Amazon and Tolkien estate hit with bonkers Lord Of The Rings lawsuit

A writer is suing for $250 million in damages for alleged copyright infringement

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  • deb03449a1-av says:

    Is there a text version of this? I’m not pivoting to video.

    • bashful1771-av says:

      It’ll be back as a slideshow tomorrow.

    • stillmedrawt-av says:

      Someone who writes under what I have to assume is the pen-name Demetrius Polychron published a fantasy novel called, ahem, The Fellowship of the King, which he admits is very Tolkien-inspired. He apparently made several attempts to get whichever Tolkien runs the estate now that Christopher is dead to read it, but his attempts were rebuffed/ignored. Now he claims the Amazon show ripped off his book and he’s suing Amazon, Bezos, and the Tolkien estate. End summary of the video. Per the telling in the video, it sounds veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery much like he was trying to get it read to lay the groundwork for a future copyright suit. (Which is why people who write fiction for a living will usually not read some rando’s draft of something.) Since the plot of the show, from what I’ve read, is mostly invented by the show, with a couple of signposts from the LOTR appendices, it wouldn’t be ludicrous for it to be similar to some non-Tolkien fantasy story, and not out of the realm of possibility that somebody was in fact plagiarizing some other source … but (again as framed by this video), this sounds like a bogus attention-getting stunt.

      • pocrow-av says:

        Someone who writes under what I have to assume is the pen-name Demetrius Polychron published a fantasy novel called, ahem, The Fellowship of the King, which he admits is very Tolkien-inspired.

        Well, self-publishing had a good run, but it’s time to wrap it up.

      • dremiliolizardo-av says:

        You can buy the book on Amazon ($11.99 on Kindle).  The publication date is this past January, three months after the show debuted.  The best part of the listing is the “about the author” section which leads me to believe that Demetrius Polychron is George Santos’ pen name.

      • deb03449a1-av says:

        Thanks, AV Club should hire you, instead of this video stuff

      • rar-av says:

        It’s not just “inspired” by LOTR, it’s a direct sequel in the Middle Earth setting featuring characters created by Tolkien. I’m not sure why this guy wanted to get countersued for copyright infringement. I mean, he obviously thought that he could drive up sales of his fan fiction with the attention he would receive from suing Amazon and the Tolkien estate, but whatever money he gets will just be sent straight back to the Tolkiens when they win their countersuit, and this dummy’s writing career will be over before it begins. Just so, so stupid.

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        The Two Kingships of the Fellows . . . and Their Towers

      • mfolwell-av says:

        Someone who writes under what I have to assume is the pen-name Demetrius Polychron published a fantasy novel called, ahem, The Fellowship of the King, which he admits is very Tolkien-inspired.“Tolkien-inspired”? Here’s the blurb for his book (or the first part of the blurb, it goes on a bit): Long before Sauron, the original Rings Of Power were forged by the Elven Lord Celebrimbor and Dwarven smith Narvi in Eregion, near the Misty Mountains. These first magic Rings were far more powerful than those that came after and were corrupted by Sauron to be fought for in the War of the Ring.I don’t know what this guy thinks he’s doing, but he’s gonna get counter-sued to hell and back.

      • ooklathemok3994-av says:

        I’m actually suing all of them for ripping off my premise that I clearly created in The King’s Two Towers, due out this summer.

  • rev-skarekroe-av says:

    Here’s a synopsis of the book, as sold on Amazon.
    Frankly, I’m rather shocked the Tolkien estate hasn’t sued this guy already – I don’t think you can publish this kind of fan fiction for profit:

    “Long before Sauron, the original Rings Of Power were forged by the
    Elven Lord Celebrimbor and Dwarven smith Narvi in Eregion, near the
    Misty Mountains. These first magic Rings were far more powerful than
    those that came after and were corrupted by Sauron to be fought for in
    the War of the Ring.

    Elanor, daughter of Samwise, is nervous
    before her debutante party in the Shire. In the 22nd year of the reign
    of the High King Elessar, the Blue Wizards return from out of the East
    bearing grave and perilous news: the rest of the Rings of Power have
    been found and they are in deadly danger. Thus begins the War of the
    Rings to End All Wars of the Rings. Before it is over Elves, Hobbits,
    Dwarves, Men and magical races long forgotten or never seen before will
    join the Quest to find Celebrimbor’s originals and the last of Sauron’s
    corrupted Rings of Power.

    Elanor, two Hobbit friends, the Crown
    Prince Eldarion, his Elvish uncles Elladan and Elrohir join the Wizards
    Alatar and Pallando in a war across Middle-earth fighting for their
    lives. If they fail, they will witness the return of the Vala Morgoth,
    the source of Evil and former Master of the long-defeated Sauron. With
    all the Rings of Power at his command, Morgoth will enslave the whole of
    Middle-earth – forever.”

    • browza-av says:

      That’s….nothing like the series. Is he going to sue them over character names? It’s not even the same time period. I guarantee there’s a ton of fan fiction that’s closer to the show than that. There are probably official D&D modules that are closer.

    • alferd-packer-av says:

      That is quality writing right there that is. The War of the Rings was started after the Blue Wizards returned and Elanor got nervous about a party. Cause and effect, baby!

      • mifrochi-av says:

        My god, this book has so much potential for terribleness I’m almost tempted to read it. My big question is whether he’s the kind of bad writer who uses Elanor’s debutante as a recurring part of the narrative (perhaps to emphasize how feminine she is) or if he’s the kind of bad writer who tosses out that kind of characterization and then forgets about it once the wizard shit starts. 

      • specialcharactersnotallowed-av says:

        I like the idea of a sequel in which the Blue Wizards show up and are like, what did we miss? But this probably isn’t that.

    • andysynn-av says:

      Thus begins the War of the Rings to End All Wars of the Rings.This… this is amazing.

    • jpfilmmaker-av says:

      I had to go to Amazon to see that for myself.I’ll give the guy this:  he’s got balls.  He’s not smart, but he’s got balls.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    I downloaded the free Kindle sample of the first book. Made it through one paragraph before losing the will to live.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    THOUSANDS of years ago…

  • rev-skarekroe-av says:

    And here’s a list of this guy’s grievances.

  • rmitchie-av says:

    I patently REFUSE to watch a video that won’t play if I click anywhere outside of that window. I’ve got too much to do and this video ain’t worth my undivided attention. Yeah I know the time it took for to write this comment (also – while not playing the video) is counter-intuitive to my argument but screw this platform. I will not be engaging again. 

  • rollotomassi123-av says:

    Why is this a fucking video?

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