already not-so-stellar record on representation, and she’s still reasonably sort of a big deal. And if they treated her any worse than they treated, I dunno, Dr. John? Shit’s f’d up.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        I think his point was that she’s famous enough and successful enough that she doesn’t need to basically do this charity event.  Not that she’s too good for it or too important for it, but just that she doesn’t need it.

    • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

      What’s wrong with Cleveland?

      • ooklathemok3994-av says:

        It’s like if New York City ate Boston and then shit it out and then parts of that shit intermittently caught on fire. That’s Cleveland. 

      • jasonstroh-av says:

        It’s not L.A. or New York so…In reality Cleveland is like most big cities. It has a lot wrong with it and a lot going for it. But it’s not on the coasts and it’s had some rough times so it’s easy for people to shit on.

    • icehippo73-av says:

      Because now she’s focusing all the attention on herself instead of the (mostly female) inductees?

      • gargsy-av says:

        “Because now she’s focusing all the attention on herself instead of the (mostly female) inductees?”

        They were already inducted. THE NIGHT IS OVER.

        What do you want her to do, suffer in silence? Eat shit, then fuck yourself, then get AIDS and fucking DIE, you loser.

      • futuressobright-av says:

        Not really. She chose to walk away when she didn’t feel respected, but she wasn’t the one who chose to turn it into a whole thing on social media. That was whoever chose to spin it as “Alanis was having trouble with the song” instead of “there has been a change of plans and Ms. Morriset won’t be able to perform.”

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          And if she had stayed, and then maybe said something about the environment afterwards in an interview or something, these same knuckleheads would say “well if it was so bad why did she stay and do the show?”  Can’t win.

        • capeo-av says:

          Or, she was actually having trouble with the song, as reported by multiple reputable inside sources, and nobody “turned it into that.” She ditched on a major production, a tribute show that was almost entirely influential and iconic woman artists and now made a portion of the story about herself. 

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        What?  She literally removed herself from the attention.  It’s not her fault folks can’t just let her go.

        • icehippo73-av says:

          There was no attention on her until she removed herself. 

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            She removed herself from the spotlight of being in the show. She went back home and shut the fuck up. She only responded because people were saying she left because she wasn’t capable of performing the song. You can’t blame her because people can’t let her go in peace. She didn’t “focus the attention on herself.” It’s not as if she walked out under a banner that read “I’M DOING THIS FOR FEMINISMMMMMMMMM,” smacking folks on the way out. Come on.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “Because now she’s focusing all the attention on herself instead of the (mostly female) inductees?”

        You mean now, AFTER THE INDUCTION CEREMONY IS OVER?When should she come forward, dickhead?

      • reformedagoutigerbil-av says:

        There is unfortunately quite a bit of misogyny in the pocket pet community against gerbil mothers who eat their young.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:
    • yllehs-av says:

      I don’t know if it’s the case, but if she’s angry about not being an inductee, perhaps she should just avoid Rock & Roll Hall of Fame events all together.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “I don’t know if it’s the case, but if she’s angry about not being an inductee, perhaps she should just avoid Rock & Roll Hall of Fame events all together.”

        Are you stupid?

    • capeo-av says:

      I find it funny that you assume, contrary to multiple sources, that it’s impossible that, “Morissette “struggled with the song” during a run-through, leading to the discord and ultimate walkout.” It’s actually the mid-tempo aspect that I could see Morissette struggling with, as it’s not conducive to her distinctive cadence. This also all has to happen within a tight production window. You don’t have days to work it so that it’s perfect for you. It’s a tribute. Morissette bailing left Sara Bareilles and Olivia Rodrigo to take up the slack on that entire segment. Which Rodrigo handled with aplomb: I would never begrudge Morissette doing whatever she wants, but it’s obvious she treated the production like it should cater to her more than the planned schedule. For her to blame it on disrespecting the feminine is particularly spurious considering all the women artists involved in this production. For fuck’s sake, Morrissette bailed on Dolly Fuckin’ Parton. 

    • drew8mr-av says:

      I mean, Kraftwerk is only one of the 2 or 3 most influential bands in history and Alanis released one non groundbreaking record that speaks to women. Not to dismiss JLP, but they are not on the same level artistically, either in execution or concept.

      • pgoodso564-av says:

        Don’t disagree, except for the dig about only women being able to spoken to by her work, which… no. But you know one thing Kraftwerk isn’t? Rock and roll. If these mooks are gonna put in men from other genres before the women in the genre who are obvious slam dunks, then they deserve all the razzing that they perennially get about their blinkered inability to understand their own brand or to connect with half of the planet’s artists and audiences. I mean, I bet you friggin’ Yo Yo Ma gets an award before, say, Shirley Manson. Is the former more well-known and influential? Maybe. But is the latter actually, you know, in a rock band? YES.

        • drew8mr-av says:

          Wasn’t really meant to be a dig. Tapestry was overwhelmingly purchased by women as well. I ran a record store in a college town when JLP was new, and more dudes bought Ani DiFranco and Indigo Girls records than JLP.

          • pgoodso564-av says:

            Huh. Interesting! Especially that part about Indigo Girls: I would have absolutely assumed the reverse.

          • drew8mr-av says:

            I assume they bought them to impress girls, those artists were certainly inescapable for a few years there. I’m pretty sure I tried to steer those folks to PJ Harvey with little success.

          • pgoodso564-av says:

            Now that’s another name that deserves to already be in the Hall of Fame. 

        • jasonstroh-av says:

          Please stop with the “Rock and Roll” stuff. It’s pretty goddamned obvious that from the start, the HoF would use Rock and Roll as a really big fucking umbrella, one far larger than the categories on Sirius or whatever. It wouldn’t be very practical to call it the, “Rock and Roll and Hip Hop and R&B and Rock and Roll Adjacent Blues and Country and Punk and New Wave and Prog Rock and Heavy Metal and…Hall of Fame.”

  • hasselt-av says:

    On a side note, have they given up trying to convince the inductees to travel to Cleveland for the ceremony and now they just do it LA?

    • thebeaglebarks-av says:

      Too many unsuspecting inductees thinking a Cleveland Steamer is a local cocktail.

    • curiousorange-av says:

      Eh? It’s only been in Cleveland a few times. Mostly been New York.

    • rob1984-av says:

      They were in Cleveland last year. They’re rotating the ceremony between NY, Cleveland and now LA.

    • mtvvideos8-av says:

      There is now a 3-city rotation for the inductions, with Cleveland hosting it every other year, and then New York and Los Angeles alternating in between.So, it would go Cleveland-New York-Cleveland-Los Angeles every 4 years.

  • spikop-av says:

    Jagged is one of my favourite albums ever, but between this, and her trying to sabotage her own HBO doc earlier this year, it seems Alanis may have some chip-on-shoulder issues.I mean, she names all of the women who performed (unironically:-)), and then goes into a long post about disrespect for women at the show, as if those women (especially the more very experienced women) would put up with said disrespect??

    • gargsy-av says:

      Jesus fucking Christ, is it really so difficult to understand that she respects the women who performed and that has N-O-T-H-I-N-G to do with how she was treated?

      Fuck off and eat shit. You don’t get a say in her life.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “as if those women (especially the more very experienced women) would put up with said disrespect??”

      She us where she said ANY of that, you fucking cunt.

    • lockeanddemosthenes-av says:

      Yeah Dolly doesn’t exactly strike me as a “take a lot of anti-women shit” kinda gal. ( I do not know if she was present) but it seems like there’s probably more to this story given the amount of women being inducted this year.

      • spikop-av says:

        Neither I can’t see Sheryl Crow, Pat Benatar or Pink putting up with what she mentioned, and they would’ve all been at the same rehearsals.

        • gargsy-av says:

          “Neither I can’t see Sheryl Crow, Pat Benatar or Pink putting up with what she mentioned, and they would’ve all been at the same rehearsals.”

          And all women have the same experience, is that right Gary?

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        It’s entirely possible people treated Dolly Parton differently from how they treated Alanis Morissette.

        • spikop-av says:

          Well, if she felt that they treated the other half-dozen women differently than her (because they all performed at the closing with Dolly), then that sounds more like like an Alanis problem. And I forgot to mention Annie Lennox above with the others, who most definitely would’nt take any disrespect shit. I used to listen to all of them that were around since the 80’s, including Dolly, but Jagged Little Pill (imo) blows anything any of them have done out of the water. But the lady does seem to carry around some chips.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            She didn’t say that “she felt that they treated the other half-dozen women differently than her.” She said she felt it was an anti-woman environment based on what she saw and what she experienced. She could have heard or experienced anti-woman sentiment even if they were treating Dolly Parton specifically really well.You don’t know what Annie Lennox or the others would take, you also don’t know what they saw or experienced. And the most important thing? It doesn’t matter what Annie Lennox and the others would take or what they experienced. Alanis saw what she saw, heard what she heard, and experienced what she experienced, and she didn’t like it so she left. She didn’t need to take a committee vote to see if everyone agreed with her before she did what made sense to her.

          • gargsy-av says:

            “Well, if she felt that they treated the other half-dozen women differently than her (because they all performed at the closing with Dolly), then that sounds more like like an Alanis problem.”

            NOBODY SAID ANY OF THAT.How about you fuck off and die of testicular cancer, you fucking cunt?

        • coatituesday-av says:

          It’s entirely possible people treated Dolly Parton differently from how they treated Alanis Morissette.
          As they should. No offense at all to Alanis Morissette, but… she’s not Dolly Parton.
          Nor is anyone else, so no offense to the rest of the world either.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            Yeah, I don’t agree that people should be treated differently based on levels of fame, but yeah Dolly Parton is virtually revered as a goddess (not unreasonably), so I can imagine people bending over backwards to be extra nice to her.

        • spikop-av says:

          Yea, Dolly and the other half-dozen women who are’nt known to take shit from anyone, but only Alanis was picked on, uh huh..

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            1, I don’t know that Dolly or the others are particularly known to not “take shit from anyone.” 2. Neither I nor Alanis said that Alanis was “picked on.”

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      “I mean, she names all of the women who performed (unironically:-)), and then goes into a long post about disrespect for women at the show”It’s almost as if women can be invited to perform and still be disrespected. Weird because that’s certainly never happened before.

  • lostmyburneragain2-av says:

    Cool. I can’t wait to hear why she really canceled.

  • bemorewoke23-av says:

    Very TERFy talk from Alanis, can’t say I’m not disappointed.

  • roomiewithaview-av says:

    “It’s like disrespayyyyect at the Hall of Fame….”

  • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

    So, basically, something happened that she felt was disrespectfulOr, since we only have slivers of information, the other sources were correct that she could not perform the material well for whatever reason, and this is just her rant because she is not happy with that getting out there.

    • pgoodso564-av says:

      As a salty ass production person myself, I’m pretty sure I trust anonymous production people being pissy and leaning into the talent-versus-backstage false-dichotomy far less than one of the most consistent performers of our time saying something mundane that boils down to “I need this shit less than the Hall of Fame needs me”.I also literally cannot imagine how someone could assume that one of the most broad ranged singers of the 90s couldn’t perform a midtempo 70s ballad with like a single octave of range. It’s not like it’s an opera solo or some shit.

  • kman3k-av says:

    “an overarching anti-woman sentiment” in the music industry. Sure Jan.

  • shruggernaut-av says:

    Alright, who posted “Isn’t it Ironic?”

  • hutch1197-av says:

    Other articles quote multiple sources as stating Alanis was struggling terribly with her vocals during rehearsal. Not surprising if you watch YouTube videos of her current tour. (No, stans, she doesn’t sound “amazing”. She sounds winded and strained.) Rather than admitting that her vocals weren’t cutting it, she threw the production staff under the bus with a very general statement about gender discrimination that doesn’t actually specify anything. What a classless move. Are we to believe that all the other women she named in her statement were treated respectfully and they only picked on Alanis? Are we to believe that all the other women were mistreated and yet they all put up with it, except for brave Alanis? Which one was it? It doesn’t add up. Alanis screwed this one up. What a shame.

  • jasonstroh-av says:

    I have no trouble with her telling anyone to pound sand if she thinks she’s being treated poorly. What is interesting is that there’s a lot of other women who performed at the ceremony who presumably worked with the same crew and we’ve not heard a word from any of them about having a similar experience. It seems like if this group was so bad at least one of the other performers would have had Alanis’ back.Are we supposed to believe that all of Carly Simon, Sara Bareilles, Janet Jackson, Dolly Parton, Pat Benatar, and Pink either all dodged the sexist crew bullet or are all too shy to say anything? I mean, we all know that, say, Pink, is a real shrinking violet when it comes to expressing herself about things like this…

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