Andy Serkis reprises Gollum to mock Theresa May, Brexit

Aux Features Andy Serkis

Since the initial Brexit vote in June of 2016, the prospect of the United Kingdom withdrawing from the European Union has only become more unpopular with the voting public. Still, British Prime Minister Theresa May holds onto her dream of a Brexit deal like some sort of obsessive, mountain-dwelling creature out of Tolkien lore. Don’t believe us? Just watch this 100% authentic, leaked video from inside Downing Street that is certainly not a well-produced anti-Brexit ad featuring Andy Serkis in drag.

OK. It’s definitely Andy Serkis in drag, but the satirical point still stands. Mimicking the famous scene from Two Towers in which Gollum argues with his more submissive, repressed personality of Smeagol, Serkis perfectly skewers Theresa May’s maniacal obsession with Brexit. “We takes back control. Money, borders, laws…blue passports!” Serkis rasps before his gentler side suggests that maybe they should consult to people before taking on such a financially burdensome deal. Though this suggestion gets swatted down by the more Gollum-y of the two personalities, it is the ultimate message of the video. As we fade to black on Theresa May sitting alone in her office, coveting her precious Brexit, text appears on the screen calling for a second referendum vote on the deal. “We wants it.”

Just in case this one Lord Of The Rings-themed political ad doesn’t do the trick, we’ve got a few other suggestions. Obviously, Treebeard could lead a “Don’t be hasty” campaign, warning about the dangers of rushing into austerity. Maybe something with “You’ve got my bow” followed by, “And my tax!” could work, but that’s admittedly a bit of a stretch. And, “You shall not pass (this deal)!” is just too good to leave on the table.

[via Mashable]


  • det-devil-ails-av says:

    I’m still not totally certain where British folks’ heads are at concerning Brexit. Can some of our friends from across the pond explain the current Zeitgeist? Do they still want it? Do they not? If they don’t want it, can they even do anything about it?

    • nogelego-av says:

      The majority of the Brits may not want it at this point, but the Russians on the internet pretending to be Brits really want it.

    • cariocalondoner-av says:

      I know it’s totally not the same thing – however to give you some idea of my reaction to reading your question, I’ll rephrase it and ask you:(ETA pretend I asked you this pre-January 2017):I’m still not totally certain where American British folks’ heads are at concerning Brexit Trump. Can some of our friends from across the pond explain the current Zeitgeist? Do they still want it? Do they not? If they don’t want it, can they even do anything about it?

      • det-devil-ails-av says:

        Apples and orange guys. Trump seems much less impactful in both the long and the short-term than Britain cutting ties with the EU. Because from the outside, Brexit looks more like a “reunification of Germany” scale problem – and the problem(s) of Trump can probably be resolved just with local law enforcement.

        • cariocalondoner-av says:

          I did preface my response by saying Brexit and Trump are “totally not the same thing” – just that I’m guessing my reaction to your question (I’m British) would be similar to the reaction many Americans would have to a similarly (ill-)posed Trump question:“What the hell do you mean ‘Where British/American folks’ heads are at concerning Brexit/Trump’? Most of us have had our heads in exactly the same place since day 1. I never wanted Brexit/Trump. And roughly half the country never wanted Brexit/Trump! To lump us all together to ask ‘Do we still want it – it being Brexit/Trump – gets an eyeroll from the half of us who have to live through this nightmare we didn’t choose.And by the way, the majority of Brexit/Trump voters are right-leaning, so you’re asking the wrong crowd “do you still want it?” as the AV Club commentariat leans left”

    • bmglmc-av says:

      Two Enlightened Boddhisatva looked down upon poor humanity, enchained by human desires, needs, loves and hates. The Enlightened Boddisatva were, at that time, still not totally certain where humanity’s minds were to be found, regarding their own bondage. They longed to approach a human, to ask him or her to explain their personal Zeitgeist— did they still want it? Did they not? And, if they did not want it, did they hold the knowledge to even do anything about it?

    • bartfargomst3k-av says:

      Much like our 2016 election, it was an extremely narrow victory for a coalition of wealthy elites, far-right nationalists, and regular people who were so let down by their government that they were swayed by blatant lies and Russian propaganda.The only real difference is that it’s not a straight liberal vs. conservative struggle. Ironically May was a “Remain” voter and Corbyn a “Leave” supporter but they’ve been forced into supporting the position of their respective bases.

      • plasterboard2-av says:

        That’s why this video doesn’t really hit the target for me. May is not the one that wanted this, she’s just doing her job as UK Prime Minister. Whoever was in that job right now would be stuck doing the same thing.

        The “Zeitgeist” is that we can probably all agree on how disgusted we are by the lack of preparation or competence from the top at any point during the whole process. And that regardless of what happens – no deal Brexit, soft Brexit, hard Brexit, crunchy Brexit, 2nd referendum – we are never going to hear the end of it from whoever doesn’t get what they want. Cameron opened Pandora’s box by calling the first vote and all the demons now flapping around are here to stay.

        Still, at least he paid the ultimate price by… immediately washing his hands of the whole mess and running away. Ahhh, sweet justice.

    • allreligiousarecharlatansorfools-av says:

      Hell of a thesis. “Since the initial Brexit vote in June of 2016, the prospect of the
      United Kingdom withdrawing from the European Union has only become more
      unpopular with the voting public.”If ever there was a *citation needed

    • sgt-pepper-av says:

      If Americans were offered the chance to join a Political union where they lost control of vast swathes of Policy making, were net contributors to the cost of running the thing (when it’s so corrupt the accounts haven’t been audited in decades), and were unable to vote out those who controlled it in any way, would they be keen to get involved?

      Political interests and corporate interests are desperate for it to continue, meanwhile those who voted to leave are destined to be smeared as thicky racists.

      • jmyoung123-av says:

        Well, that did motivate a lot of them. And the Leave people did tend to ignore or handwave the reality of trade post exit.

      • gregthestopsign-av says:

        As one of the three biggest economies and military powers in Europe, Britain had a major say in how things were run and on important matters still had the autonomy to go our own way – which is why we still have Pounds Sterling as a currency and not the euro. This ‘powerless in the face of an unelected bureaucracy’ bollocks is a fantasy perpetrated by shameless grifters like the *elected* MEP Nigel Farage. 

      • khalleron-av says:

        “If Americans were offered the chance to join a Political union where they lost control of vast swathes of Policy making, were net contributors to the cost of running the thing”

        That’s the status of blue states now.

        “and were unable to vote out those who controlled it in any way, would they be keen to get involved?”

        And again, the status of blue states who are the victims of rightist gerrymandering.

        And yet you don’t hear the blue states whining to secede, but certain elements in red states who don’t seem to understand that they’re benefiting from the system. Much as the Brexit ‘leavers’ who don’t seem to understand that it’s a world economy now, and we sink or swim together. 

      • jamiemm-av says:

        I knew Sgt. Pepper.  Sgt. Pepper was a friend of mine.  And you, sir, are no Sgt. Pepper.

    • gurneyhalleck-av says:

      I never wanted it.

    • presidentzod-av says:

      I am guilty of not paying all that much attention to any of this Brexit stuff. So, I’ll echo that: what gives, British Brahs?

  • britta-robot-av says:

    One does not simply walk out of the European Union.

  • SarDeliac-av says:

    That was genuinely disturbing. It’s one thing to watch a character like Gollum do that kind of monologue, but quite another to see a character that’s a human being do it.

  • 3rdtimenowkinja-av says:

    If you’re going to use the “and my ax” meme, you have to start with “you have my sword”. You can’t just start halfway through. And it’s “have”, not “got”, you hack. Sheesh.

  • g22-av says:

    Holy moly, that really looks like Theresa May possessed by the Ring.

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    Every time I see Theresa May’s pained facial expressions I grow more convinced that she belongs in the Upper Class Twit of the Year contest:

  • ksmithksmith-av says:

    To our Brit friends,Right now you are tied with us Americans for the title of Dumbest Decision of 2016. You have a chance to break that tie by pressuring your government into putting Brexit up to a final vote. Although we would end up with the title, it ironically fits in well with the prevalent view of American Exceptionalism. But it will also give us some hope that awful things can be undone.Good luck!

  • gritsandcoffee-av says:

    Strengthen Russia against the EU and poison the whole group or watch the UK lose Ireland and Scotland forever? Interesting. 

  • poo-javelin-3-av says:
  • bhc614-av says:

    Blue passportses.

  • drbombay01-av says:

    Andy Serkis for Prime Minister.

  • recognitions-av says:

    I wonder if this explains why he randomly decided to defend Scarlett Johansson trying to play a trans character a few days ago.

    • gojirashei2-av says:

      What’s your take on Kate McKinnon playing Jeff Sessions?

      • recognitions-av says:

        My take is that has nothing to do with cis actors playing trans characters

        • gojirashei2-av says:

          Okay. What does a CIS actor playing a trans character have to do with Andy Serkis playing Theresa May?

          • recognitions-av says:

            In an interview to Variety, Serkis said: “Actors should be able to play anything, and that’s why I love performance capture technology.“What should be the point is that whatever colour your skin is, whatever shape you are, whatever height you are, whatever your make-up is as an actor, you should have the ability to play anything.”

  • daiyz-av says:

    I thought they already did a “people’s vote”
    The British public had there chance to nip this in the bud and they squandered it.

  • augustintrebuchon-av says:

    “We takes back control. Money, borders, laws…blue passports!”It’s “blue passportses”, which is that much brillianter 🙂

  • ebieavc-av says:

    Best thing I’ve seen today. Scary!

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