American Girl dolls are getting a live-action film, too

Aux Features Mattel

Mattel is determined to turn every one of their properties into silver screen darlings. Now that they’ve secured Margot Robbie as their Big Screen Barbie and managed to convince Warner Bros that the world needs a Hot Wheels franchise, they can move on to more important matters, like American Girls dolls.

A live-action film inspired by Mattel’s massively popular, historically influenced dolls is in the works at MGM. It’s still in early talks, so it isn’t clear as to whether the story will focus on a particular character, but we do know that the effort will be produced by PictureStart’s Erik Feig.

Since 1986, the American Girl brand has established a cross-generational fan base with book collections and pricey dolls. Their brick-and-mortar stores – while doubling as a special hellscape for parents – continue to host a certain largely sought after experience for young doll enthusiasts around the nation. Reasonably, if they can convince their parents to shell out hundreds of dollars for a doll that just fashionably smirks from a shelf, they could probably get them to the movie theater, as well.

This will be the latest attempt at nudging the brand into film. New Line’s 2008 feature adaption Kit Kittredge: An American Girl centered the doll of the same name and starred Abigail Breslin.

[Via The Hollywood Reporter]


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