Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney actually admit they leaned into all those affair rumors

"It worked wonderfully," Powell said of the pair's steamy Anyone But You marketing scheme

Aux News Glen Powell
Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney actually admit they leaned into all those affair rumors
Evil geniuses Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney Photo: AFF-USA

Even amid the summer of many divorces, Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney’s alleged affair on the set of Anyone But You maintained a stranglehold on both headlines and the hearts of gossip-hungry viewers across the nation. The two really looked like they wanted to rip each other’s clothes off every time they stepped onto the red carpet, a state of affairs that was only exacerbated by the two posting intimate, giggly videos on Instagram and certainly by the fact that Powell’s then-girlfriend, Gigi Paris, broke up with him in the middle of all of the drama.

But now, Powell and Sweeney are claiming that they deliberately flaunted their fake relationship to drive sales, and we all played right into their hands just like their families did in the recent Shakespeare adaptation. Of course, the fact that these two industry veterans knew a little off-screen drama would get more butts in seats isn’t remotely surprising. What is shocking is the fact that they’re just coming right out and saying it.

“The two things that you have to sell a rom-com are fun and chemistry. Sydney and I have a ton of fun together, and we have a ton of effortless chemistry,” Powell said in a recent interview with The New York Times. “That’s people wanting what’s on the screen off the screen, and sometimes you just have to lean into it a bit—and it worked wonderfully. Sydney is very smart.”

If “it worked wonderfully” sounds like something a villain in a heist movie would say while sifting through his piles of change, that image isn’t too far off. Sweeney and Powell’s play worked, leading the film to an astounding $219 million haul at the global box office (via Box Office Mojo), a sum more than eight times its initial budget.

This evil genius tone wasn’t helped by Sweeney’s own confession. “I was on every call. I was in text group chats. I was probably keeping everybody over at Sony marketing and distribution awake at night because I couldn’t stop with ideas,” she said. “I wanted to make sure that we were actively having a conversation with the audience as we were promoting this film, because at the end of the day, they’re the ones who created the entire narrative.” Still, even if that’s true, it was Sweeney who all but shoved her fans in the right direction. She was the one, for example, who pushed Sony to take “a leap of faith” and release a TikTok video featuring herself and Powell reading ASMR pickup lines to each other, which now has over 25 million views on the app.

Sweeney and Powell are probably so comfortable admitting to this duplicitous scheme because they know fans will keep coming back no matter what. “We’re definitely trying to find the next thing,” Powell said of the partnership in February. “When you find somebody that you really jive with, Sydney is so easy to work with and so fun.” Stay strong, people—we can’t let them keep getting away with this! (Or maybe we can… Anyone But You was honestly pretty fun.)


  • dinoironbody7-av says:

    One thing that occurred to me that made the whole “Sydney Sweeney’s boobs kill wokeness” thing even dumber is that Joss Whedon, who seemed to think preferring flat-chested women was some kind of feminist statement, has been a pariah for years.

    • bikebrh-av says:

      Not specifically flat-chested, but the whole waif thing in general. He was not only against shapely upper bodies, he did not appear to like shapely lower bodies either. That’s why he hated Charisma Carpenter so much. She offended his idea of what pretty was.I mean, I like Amy Acker, but she’s a pretty face atop the body of a 12 year old boy. And he LOOOOOOVVVVVES Amy Acker’s looks. He probably thinks Summer Glau is too round.

    • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      “These Machines Kill Boners”

    • chandlerbinge-av says:

      “Sydney Sweeney’s boobs kill wokeness”

      Wha…? I know the Right have lost their minds a long time ago but this one still baffles me.

      • killa-k-av says:

        As baffling as it is, I’m ok with it. We should all pretend wokeness is dead for a little bit, but somehow, it returns.

        • chandlerbinge-av says:

          Huh? I can’t get a read on your take. Are you talking about the right-wing obsession with calling everything they don’t like woke and robbing the term of all meaning? Or do you mean the original definition of woke, which is being aware of systemic injustices? If it’s the latter, kindly fuck off.

          • killa-k-av says:

            I’m jokingly suggesting that we should indulge the right-wing fantasy that Sydney Sweeney’s boobs are somehow incredulously killing wokeness, feigning defeat whenever they appear and acting like it’s resurrecting itself whenever she’s not in a movie or TV show for a while.Regardless of whether wokeness means anything Conservatives don’t like or the original meaning, the idea that it’s being killed by Sydney Sweeney’s boobs is ludicrous.

          • dinoironbody7-av says:

            Her status as the anti-woke queen didn’t last long anyway, since a lot of anti-woke people blasted her new movie Immaculate for being blasphemous.

    • curiousorange-av says:

      A true feminist knows that big boobs or little boobs are great but it’s the ass that matters most.

  • killa-k-av says:

    Those lil’ rascals!

  • chris-finch-av says:

    wow no way

  • nilus-av says:

    Oh thank God.  I thought Sydney was cheating on me

  • kirivinokurjr-av says:

    What am I supposed to do with my Glen+Sydney tattoo?

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:


  • weedlord420-av says:

    I did not follow the press leading up to it but as someone who was recently forced to watch Anyone But You, I did not get the feeling of wild chemistry this article purports. idk, maybe something’s wrong with me, but I just wasn’t buying them as a couple.

  • 777byatlassound-av says:

    Powell and Sweeney are great actors, but when i watched Anyone but you, it started off as a 5/5 movie, but as the film went on, it ended up being a 2.5/5 movie.

  • borntolose-av says:

    The movie was lousy, but the marketing for it was great.

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