Ousted Arrowverse producer arrested and charged with forcible touching

Andrew Kreisberg, who exited Supergirl amid allegations of misconduct, was arrested in New York

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Ousted Arrowverse producer arrested and charged with forcible touching
Andrew Kreisberg Photo: Rodin Eckenroth

Andrew Kreisberg, the former Arrow and Supergirl producer who faced accusations of inappropriate behavior towards female employees, was arrested in March and charged with forcible touching after an alleged incident at a bar mitzvah in Westchester County, New York, per Vanity Fair. Kreisberg has denied previous allegations against him and continues to deny any inappropriate conduct regarding this latest accusation.

In court documents obtained by Vanity Fair, the woman who accused Kreisberg was said to be an “emotional wreck” in the aftermath of the incident by another bar mitzvah attendee. A friend of Kreisberg’s wife, she reportedly came forward because Kreisberg “needs to have someone stand up for themselves against him.” (Trigger warning for sexual assault for the following description.)

In her statement to law enforcement, she said, “Andrew Kreisberg… approached me at the table. While we are standing at the table, Andrew gets behind me and starts putting his hands all over my arms and back. He then slid his hands around my waist, grabbed my waist firmly, and thrust his fully erect penis into my buttocks twice. It all happened so fast that I wasn’t sure what exactly was going on until I felt Andrew shove his fully erect penis into my buttocks. When I realized what was going on, I screamed, ‘What the fuck are you doing? Get the fuck away from me.’ Then I went to the bathroom.”

Kreisberg was charged with misdemeanor forcible touching. According to Vanity Fair, unless any complications arise, the charge will be dismissed in February 2024, provided he continues to comply with conditions set by the court.

One of those conditions is attending therapy, which his lawyer claims Kreisberg is already doing; in fact, in a statement, she blamed journalist Maureen Ryan for giving Kreisberg PTSD in the wake of the 2017 exposé about his behavior behind the scenes of Supergirl. In a lengthy statement to Vanity Fair, Kreisberg’s lawyer maintained his innocence and downplayed the incident as an “alleged instance of dancing at a bar mitzvah” that “was not deemed to be criminal.”

“Please note this was not some random citizen but one of a set of women who had grown up with Mrs. Kreisberg and were disparaging of her husband because they did not understand his neurodivergency. This is classic ableist bullying, sadly by adults,” the statement read in part. (Note: being neurodivergent is not an excuse for sexual assault.) “Mr. Kreisberg remains a very talented creative person. He is misunderstood for being a neurodivergent individual who is socially awkward. Your article will be another event of the ableist bullying of people who are neurodivergent as they are misperceived. Mr. Kreisberg is devoted to his family, who are in turn supportive of him.”

If you or someone you know is suffering from sexual abuse, contact the RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673.


  • ghboyette-av says:

    Man, his lawyer is redefining “grasping at straws.”

  • furioserfurioser-av says:

    Maybe, just maybe, it’s more harmful to neurodivergent people to insist that sticking an erect penis into people’s buttocks without permission is just ‘socially awkward’, and that speaking up about having an unwanted erect penis shoved in your buttocks is bullying.

    • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

      If you’re being as charitable as absolutely possible, you can sort of squint and think back to being 14 at a school dance and not knowing whether the kids grinding on the dance floor were sporting stiffies or not. But he’s not 14! Even if he somehow hadn’t picked up on the idea that this isn’t appropriate, you’re exactly right: it’s not bullying to raise a stink when someone rubs his dick on you.

      • whompwomp-av says:

        I feel wildly old typing this but no one was grinding at 14 when I was in school. Awkwardly dancing while barely touching each other, yes. There was grinding at prom but that was 3 years later and people were in realish long term relationships by then.

    • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

      Yep. It’s a bullshit argument.I’m neurodivergent. I’ve never done that shit. ::shrug::

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        Hahaha really? That totally doesn’t come across in everything you’ve ever done or said. Lolol

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        SIDEBAR: I love how someone who is clearly also neurodivergent spends his entire day trying to take the piss out of people who have the balls to own it. It’s just so deliciously pathetic. Also, homie, my guy, I’m legit never speaking to you directly. Seek help, get therapy. A budding lil’ “high income” power broker like you should be able to live a fulfilled life without having to spread vitriol on a C-list blog. You cannot, for some reason, so you do…this.FUN FACT: You absolutely know it. ;-*

        • recoegnitions-av says:

          “I’m legit never speaking to you directly.” What would you call what you’re doing now then if not speaking to me directly? Let’s be clear, you dismiss my comments because: A. It’s the only power you’re afforded in this world (lol) and B. You don’t want anyone else to know that you’re ugly, bald and resemble a human thumb.You don’t want them to know because they’re the only friends you have and communicating with people online is the only way you can not have you opinions immediately dismissed because of the way you look and act. Feel free to make any diagnosis that you want, but the opinion of an autistic tech worker carries very little weight in psychiatric circles I’m afraid. Finally, I’ve never once referred to myself as a “power broker” or “high income”. That’s all shit you’ve made up in your head. Because that’s what people like you do.

      • recoegnitions-av says:

        And you represent all “neurodivergent” people right? Oh wait, no you don’t. So what business do you have even responding to this?Also you’re an (ugly) adult man who writes things like “::shrug::”. Let that sink in. 

    • senorfartcushion-av says:

      I’m neurodivergent (also a beautiful writer) but that doesn’t mean I try to poke my friends’s buttcheeks.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Agree, except I don’t think “bullying” is the word.  It’s sexual harassment at very least.

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        the defence is implying that being upset about having an erect penis shoved in your buttocks area is bullying a neurodivergent person with bad social skills.

      • hennyomega-av says:

        Yur reading comprehension skills leave much time be desired. Try reading the article and the comment again, very slowly.

      • furioserfurioser-av says:

        When I used the word bullying, I wasn’t referring to Kriesberg’s actions, I was referring to his lawyer trying to paint the victims as bullies.

  • chandlerbinge-av says:

    Fuck this. I am on the neurodivergent spectrum. That doesn’t excuse assault. It’s not a fucking get-out-of-jail-free card.

    • reallytired-av says:

      Agreed. I am as well and when I got to that fckery I gasped out loud. How dare they?! This is a whole new level of that practice that assholes on the internet use in claiming they have Aspergers and that’s why they treat others like shit.

    • universalamander-av says:

      I’d love to hear how you learned that.

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        …proper upbringing, I’d assume? Some manner of guardian saying, “Son, no, we don’t do that?”

        • yawantpancakes-av says:

          It’s a troll. Do not engage. Since the Root shut down their comments, this sad person is looking for a new site to troll.

  • lineuphitters-av says:

    Your lawyer is doing a bad job when she is convincing me more of your guilt, not your innocence.

  • amaltheaelanor-av says:

    The whole ‘he’s talented and misunderstood and so should get a free pass for sexual assault’ explains so much about Hollywood.It’s also worth noting that both Flash and Supergirl in particular became waaaaay less sexist after Kreisberg was fired.

    • universalamander-av says:

      He’s obviously guilty. Look at the pervy stuff the characters on his show did!LMAO. This is the same as prosecutors using rap lyrics as evidence of guilt.

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      What a brave observation to make. 

    • Shampyon-av says:

      You got the usual trolls in the greys trying to flip your “This sexual assaulter clearly brought sexism into his writing” point into “the sexism in his writing proves he’s a sexual assaulter”.In case you’re not familiar with them already, don’t engage with Mods Love Me (earth-vs-me) and Recoegnitions (recoegnitions). They’re dedicated to bad-faith conversation. All attempts to engage honestly fail. Can’t talk a turd into being chocolate.

  • ryanlohner-av says:

    If you wondered why Reverse Flash wasn’t involved in Crisis on Infinite Earths at all despite years of buildup, this guy had been the primary architect of that story, and even with him long gone everyone was way too uncomfortable to still use its ending.

  • universalamander-av says:

    Note to self: groping… okay… if… autistic. (nods and puts pen away) Good to know.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    The guy looks like the wish.com version of Jason Segel. This isnt relevant , but I thought I’d mention it.

  • nell-from-the-movie-nell--av says:

    Ah, yes, reciting from Elon Musk’s neurodivergent playbook.

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